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Wa Update And Albury Dog Rescue


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:laugh: Once again - Thanks go out to Albury Dog Rescue for their help with trying to find a suitable foster carer for a dog who's owner has had a serious accident.

There has been lots of pressure on this guy to surrender his dog as he is currently quadriplegic after being run over and has lost an ear so life is pretty tough. He is stuck in rehab for at least 6 months and prognosis is that he will regain most movement again. He is very distressed at the idea that his dog wont be well looked after and wont be able to come home when he returns from hospital. The people who have been caring for it since his accident have refused to care for it any longer now they know its a longer term thing and the dog is fretting for his owner.The dog has been in kennels now for a week and both dog and owner are not coping with that.

Trish from Albury Dog Rescue has been fantastic and is helping us to find a foster carer who we will cover for expenses and support over the next 6 months or so to ensure the dog is safe.

:D :)


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Every day I become more amazed at the number of times people have a disaster which will temporarily stop them from being able to care properly for their dogs and the amount of people who push them to throw their dogs away without trying to help them.

This one in particular is in his 60's and has no family.The dog has been his family. He loves it and without it his life is less meaningful. He has less to get up for in the morning and he cherishes it as much as anyone does a human partner. Its akin to someone coming in and shooting your spouse or one of your kids if you have an accident for these people.

It may not make sense to many of us but this is how many people think and feel.

This guy didn't mean to get run over and end up stuck in a hospital hundreds of kilometres away from his home and his dog for at least 6 months and the fact that we can play a role in ensuring his dog is safe and living a life similar to that which it is used to, so he has his family to come home to warms my heart. All over the country people are helping us to be a safety net and they may not feel it but they are most definitely appreciated.

Kathryn and her family who looked after a dog while its owner came out of a coma and became well enough to look after it again, Sally who looked after two dogs while the owner recovered from a heart attack, madwoofter who has taken bully while openarms battles to find somewhere to live for her children and animals [ Bully is operated on next Monday] are just a few who have been true heroes for these animals and their owners. Albury Dog Rescue [Trish] joins that list.

Eukanuba helps us to feed hundreds of dogs and cats every month and we've had one person who blew up her car delivering supplies for us without a minute of complaint.

People who should have been getting help themselves giving up their time and resources to help us. People who work several hours 7 days a week to ensure its all coming together putting their families and lives aside.

How do you find an appropriate way to say thank you? This is what Im working on now though most of them dont want to be named or recognised - any ideas?

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One of the things that happen when you start to thank people is that you run the risk of leaving someone out .

Thank you to everyone who has helped with spreading the word, contribution via auctions, raffles and donations and just simply spreading the word about us.

To those of you who have offered goods and services for us to use for fundraising and those Im still getting back to to take your offers up - Hang on Im coming - thank You.

I wont name the people who have helped with graphics, websites, event management, proof reading, media releases, auctions etc in case I forget to name one but - thank you.

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A new one today is a guy who has terminal cancer and the neighbour who has been looking after his dog is going to PTS this week. We have been able to hold it off a couple of days and if we cant find a carer in WA I will bring him home here.

Any one in WA able to give this guy a place to stay until we can work out a new home for him as the owner doesn't have long to live.

Im also still looking for a hand with a 9 year old ACD in Mossvale - temporary care until the owner gets some new accommodation where he can keep the dog

Please yell if you can help these two.

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I'm so pleased we were able to help this guy - I just can't imagine going through what he is at the moment and worrying that your friends are going to have your much loved pet put to sleep :laugh: . We're hopeful that we will be able to organise some visits to his owner in spinal rehab once he has recovered a little more - the accident only occurred in mid April :laugh: .

What sort of dog is the one in WA? I hope someone can help the ACD in Moss Vale - dog lovers helping other dog lovers :laugh:

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We have a call for some help from WA.

the owner has a terminal illness and his dog has been staying with a neighbour who has made arrangements for the dog to be put to sleep.

Obviously this is causing huge grief for a dying man who has had this dog as his only companion. We have been able to hold the neighbour off till next week end and there may be a chance that

Shenton Park dogs home have said they would do an assessment on him and possibly take him. Unfortunately the people who have him can't get him there on time.

We're asking for someone to maybe transport him closer so the girl helping us could cut down on her travelling time of approx 8 hours to get him.

If we cant find a carer or if Shenton cant take him we will fly him home to me so either way he will be safe but we may need someone to help move him around etc. If anyone can help me out with even temp care or transport that would take a hell of a lot of pressure off his dying owner This is spikes listing on Pet Rescue

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Did you find anyone to help with Spike? I have some family around this area (adjacent towns) who might know of someone who might be able to help locally. I can ask around.

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