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Aussie Dog Enduro Balls


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So I bought one of THESE for the malinut yesterday arvo.


I let him loose with it in the front yard this morning, he absolutely loves it and I think it's great because he can't pick it up, and therefore can't shake it and smash me with it, LOL

He can still, however, run it into my ankles at great speed, which really hurts >_<

I've noticed though that after about 10mins of play the top of his nose has gone all red and looks rather sore :( So I went and caught him and put him away in his crate.

I'm guessing he will 'toughen up' over time and that I should just monitor his play for now so he doesn't do too much damage to himself?

Does anyone else here have one? What have your experiences been?

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Ive got the staffy ball and the tucker ball, and Molly is obsessed with both

She also goes so hard her nose and muzzle bleed so we limit the staffy ball and have to sand it down all the time, she doesnt damage herself as much with the tucker ball cos its smaller

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Riles has the tucker ball which he loves. He's been using it inside more lately as we did some backyard reno's and he keeps loosing the ball down gaps!

It drives me a bit nutty sometimes with the marble inside spinning round when its empty.

His nose has been fine so far with the tucker ball.

Edited by wagsalot
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You mean one of these..........


We have had these for many years now. The dogs love them.

You will find after time your dogs nose will toughen up. You may also find that he may get some swellings on his legs to when he first starts rolling them about. It does settle down over time.

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:thumbsup: from us. Leila has the tucker ball and a home alone. The tucker ball makes a fair racket on the concrete though but we can live with that if she is distracted from destroying other things :thumbsup:
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Elephant ball? Looks suspiciously like one of those yoga/exercise ball things LOL

I think the malinut would manage to get his little teethy-pegs into anything that had any give at all, and wreck it :/

I bought him one of those over-sized tennis balls, a basket-ball sized one, it didn't even make it out of the shop before it had a hole in it >_<

He still thinks it's great, but he annoys the hell out of me because when he is playing with it he picks it up and shakes it like a mad thing, usually right in my face when I am trying to put my boots on before work... so now it and the other smaller rubber ball that I used to leave in the yard have been put up where he can't reach them, and the new enduro ball is the only one I plan to leave out, so when we go outside he can play with that instead of annoying me, LOL

(FTR, he doesn't spend much time outside unsupervised, and when he is out on his own he generally leaves his toys alone anyway)

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'The Nose' this morning before I put some Illium cream on it... best shot I could get, he wanted to know if I was going to throw my phone, if not then could he please get back to searching for his (put away for the day) new ball...


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