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It's All Fun And Games Until.......


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when I see mine charging towards me at the park I never assume they're smart enough to miss me so I start yelling and waving the dog leads in front of my legs so they veer off at the last second. It's still enough to make my life flash before my eyes.

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I got in the way of Ziggy's running leap onto the bed. He collected my face on the way through. I saw stars and felt like my cheek bone was fractured. I had a black eye the next day. You have my sympathy.

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My nose and two fingers feel like their broken and my hair is full of saliva from Buster licking me as I lay in a crumpled heap on the ground :cry: .

Just thought I'd share!

Hope you are feeling better :)

Check out this hilarious story Are Bull Terriers Good With Children? and consider yourself lucky :mad


I was afraid someone would come into my office and ask me what all the noise was about. That is so funny!

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Never been body slammed, but I did have a flying whippet cross crash into my foot with her head one day. I was trying to dive out of her way. She went for a tumble and I collapsed in agony. I had no idea a whippet's head was so freaking hard. I ended up with an egg on my foot all nice and bruised. The dog was fine.

The other day Kivi was being a needy cuddlebear and I was scratching his chest and giving him cuddles and he was trying to make out with me and then I stopped cuddling and rubbing to look at something and he tried to get my attention back by pawing me. Like, from my ear to my bellybutton. After examining the damage I decided he needs to have his nails cut. :cry: I tried teaching him not to paw at people when he wants a chest rub, but alas, his teaching of us to do it in spite of ourselves was more successful.

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Yeah I'm stupid too. I thought there was no way a two year old Great Dane could reach me if I was sitting on the top of the back of the couch.

I copped a paw to the face, a paw to the throat, a tail to the eyes and a lump on the back of my head where I did an unintended backflip into the wall.

It was definately a case of domestic violence :cry:

I know someone who had two fully grown male mastiffs and hid from them in her new {clean, mind you} wheelie bin. Funniest story I've ever heard in my life

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I used to rough up my mums dally. He would love it! Doing zoomies and helicopters all over the place. I used to come home with scratches all over me from his nails and it never bothered me, one day he copped me a good paw to the face. I thought my nose was broken it hurt like buggery. Didnt think much of it until the next day when i found i had a nice black eye.

Try explaining to all the people at work that your dog gave it to you, i got some weird looks. I dont think anyone believed i got punched in the face by a lovable mutt.

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Hi Bluestaff

You might want to get the schnoz xrayed.

My mum headbutt a bull terrier x labrador, ignored it for 40 years or so, and then decided she needed a nose job as age and gravity combined with a bent nose was making it difficult to breathe.

I've seen plenty of people and dogs skittled in a bad case of zoomies. My dog is very good at dodging but the dog she's herding isn't always so agile. I've seen a labrador at full speed, slam his shoulder into the side of a park bench, brought on much doggy screaming and owner stress and an instant trip to the vet. It took months to heal up.

The dog has learned nothing. The owner checks the fence line for park benchs that have been moved too close.

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A guy came into work one day with a shiner. When asked what happened he admitted that a swan had smacked him in the face with its wing. That drew much incredulous hilarity. Moral of the story: don't take on swans. They do mean business when they come at you.

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I ended up on crutches last year after my beagle got me!! Bloody dog was chasing the cat and I went :eek: over!! I was on crutches for 3 weeks, got off them just in time to go to QLD for a week's holiday.

I cant tell you the amount of times my beagle has jumped onto my lap and slammed my tongue between my teeth!! Last time she did it I was left with teeth impressions in the side of my tongue!! :p

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You get body slammed by an amstaff doing zoomies! ;)

Stupid me thought it would be funny to rev Buster up and then hide from him bent down behind a gate...... well he found me :angel: and instead of dodging me at the last second like he usually does, he ran straight into me.

My nose and two fingers feel like their broken and my hair is full of saliva from Buster licking me as I lay in a crumpled heap on the ground :eek: .

Just thought I'd share!

You gotta learn to LOVE the body slam. Embrace the pain. Maybe one day you'll "go pro" and be a dog wrangler/wrestler. Woops... sorry that's my dream!! :p :cry:

PS - your Amstaff sounds like a sassy beast. I hope he doesn't miss out on revving up and zoomies in the future. Yee-ha!!

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