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I have noticed that our girl is panting often - in fact every time she lifts her head. When she rests her head down she looks fine. Is this something I should be worried about?

We have plenty of water available but she does not seen to drink an excessive amount. When I mentioned it in passing the vet said that it could be because she is a bit overweight and she has a long coat (but that has always been the case). Should I push it further? What else could it be? Is it because she is older ie 9?

Have you had a panting pet that turned out to be ill?

Does your healthy pet seem to pant a lot?

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Chloe pants alot - and she has Cushings. However, if it was Cushings you would probably notice an increase in her drinking, or frequency of urination, excessive hunger, pot belly appearance or coat issues.

I would have it investigated further, although it could be due to extra weight or coat as well.

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Did the vet check her over well? heart/lungs, mobility/urine.... ?

Panting is not really normal... it usually means a dog is stressed or ill, or hot. I would check with the vet again... or maybe another vet ?

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The vet visit was back in February. I had hoped that is was an effect of the hot summer but the cooler weather has arrived and she is still panting.The vet listened to her heart and checked her temperature (which was normal at the time)

I have not measured her temperature recently. I wish that there was as an easy way.

I should also mention that we have moved from a home with floor boards to a home that is mainly carpeted. Could that make such a difference? She could choose to sit in a cooler room with floor boards or sit outside but she prefers to be with us. She mildly pants whenever she lifts her head and she stops when her head touches the floor. The only time it is accelerated is after exercise which is understandable.

She does have arthritis. Could that cause panting?

Thanks for your thoughtful replies

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a combination of being overweight ( will keep her warmer AND make arthritis pain worse :laugh: )having a long coat,and having the carpet may well be making her just a bit too hot to be comfortable :(

Do you have a photo of this girl?

of course she chooses to be with you- you are her 'pack', her family.Dogs are built to be with their pack....

What treatment is she on for the arthritis pain? Maybe that needs checking/changing ?

Edited by persephone
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