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I Can't Believe They Grow Up That Fast.


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Hey all.

Here are a few pictures of what Morrison looks like now, I don't think I'll be able to carry him soon.

The first picture I posted.


At 10 weeks.


And just last week, he was 12 weeks.


Edited by iheartmorrison
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Morrison has definatley grown a lot since the first pic you posted of him. He is a cutie!!

I noticed on your blog (in your Siggy) that you said you got him at 2 weeks? How did you come to have him that young? Did something happen to his mum?

Have you started obedience yet?

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tlc:My dad's friend gave him to us - the other 8 pups had been given to my dads work mates. Morrison's original owners probably didn't want the pups anymore, I can't say chase I don't really know the facts, I asked my dad to ask his friend, who didn't really have answers; he's just related to the original owners.

Had I known that pups shouldn't be away from their mum that early, should/would I have said no? Well he's grown up nicely.

One day when Morrison is older I might want another dog, maybe a real pomeranian and I'll probably go through a breeder.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Picture are from when he was 14 weeks old.

In his crate.



he wanted to cuddle on the couch, which was so nice since he doesn't stay still for long. Morrison even stole my spot when i got up to get myself a drink, till i told him to move over. His cuddly nature lasted an hor and a half, he was starting to tickle me wit his nose and paws.


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