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Strangers Patting My Dog


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I'm new here =)

Well I hope it's ok to ask this here.

I have a 7 month old red heeler staffy x.

Recently I have had a bit of trouble with a couple of kids who walk past my house after school on weekdays.

They have thrown rocks at my house, and I suspect, also at my dog.

I have caught them throwing rocks at my house once, and have spoken to their mother about it, but since then I have caught them throwing rocks again... I am not always here, but my dog is, usually, and it's likely they have done it other times, but I don't know.

Now, my dog is very gentle/affectionate towards my children..I have seen these other kids leaning over my fence and patting my dog. When someone walks past my dog will come out to the front of the section to check things out. I have asked them not to touch my dog... but who knows if they will listen. I'm kinda worried about her biting these kids. Not that she has ever done that before but to be frank they're little shites and it wouldn't surpise me if they did somethig that would cause her to bite them.

I have a fully fenced property, what would you suggest I do? If my dog were to bite them would I get in trouble?

thank you

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I'm kinda worried about her biting these kids. Not that she has ever done that before but to be frank they're little shites and it wouldn't surpise me if they did something that would cause her to bite them.

I have a fully fenced property, what would you suggest I do? If my dog were to bite them would I get in trouble?

Quite frankly, even though these children might be doing the wrong thing by your dog (you won't know unless you're able to catch them in the act) I wouldn't risk my dog getting into strife at their hands. Whether your dog ends up biting those kids or not, the most worrisome is that those children could cause your dog to dislike children (and/or any unfamiliar people) if she is traumatised by them. You've seen them patting your dog, but you also obviously have cause to not trust them. Although I strongly think that your home and surrounds to your boundary lines are yours and you shouldn't have to accommodate the stupidity and senselessness of others, I think I'd arrange to modify things so that my dog was out of harm's way. (Eg. Raise the height of your fence; erect an internal fence to keep your dog back out of their way.)

It's not right that you are the one who has to go to the time, trouble and expense for the loutishness of imbecilic people (if that's what they are being), but your dog is a member of your family and needs you to protect her against trauma/injury and potentially having to pay with her life for the ills of others.

I'd also put up a web cam of sorts and catch these kids with evidence, which, seeing as their parents don't seem to be doing much if anything (or, if they are, whatever they are doing is ineffective) I'd hand in to the police if I thought that a good telling off of my own wasn't going to be enough to send them packing and not repeat.

Edited by Erny
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I'd be putting up a fence to keep the dog well away from the front of the property. I wouldn't like to thik these children are throwing things at her. Obviously if their mother had said anything to them it has had no impact. If you catch them throwing rocks at your house again ring the police.

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My thoughts are to try to get video footage of the kids doing this stuff at the time you know they are passing by the house, ( check with the police about legalities of filming first though) and if it is lawful,obscure yourself from ther view, maybe from your front window etc, then let the police know, show them and let the mother know you have filmed this and contacted the police, and that if there is any subsequent damage to your property and they are caught doing this, you will be holding the mother liable via your insurance company ( home ins) etc. That may make her stand up and reprimand her kids properly if she thinks shes going to have to pay for the damages. Whilst she doesnt think that she will do nothing.

Secondly I wouldnt want any dog of mine being in a front yard to close proximity to someone putting their hand over and being able to touch my dog, you never know if some malicious person would try to bait your dog, and you would never know, or even steal your dog. I would be putting my dog in the backyard secured from other people, your dog is not safe if passers by can get access to it, and its placid and friendly and stands no chance against malicious folk. Can you fence your backyard? that would be the best option in my opinion. At least if someone throws rocks at your house, it is only the house which can be fixed, if someone hurts your dog it could be nasty.

Edited by Dogawne
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When I was about 8 a nice young guy with a blue heeler bitch, Chloe, moved in next door. The gate to the driveway was just metal bars so some boys used to throw rocks at her when they walked to school. One evening he had the gate open I didnt realize and went to get the mail for mum. I wasn't nervous of dogs but the way she ran at me frightened me so I ran, chloe of course chased and bit me on the calf muscle. It wasn't a little nip I had a scars for years.

You need to protect your dog and the kids.

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I'm new here =)

Well I hope it's ok to ask this here.

I have a 7 month old red heeler staffy x.

Recently I have had a bit of trouble with a couple of kids who walk past my house after school on weekdays.

They have thrown rocks at my house, and I suspect, also at my dog.

I have caught them throwing rocks at my house once, and have spoken to their mother about it, but since then I have caught them throwing rocks again... I am not always here, but my dog is, usually, and it's likely they have done it other times, but I don't know.

Now, my dog is very gentle/affectionate towards my children..I have seen these other kids leaning over my fence and patting my dog. When someone walks past my dog will come out to the front of the section to check things out. I have asked them not to touch my dog... but who knows if they will listen. I'm kinda worried about her biting these kids. Not that she has ever done that before but to be frank they're little shites and it wouldn't surpise me if they did somethig that would cause her to bite them.

I have a fully fenced property, what would you suggest I do? If my dog were to bite them would I get in trouble?

thank you

As well as video of the kids in the act, call the local shire and report the incident of harassment towrads your dog, this is viewed( if anything ever happens) as provacation by cause, and will be taken into account if the dog does bite. All very well to report at the time of an incident but it is better to pre warn, and as your dog is being antagonised it is not an offence. Under law people do require acess to your fron door uninhibited, however that is for acess a person intruding on property for no cause would be considered a different matter ( by a council) It is also a good idea to get video of the "good kids" walking past and patting the dog as well.

Kids and parents who cant control them are a serial menace, good luck.


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Hi :love: In this day & age, there is no way I would be letting my dog roam unsupervised in a front yard :grouphug: As well as the possibility of her injuring/scaring someone (and you then having all sorts of legal hassle) there is the real possibility of HER being injured/baited /let out/teased. :love: :love:

If you could fence off the back yard and leave her there when you're not with her , I feel it would be much safer all round .

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I'm new here =)

Well I hope it's ok to ask this here.

I have a 7 month old red heeler staffy x.

Recently I have had a bit of trouble with a couple of kids who walk past my house after school on weekdays.

They have thrown rocks at my house, and I suspect, also at my dog.

I have caught them throwing rocks at my house once, and have spoken to their mother about it, but since then I have caught them throwing rocks again... I am not always here, but my dog is, usually, and it's likely they have done it other times, but I don't know.

Now, my dog is very gentle/affectionate towards my children..I have seen these other kids leaning over my fence and patting my dog. When someone walks past my dog will come out to the front of the section to check things out. I have asked them not to touch my dog... but who knows if they will listen. I'm kinda worried about her biting these kids. Not that she has ever done that before but to be frank they're little shites and it wouldn't surpise me if they did somethig that would cause her to bite them.

I have a fully fenced property, what would you suggest I do? If my dog were to bite them would I get in trouble?

thank you

As well as video of the kids in the act, call the local shire and report the incident of harassment towrads your dog, this is viewed( if anything ever happens) as provacation by cause, and will be taken into account if the dog does bite. All very well to report at the time of an incident but it is better to pre warn, and as your dog is being antagonised it is not an offence. Under law people do require acess to your fron door uninhibited, however that is for acess a person intruding on property for no cause would be considered a different matter ( by a council) It is also a good idea to get video of the "good kids" walking past and patting the dog as well.

Kids and parents who cant control them are a serial menace, good luck.


I believe under law the only people that have the right to trespass on your property are those engaged to do such work as electricy meter readers, council workers, police etc. Not your average joe blow does not have the right legally to be able to come up to your front door. AFIK

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I'm new here =)

Well I hope it's ok to ask this here.

I have a 7 month old red heeler staffy x.

Recently I have had a bit of trouble with a couple of kids who walk past my house after school on weekdays.

They have thrown rocks at my house, and I suspect, also at my dog.

I have caught them throwing rocks at my house once, and have spoken to their mother about it, but since then I have caught them throwing rocks again... I am not always here, but my dog is, usually, and it's likely they have done it other times, but I don't know.

Now, my dog is very gentle/affectionate towards my children..I have seen these other kids leaning over my fence and patting my dog. When someone walks past my dog will come out to the front of the section to check things out. I have asked them not to touch my dog... but who knows if they will listen. I'm kinda worried about her biting these kids. Not that she has ever done that before but to be frank they're little shites and it wouldn't surpise me if they did somethig that would cause her to bite them.

I have a fully fenced property, what would you suggest I do? If my dog were to bite them would I get in trouble?

thank you

As well as video of the kids in the act, call the local shire and report the incident of harassment towrads your dog, this is viewed( if anything ever happens) as provacation by cause, and will be taken into account if the dog does bite. All very well to report at the time of an incident but it is better to pre warn, and as your dog is being antagonised it is not an offence. Under law people do require acess to your fron door uninhibited, however that is for acess a person intruding on property for no cause would be considered a different matter ( by a council) It is also a good idea to get video of the "good kids" walking past and patting the dog as well.

Kids and parents who cant control them are a serial menace, good luck.


I believe under law the only people that have the right to trespass on your property are those engaged to do such work as electricy meter readers, council workers, police etc. Not your average joe blow does not have the right legally to be able to come up to your front door. AFIK

I cant find the law link at the moment but its not regarding everyday Jo Blo, it is mainly for emergency service workers ( bought in after an incident years ago where dogs were shot after ES could not gain acess to a house)but it clearly states Legally you are required to provide safe access to your front door. Visitors to your home must be able to enter your property safely, without being stopped by your dog. It is not trespass on property it is ref to as safe access to the front door.

Edited by Wazzat Xolo
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I believe under law the only people that have the right to trespass on your property are those engaged to do such work as electricy meter readers, council workers, police etc. Not your average joe blow does not have the right legally to be able to come up to your front door. AFIK

Nobody has the "right' to trespass.

But if people enter an unlocked, unsigned front yard, to approach your front door, they are not trespassing. If your dog bites them, you will be in trouble.

You cannot use your dog as a weapon to stop people coming to your door. If you do keep a dog in the front yard, you (the owner) needs to prevent it from biting people or from being let out by people. That means locks on gates, and signs telling people not to enter.

Otherwise you are responsible if your dog causes harm to others.

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You have to be so careful !

Years ago my parents had a GSD that was very gentle with kids, and had a great temperament generally.

My Brother was about 10 I think, and he was standing on something talking over our fence to our next door's kid who was standing on something as well (it was uncapped unfortunely)

Our GSD excited by the kids talking jumped and placed her paws where the next door's kid had his hands lightly on the fence..

It was a wet day, and the boy got nervous and as he jumped down in a hurry from the fence, he slipped and cut his hand open. He had to have microsurgury.

The kid blamed our dog for causing it, and his parents went on to sue our parents (and even expected compesation for further phycological damage the boy endured later in life!!) We had the council come around to see if our dog was aggressive in any way and they couldn't see any evidence. They even rattled the fence from the neigbours side to stir her up.

So even tho it wasn't our dog's fault entirely, my parents paid the price for that actual incident !

Edited by JulesLuvsCavs
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