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Brag On Jet's Success!


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Can I have a brag? :)

Some of you may know that Jet used to have fear aggression. He is my first dog so it was something I was unsure how to handle and prevent at the time. I would do anything for him so I went and saw a behaviourist here in Brisbane to get it sorted. She then recommended for me to join an obedience club to help.

..... We have just completed level one obedience at a local club! Jet got an applause for the amount of improvement he has had! :laugh: I never thought it would happen, I was getting really frustrated that it seemed so unreachable to solve his issues.

The first lesson at obedience he was a nightmare! He was hiding behind me the whole night, would lunge and growl/bark at any dog that would go near him and I had no focus the whole night. By the last lesson last night, I had complete focus on me pretty much the whole night and he did everything perfectly. We could even have dogs walk close by to him and his focus would not leave me!!!

:) :D

as you can tell I am really excited.

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:D :D Yaaaay Jet!! YAAAAAAY Jetty!!!

Big congrats to you Jetty, as you have truly done all you could to overcome Jet's challenges. If only all dog owners were like you. :D

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Can I have a brag? :(

Some of you may know that Jet used to have fear aggression. He is my first dog so it was something I was unsure how to handle and prevent at the time. I would do anything for him so I went and saw a behaviourist here in Brisbane to get it sorted. She then recommended for me to join an obedience club to help.

..... We have just completed level one obedience at a local club! Jet got an applause for the amount of improvement he has had! :grouphug: I never thought it would happen, I was getting really frustrated that it seemed so unreachable to solve his issues.

The first lesson at obedience he was a nightmare! He was hiding behind me the whole night, would lunge and growl/bark at any dog that would go near him and I had no focus the whole night. By the last lesson last night, I had complete focus on me pretty much the whole night and he did everything perfectly. We could even have dogs walk close by to him and his focus would not leave me!!!


as you can tell I am really excited.

Excellent job Jettyjet :love: People who haven't handled aggressive dogs don't realise what a huge achievement is felt when overcoming the situation, great to hear :(:)

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Thanks Everyone. It definately is a great feeling.

There was a point where I thought it would never be fixed and nearlly gave up training him but I am glad I have stuck with it and done the hard work :grouphug:

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