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I know there are lots of sad ads re dogs. But this one got to me.

This is Max, it is now time for us to move on, he is 12, blah,blah blah :p :)

What as in move on to another dog?? OMG that is so sad... Poor Max..

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I know there are lots of sad ads re dogs. But this one got to me.

This is Max, it is now time for us to move on, he is 12, blah,blah blah :p :)

There have been quite a number of 14 yo+ dogs surrendered to wheaten rescue in the US. Thankfully some gorgeous, kind people have taken them in and given them wonderful homes for however many days they may have left.

It always really upsets me. A dog is for life. You have a responsibility to be there until the end. Not be a coward and be unable to say goodbye properly.

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How can you rehome a dog that's been with you for 12+ years? I actually do not understand how you can physically do that, I would never be able to do it in a million years :laugh: A dog that's been loyal to you and your family for so long - it's just not fair.

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When I was a groomer I went out to a new client. Nice lady, 2 nice older dogs (10+). I nearly died when I found out that I was washing them because she was re-homing them. Why? They were moving and the new house didn't have fences. What the?

Very upsetting. At least she re-homed rather than dumped them at the pound. :laugh:

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I saw a notice up at a local market - someone wanting a home for their 2 year old crossbreed because they had moved & the yard was not big enough. I was SOOOO tempted to write a comment on it along the lines of "didn't you THINK about that before you moved"

It really annoys me - the attitude that dogs are expendable. :confused:

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I saw a notice up at a local market - someone wanting a home for their 2 year old crossbreed because they had moved & the yard was not big enough. I was SOOOO tempted to write a comment on it along the lines of "didn't you THINK about that before you moved"

It really annoys me - the attitude that dogs are expendable. :confused:

Such a disposable society we live in. Heartless individuals that treat a dog like toilet paper. :)

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Some people are just disgusting when it comes to animal care. I practically revolve my whole life around my dogs, hours I work, Holidays I go on, car I drive, what I do where I go and for how long all revolves around the dogs!! I know not everyone is like this and not having kids for us makes the dogs our number one priority. Some may think that is weird and I have heard, "oh they are only dogs" more than once. But for us/especially me they are our life. It breaks my heart to think of the oldies especially that are being rehomed, I just don't think people that do this are all there, or they have no feeling!!

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I saw a notice up at a local market - someone wanting a home for their 2 year old crossbreed because they had moved & the yard was not big enough. I was SOOOO tempted to write a comment on it along the lines of "didn't you THINK about that before you moved"

It really annoys me - the attitude that dogs are expendable. :confused:

Such a disposable society we live in. Heartless individuals that treat a dog like toilet paper. :laugh:

I know someone who rang me the other week desperate to find a home for thier chickens since they moved and can't keep them, only to find out they got a kitten this week. :)

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I remember while I was doing work experience at a rescue, I overheard a conversation on the phone between a volunteer and obviously someone wanting to surrender their dog.

The dog was ten years old and they didn't want to take him when they moved house.. the poor volunteer was desperately trying to convince them not to dump him, even if they had a kind friend they could give him to or something. I couldn't possibly imagine surrendering a dog I've had for that long, let alone at ALL.

I don't really know what goes through these people's heads..

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Some people are just disgusting when it comes to animal care. I practically revolve my whole life around my dogs, hours I work, Holidays I go on, car I drive, what I do where I go and for how long all revolves around the dogs!! I know not everyone is like this and not having kids for us makes the dogs our number one priority. Some may think that is weird and I have heard, "oh they are only dogs" more than once. But for us/especially me they are our life. It breaks my heart to think of the oldies especially that are being rehomed, I just don't think people that do this are all there, or they have no feeling!!

I know what you mean, tlc - when I met OH I made it quite clear that the "boys" and I were a package deal :confused: - no way I would have contemplated for a moment re-homing them if he didn't like them!

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I just love my "old dog" Captain he is 11 1/2 and very much a heinz variety. Even though the younger set are all purebreds I still have a place for my old man in my heart and nothing would make me consider giving him up. We often sit there and have a chat about how much we have seen and the places we have been together. He has moved with me from Adelaide to Melbourne and finally to Brisbane and I would never consider rehoming him!! :thumbsup:

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Looking at my almost 13 year old.

No way would I abandon him, at any age - but now???? No way he would not cope very well. ANyway how hard would it be to find a home for a gereiatric, mostly deaf dog on heart tablets and pain killers?

I will give him an extra smooch tonight when he is warming the carpet mat in his favourite spot

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I just rehomed my oldest. She was not getting on well with the younger dogs and acting depressed. A family who already had an older dog . . . a pup they got from me seven years ago . . . came by asking if I might have any dogs available. The old girl loves children but isn't so fond of pups. She loves people period. I miss her deeply. Her snoring has been background to my sleep for nine years. But I think it's selfish to hold on to a dog when they aren't doing well in the environment you have to offer. It's lovely to talk with the new family and hear that my nine year old is doing zoomies with their seven year old, following the kids around all day, and that her biggest problem is that the bed is too high so she needs help to get up on it to sleep.

Please hold back on judgement.

Edited by sandgrubber
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There have been quite a number of 14 yo+ dogs surrendered to wheaten rescue in the US. Thankfully some gorgeous, kind people have taken them in and given them wonderful homes for however many days they may have left.

It always really upsets me. A dog is for life. You have a responsibility to be there until the end. Not be a coward and be unable to say goodbye properly.

When I got the Grumpy Man at age 10.5 years, one of my friends said to me, "You realise you won't have him for long." I was like, so effing what? He needs a home and I have one. Whether that's for five minutes or ten years, it doesn't matter. As it is, we're coming up on our fourth anniversary on 1 June and I wouldn't have missed any of it.

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