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Marion Dog Park


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I was just wondering if anyone has been down there before?

It's pretty big, fenced, has dog poo bags etc? really friendly, i have been a few times before!

We could meet up one day say, one Saturday afternoon?

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I'll get exact directions a little later for you, We normally go every Saturday afternoon around 4:30-5:00pm many people are there at that time too, good for socialisation for the pups! x

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I'll get exact directions a little later for you, We normally go every Saturday afternoon around 4:30-5:00pm many people are there at that time too, good for socialisation for the pups! x

Just be wary as they can also lead to very bad experiences for pups. We no longer go to off-lead "free for all" type dog parks, with the exception of DOL meets.

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Don't worry i wont be taking ANY risks with my pups, I keep the closest eye on them while they're off lead but we know a few of the dogs there so it's great, a lot of the dogs there are very friendly, we've never had a problem!

Yeah it is, has a cricket pitch in the middle :laugh:

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  • 1 month later...

I will be at goodwood oval playing hockey - wave -

It's a nice spot to walk a dog *after* the sport is finished.

I don't like the oaklands road place. There was not enough shade and far too many dog bombs and owners who don't see their dogs crap and walk around it (and all the other crap). I pick up my own dog's crap and karma craps - ie ones that I'd step in if I don't pick them up and there were far too many karma craps for me to cope with. After three or four, and loads more in sight, I left and did not return.

Most dog parks I go to all the owners pick up all the karma craps - so there just isn't so much to do. But at that place - nobody does.

I like the beach much better. Most of that is self cleaning.

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Too bad I'm working tomorrow and Marion's a little bit far, otherwise I'd definitely come down.

My partner plays footy for the SAAFL league, so Akira comes to every second game now (I work every second Sat). She loves it, there's normally a lot of different dogs there and because it's a public place everyone picks up the dog poo. I'm just glad she's so well toilet trained - she's never once toiletted when she's been on a lead. :cool:

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Ahh bugger ^^

Where abouts is the place you're going to located? sounds like fun!!!

Where taking the dogs to the dog wash first and then heading down, it'll be their first time ha ha!!

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I'm pretty sure i take back everything i ever said about it being NICE!!!!!!!!!!!

First time ever ~ dog poo EVERYWHERE!! People even watched their dogs doing it and walked OFF!! I spent a little bit of my time picking it up > : ( AND complaining to my other half.

Then some guys husky lays into Zarly.. we had to get him away from her... then he'd do it to other dogs!!

urgh, people need to learn to pick up their poo and how to handle their dogs!!!

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Ahh bugger ^^

Where abouts is the place you're going to located? sounds like fun!!!

Where taking the dogs to the dog wash first and then heading down, it'll be their first time ha ha!!

We go to wherever my OH is playing, but his home ground is the Paddocks at Para Hills and that tends to be one of the best places to bring a dog. There's a trail that leads around the footy field/soccer ovals so when Akira gets rowdy I take her for a walk to settle her down.

And I've been warned about dog parks on the weekend. I think during the week is the best time to go.

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  • 2 months later...
I'm pretty sure i take back everything i ever said about it being NICE!!!!!!!!!!!

First time ever ~ dog poo EVERYWHERE!! People even watched their dogs doing it and walked OFF!! I spent a little bit of my time picking it up > : ( AND complaining to my other half.

Then some guys husky lays into Zarly.. we had to get him away from her... then he'd do it to other dogs!!

urgh, people need to learn to pick up their poo and how to handle their dogs!!!

Yep - this was my experience the one and only time I went there. I wont be back. People who have aggressive dogs, who have no control and then let their dogs get stuck into others and do nothing about it.... Put my girl back months on her socialising.

Baaaad place.

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