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Doberman And German Shepherd


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Hi all :) ,

Just wondering if anyone has had experience with one or both of these breeds and could tell me what the major differences between them are? (not apperance, but temperament wise)? How much exercise do they both need? Are Dobermans more velcro dogs? Can they both be family dogs?

I met the most wonderful doberman today, so well trained with an excellent nature and he reminded me of a German Shepherd I used to know so, that got me wondering about the general differences between the breed temperaments...

Thanks in advance :confused:

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I've had both and they were both just as loving and gorgeous as each other.

My Shep was probably more loyal towards me but she had been severely abused for many years so that may have been it. My Dobe was such a sweet and fun loving girl who just loved the good times and playing. Both required the same exercise.

I don't have kids but would suggest both could be great family dogs with the right upbringing. Training, socialisation and the right dog for your situation is always the answer.

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Speaking on Dobes and from my experience - will let the shepherd people do their thing.

Dobes - have to be with you, must be indoor dogs, need to be worked - obed etc they are much happier if they have a job, need a good hard free run everyday, love to exert themselves physically, though they are more than happy to spend the day on the couch with you if need be, totally devoted to their family - adults and most certainly kids, are normally highly intelligent, very quick to learn, should be outgoing and exhuberant but on alert and aware of all around them, are great guard dogs but don't bark for no reason, love going everywhere with you, are funny - crack jokes and think they are funny :confused:, can be possesive of food and toys, are lovely to live with, great company, good travellers, great with other breeds but must be socialized, love a good bone, love to free run :) - did I mention that ?, love to work with you, love to help you do whatever you are doing, love to help cook dinner :laugh:, love to keep your feet warm while you are on the computer :laugh:, YUP they are velcro dogs, sooks, clowns, jokers, totally adorable and the love of my life - wouldn't be without them ;).

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Speaking on Dobes and from my experience - will let the shepherd people do their thing.

Dobes - have to be with you, must be indoor dogs, need to be worked - obed etc they are much happier if they have a job, need a good hard free run everyday, love to exert themselves physically, though they are more than happy to spend the day on the couch with you if need be, totally devoted to their family - adults and most certainly kids, are normally highly intelligent, very quick to learn, should be outgoing and exhuberant but on alert and aware of all around them, are great guard dogs but don't bark for no reason, love going everywhere with you, are funny - crack jokes and think they are funny :thumbsup:, can be possesive of food and toys, are lovely to live with, great company, good travellers, great with other breeds but must be socialized, love a good bone, love to free run :cheers: - did I mention that ?, love to work with you, love to help you do whatever you are doing, love to help cook dinner :cheer:, love to keep your feet warm while you are on the computer :love:, YUP they are velcro dogs, sooks, clowns, jokers, totally adorable and the love of my life - wouldn't be without them :).

I was waiting for the catch, but it never came :thumbsup:

After reading that I think I'm going to trade my SBT for a Dobey...how much do ya think I would get on changeover :champagne:

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I've never owned a Dobe, but have a 2yo GSD at the moment, Sophie, and can tell you she is the best dog in the world, and unfortunately you can't have her. Lol.

In my experience GSD's are loyal, social dogs that (when well balanced) are a wonderful family pet and companion, as well as terrific watch dogs and guard dogs - my girl has my back no matter what. I am always going to be a Sheperd girl (-: The only Dobe i've met is very fear aggressive due to a lack of socialisation, so i can't make judgements on the breed knowing that the dog i've met is not a "normal" example. I think all dogs given the right direction, socialisation and environment have the ability to be amazing pets and working dogs.

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Speaking on Dobes and from my experience - will let the shepherd people do their thing.

Dobes - have to be with you, must be indoor dogs, need to be worked - obed etc they are much happier if they have a job, need a good hard free run everyday, love to exert themselves physically, though they are more than happy to spend the day on the couch with you if need be, totally devoted to their family - adults and most certainly kids, are normally highly intelligent, very quick to learn, should be outgoing and exhuberant but on alert and aware of all around them, are great guard dogs but don't bark for no reason, love going everywhere with you, are funny - crack jokes and think they are funny :cheers:, can be possesive of food and toys, are lovely to live with, great company, good travellers, great with other breeds but must be socialized, love a good bone, love to free run :cheer: - did I mention that ?, love to work with you, love to help you do whatever you are doing, love to help cook dinner :love:, love to keep your feet warm while you are on the computer :), YUP they are velcro dogs, sooks, clowns, jokers, totally adorable and the love of my life - wouldn't be without them :eek:.

I was waiting for the catch, but it never came :champagne:

After reading that I think I'm going to trade my SBT for a Dobey...how much do ya think I would get on changeover :thumbsup:

I don't know I think they're about equal in attitude ;) - size may be the only catch, though if it were for a puppy the size issue wouldn't matter :thumbsup: .

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Speaking on Dobes and from my experience - will let the shepherd people do their thing.

Dobes - have to be with you, must be indoor dogs, need to be worked - obed etc they are much happier if they have a job, need a good hard free run everyday, love to exert themselves physically, though they are more than happy to spend the day on the couch with you if need be, totally devoted to their family - adults and most certainly kids, are normally highly intelligent, very quick to learn, should be outgoing and exhuberant but on alert and aware of all around them, are great guard dogs but don't bark for no reason, love going everywhere with you, are funny - crack jokes and think they are funny :cheers:, can be possesive of food and toys, are lovely to live with, great company, good travellers, great with other breeds but must be socialized, love a good bone, love to free run :cheer: - did I mention that ?, love to work with you, love to help you do whatever you are doing, love to help cook dinner :love:, love to keep your feet warm while you are on the computer :), YUP they are velcro dogs, sooks, clowns, jokers, totally adorable and the love of my life - wouldn't be without them :eek:.

I was waiting for the catch, but it never came :champagne:

After reading that I think I'm going to trade my SBT for a Dobey...how much do ya think I would get on changeover :thumbsup:

Wotan, don't do that. Do what I do...have a SBT AND a Dobe! :thumbsup: As long as they aren't the same sex, they get on wonderfully...and it's the best of both worlds! I couldn't be without either breed.

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I've never owned a Dobe, but have a 2yo GSD at the moment, Sophie, and can tell you she is the best dog in the world, and unfortunately you can't have her. Lol.

In my experience GSD's are loyal, social dogs that (when well balanced) are a wonderful family pet and companion, as well as terrific watch dogs and guard dogs - my girl has my back no matter what. I am always going to be a Sheperd girl (-: The only Dobe i've met is very fear aggressive due to a lack of socialisation, so i can't make judgements on the breed knowing that the dog i've met is not a "normal" example. I think all dogs given the right direction, socialisation and environment have the ability to be amazing pets and working dogs.

I believe it's more difficult to find good Dobes than it is to find good GSD's. Dobe's have had their share of compromised temperaments and fear aggression is not uncommon in some lines. From a working perspective, there are very few Dobe lines in Australia that possess working ability anymore.

Don't always believe the "lack of socialisation" excuse for fear aggression in working breeds Nic.........most is usually a genetic fault that the breeders often blame on the owners :thumbsup:

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I've never owned a Dobe, but have a 2yo GSD at the moment, Sophie, and can tell you she is the best dog in the world, and unfortunately you can't have her. Lol.

In my experience GSD's are loyal, social dogs that (when well balanced) are a wonderful family pet and companion, as well as terrific watch dogs and guard dogs - my girl has my back no matter what. I am always going to be a Sheperd girl (-: The only Dobe i've met is very fear aggressive due to a lack of socialisation, so i can't make judgements on the breed knowing that the dog i've met is not a "normal" example. I think all dogs given the right direction, socialisation and environment have the ability to be amazing pets and working dogs.

I believe it's more difficult to find good Dobes than it is to find good GSD's. Dobe's have had their share of compromised temperaments and fear aggression is not uncommon in some lines. From a working perspective, there are very few Dobe lines in Australia that possess working ability anymore.

Don't always believe the "lack of socialisation" excuse for fear aggression in working breeds Nic.........most is usually a genetic fault that the breeders often blame on the owners :thumbsup:

Yes, unfortunately this is quite correct - but there are alot less Dobes than there are GSD's. There aren't alot of Dobe breeders who place correct temperament on their breeding checklist or even consider it a factor in choosing a dog for a bitch. There are also some lines with fear based aggression, insecurity, no self confidence - and in some lines this is now consolidating into both dog and people aggression which is extremely bad for our breed. And yes it does come from genetics and the core temperament of the dog - which they will always revert back to in times of stress. Then there are those dogs that do it because they have to !!! not because they want to please or love to - those dogs you see standing outside the showring or the obedience ring with no life in their eyes, no personality - it breaks my heart to see them. They are not good examples of our breed.

But then there are those who are serious about their breeding programs (or actually have a breeding 'program') and set about to prove that their dogs are capable of being everything our breed can be. My favourite breed quote is:

While all men can admire the nobility and beauty, The breeder is intensely concerned with the type.

He shall be the quintessence of all good qualities in compact form. His harmony of character and build is that of a very perfect animal —it is essentially that of utility.

Those who seek to elevate any one aspect, at the expense of the whole, are not breeding true Dobermanns but rather just black and tan dogs.

Dr Friedrich Karl Dorn

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Speaking on Dobes and from my experience - will let the shepherd people do their thing.

Dobes - have to be with you, must be indoor dogs, need to be worked - obed etc they are much happier if they have a job, need a good hard free run everyday, love to exert themselves physically, though they are more than happy to spend the day on the couch with you if need be, totally devoted to their family - adults and most certainly kids, are normally highly intelligent, very quick to learn, should be outgoing and exhuberant but on alert and aware of all around them, are great guard dogs but don't bark for no reason, love going everywhere with you, are funny - crack jokes and think they are funny :cheers:, can be possesive of food and toys, are lovely to live with, great company, good travellers, great with other breeds but must be socialized, love a good bone, love to free run :cheer: - did I mention that ?, love to work with you, love to help you do whatever you are doing, love to help cook dinner :love:, love to keep your feet warm while you are on the computer :), YUP they are velcro dogs, sooks, clowns, jokers, totally adorable and the love of my life - wouldn't be without them :eek:.

I was waiting for the catch, but it never came :champagne:

After reading that I think I'm going to trade my SBT for a Dobey...how much do ya think I would get on changeover :thumbsup:

Wotan, don't do that. Do what I do...have a SBT AND a Dobe! :thumbsup: As long as they aren't the same sex, they get on wonderfully...and it's the best of both worlds! I couldn't be without either breed.

Have you got your puppy you were looking for ???

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I think the breeds are pretty much interchangeable really, and if I still had the option of having a dog of this size I'd be totally happy with either. In first world war photos, I see Dobes and GSD's side by side in the field, to locate the wounded. Robust, intelligent, capable, with similar size and weight. There's nothing one can do that the other can't, speaking in broad breed terms. I think it boils down to whether the Wolfish charm of the German Shepherd appeals, or the uber-neatness of the Dobermann. If you're after specific dog character traits then with sufficient research you'll find what you're after, either way.

Even nowadays they can work on a "trench" - definitely on the same wavelength...


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I've never owned a Dobe, but have a 2yo GSD at the moment, Sophie, and can tell you she is the best dog in the world, and unfortunately you can't have her. Lol.

In my experience GSD's are loyal, social dogs that (when well balanced) are a wonderful family pet and companion, as well as terrific watch dogs and guard dogs - my girl has my back no matter what. I am always going to be a Sheperd girl (-: The only Dobe i've met is very fear aggressive due to a lack of socialisation, so i can't make judgements on the breed knowing that the dog i've met is not a "normal" example. I think all dogs given the right direction, socialisation and environment have the ability to be amazing pets and working dogs.

I believe it's more difficult to find good Dobes than it is to find good GSD's. Dobe's have had their share of compromised temperaments and fear aggression is not uncommon in some lines. From a working perspective, there are very few Dobe lines in Australia that possess working ability anymore.

Don't always believe the "lack of socialisation" excuse for fear aggression in working breeds Nic.........most is usually a genetic fault that the breeders often blame on the owners :thumbsup:

Yes, unfortunately this is quite correct - but there are alot less Dobes than there are GSD's. There aren't alot of Dobe breeders who place correct temperament on their breeding checklist or even consider it a factor in choosing a dog for a bitch. There are also some lines with fear based aggression, insecurity, no self confidence - and in some lines this is now consolidating into both dog and people aggression which is extremely bad for our breed. And yes it does come from genetics and the core temperament of the dog - which they will always revert back to in times of stress. Then there are those dogs that do it because they have to !!! not because they want to please or love to - those dogs you see standing outside the showring or the obedience ring with no life in their eyes, no personality - it breaks my heart to see them. They are not good examples of our breed.

But then there are those who are serious about their breeding programs (or actually have a breeding 'program') and set about to prove that their dogs are capable of being everything our breed can be. My favourite breed quote is:

While all men can admire the nobility and beauty, The breeder is intensely concerned with the type.

He shall be the quintessence of all good qualities in compact form. His harmony of character and build is that of a very perfect animal —it is essentially that of utility.

Those who seek to elevate any one aspect, at the expense of the whole, are not breeding true Dobermanns but rather just black and tan dogs.

Dr Friedrich Karl Dorn

I admire your honesty Bisart Dobes :thumbsup: and it would be nice to see more of your perceptions with the breeders of GSD's, which have also suffered along with the Dobe and Rotty for that matter. I know of a few Dobe breeders working hard at maintaining type, but it's critical to find them to aquire a well bred dog. I have the deepest respect for the breeders who work hard at maintaining correct type in all the wonderful working breeds. :champagne:

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As a die-hard dobie fan, I can only highly recommend them! But if you have a family/children, then get a puppy and socialise and train them well as they can be stubborn and strong-willed if you let them get away with it. Axel (below at 4 months) is our third and is fabulous - everyone comments on his lovely temperament - he loves everyone and gets on well with other dogs. He is a very typical "velcro dog", always with you and as he is so eager to please, his training is going really well. We have not had any of the "fear-aggressive" problems at all. Our previous 2 dobies were both fabulous family dogs - our last one went to the rainbow bridge at 12 years old and we were absolutely devastated. :o

I haven't had a GSD, but friends have them and they are also beautiful dogs, very smart and loyal, but I don't think I could cope with the hair! Both dogs need a fair bit of exercise, but I think we have been lucky with our dobies as they have been quite happy to just be lounge-lizards some days.

My second choice for a breed, would be a good SBT - I was raised with staffies, and love 'em to bits - great family dogs. We got hooked on dobies after our first one, which was a spur of the moment decision when we we spotted her at the local dog-pound many years ago (aged 18 months) and they said she was going to be PTS the next day...couldn't walk out of there without her - lost her at only 4 years old to bone cancer :rofl: but it was the start of our dobie-mania!! :rofl:

So I wish you the very best with whatever dog you choose. :rofl:

Jules :o

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