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To Break Up The Boredom Or Let Her Get Used To Things?


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So Luuka has moved with me into my dad's place, we are planning on getting a nice sized area of his yard fenced off at this stage so she's not stuck on the (admittedly large) veranda all day. In the meantime, I've been offered 2 "doggy daycare" places, one is my mum's place (place that I've been staying up til a couple of weeks ago) and my ex-MIL's house (whom I love, we hang out all the time).

Luuka is struggling a bit with the change and with being lonely, she's never been by herself before, always had other dogs and people around or at least one of the two. I pulled into the driveway yesterday and could hear her crying when I got out of the car and when I get home she loses it completely and wees everywhere, I have to make sure I greet her calmly and outside!

I have ordered (only have pet-selling petshops up here so ordered online) lots of boredom busters but my question is this: do I take the dogsitters up on their offers so that she gets at least a couple of days (0645 - 1730 on my long days x 2 per week) a week or do I keep her here so she starts getting used to being alone throughout the day?

Should add: she hasn't been at all destructive so far, I think she's just lonely and sad!

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Definitely, and who can blame her? I'm trying to keep her routine as much as possible. The same food at the same time, lots of exercise and of course the same amount of love as usual. You're right, it is good socialisation, I will take up the offers at least on the long days :o

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The same food at the same time ...

I wouldn't worry about that too much, at least not enough to take it too literally. Bounce your times around to suit yourself. Otherwise you'll have a dog who gets upset (and exhibits behaviours to communicate that) at not having its expectations met. And that will become a pain in the :rofl: at some stage or other in your life with her. My boy gets fed twice a day. His morning meal is anywhere between 6am - 11am. His evening meal can be anywhere between 5pm - 10pm. I do have a 'general' time that I feed that fits somewhere in the middle of the time examples I've given, but nothing is 'fixed'. It depends on when I have to leave and when I can get back (and whether I've prepared it ready or not, etc.)

... lots of exercise ...

Physical (appropriate to her age) and MENTAL (as much as you can provide her) :o . Teach her tricks - as many as you can think of. Take her to a street cafe where she can see the sights and sounds, but needs to sit/lay down/be calm. Obedience training. Teach her to learn. It is absolutely awesome teaching dogs new things once they've learnt to learn and you can often tell the dogs who have apart from those who haven't, when you work with them. I find my boy catches on to things so quickly I no sooner have had a :rofl: moment than he's cottoned on to what I've decided to teach him, then I need to work on another :rofl: to keep it interesting and ever more challenging.

... and of course the same amount of love as usual.

The least of what she needs, although she'll enjoy it. :o

Mostly, she needs someone she can perceive as her leader, not someone who she feels some innate urge to have to protect, look after and worry about.

Edited by Erny
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Thanks Erny! That's really helpful :hug:

I actually don't feel that she has 'learnt to learn' yet, but we're working on it! First night of beginner's obedience tomorrow night and as long as they don't make me use a check chain I'm looking forward to it.

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I think it depends on what your long-term plans are and how you think she's doing. Kivi went to commercial doggy daycare twice a week for several months because he had lots of adolescent energy and a desperate need to expend it playing. We only stopped it when my work arrangements changed and I was at home most days. Then we got Erik and he didn't need it anymore. The more time I spend with Kivi the more time he wants to spend with me. When I went back to full-time work in the city it took him only about a week to settle into the old routine and he was fine, but now I'm back at home again for 3 days a week and he's turned into Mr Clingy again. I think that he is not a dog I would want to leave on his own a lot, but having said that, he copes.

Sorry, that's all pretty vague. What I'm trying to say is that I think you judge your dog's personality and how they are coping and do what you can to make them happy. If you want Luuka to get used to being on her own, I'd do what Golden Rules suggested and gently phase out the "daycare". With Kivi we always planned to get another dog eventually and daycare was "until he doesn't need it anymore", which translated to until he has a puppy of his own. :hug:

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Yep my plan is definitely to get another dog, I love having two dogs and I know Luuka will love the company. But this will happen when both Luuka and I are settled and ready :hug:

I think the doggy daycare will be able to be phased out when the yard is set up all nicely for her. The plan at the moment is to make a run that goes from the lovely cool cement garage to our neighbours big enclosed backyard. I did a super quick paint diagram of what we're thinking of doing. This will give her the best of both worlds - somewhere nice and cool to lie where we'll keep her water and food and a yard for her to run around and play in. The curvy middle part is where we're going to have to make the run.


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I think it is very important for her to get used to being by herself for some time. In the future, you may not be able to afford day care and she will have a much harder time adjusting when she is older. If she is only crying when you pull away I wouldn't worry - perfectly normal. Give her some time to settle in and then re-assess things. If you are coming home to an anxious mess then that is a different story (still one that needs to be addressed though).

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when i was teaching my puppy to be on her own when i went to work i put her in her bed and gave her a dog biscuit just before i left.

she only gets this biscuit when i am going out. this lets her know she will be on her own and she settles really quickly.

it worked well for her.

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I think it is very important for her to get used to being by herself for some time. In the future, you may not be able to afford day care and she will have a much harder time adjusting when she is older. If she is only crying when you pull away I wouldn't worry - perfectly normal. Give her some time to settle in and then re-assess things. If you are coming home to an anxious mess then that is a different story (still one that needs to be addressed though).

I'm not paying for day care at the moment, I'm just dropping her off to people who have dog/s so she can have another dog to play with all day while I'm at work. I am not sure if she's an anxious mess when I get home, she is very excited to see me and barks/whines excitedly (and has a little wee) but she settles fairly quickly and then we go out for a walk :hug:

when i was teaching my puppy to be on her own when i went to work i put her in her bed and gave her a dog biscuit just before i left.

she only gets this biscuit when i am going out. this lets her know she will be on her own and she settles really quickly.

it worked well for her.

That's a good idea, I am going to try that with a pig's ear (her favourite).

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when i was teaching my puppy to be on her own when i went to work i put her in her bed and gave her a dog biscuit just before i left.

she only gets this biscuit when i am going out. this lets her know she will be on her own and she settles really quickly.

it worked well for her.

I did the same thing with my Cavalier and have never had a moments problem with her. :banghead:

I give it to her just as I'm heading out the gate. And I do it when I'm leaving her at the groomers ( hi Clyde), her minder, or somewhere a bit different.

As soon as she sees my car drive off, she goes inside :eek: I have driven around the block and she's never there when I go back to check

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