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Would You Eat Food Offered To You By A Dog?


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So would you guys eat it if I use the lidded containers suggested?

Well, I would have eaten it otherwise anyway, but I think you'd go further to appeasing those who may not with a lidded basket.

Dare I say that even those who have had full-on tongue kisses from a dog, may still find the idea of dog + food somewhat daunting. It's just human nature. My mother is one of those. Her dogs live in the house, sleep on the bed and are fed tidbits from the plates.....BUT actually put a plate down for a tongue wash or find a dog hair in the dish and it might as well be put in the rubbish bin! :)

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If they're dog savvy people who like your dog as much as you do, then I don't see a problem. HOWEVER, you will always have somebody who expresses disgust at having a dog so close to food or food preparation so be ready.

Yes, they're my feelings.

I remember years ago, someone on DOL said she washed her dogs dishes in the laundry tub - wouldn't wash them in the kitchen sink. So I guess even doggy people would be a bit reserved about it as well.

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I was just imagining my Dane carrying a little basket overflowing with drool and soggy cookies.

I'd definately eat the food your dog offered, and give a treat in return.

What a sweet trick to teach

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I wouldn't.

I probably wouldn't take food from a basket that a human was carrying in their mouth either, though. Call me fussy! But just seems a bit gross. :)

As some others have said, doggy people are one thing but non-doggy people would be disgusted, having said that even doggy people may react negatively to that! Strangely, I have never been squeamish with my own dogs (non drooling that is) yet with other people's dogs I don't know that I would accept food from a basket :love: An endearing idea but nevertheless one that would soon leave your guests hungry. Even if covered, people are still going to wonder if dog has had contact with food :D

Edited by Abigail
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If I could see that the dog had not dribbled all over the food, yeah, I'd eat it :)

I have no problems with removing a dog hair or two from a meal and continuing to eat it, or letting the dog finish leftovers off my own plate (but it gets a good wash before it has human food on it again), but I'm not overly keen on the idea of possible drool on food LOL

I love Greytmate's idea of a lidded basket, I reckon the oldschool picnic basket style would be cutest, but could possibly be harder for the dog to carry around depending on the length of the basket.

Very cute idea, but yes, do be aware and prepared for the people who will find it to be not so much to their liking...

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Cute trick, but yeah as others have mentioned I would keep the food covered. As smart as our Labs are, one would be truly tempting fate if they tried to train a Lab to do this trick :rainbowbridge:

:rainbowbridge: Nooooo I don't think any of your gorgeous labbies would eat the food!!!!! You should put a bow tie on them and make em do this as well!!! Sooo handsome!!!!!!

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We're probably not really the audience you're targetting as anything involving a cute dog doing cute things is going to ring our bells...I would personally think it adorable!

:rainbowbridge: :rainbowbridge: PW has a good point!

I think it would be the cutest thing to do, and yes, I would have no problem if your dog didn't dribble on them. :rainbowbridge:

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Ugh.. with a lid, yes.. without.. revolting.. a dog breathing all over food for guests *shudder*.

I will happily share my food with my own dogs when I feel like it, but I cannot stand dogs hovering near me while I eat... even if they are carrying a basket and it looks cute.

It's unhygenic to have a dog breathing all over food meant for humans.

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Cute trick, but yeah as others have mentioned I would keep the food covered. As smart as our Labs are, one would be truly tempting fate if they tried to train a Lab to do this trick :o

:) Definitely have to agree.

I can just imagine my older boy Rover sneaking away to devour basket and contents. Yumm....

I might eat it, it would depend on if the dog was drooling or breathing on the food.

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Few things you need to think of:

Clear lid so people can look at the selection without having to open a basket.

Ease of opening the lid.

Ease of taking basket/plate/container from Bitty to take food.

I'd be having a rehearsal with a couple of friends beforehand.

I think it sounds fun.

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:o Just received email responses from the first group of people who I would try this trick on!

Overwhelming response was “OMG I love that Bitty! Of course I’d eat it!”

Now I need to teach that trick!

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