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Slight Vent. Poor Dogue


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This morning I was waiting for mum at the vets and there was a dear little dogue bitch there, 5 months old. I just had to give her a cuddle (after asking) and very carefully asked her owner about her. She was hunched and depressed (dog not owner) and very quiet and OMG!! all skin and bone so that her head looked awful :rainbowbridge::rainbowbridge::rainbowbridge:

On interrogating the owner (very nicely!) I discovered the dog had been ill for weeks and she had taken her to the vet to check it wasnt parvo (wasnt), got antibiotics and told to return if they did not work or when finished. By now the dog is extremely malnourished, dehydrated and ill and I will ring to check on her later as I"m freaking out (and no, I know its none of my business but I need to know).

I really fell for this lovely little girl and we had several wonderful minutes together.

I dont get it, the owner seemed nice and said she was worried, but allowed the runs and vomitting to go on for several weeks and only took her in because she is now not eating at all :rainbowbridge: Why why why. Is that normal? Mine are there in a flash, no messing about. I can't tell you all how thin and 'sad' this puppy was, can't they see?

I'm just so upset, and angry! :cry::cry::cry:

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I just came back from the vets with Lilly and there was a pug there that was nearly bald and covered in large sores, the vet was telling them about how to treat fleas. Surely any normal human wouldn't let a dog get that bad before trying some kind of flea treatment? :o

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Ummm.. the vets have a policy NOT to tell you anything about someone else's dog.

They'd obviously been to the vets and have been treating their pup. What business is it of yours and what right do you have to be angry or freaking out about someone who is treating their pup for an as yet undiagnosed illness?

I would be pissed as hell to find out some random had called up about MY dog and knew nothing of circumstances.

Edited by Cordelia
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I just came back from the vets with Lilly and there was a pug there that was nearly bald and covered in large sores, the vet was telling them about how to treat fleas. Surely any normal human wouldn't let a dog get that bad before trying some kind of flea treatment? :o

Took our family dog less than 48rs to develop a massive reaction from fleas, her hair just fell out and she was covered in scabs. She was treated for fleas and had never reacted like this before. So don't automatically assume that the people hadn't been trying to work out what was wrong, you only heard part of what was going on and don't know the full story. It's something like 2 months later and our dog still isn't back to herself yet. In her case though, cancer was not helping her heal and caused her immune system to plummet which is why she had a reaction.

I'm with Cordelia on this one... at least they actually TOOK the pup to the vet, that is doing the right thing, how dare you judge them.

Seriously threads liek this peeve me off, particularly at the moment..

Edited by Bundy's Mum
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I agree with Cordelia and find it a little bit odd that you have reacted this way when the people are clearly doing something right by having already been to the vet and are now back because the original treatment did not work.

Think you need to step back, not be so dramatic and realise the owners are doing the right thing.

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Ummm.. the vets have a policy NOT to tell you anything about someone else's dog.

They'd obviously been to the vets and have been treating their pup. What business is it of yours and what right do you have to be angry or freaking out about someone who is treating their pup for an as yet undiagnosed illness?

I would be pissed as hell to find out some random had called up about MY dog and knew nothing of circumstances.


MYOB people, she was AT the Vet hence doing the right thing.

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She said she was talking to the owner AT the vets.. never mentioned that she had asked for the owners phone number to contact them further (already admitted that she had interrogated them.. however nicely... interesting use of words there)... the assumption is that she had every intention of calling the VET.. not the owner. She doesn't know the owner.. otherwise she would have said so.

Still WAY over the top and an overreaction to something she has absolutely no knowledge on. She making nothing but negative judgements on people who were at the evt seeking help for their dog....

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She said she was talking to the owner AT the vets.. never mentioned that she had asked for the owners phone number to contact them further (already admitted that she had interrogated them.. however nicely... interesting use of words there)... the assumption is that she had every intention of calling the VET.. not the owner. She doesn't know the owner.. otherwise she would have said so.

Still WAY over the top and an overreaction to something she has absolutely no knowledge on. She making nothing but negative judgements on people who were at the evt seeking help for their dog....

Sorry Cords :o I missed the part about phoning back later...agree that's not on and no ones business bar the vet and owner of the dog.

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There are a lot of owners who have no idea whether the dog is well or not. They rely totally on their vet, and whatever he says is gospel. If he treats the dog, but it doesn't really improve, they cannot tell. Mostly they are kind, decent people and they want to do the best for the dog but they have no idea.

I have had a couple of puppy buyers like this (never again). And sometimes you cannot tell them because the vet knows best.

Not bagging vets either, these people often don't know enough to know that the treatment didn't work, or the dog is half dead.

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Large breed pups also drop weight like nothing else when they are crook. (so do smaller breeds, but it's often more noticeable in a larger dog).

They can look woeful in a few days... Monah has no idea what is wrong with the dog and the owners are getting help and investigating.. what any responsible and loving owner would do.

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