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Would You Eat Food Offered To You By A Dog?


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Hi Folks

A bit of a silly question! We are planning to renovate the kitchen which means the house will be much nicer and we can entertain more often. I have been training Bitty to carry a basket around and eventually want to work on her offering canapés from a basket to guests.

It will of course be a very clean new basket, lined appropriately and the only part that she is biting will be the handle. It is not the training basket that I use to train her.

Would you eat food from this basket? I just want to gauge to see if my guest will be ok with it!

ETA: Bitty will be looking clean and she doesn't drool.

Edited by Bub
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  Bub said:
Hi Folks

A bit of a silly question! We are planning to renovate the kitchen which means the house will be much nicer and we can entertain more often. I have been training Bitty to carry a basket around and eventually want to work on her offering canapés from a basket to guests.

It will of course be a very clean new basket, lined appropriately and the only part that she is biting will be the handle. It is not the training basket that I use to train her.

Would you eat food from this basket? I just want to gauge to see if my guest will be ok with it!

Im assuming it would just be friends and family in the back yard?

If that is the case then I would as I am a dog person, some others may not thou. :)

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If they're dog savvy people who like your dog as much as you do, then I don't see a problem. HOWEVER, you will always have somebody who expresses disgust at having a dog so close to food or food preparation so be ready.

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I think you could only do it with 'doggy' friends :) One of my girls fell off the carseat onto a quiche I was taking to a friends for lunch and we arrived with a squashed quiche which everyone still ate and enjoyed. Luckily it was covered in gladwrap but I don't think I'd have offered it to non doggy friends :love:

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None of these people own dogs but they have all kissed her on the face at some stage! :)

Hmm Gretel, you have given me an idea to wrap each canape lightly in cling wrap (or grease proof paper) and each guest can just unwrap and take the plastic off! Less room for being squeamish!

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Thanks guys for the idea about the lidded basket! FANTASTIC idea!!!!! Will hunt for one! I just hope I can get a small one that’s not to big or heavy!

GR: She’s a definite non drooler! I make them wait for their soupy noodles, Bubby drools all over his bowl but she’s nice and clean!

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