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"dog Whispering" Skills


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This is purely a guaging sort of exercise.

What do the dog whisperers of the world have that others don't? What makes them good at relating to and getting results from dogs? Do you know someone you consider to have a gift with dogs or animals in general? If so, what makes you think they have that gift? E.g. If you believe they read dogs well, what makes you believe that? How is it manifested? Do you think you have this gift? Why/why not?

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I reckon its fantastic marketing :rofl:

This is purely a guaging sort of exercise.

What do the dog whisperers of the world have that others don't? What makes them good at relating to and getting results from dogs? Do you know someone you consider to have a gift with dogs or animals in general? If so, what makes you think they have that gift? E.g. If you believe they read dogs well, what makes you believe that? How is it manifested? Do you think you have this gift? Why/why not?

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I think that these individuals have an ability to read and understand an animals bodylanguage and emotional energy. I personally don't think every one has the ability to be a 'dog whisperer' as I believe some individuals don't have the correct 'energy ' about them. Not saying it's a bad energy, just that i think those 'gifted' folk have a very calming and almost hypnotic presence about them that animals respond well to. Calm but clear if u know what I mean. Just my observations of dog and horse folk :rofl:

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I firmly believe that some people do have a much greater ability to instinctively communicate with animals..whether it be dogs/horses/elephant. I also believe this is something which cannot be taught effectively in universities. One can understand all the theory available, and still not have the ability/openness/ whatever it is that enables that type of two way communication.

I believe it is something special...there are many excellent trainers, and some of these do have a knack for communicating... like everything else- you are either a 'natural', or you're not :rofl: Most of us are definitely NOT

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I think the skills come from experience, and if a person grows up with dogs and spends a lot of time with them, then they may have a heightened instinct and perception of what's going on. But if you mean the type of "whispering" which claims to delve into the inner machinations of the canine mind and spirit... then that's sus. I've seen a couple of supposed animal whisperers on TV put their hands on animals and then tell the owners essentially what they wanted to hear to comfort them. And the animal can't say "Hey that's a load of baloney!" or cancel payment on the consultation. I guess there is a temptation to make Gurus out of people, and I agree that's great for drumming up business.

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I've seen a couple of supposed animal whisperers on TV put their hands on animals and then tell the owners essentially what they wanted to hear to comfort them.

That's NOT 'whispering'... I think they call themselves 'pet psychics'... and while I believe psychic communication is possible- these who tout it publicly do not have my vote of confidence :rofl:

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IMO- dog/horse whispering in regard to 'training', is the ability/experience to think like the animal concerned- to view the world as they do , and to communicate with them on this level where possible..it is the ART of completely understanding the body language ..and to react instinctively to the nuances... I am in awe of those who can do this.

The two obvious are Monty Roberts, and Cesar Millan... but I am sure there are many many others.

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I've seen a couple of supposed animal whisperers on TV put their hands on animals and then tell the owners essentially what they wanted to hear to comfort them.

That's NOT 'whispering'... I think they call themselves 'pet psychics'... and while I believe psychic communication is possible- these who tout it publicly do not have my vote of confidence :rofl:

OK I see where you're coming from... but have a peek at http://www.wildinsights.com.au/ and see what you think. The idea is that "whispering" is communication that goes above and beyond. "Whispering" could be a type of intuition - which is what being a psychic is as well. Perhaps its more in the labeling rather than the content.

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On that site she calls herself a PET MEDIUM :rofl:

Yes, intuition is important ,IMO ..BUT the absolute, confident second-nature reading of an animal's boy language is the most important step .this only comes from constant exposure- and a mind able to absorb and work with it....

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First, I check to ensure your pet is willing to communicate. I work remotely to eliminate distractions and ensure a clear connection. I talk to your animal, discussing your questions and messages. I note all feedback I receive, including any additional messages your pet communicates. I then pass on these messages to you in our post-consult discussion. Where appropriate, I will offer suggestions and recommend a course of action to meet the needs of your pet.

from the site Hetzer mentioned....



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I think it's more of a mutual respect thing with dog/animal "whisperers"... body language showing that you are calm and not feeling threatened, or being threatening towards, the animal in question goes a long way towards a successful interaction.

Being able to "think" like the type of animal you are interacting with also helps. As well as knowing the basics about their body language.

Has anyone seen how Cesar Milan wags his butt when approaching some dogs? I've tried it, and it gets some amazing results. I don't like his hissing thing for correction though - I get better results with a short, sharp "uhh"...


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I agree with persephone. Our niece has a beautiful way with dogs. Ever since she was around 4-5, she is now 16, she has a very calming energy around dogs and some other animals. When they have visitors they all bring their dogs. It's not I think or I have noticed she is doing anything in particular, it's just the dogs all respond to her. It just seems very natural. We have always called her the dog whisperer, so to speak.

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How do you tell if someone is thinking like an animal? I was reading one of Temple Grandin's books and she was describing how she would notice things animals noticed because she would think like them. I don't think like an animal the way she does in the slightest, but I still notice a lot of the things she mentions because I watch where animals are looking. What's the difference between thinking like an animal and having a good eye for detail or patterns, for example?

I always liked watching Kelly Marks on tv. Whatever that X factor that some people have with animals is, she definitely has it. It impressed me that she could go from all gentle, careful desensitisation and counter conditioning to giving the horse a boot with the same animal and just overcome some residual hangup the horse had. How did she know when it was appropriate to switch tactics so suddenly? She never messed around trying things that didn't work. She would change her approach quite wildly for different horses without any real explanation and it always worked.

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On that site she calls herself a PET MEDIUM :(

Yes, intuition is important ,IMO ..BUT the absolute, confident second-nature reading of an animal's boy language is the most important step .this only comes from constant exposure- and a mind able to absorb and work with it....

I quote from the website: I'm Sarah, your resident animal communicator (aka animal whisperer) who talks to animals and translates their messages....

Edited by Hetzer
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I just had a comment about the use of the term "energy" in animal communication discussions. I think most of the time, its just a slightly esoteric way of talking about how animals (including humans) pick up on the posturing and non-verbal body language queues during communication, which are a function of emotion. The emotional energy is what forms an input into the communication - and since a human would release millions of particles (via breath, perspiration etc) that a dog can pick up on, then there may be an perception from the human side that something extra special is happening - something akin to a sixth sense. I think very often a "whisperer" is just someone who is confident with animals, and doesn't release adrenalin-charged scents that animals generate a negative response to - the classic "smelling fear" scenario.

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I reckon its fantastic marketing :)

Damnit that was going to be my answer!!! :(

Leaving aside pet psychics, who I think are a separate issue, these days anyone can call themselves a whisperer just like anyone can call themselves a behaviourist.

Millan was not the first dog trainer to style himself as "the dog whisperer". Many people have a lot more time for the first one - Paul Owens.

I think everything comes down to small pieces of data that some people are either more naturally able to read and put in context or have studiously taught themselves to read and put in context. I am no whisperer, but I wag my bum too when approaching some dogs and it works. The reason I do it is not because I have natural bum wagging intuition. I learned it from someone who either learned it from someone else or worked it out themselves from watching dogs interact.

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How do you tell if someone is thinking like an animal? I was reading one of Temple Grandin's books and she was describing how she would notice things animals noticed because she would think like them. I don't think like an animal the way she does in the slightest, but I still notice a lot of the things she mentions because I watch where animals are looking. What's the difference between thinking like an animal and having a good eye for detail or patterns, for example?

I always liked watching Kelly Marks on tv. Whatever that X factor that some people have with animals is, she definitely has it. It impressed me that she could go from all gentle, careful desensitisation and counter conditioning to giving the horse a boot with the same animal and just overcome some residual hangup the horse had. How did she know when it was appropriate to switch tactics so suddenly? She never messed around trying things that didn't work. She would change her approach quite wildly for different horses without any real explanation and it always worked.

Exactly... thinking like them means noticing what they notice, and instinctively sensing what is going to happen next - some people are born with the sense, and others may learn it. Spend enough time with lots of different animals of the species you like, and you definitely pick up on how they think and react normally. For the "not normal" ones, most of the same instinct is there, but may be masked slightly by other learned behaviours - a keen eye and good sense will see you through in most cases.

Loads of patience is also good to have... *grin*... all of the really good trainers or "whisperers" rarely do their block with frustration... have you noticed that?


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