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Does Anyone Own One Of These Point And Shoot Cameras


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Canon SX 210 IS

Need a little point and shoot camera to take to concerts (and anything else where the big cameras would not be appropriate) as I couldn't take anything with me to Spandau Ballet as I would have been too far away to get anything but the group bow at the end and perhaps one of two other shots when the odd band member came up on the edge there (should have got the phone out for that - thought about it but didnt unfortunately) even though I was right at the end of the first raised area. My old one was from 2002 and has issues with battery life now and the other little one would have had the same problems.

So having had a quick look at the canon site found the one above that has a good zoom apparently - but does anyone have one and is it easy to just turn on and take pics rather than doing the photographic setting thing?

Edited by rubiton
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Try telling that to 3/4 of the audience (have a look at youtube geez I just want a few pics not a documentary that some have done) - anyway you never know when you might need a little point and shoot camera. The tickets now say words like 'may not be permitted' not 'are not' since some bands wouldn't care especially the ones who happily pose anyway for fans.

These days they tend to crack down on the 'professional type cameras' at least that was at Bryan Adams from various reports but little ones not so much of a problem

Edited by rubiton
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Thanks for the link Huga - was talking to someone at work today who was asking about Lumix cameras but didnt have an example (said Id heard they were pretty good but didn't know mcuh more).

My big cameras are canon and the canon point and shoots Ive seen in the past have had glowing reports from non photographer family & friends using them but I assume the one Ive asked about is fairly new on the market.

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I have a Panasonic Lumix FZ and yes they are pretty nice. I got it as the "handbag camera" but to be honest I'd never pick it up to go anywhere if I was deciding between it for convenience and a DSLR for performance. At evening events the newer Nikons (I can only talk Nikon for experience but I'm sure Canon etc etc are the same) have brilliantly high ISO capability with low noise. So using flash isn't always necessary, it can even be a drawback to getting detail. Just thinking higher ISO capability and less noise, I'd say check out DSLRs again. (Nikon D5000 goes to ISO 3200, and is under $1000 with 18-55 lens).

As long as it fits in a 'normal' handbag: - you wouldn't want to draw attention by shouldering a small Lowepro.

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Can't risk the 350D with little lens (though it would go very well)as its still fairly bulky and looks 'professional' need a small point and shoot (no thinking just turn on and go) as a 'handbag camera (good term).

Also needs to be easy as in turn on and press button for flash photo if I ever need to be in a photo and have someone else take it (has happened a couple of times way back with my little film camera - it was a Kodak and had it from around 1989 til Bryan Adams in about 2005/06 whenever he last toured it took wonderful pics for a little film camera). The specs on the Canon above seem good but wondered if any one had actually tried using it - especially as most no longer seem to have a 'viewfinder' you just use the screen which is really weird to those who are used to the DSLRs.

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What about the Canon powershot SX1 or SX20 IS - bit chunkier than the SX210 IS (have seen some good concert pics from a S5 which seems to be this series taken without using the flash )

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