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Jealous Malamute

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I hope someone may be able to give me a few hints!

My parents adopted a malamute in October last year. He is three and half years old, and a real sweetie. At the time, I had my great dane and greyhound, and all the dogs got on well when visiting or having sleepovers at each others places. In January, our great dane was put to sleep, and since then we've only got our greyhound, who is a male.

Since Flash left us, Mali (malamute) has been very jealous of Harry (our greyhound). When I visit my parents place, Mali herds Harry away from everyone, and always gets between Harry and whoever may be paying him attention. He is always trying to get on my lap, and pushes Harry away from me. When I'm not there, (when Harry has a sleepover) apparently he is not so bad, but if my parents pay any attention to Harry, Mali interferes again. He hasn't gotten aggrressive, but is very forceful. Harry is very timid natured, and just turns his head away, and yawns, and then goes and lies down by himself. This didn't appear to be problem when Flash was around, but she was the "boss" with all the family dogs, and quite strong natured.

Is there anything my parents can try to do to lessen Mali's jealousy? When he gets in my face and pushes Harry away from me, they call him to them, and then put him is sit or down stay, and hold onto him if need be. My Mum is very good with him, and he listens to her. Our Harry stays at Mum's and Dad's if we ever go away overnight or a few days, so it would be good if this could be nipped in the bud. Apparently he also doesn't like my parents greeting other dogs when they are out walking him, and always gets between them, and pushes the other dogs away. The worry is that another dog may react badly to this.

Sorry for the longwinded tale, but I would appreciate any tips.



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