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Buying A Puppy


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We'd like to have a booklet or folder in our waiting room which helps to educate clients on how is the best way to go about selecting and then buying a new dog/puppy.

We are wanting something that goes from start to finish, such as initially why to go Purebred, how to select the best breed for you and what considerations you need to make, sourcing an ethical breeder and what to look for in breeder etc etc etc.

Some information educating people on pet shop puppies, puppy farms etc would be good in there also, but not too harsh as to upset clients who already have pet shop puppies. But just explaining that whilst it seems like you may be 'rescuing' the puppy in window, you're actually just creating demand.

Is there already something out there that covers all of this and if not, how plausible would it be for us to all get together to combine information and create books to cover all of the above to potentially offer to vet clinics, grooming salons etc to keep in reception areas?

Edited by stormie
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I'm not aware of anything like that that exists

The only books like that I've seen are the propaganda books from food companies, that spend half the book telling you why X dog food is the best

I DO think we as a purebred dog community should get together and make something like that.

I would be willing throw some money towards it.

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Even if we just had a database of documents that we could print ourselves as needed, to put together in a folder. There's so much information you could put in there that I'm thinking would be best for people to go home with, as 5mins waiting for a consult may not give enough time to read through it all...

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This website has HEAPS of information on it. It also has a whole section about pet stores...Maybe youcould download the appropriate pages.


After reading this page I decided to swap local petshops where I buy my pet supplies from. I asked them where they got their puppies/ kittems from and they couldnt answer me. I dont want to support a company that may support BYB...

I think you have a fantastic idea :laugh:

Edited by Gilypoo
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That's a good start Heavy Paws :laugh:

I thought it was too.

It covers all issues with detail, isn't too long, is in short layman's terms, explains the differences between BYB and purebred pups, and even has a small bit on rescue and nutrition and picking a puppy.

I think most people would be willing to read it all.

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If you are going to write one, or add to one, I think it would be great if it had some tips to choosing the breed --- big, small, activity level, grooming, and about buying the dog, not the pup.

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Dogs Victoria produced a number of artiles/publications from Choosing a Puppy, caring for your dog through to activities that you can undertake with your dog, ie obedience, agility, conformation etc.

I believe some of the articles are on their website. www.dogsvictoria.org.au.

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Thanks for the suggestions so far!!

Ok so I have an idea...

What if we came up with a list of important considerations for buying a puppy.


Why Purebred - explaining the true purebred, breed standards, predictability etc.

Which Breed For Me - discussing what points people need to consider about their requirements etc, visiting dog shows to view different breeds

Breeder and Shelter vs Pet Shop and BYB - talking about breeder COE, health testing, breeder support, puppy farms, difference in puppy temps from breeders and pet shops/farms etc.

Selecting Your Breeder - visiting shows, meeting breeders and their dogs, be ready to wait... using websites like DOL and breed clubs to find breeders.

and more if we come up with them...

So we have these articles - could we not make a sticky where we have these articles available to download and view at anytime? That way, people can view one or all, and print off appropriate ones to give to friends/relatives, or do what I would eventually like to do, and make a folder with all the above to sit in our waiting room...

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Stormie your idea is a good one, a thought I have is recommending people interested in a certain breed try to visit a breed social day. The atmosphere is more relaxed than at shows and many people looking for a puppy without knowledge IMO feel show dogs are different and more precious from a pet dog.

The other thing I feel is really important and I know you would be thinking this too is that a puppy grows up and is a pet for life not just while it is a puppy and the well behaved dog you see didn't come trained a lot of time and effort has been put in to making this dog behave.

Had to put my two bobs worth in.

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