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Boarding & Training - Eastern Suburbs Melbourne

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I am going away for 6 weeks in a few months time, and as I am having to put my dogs into a kennel :dancingelephant: I am thinking about having training for my younger dog (1yo miniature schnauzer).

I would appreciate any suggestions on how best to pick a trainer, and what I can expect from the training.

I would also appreciate any recommendations - I am particularly thinking of someone who is good at focusing on the "fun" aspects of training, perhaps a few tricks and games.

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What makes you want to send your dog away for training?

Personally I would be very reluctant to send my dog to boarding/training. I know there are some great trainers like Cosmolo who will take dogs on for training, but I would need a very good reason to send my dog away for training. One big reason is that you have to have total trust in the trainer taking on your dog, you have no idea how they are training your dog and how they are going to get results. Training should be a bonding experience between handler and owner and any good trainer knows that training is more about training the owner than it is about training the dog. A trainer can only do so much with your dog, a lot of it needs to come from you. I personally can't understand why anyone would want to send their dog away for training, I am way too much of a control freak to hand the leash over!

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I think she's going away anyway, and thinks she might as well get the dog trained at the same time? That's the way I read it, anyway.

There are few people I'd personally trust to let train my dog. But on the other hand, I'm sure there must be some good board and train places out there, and if you're away for 6 weeks it might be nice to keep the dog occupied with some training while you're gone so it doesn't get too bored.

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What makes you want to send your dog away for training?

I am going away for 6 weeks & have to board the dogs anyway (unfortunately alternative "home stay" arrangements fell through).

I think my younger dog, Kiera, would enjoy the interaction of training if it is with the right person - she doesn't have any behavioural issues that need to be fixed or anything like that. I want to avoid any trainers that will approach it like "puppy boot camp" if possible though - I'm thinking more of the school holiday programs I used to go to, but instead of learning bead weaving and walking on stilts she can learn fetch and roll or something!

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I think she's going away anyway, and thinks she might as well get the dog trained at the same time? That's the way I read it, anyway.

Exactly how I read it too. :birthday:

Personally, I think it would be great for the dog too, and will help with boredom.

I've had a swimming lesson at Kepala and found them to be great.

They let my girls have a run in the grass run before and after the lesson.

Before was so the dogs could 'calm' down a bit, and after was to leave on a good note. :cheer:

I was, and still am, pleased with the lesson, and am pleased with how my girls swim after one lesson! :dancingelephant:

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I've boarded my dogs a few times but it's still never crossed my mind to have them trained - maybe it's just me, there are very few people I would trust to train my dog and I've heard way too many B&T horror stories to consider that style of training for myself.

I can see it would be beneficial for the dog to have the mental stimulation that comes with a training session if it was with a good trainer.

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I've boarded my dogs a few times but it's still never crossed my mind to have them trained - maybe it's just me, there are very few people I would trust to train my dog and I've heard way too many B&T horror stories to consider that style of training for myself.

I'm the same, but with boarding also.

There are some places I would never leave my dogs. :dancingelephant:

With the lesson at Kepala, I was there and helped and learn't as we went.

It would be different boarding them and having them trained.

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We offer boarding and training- it does work well provided you are realistic and clear with regards to your expectations and what you would like the focus to be on.

My advice to you would be to consider doing a private lesson first with whatever trainer you're considering- they can then run you through AND show you exactly what they would be doing and you can decide if its the best fir for your dog. Its a little extra outlay but well worthwhile IMO.

Boarding and training gets a bad rap- mostly because of a few 'cowboys' who offer the service and do the wrong thing by the dog/ owner. Good news is, we're not all cowboys! People hear bad B+T stories but not the good ones- and believe me there are MANY good ones and some GREAT ones.

The dogs we have board and train LOVE the training- they light up when we come to get them and love the learning and the challenge- better than just a walk for them.

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Cos, you are one of the trainers I would trust to take my dog. But only because I feel like I "know" you through posting on DOL and I have a general idea on the kind of training approach you would take with dogs - I don't think I could trust someone I didn't already know. But then again I wouldn't ever do B&T because I like to do all the training myself (the control freak thing again).

In fact I'd rather send my dog to you for boarding than any of the boarding kennels we have here :eek:

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Cos, you are one of the trainers I would trust to take my dog. But only because I feel like I "know" you through posting on DOL and I have a general idea on the kind of training approach you would take with dogs - I don't think I could trust someone I didn't already know. But then again I wouldn't ever do B&T because I like to do all the training myself (the control freak thing again).

In fact I'd rather send my dog to you for boarding than any of the boarding kennels we have here :cry:

For me, it's not just a trust thing - it's also the idea that the trainer might do training that conflicts with what I've been doing. There are so many systems for doing things.

I guess that would be much less of a problem for a regular family pet than a competition or working dog.

But imagine if I came back from holiday and you'd been rewarding stands that weren't kick back stands, or had been teaching her that "down" meant "get off me" not "drop", or had even once allowed her to take the toy reward without giving the release command first? Aaargh. I think I'm a control freak too! Perhaps Huski and I need to start a support group. :eek:

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But staranais- if this was communicated to the trainer and you trusted them to follow your instruction, i don't think it would be a problem. Except for the control freak in all of us.. :eek:

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But staranais- if this was communicated to the trainer and you trusted them to follow your instruction, i don't think it would be a problem. Except for the control freak in all of us.. :eek:

Cosmolo, I think it would take a novel, and then I'd still fret! :cry:

I'd admittedly far rather leave her with a skilled trainer than in just any old kennel owner, though.

With an emphasis on skilled! I think she'd have an unskilled trainer under her paw within a week (or at least be humping them and not letting them anywhere near her favourite stuff) - else she'd end up really freaked out when they over reacted to her happy barking and body slamming and teeth clacking. The last time I sent her to the kennel it was 2 days before she was "right" again.

Support group time! :o

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For me, it's not just a trust thing - it's also the idea that the trainer might do training that conflicts with what I've been doing. There are so many systems for doing things.

I guess that would be much less of a problem for a regular family pet than a competition or working dog.

But imagine if I came back from holiday and you'd been rewarding stands that weren't kick back stands, or had been teaching her that "down" meant "get off me" not "drop", or had even once allowed her to take the toy reward without giving the release command first? Aaargh. I think I'm a control freak too! Perhaps Huski and I need to start a support group. :eek:

For me that is a trust thing, because when I say I trust the trainer, I mean that I trust them to handle and train my dog in a way that I am happy with.

But I totally agree with what you are saying and that's one of the reasons I am reluctant to let anyone even handle my own dog for a short period of time :cry: It's not even that I do things right or perfectly but that I know my dog better than anyone and at least if I stuff it up, it's all my fault :o

I don't like boarding my dogs because I really don't trust kennels. It's not that I think they are all terrible, but I just remember one of the last times I boarded the dogs, and I specifically made sure they knew Micha was ONLY to ever be let out to run on his own or with Daisy because he is DA. He had stayed at these kennels at least twice before. I called up to check how the dogs were doing and they said to me "WELL, Micha is NOT very good with other dogs" :laugh: :D I was fuming and told them I was aware of that and had told them many times and written it in our contract that Micha is DA and is not to be run with dogs other than my beagle. They sheepishly then looked on his file and said it was noted there. WTF were they thinking, how far did it set my dog back, and what about the other dogs he obviously had run ins with??? :D :D :p :D

ETA: I'd probably be too embarrassed to send Daisy to someone like Cosmolo when I went away. She'd be soooooooo naughty :D

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I don't like boarding my dogs because I really don't trust kennels. It's not that I think they are all terrible, but I just remember one of the last times I boarded the dogs, and I specifically made sure they knew Micha was ONLY to ever be let out to run on his own or with Daisy because he is DA. He had stayed at these kennels at least twice before. I called up to check how the dogs were doing and they said to me "WELL, Micha is NOT very good with other dogs" :eek::cry: I was fuming and told them I was aware of that and had told them many times and written it in our contract that Micha is DA and is not to be run with dogs other than my beagle. They sheepishly then looked on his file and said it was noted there. WTF were they thinking, how far did it set my dog back, and what about the other dogs he obviously had run ins with??? :o:laugh: :D :D

Oh that is bad! :D I think some of these places employ people who just don't really understand dogs - or at least aren't familiar with dogs that are DA, or have behavior issues, or have some degree of working drive. That's one good argument for trying to board with a skilled trainer, instead of any old establishment.

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I am going away for 6 weeks in a few months time, and as I am having to put my dogs into a kennel :eek: I am thinking about having training for my younger dog (1yo miniature schnauzer).

I would appreciate any suggestions on how best to pick a trainer, and what I can expect from the training.

I would also appreciate any recommendations - I am particularly thinking of someone who is good at focusing on the "fun" aspects of training, perhaps a few tricks and games.

Hi Puppymum - you know, I agree with the comments from posters saying they'd be worried about someone else working with their dog. In all honesty, I would be the same if it were my dog. But for me, it would much be about whether they'd train as I do or contraindicate things that I train for etc.

But having said that, I provide a "Boarding & Training" service as well. In fact, one of my B&T dogs that just went home with his owner today, is a mini-Schnauzer. (I have two other mini-Schnauzers on my books as well, who get some training when they stay at the kennels - smart little dogs, they are.) This was his second stay at the kennels with me training and his owner, who loves him to pieces, gets me to work with him when she is away for any length of time beyond just a few days. In part for the same reason as you, because she was going away so her dog was staying at kennels anyway and because it made it easier for her to continue her dog's training (after being shown what to do) after I'd done the 'yards' to teach her little guy what to do. She also loves the fact that her little guy gets that extra attention during the day. I added more tricks to her little fella's repertoire this time around, because they got so much enjoyment out of the other one that I 'threw in' the first B&T stay. But of course I still work on adding and improving upon the obedience skill this dog (I'm leaving his name out purposely, for confidentiality reasons) was taught during the last stay, so that side of things is still advancing. LOL .... I had to laugh because I was showing his owner today his targeting trick he'd learnt - to a remote target a fair way away. Little tyke was so skippideedo with his owner having arrived that there was a couple of times he decided it would be a great lark to not only stomp the target with a foot (which he's supposed to do), but also to pick up the target with his mouth and bring it back to us. Anyway, I digress.

The kennels where the dogs stay are excellent, as well. It's indoors - heated/airconditioned and the owners/management and staff keep it exceptionally clean. The dogs are out for their playtimes 4 x daily - length of time does depend on the weather, of course, but they are supervised by a staff member/s during play time.

If you'd like to check out the kennels via the internet first, click my signature link to my website and then click the kennel logo found on the left of my website. You might need to scroll down to it to see it. The kennels welcome inspections. There are time brackets where you can just rock up for this, but if you need to inspect outside of those times you can telephone the kennels to arrange.

If you would like to speak with anyone who have used my B&T services before, let me know via PM or email. I have one or two testimonials on my website, but if you'd rather speak direct to one or two people, I might be able to arrange it, if they'll allow.

ETA: I see you're looking for B&T in Eastern suburbs Melbourne. Sorry - I read "South Eastern". The kennels I train at are in Lyndhurst, about 3 klms north of KCC Park.

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Bloody terrible and a supposedly reputable kennel here too :eek:

Now whenever I board the dogs regardless of if it's Micha or Daisy or both I always make sure the kennel (and we don't use that same kennel obviously) are told the dogs are ONLY to be run and exercised with each other. I do not trust the kennel to run them with dogs I would consider safe. If they can stuff up with Micha, who I made sure they knew was DA, what about other dogs whose owners have done the same thing? Or owners who don't tell the kennel their dog has issues?

But then I worry they won't be exercised because I've said they can only run with each other :cry:

ETA: Erny can you come and open kennels in Brisbane??? PLEASE??? :o

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ETA: Erny can you come and open kennels in Brisbane??? PLEASE??? :o

I would love to, Huski :cry:.

Will you buy them for me please? :eek:


If only I could win Tattslotto.

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