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It's All Fun And Games Until.......


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You get body slammed by an amstaff doing zoomies! ;)

Stupid me thought it would be funny to rev Buster up and then hide from him bent down behind a gate...... well he found me :laugh: and instead of dodging me at the last second like he usually does, he ran straight into me.

My nose and two fingers feel like their broken and my hair is full of saliva from Buster licking me as I lay in a crumpled heap on the ground :thumbsup: .

Just thought I'd share!

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Ouch, know how you feel, I can still here the sound my head made as it connected with a tree a while back when I was using the tree as a hiding spot from my dog, well suprise he found me and rammed me hard from behind causing my knees to cave in and my head to connect hard

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Ouch! :rofl: Did you learn anything? :laugh:

Yep... get out of the way quicksmart or find a better hiding spot!! :thumbsup:

I already have a nice purple bruise appearing on my thigh...Boy I'm going to be sore tomorrow ;)

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Oh, I am familiar with the body slam. It's something that comes and goes with my dog... but I've decided that she can't be revved up..... it's just too risky, and people can underestimate the damage a 30 kilo dog can do. Sometimes she goes into full zoomie mode when the grass is wet at the park, and you can do nothing but stand still and hope she dodges you. Sometimes she does, sometimes she doesn't...... just pot luck really.

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Ouch, know how you feel, I can still here the sound my head made as it connected with a tree a while back when I was using the tree as a hiding spot from my dog, well suprise he found me and rammed me hard from behind causing my knees to cave in and my head to connect hard

That sounds nasty :thumbsup:

I also got a split lip a few months ago from over enthusiastic stafford kisses.

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Ouch that sounds painful!!

I got thrown like a cartoon character a couple of years back when Zeus was running towards me in the dark, turned to speak to my partner 'Here he comes' SMACK!!!!!! straight into the back of my legs! I went so high that i hit the ground with my elbows first. :grouphug::love: :love:

I think we both learned a lesson that night.

Hope your injuries aren't too bad :love:

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hahahahaha.... but feeling your pain.

I find that the big(ger) dogs generally have pretty good spatial recognition. 99% of the time tey can get the zoomies on with a heap of others and go hell for leather (where did that saying come from) without any problems...

The issue is the 1% when the brain / paw coordination goes out the window. That 1% can account for enough pins & rods to set off the metal detectors at airports, (hell you could probably rebuild Sydney Harbour Bridge), chronic back & neck pain to endure for the rest of your life, and a permanent fear that leaves you standing in the middle of a crowd, ramming your hand in your pocket looking for treats to calm the madding crowd, and then then realising that doesn't work, waving your arms in the air and hoping like hell a rogue rescue helicopter is going to drop a life-line ladder just in front of your grasping fingertips ...

What forum am I on again?

Ah yes, spatial recognisance is as rare as a decent James Bond....

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I feel your pain... I still have the crutches I was given by the hospital after 2 Labrador pups smashed into my leg while playing zoomies. They missed the mailbox post and the tree - but didn't miss me!


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Buster has found a new game when doing zoomies, just as he runs past me he'll jump and bosy slam his side into my knee's, almost sends me flying everytime.

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2 Labrador pups smashed into my leg while playing zoomies. They missed the mailbox post and the tree - but didn't miss me!


Smart labbies. They figured you'd be s soft place to bounce off....not like the mailbox & the tree. :cry:

Psssst.....wanna buy a buddhist dog? They even zoom in peace with the whole world. :mad:mad

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Mokha body slammed me once while zooming around the back yard.The only thing that saved me from certain injury was the washing line. I was pegging on some clothing so my hands were very close and I managed to grab hold just in time.I did however look completely idiotic to my neighbour whose head popped over the fence to see what the commotion was and there I am 40 years old swinging from the clothes line like I used to as a kid. No physical injury just pride this time.

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I've managed to mostly avoid serious injury from Sasha zoomies... however, when she's really going, I either find something to hide behind, or stand still - with my heart thumping - and pray to God she turns in time... luckily she's never hit me head on, she usually just bounces off me.

However, she did pull me off my feet and drag me across the garage floor during a storm... the doorway and step were the only thing that stopped me - and seriously dislocated my finger in the process.

The joys of owning a dog :cry:

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