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Vomiting And No Appetite


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Last night Gypsy hesitated before eating her dinner, but ate it. I thought she was just confused since OH keeps using a different release word to let her eat (another story). This morning, OH got up to feed her, and she refused to touch her food (Artemis, normally she inhales it). I got up to see if it was a confusion issue, but nope, didn't want to eat. Seems bright enough, tail wagging, jumping on and off the bed (naughty dog!). We go outside to find 2-3 piles of very grassy foamy vomit.

Then she started to pick at the food a bit - picked up a piece, then dropped it again. I checked her mouth for cuts, broken teeth, etc, but seemed fine. Then she ate about 2/3 of her food and I went off to continue getting ready for work. However, when I came back out I found she'd vomited it all back up (inside, this time).

Both OH and I absolutely HAD to go to work this morning/today. OH is going to try to leave and go home early to check on her, but I'm stuck at work until 4, home at 6:30 at the earliest.

This is extremely unusual for her to refuse food, or have an upset stomach at all, and I'm really worried about leaving her alone all day. There's nothing she ate that was unusual over the past two days, no poisons around the house at all (no cockroach baits, nothing). The only thing she had yesterday (I think, or the day before) was a Capster tablet because we've had a mild flea problem over the past two weeks, but she's had them before and been fine, no upset stomach.

I woke up this morning to find her eating a rock on my bed (:mad) and I took it off her, my worry is always that she'll eat a rock one day she can't pass (yes, she swallows them :cry:) but if there was a blockage I assume there would be a) pain (she didn't mind me pressing on her stomach/abdomen) and b) she wouldn't be vomiting?

I can probably go home, check on her and come back to work before my next class, but it's an hour each way (150km round trip) and I do have things I should be doing, am I worrying too much?

Edited by Serket
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I would not have left her alone ( but then again I HAVE had a dog with a blockage :cry: ) he was vomiting...lots .The blockage was past his stomach.If she's chewing rocks she isn't feeling 'too' bad , IMO. Hopefully she just has a mild upset which will sort itself out with a day or so of fasting, and then a bland diet (NO rocks)

No neighbour or friend who can call in & check her for you?

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Oh poor Gypsy :cry:

There seems to be a doggy gastro bug doing the rounds atm. Our Renae had one a few weeks ago, and needed vet attention in the end.

I have read lately about a few other dogs being sick in a similar way without any real reason ..

Hope she picks up soon!

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I would not have left her alone ( but then again I HAVE had a dog with a blockage :cry: ) he was vomiting...lots .The blockage was past his stomach.If she's chewing rocks she isn't feeling 'too' bad , IMO. Hopefully she just has a mild upset which will sort itself out with a day or so of fasting, and then a bland diet (NO rocks)

No neighbour or friend who can call in & check her for you?

I do have to agree with persephone ..

Hopefully there is someone you can get to check on her?

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I would not have left her alone ( but then again I HAVE had a dog with a blockage :eek: ) he was vomiting...lots .The blockage was past his stomach.If she's chewing rocks she isn't feeling 'too' bad , IMO. Hopefully she just has a mild upset which will sort itself out with a day or so of fasting, and then a bland diet (NO rocks)

No neighbour or friend who can call in & check her for you?

I would not have left her alone ( but then again I HAVE had a dog with a blockage :p ) he was vomiting...lots .The blockage was past his stomach.If she's chewing rocks she isn't feeling 'too' bad , IMO. Hopefully she just has a mild upset which will sort itself out with a day or so of fasting, and then a bland diet (NO rocks)

No neighbour or friend who can call in & check her for you?

I do have to agree with persephone ..

Hopefully there is someone you can get to check on her?

I didn't have a choice, unfortunately. No neighbours who are home or we'd leave keys with, and family not close enough/at work themselves - I don't have a job where I can call in sick without causing huge problems. I went home at lunch and checked on her - no change, more vomit, undigested grass and water, she's not happy but not worse from this morning. OH left work early @ 1pm and is with her now. The vet didn't seem concerned and made an appointment for 4:45, even when OH told them she might have eaten something she shouldn't have.

Off home via the vet now (meeting OH there, if I can get there quick enough)

She digs the rocks out of the ground - we remove them as best we can but she finds more anyway, sigh.

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Sorry, been home for a bit. I didn't make it to the vet in time, but according to OH they gave her an injection (he doesn't know what it was), and was sent home with some tablets (metrogyl) and instructions not to feed her for 12 hours, and watch her carefully. Then, give her the tablets in the morning, and only feed her in the morning (chicken/rice) if she looks better. If she hasn't improved, bring her back in.

OH said they couldn't feel any obstructions/blockages and weren't especially concerned (yet), they just thought it was a stomach irritation from something.

After she came home she's been resting and trying to sleep. OH said she didn't seem able to sleep during the day once he came home due to discomfort/pain, but she seems more comfortable after the injection - still really flat though, she's never been so quiet in her life. Poor thing :laugh:

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I feel awful for her. I walked in the door and knelt down to say hello, and she sat down and just leaned her head and whole body against me and closed her eyes. She looks utterly miserable, such a change from the hyperactive "play with me play with me play with me NOW" dog I usually have when I get home.

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Sounds similar to how Renae was a while back..

Hope she gets better soon, but if not take her back to the vets. I'm surprised they didn't keep her in overnight on an IV fluids.. Did they mention anything about her being dehydrated?

Edited by JulesLuvsCavs
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How old is Gypsy??

If things have not improved by the morning then I would be going back for an xray.

Did she have a temp?

Is she drinking?

Going to the toilet normally as such even though she hasnt had much to eat?

10.5 months.

I wasn't at the vets, only know what OH has said (tried to call him and make him put me on speaker phone during the consult, but couldn't get hold of him until they were done.)

According to OH, Vet said temp. was slightly elevated but said she didn't seem dehydrated

OH says she had a big drink when they got home from the vets, and was drinking before that (but less). She was drinking water this morning and while we were gone (watery vomit), but she hasn't had a big vomit since lunchtime when I came home to check on her, although OH says she did a little one when he got home. I haven't seen her go out to the toilet (I've only been home two hours though, and was only home for 5 minutes at lunch). Since I've been home she's just been lying in the lounge room with us asleep, hasn't been outside.

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How old is Gypsy??

If things have not improved by the morning then I would be going back for an xray.

Did she have a temp?

Is she drinking?

Going to the toilet normally as such even though she hasnt had much to eat?

10.5 months.

I wasn't at the vets, only know what OH has said (tried to call him and make him put me on speaker phone during the consult, but couldn't get hold of him until they were done.)

According to OH, Vet said temp. was slightly elevated but said she didn't seem dehydrated

OH says she had a big drink when they got home from the vets, and was drinking before that (but less). She was drinking water this morning and while we were gone (watery vomit), but she hasn't had a big vomit since lunchtime when I came home to check on her, although OH says she did a little one when he got home. I haven't seen her go out to the toilet (I've only been home two hours though, and was only home for 5 minutes at lunch). Since I've been home she's just been lying in the lounge room with us asleep, hasn't been outside.

Has she been spayed or is she still entire.

Has she had a season recently?

Can you monitor her temp yourself?

What is her gumcolour like?

Nice and pink.

Does she show she is in any pain at all when she is awake?

Edited by stonebridge
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[quote name='Serket' post='4516365' date='7th May 2010 - 09:36

Has she been spayed or is she still entire.

Has she had a season recently?

Can you monitor her temp yourself?

What is her gumcolour like?

Nice and pink.

Does she show she is in any pain at all when she is awake?


Had a season from 1st week of January, not due back in for a little while yet (although getting closer, time flies). Wasn't at all sooky or have any issues last time.

No thermometer here at all for either humans or dogs, but I'll grab one tomorrow (never think about it until you need it), gums are pink and normal looking

She's a really stoic dog - if I step on her tail or paw accidentally she doesn't yelp or whimper, I've only ever heard her yelp twice ever. The fact that she is so flat is what is concerning, she's normally very energetic and active, esp. at night.

At the moment she seems more exhausted than in pain, she was 'grumbling' (verbally, not her stomach) during the day OH said, and didn't seem able to get comfortable. She's been lying quietly sleeping for a few hours though now, but she can get up easily, walks normally, and even jumped up on the vets when she was there - so she can muster up some energy, but she may not have slept well last night either (since this morning she was already refusing food), so I'm thinking (hoping) she's just really tired now and sleeping it off

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She sounds a bit droopy for my liking and could be in pain as they hide it well. If she is no better in the morning, I would take her back to the vets and specifically ask what other more positive options you have to diagnose her condition instead of the "see how she goes" routine. Pancreasitis has similar symptoms often caused by the fat content in marrow bones???.

Hope she is feeling better soon :thumbsup:

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She's never had a marrow bone (too paranoid about really hard bones and teeth, since her mum snapped a tooth on a bone), so hopefully that rules that out, but thanks for the idea.

She's much brighter this morning :thumbsup:, not back to normal, but bright enough to jump up on the bed and lick OH's face at 6am with a wagging tail, which is her normal "feed me now" trick, and enough to wag her tail and do some play bows at me when I got up to cook her breakfast - she doesn't want to play though, so still not right, but at least she's awake and alert compared to yesterday. She doesn't seem to have any real pain while moving - jumping up, stretching, rolling over all seem ok so hoping that's a good sign it's not an obstruction

Chicken & rice is just cooling now, so we'll see if she's actually feeling ok to eat, rather than just hungry but not when the food is actually in front of her. She did search the floor for leftover kibble from yesterday and found one piece and ate it

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