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Elbie, Hoover, Dodge & Friends!


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Hello everyone!

Raven - beautiful! Enjoy - and take lots of photos! And stock up on washing powder! Ha!

Wuffles - I'm surprised when I'm walking Max actually that everyone I pass walking down the street doesn't just want to rush up to him and give him a big smooch. People don't just walk around me (I always step aside onto the grass anyway), but they do that thing where they put their arm up, just to make sure they don't get contaminated by my dog! I swear he's not jumping up or doing anything worse than looking at them! There's a few people that I see regularly on the street - one lady walks by our house and stopped for a big chat when Max was just a puppy and I was trying to 'socialize' him with the street at the end of the driveway. Now when she sees him we always say hello. It makes his day!

Kuma - what do you need for a good flyball dog? From my experience (yes all of two months ((((I'm so proud my little guy is doing runs already!!! He's a little star!!!!!)))) worth) - you need a dog who is ball-obsessed - and not just chasing a moving ball, but wants to go and get a stationary ball too (helped I find by not leaving balls around the house, but rather keeping them as special), and a dog who likes playing tug. The rest follows. Even if you don't want to compete, the training is fantastic. Lots of recalls, and more recalls, and then proofing your dog from distractions. I mean, depends on the club I suppose, but I couldn't recommend even just the training highly enough. I also find because the club is somewhat smaller, you get to meet people a bit better - our obedience club is huge, and I can imagine you could go there for years and never really know anyone. I'm pretty sure you all know my feelings on the subject... :thumbsup:

Wizzle - what a gorgeous shot! I find the best ones are a little blurry.... :eek: As you could probably no doubt see.... ha! Ah well.

KTB - as I said elsewhere - hope little Hoover is doing okay. Hope papa koala is also doing okay - and you both as well! I saw the video of the Christmas tree - Elbie is so funny! But also when Hoover does his sit, you can see his little legs sliding out - so cute!

And here's a recent photo of Max looking like the little sweetheart that he is .. erhm... *most* of the time....


Sorry if I missed anyone!

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When I saw the photo of Elbie waiting for the ball to be thrown I thought the same thing - that could be Max! And since the start - so many things you describe about Elbie it could be the same - I think I'll always have a soft spot for him!

Max will be eight months on Boxing day. April 26th was his birthday. He seems to grow so slow - while all the other puppies on here grow so fast!

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Lovely to see Miss Genevieve! Hope you are well, Wizzle!

Poor Hoover - it's a bit dismaying to see them when they're not themselves. Here's hoping he'll wake up refreshed and back to normal in the morning!

Absolutely adorable photo of Max. He's ridiculously cute and quite clearly knows it! ;)

Completely useless vet visit today. Her best guess is that he's reached maturity and simply doesn't want/need as much food. Despite my insistence that he actually is quite hungry - I think I can recognise when my boy wants food. Not to mention that the whole idea of him being fully grown right now is a bit disturbing - I know I harp on about it but he is so short! The only other hypothesis was a (very) minor bout of pancreatitis. But I think you'd be hard pressed to make that fit his pattern of behaviour. So we have a couple of things to test out to try and get him eating dry again, but really, are no wiser as to the cause.

On the upside, however, apparently he has wonderfully healthy teeth :mad

And the pup has officially been booted back into the garage. It would seem that the bedroom is far too hot (and I sympathise - I found it very hard to sleep last night) as he fidgets and pants for aaaages before sleeping. And then wakes up and starts all over. I suspect the enclosed crate doesn't help. So he's back in his pen with his beloved concrete floor :( Sleeping like a baby.

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Good morning. Looks like Genevieve has a bit of growing to do before she fits in those trousers! Pepper steals bras and G claims men's trousers - how very George Sand of her!

Completely useless vet visit today. Her best guess is that he's reached maturity and simply doesn't want/need as much food. Despite my insistence that he actually is quite hungry - I think I can recognise when my boy wants food. Not to mention that the whole idea of him being fully grown right now is a bit disturbing - I know I harp on about it but he is so short! The only other hypothesis was a (very) minor bout of pancreatitis. But I think you'd be hard pressed to make that fit his pattern of behaviour. So we have a couple of things to test out to try and get him eating dry again, but really, are no wiser as to the cause.

How frustrating! I suppose the plus is that he is still eating so it's not entirely worrying .. but still ...

When Hoover was refusing to eat Evil Hills, we were trying heaps of different foods - irony was that by the time we settled on Royal Canin, he had grown to like the Hills! I'd love to be able to feed them Barf or a fancy raw diet but we just don't have the time or energy to get so complicated. Our dogs are a HUGE part of our lives but they're not our entire lives so we have to do lots of other things, too ...

On the upside, however, apparently he has wonderfully healthy teeth :(

:thumbsup: This is good to hear! Hoover had tiny little puppy teeth when we got him and they were sooooooooooo cute and ineffectual. Now they're falling out and he's getting proper teeth ... Elbie seemed to get a mouthful of huge pearly whites over night, it was very disconcerting. ;)

Hope all are going to have a nice weekend! We're hoping to be vegie ... haircut this morning, visit Papa Koala in the afternoon and then chill out with doggies for the rest of the day - while keeping Hoover quiet and non-rambunctious!

ravenau1: missing any sleep yet? :(

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KumaAkita: :( That's just terrible, poor dog! So many people do that though, just dump their pets when they become inconvenient!

wizzle: Awww, what a great shot, she's so cute! :cheer:

Niques: GLad the vet gave James the ok! Even if it is frustrating finding something for them to eat. I'm finding that Astrid isn't food focused at all, which should be interesting for training :cry: She's also not wanting to eat her kibble, which is the very same kibble I have seen her eating at her breeders! Going to try a few different brands. I'm feeding her pretty much exactly how her breeder was at the moment and kibble is part of it.

KTB: Hope Hoover is doing well!

Max#1: Max is lovely! It's amazing how similar he and Elbie look, have either of you two seen any other Border Collie cross Kelpies? Interesting to see if it's a common look with them.

We had our first case of 'breed profiling' or whatever you want to call it yesterday. We went down to our regular pet supply place to have a look at car harnesses etc and we took Astrid (carried, of course, like our daily walks). When we were going through the checkout the woman who works there asked us how old she was etc, and when I said she was a Dobe... the woman look horrified and took a step away (even though she was already behind the counter!) She said, that she can't believe she almost patted a Dobermann, that she hated them :) . And what was my Devil Dog doing to get such a response? Perhaps snarling, foaming at the mouth as her eyes glowed red? Nope, she was snoozing and nuzzling against my neck. She only even glanced at the lady once.

Apart from terrorising the local pet supply workers with her mere presence, things have been going really well here! She learns so quickly, she will 'leave it', 'off', and 'sit' at the moment. If she bites or mouths I will do the "EEP" high pitched voice thing and she will look at me all shocked, then poke me with her nose :D. She sleeps pretty well at night, got up this morning again for a wee at 3:30, then back to sleep until 5:30 or so. If it stays this way I can live with it, will see what happens! The only thing that she does that's a bit weird is standing on my feet! I'm not sure what's going on there.

She loves sunbaking!

Hope everyone is having a good weekend!


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Hi Lovelies,

I'm sorry I've been hit and miss. I have been very unwell... A couple of weeks ago we had a bit of a scare and thought we might lose the baby, so needless to say I have been taking it very easy. Everything looks to be ok now though which is the main thing. I have finally hit the magic 12 week mark so hopefully I will start to feel better for a little while. Cross your fingers for me!

Above is a pic Hubby took last night. He came to pick me up from work and G was with him.... She was behaving unusually well for a car trip!

Rav - Astrid sounds so cute!!!! Genevieve used to stand on my feet when she was little! I would be doing the dishes and she would fall asleep on my feet. She outgrew it after about 3 weeks of being home (so about 11 weeks or so). I think she learnt pretty quick if she hovered there, she would get stood on!!!!!

KTB - I hope you got that afternoon nap in! Have you been flooded in at all?

Niques - Genevieve has gone off her food of late too. I was feeding her twice a day, but now she seems to naturally only want to eat once a day... I too have figured she has just hit that point... We don't offer her more than what she should be getting in a day anyway and I gather she won't go all anorexic on me (I hope)... and she seems fine in every other way? It could also be that she hasn't been getting as much exercise (due to me being too busy growing extra lungs, kidneys and what ever else; and heaving), so she isn't burning it off...

Max looks so happy in that pic!!!!

Hello to those I have missed - I know there are lots of you! I will try my best to keep popping my head in and try to keep up a bit better. I am not very good with personals (as you all by now know!).

PS. Genevieve is the Christmas Grinch. I have caught her stealing maltesers, presents from under the tree (what she was planning to do with my maternity shorts I don't know :D ), Christmas tree decis and Christmas cards. She has destroyed one set of Christmas lights too! Then, I caught her trying to jump into the baby bath (in the Nursery)!!!!!

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Hi Wizzle! So good to hear from you :laugh: And hasn't Miss G grown into such a gorgeous lady/doglet! I hope everything continues to go smoothly with Wee Wizzle. He/she has plenty of honourary aunties on here that can't wait to meet him/her! :laugh:

So much to catch up on!

Raven, Astrid is gorgeous! And :rofl: to silly pet shop woman.

Niques, how is James doing? Hope his mouth is healing. It does seem strange that he will eat the meat and leave the bone of his lamb shanks. Roo barely leaves any bone left!

Max, glad to hear flyball is going well. Can't wait to see Max (dog) in action :rofl:

KTB Thinking of you and Papa Koala. Gentle hugs to you both. How is Monsieur Hoover (pronounced in the French way without the 'H' of course :rofl:)?

My bottom left wisdom tooth decided this morning to pop up and say hello :laugh: It's been annoying me all day- hurry up and go back down again!

I'm reliving my childhood at the moment and watching Anne of Green Gables. Love it :rofl:

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  ravenau1 said:
When we were going through the checkout the woman who works there asked us how old she was etc, and when I said she was a Dobe... the woman look horrified and took a step away (even though she was already behind the counter!) She said, that she can't believe she almost patted a Dobermann, that she hated them :rofl: . And what was my Devil Dog doing to get such a response? Perhaps snarling, foaming at the mouth as her eyes glowed red? Nope, she was snoozing and nuzzling against my neck. She only even glanced at the lady once.

Good grief ... that's just mind-boggling...and insulting. There are a lot of misconceptions involved around all breeds of dogs I'm afraid :D Astrid is beautiful and with all the time, love and care you're going to put into her, I'm sure she'll help to dispel a lot of the Bad Press there is around Dobermann. To be honest, in recent years it's rottweilers and pit bulls that have received the most press - it's not like Dobermann are that common so it's a bit weird that people would be so wary :rofl: I know it's not the same thing at all, but almost every time I mention that we have Kelpies, people have to remark a little incredulously about having Kelpies in a suburban home blah blah blah as if we're a bit cruel/stupid or something. Elbie is very high energy but he is a total couch potato at home. Anyone who has met Hoover will attest to the fact that his eyes make him look he's been opiated or something. :laugh:

The only thing that she does that's a bit weird is standing on my feet! I'm not sure what's going on there.

The first week we got Elbie he kept standing between our feet - I think it made him feel secure. Sometimes standing on your feet can be a dominance thing but that's unlikely given how young Astrid is - perhaps the ground is too hot :laugh:

wizzle: Gorgeous photo of Lady G - she always looks so imperious. She must be royalty. I'm so sorry to hear about your recent scare but I'm glad that things are all right now. Are you still exhausted all the time? Will Mr Wizzle be able to stay home more after baby comes or is he still going to have to travel a lot? I can imagine how hard it's going to be to juggle Lady G and Wee Wizzle on your own! Or do you have relatives who will come and stay with you?

KTB - I hope you got that afternoon nap in! Have you been flooded in at all?

I had a very long and refreshing nap on our day bed. Hoover napped a metre away in his dog bed. We haven't been flooded here but in Queanbeyan they were flooded a few days ago and people were evacuated! :laugh:

So far the doggies have still been good around the tree. We try to stop them running around and rough-housing in the tree-room as we don't want them colliding into the tree.

lilli_star: Thank you. :rofl:

Alas, Papa Koala was feeling quite poorly today. He had considerable physical discomfort and his mood was very low and he kicked me out of the hospital room and told me never to come back :( Of course he doesn't mean it but it's never nice to be told something like that. :( Ah well, I'll go back again tomorrow and hope it's a better today. :)

M'sieur Hoovér is doing very well today thanks! We didn't want to leave him at home in his crate in case he licked at his stitches (we've seen how efficient he is at unpicking stitches on his toys) so he came along for the car trip and OH sat downstairs outside the hospital with him as I was visiting Papa Koala. He was extremely self-possessed - got a few pats, saw many many people walking past him. People of all colours and shapes, people with walkers, people in wheel-chairs. It reminded me a bit of when I was asking if it was ok to get a puppy who was already 3 months of age and people were warning me off Hoover because of insufficient socialisation and someone had said that he should have been exposed to people of different races and people in wheelchairs. Well today all that happened and he seemed very calm. He's not too fussed by his stitches and the few times he's tried licking at them, a "leave it" command is enough to make him stop. He has one more painkiller to be given tomorrow but he doesn't seem doped out or troubled at all. The only difference is that he still smells a bit like the chemicals in a hospital ... We haven't let him run around crazily like he normally would and he's taken out on leash to toilet. Play with Elbie is supervised and sometimes we put them on either side of the baby gate and they sniff at each other wistfully. :)

My bottom left wisdom tooth decided this morning to pop up and say hello :rofl: It's been annoying me all day- hurry up and go back down again!

Urgh. I still have all my wisdom teeth and haven't had problems with them but know how annoying they can be. What will you do? removing them is such a pain ... literally!

I'm reliving my childhood at the moment and watching Anne of Green Gables. Love it :)

Love Megan Follows ... although Anne 3 was the worst travesty ever. Have you read "The Blue Castle" by LM Montgomery? Probably my favourite LM Montgomery novel ever - hilarious in parts and full of pathos in others. Trivia - Colleen McCullough was alleged to have plagiarised the novel for her novel "The Ladies of Missalonghi".

I've been working on a new jigsaw puzzle this week and it's very soothing ... one frustrating thing was that while I'm making great progress with Elbie on his loose-lead walking, he has taken to lunging and barking when we pass other dogs. This is really weird because during dog school, controlled greetings/weaving between handlers and dogs and also walking past other dogs and handlers is something that we do almost every week and he is fine! Why is he therefore lungey when out on walks, particularly out the front of our house??? :rofl: Perhaps next time we have a Canberra DOLer get-together, some of you can help me desensitise Elbie and do some 'walk-bys' on the footpath to try to make him stop lunging. :rofl:

Also, covering my eyes because the next thread to blow might be this one. It started so nicely but given this earlier post, I have a bad feeling about how the thread will end up :p

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Ohhh KTB :rofl: I'm so sorry today was so difficult. :laugh: It can be hard to remember that what was said was not really meant, especially when it hurts so much in the meantime. I hope tomorrow is a better day.

I still have all my wisdom teeth (hence why I am so wise lol :laugh: ), and they come up and go down at least once a year. There's no room in my mouth for them to stay. I suppose I should go see a dentist... :rofl:

...although Anne 3 was the worst travesty ever.

Oh! I know! I was so excited when I heard they were making another movie, and SO disappointed when I saw it :rofl: All mixed up and not true to the books at all. And what was with Cameron Daddo??! :rofl: I need to buy the first 2 on DVD...

Once upon a time I had big plans to visit PEI. My ex and I even discussed getting married there.

Miss Roo made it through the past week of being 'neglected'. I felt so guilty- ridiculous, I know. According to my neighbour, she barked and whined little on Thursday night, and I was home by 9 then. I haven't seen them today to find out how she was last night while I was at my work Xmas party. I took her for a big walk before I got ready to go in the hope that might get some of her energy put. One more late night to go, then almost back to normal. Roo will go on her first boarding holiday next week while I'm away. Cue the guilt to begin yet again! :rofl:

All this rain we've been having has brought out all these gigantically HUGE spotty slugs! :laugh: They've been in Roo's shed when I've gone to get her the past few nights. Ick! Apart from using bait (obviously a big no no)- how else can I get rid of them?

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ooohhhh!!! Just had to mention I was watching Anne of Green Gables last night too!!! Did you watch the prequel last week?? I am hoping Anne 3 is on next Saturday... despite it not living up to its expectations. My nanna bought me the whole set on VHS years ago, and I had the books as a youngin'. I cry every time... every time Matthew buys her the dress, gives her pearls, when he passes away in her arms and most definitely when she says no to Gilbert!!!!!!! Thankfully, I've watched it enough to know that she finally says yes in the end!!!!! Another oldie but goodie I love reading and watching is Little Women...

I am pretty sure 'Lady G' (I am picturing her with Lady Di's crown on when I say that :)) thinks she is royalty. Maybe she and Mo'sueir Hoover could have a Royal Wedding!? It would be quite the event - perhaps out do Prince William and Kate!!!!

Well, she's either royal or a politician! All she ever does is bark at me at the moment! Drives me insane!!! She is not living up to her breed description at all!! She is currently chewing on a bone somewhere in the loungeroom... I gave up trying to keep her out of there. As long as she is quiet and leaves me a lone, I will deal with the mess later. Though thankfully, she doesn't usually leave too much of a mess! Poor little thing hasn't been to dog school in weeks... I felt so guilty at first but now I am just trying to take each week as it comes and look after myself. If it hasn't been raining I've been too sick. Hopefully in the new year I will be feeling up to it and the weather will be better!! I know as I start to get too massive, it will be very awkward for me, so I want to try and get a few weeks in while we can!

To answer your question KTB, Mr Wizzle is planning on taking three months (or so) off when the baby comes along... He has pretty much got work booked up until a month before we are due, so I think his plan is to try and work locally for that last month, then be at home with Wee Wizzle and I for a while. He is much more excited about the pending arrival than I am (well, it's alright for him. He doesn't feel like he is growing by the minute and dying in between). My parents will probably come over for a week or so when the baby is born, but I don't think his parents will. They are more likely to wait until we go to Perth for Christmas.

I do sometimes wonder how I will cope with a screaming baby and a barking dog, but I guess I will somehow! Isn't that what Mums do? Just find a way!? We are letting Genevieve spend some time in the nursery with us now, sniffing out all the baby's things... she isn't so keen on the pram though!!! Hopefully if she desensitizes to most of it now, by the time the baby comes along, she will just think it is another thing going in the room!! We certainly don't want to outcast her... when we got her we knew babies wouldn't be that far away, so all the rules and boundaries we have had in place for her have been with the assumption there is a small child around. Mainly I am hoping that as she will be close to 16 months by the time WW is here, she would have settled a bit...

I am sorry Papa Koala isn't getting any better... I can only imagine it must be so hard to watch.

Lils - I had all four of my impacted wisdom teeth removed a few years ago... And I am pretty sure I would rather go through childbirth drug free than experience that pain again! My MIL still calls me fat chops!!! I have to say though, I am glad I got them out... I had constant ear aches and sinus because of where they were lying. Touch wood, I've never really experienced tooth pain, as apart from having my wisdom teeth removed, I've never had more than a scale and clean done when I have been to the dentist. I haven't had any ear or sinus infections since either.

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Wizzle I'm sure you will do fine! Its good to hear how things are going - though sorry to hear its been so tough! My sister is also pregnant at the moment - she's a bit further along than you - but its been very trying for her too. Even little things, like a headache - you can't just go take a tablet without worrying about it! At some stage you're supposed to 'glow' I remember reading - fingers crossed that's not too far off!

KTB - I went back in the training threads to the very first page, and the very first thread was shut down due to explosive content. Back in 2004. Really sets the scene..........

Good luck with Papa Koala. So many tough things going on at the moment!

Lilli_star - get them out. Tell them to knock you out. Its worth a short suffering for the absence of continual pain!

Well what a weekend. Yesterday we took Max to Brighton Beach. As far as we know its the only fenced, off leash, dog beach anywhere in Melbourne. It was a 45 min drive there, but so worth it! They even had poo bags and bins! There was about 20 or so dogs there, and all seemed to get along pretty well - there was one bossy husky, but not too bad. It certainly wasn't the all-pooing, dog-fighting, circus of bad owners and worse dogs that you could be led to believe dog parks are from reading threads on here. And I'd be lying if I said Max liked it. He LOVED it!!! That being said, I probably wouldn't go there on a nice afternoon - with too many dogs there could be a bit chaotic!

Then today I went to the Liverpool Rd Retaining Basin out here near Mt Dandenong. It was so lovely! There's a sign out the front saying 'dogs on leash', but I had three different people tell me they're trying to get that sign taken down, and all the dogs were off leash! Its a bit wild, lots of long grass, and creeks and bush and there's a lake for swimming - Max LOVES to swim - he just hurls himself in and swims out a bit, then turns around and comes back snorting and blowing bubbles! He saw some horses that got him a bit excited, and met another bc x who wanted to herd him - and as he loves being chased they were a match made in heaven! I met a really nice man with a german shep called Tango. He tells me they've got a nice little community down there, and that I'll soon get to know everyone, and how its a great dog-friendly spot. So nice. And so close to home!

And the Christmas countdown is really on now.....

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wizzle: She looks so regal in that shot :cry: Glad to hear you are over your scare! I can't imagine how awful that must be, to have that kind of worry :rofl: Hopefully you will start to feel better now!

Astrid standing on my feet: It does seem to just be play, as she does the same thing to her toys, same body language and all. It's just funny because I have some arthritis in one toe, and it's the one she always stands on or pokes with her nose :thumbsup: I'm going to have to steal Mr Raven's steel toe boots!

KTB: Yup, I used to get it with my Malamute too, that it was cruel to have one in Australia because it's not sub zero! I got told that regularly! I imagine you are as sick of hearing that Kelpies shouldn't be in back yards as I was of hearing that!

Sorry to hear Papa Koala isn't in good spirits. Sometimes when you're sick and in pain you can lash out at those around you. I hope your most recent visit went a bit better ~hugs~

lilli_star: Slugs! I think slugs and snails are great :D but I don't really have a garden for them to eat! No idea how to get rid of them, chickens maybe!

Max#1: Sounds like Max had a great time! Wonderful for you to have somewhere good to go :cry:

Well, Holy Guacamole! What a whirlwind of a few days! :rofl:

Everything is going pretty well, a couple of little issues but we are working on them. She's sleeping pretty well at night and is overall well behaved, though it's early days yet :). We started puppy preschool yesterday with two other puppies, a Stafford x Kelpie and a Shih Tzu x Bichon Frise, two really lovely dogs! However, Astrid wanted nothing to do with either of them :) and by the end of the class she fell asleep. They are a bit older than her (Staffford x is 12 weeks and the Shih Tzu x is 11 weeks) and our instructor says that she will gain more confidence as she goes along. I had a great time though! We did some basic obedience, then things like "pass the puppy" where we got to hold the other puppies and treat them while playing with their feet, ears, tail etc so they get used to being handled. The instructor was wonderful, really knows her stuff. It goes for 5 weeks and I think we will get a lot out of it!

I am working on her being left alone at the moment. If we're out of her sight for more than 1 min she cries. She's not very food oriented so leaving her with bone/chew/treats isn't really keeping her busy.

Puppy Dog Eyes




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Both my pups stand on our feet :) Satch is a leaner and I think it comes with the territory. Ava is just LOVE LOVE LOVE and wants to crawl into your skin with love so she does it to be close. She also does it sometimes when sitting at heel and when she returns on a recall.

I had all four wisdom teeth out too a few years ago. Soooo good to have them gone. It was only really a week, maybe two, of pain, then no more :thumbsup:

No problems being off food in my house :rofl: Ava snarfs everything she can find. She'd eat until she popped.

I am going a bit nutty trying to organise bits and pieces of wedding stuff. I have my final dress fitting this afternoon so I spent pretty much all weekend running around trying to find SHOES! I wanted blue ones but it seems no-one makes pretty blue shoes :cry: I finally found some nice white ones yesterday though, phew. Still trying to book hair and makeup and need to get in touch with a florist. I like to organise things in dribs and drabs but I thought it's probably best to do things before Christmas...

Then on top of that I'm trying to organise our trip to Brissy! We are driving up with the puppers, exciting :) We are leaving next Tuesday and staying with The Ark for a night on the way up (:rofl: so excited to see you guys and Ava's family squeeee!) then have booked another night just outside Port Macquarie where doggies are allowed in the cabins :D Then up to Brisbane to stay with my parents where there is a big grassy yard for the dogs to romp in. Our only worry is that the fences on two sides are only about a metre high, and although neither has tried to jump fences before, both of them are definitely capable!! I'm sure they'll be fine as long as there are no cats hanging around :cry: And we have no idea when we're coming back yet or where we are staying on the way back!

Gave the dogs a bath yesterday so they smell delicious and are very fluffy. I brushed two full plastic bags of hair out of them yesterday :cry: It seems at a year of age Ava finally has her adult coat and is shedding it all over the place :cry:

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Wuffles - I know what you mean about the malting! Genevieve is shedding something cruel and no amount of brushing seems to help. Her coat is still shiny, but not quite as smooth as it used to be... It's got so bad, that I have to put the washing machine on a rinse cycle after washing her stuff (which I do in a separate load), because her fur was getting on our clothes (and on a load of nappies I was washing ;) ). Anyone got any tips on how to get fur out of things? We go through so much sticky tape and hair removal rolls its ridiculous! I need never ending rolls of those! She is going to the groomer on Friday ( :o :D :) :D :D :D :) I CAN'T WAIT!!), so hopefully she can thin her out a bit. She is looking beyond feral at the moment.

How exciting, I didn't realise you were planning a wedding!!!!!!!!! When are you getting married!!!??? I love hearing about other people' weddings (couldn't wait for my own to be over though!). Are the dodgies going to be your attendants!!!!???

Astrid looks like such a darling!!! Those really are puppy dog eyes!!! I bet she bribes you for a whole lot more than you do her!!!! Are her claws as long and as sharp as they look?

Lils - You can have G for a little while. She thinks snails are a delicasy! :) I actually saw her crunch on a shell in the garden last week while Hubby was cooking on the BBQ... I had to make a run for it...

KTB - I saw a Hoover look-alike yesterday!!! I chuckled to myself as I have never seen a kelpie with his colourings before... I pulled up at the lights yesterday (waiting for them to go green) and I saw one with his (or her) owner, crossing the road!

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Wizzle, her claws look longer than they are, but they are sharp! :laugh:

Oh well, we've had her for 4 days and we are off to the vet, is that some kind of record? :p She seems to have some problems in her downstairs area! Leaving for the vet shortly ;)

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One of those days where I wish I had a camera on hand 24/7. James thought he'd have a splash in his clamshell this morning. It's been full of fairly grungy rainwater and leaves for a few days now as I've not been bothered to empty it just yet. All was well until something touched his paw. My brave little boy freaked and leapt out ;) I thought maybe he'd found a lizard, but nope, on closer inspection it was... a leaf. He investigated and worked out what it was so tentatively climbed back in. Until, heaven forbid, another leaf got him :rofl: He shall henceforth be known as, James the Cowardly Lion.

I've also been giving him balloons filled with water all afternoon. Not for his enjoyment, rather, for mine. Cracks me up watching him prance around the balloons until they split ;)

Raven, what an awful woman :eek: Not to mention incredibly stupid - whoever would have thought that the best way of maintaining new customers was NOT insulting their puppies :p

Astrid is such a sweet thing. With some big paws to grow into! I just love floppy dobe ears - too damn cute!! I'm glad you're liking puppy school! Bad experiences at preschool seem to be rife if you're to believe DOL (and just look at the new tangent Hugo's thread has taken!).

I like to ignore my wisdom teeth. I have a small jaw so I just know that they'll cause problems. I haven't had x-rays done for a few years, but they were just visible back then - I figure since they haven't come through since then I have licence to forget that they exist :laugh::o

When is the big day, Wuffles? Congratulations on the shoe find. I hate it when you have something particular in mind and just can't it anywhere!

My big task for this week is to find a dress to wear to my brother's wedding next month - not a fan of dress shopping :mad

Wizzle, I find I need to vacuum the washing machine and dryer after a "James" load :o Otherwise there are little black hairs stuck on EVERYTHING in the next load. Miss G is such a dainty, elegant looking pup. I love the wispy fur around her paws and ears - do they get trimmed at all when she's groomed?

I took James for a walk around the local cemetery yesterday but neglected to remember that the Pony Club uses the adjacent field on weekends. I had some idea that he was tolerant of horses as his puppy preschool was outdoors and had a horse or two peering over the fence each week. Much to my chagrin he stood there and barked at one poor beast as it was tied to the fence - very mortifying :o

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  Niques said:
Wizzle, I find I need to vacuum the washing machine and dryer after a "James" load :laugh: Otherwise there are little black hairs stuck on EVERYTHING in the next load. Miss G is such a dainty, elegant looking pup. I love the wispy fur around her paws and ears - do they get trimmed at all when she's groomed?

Yes Niques, she gets very tidied when she visits the groomer! She comes out looking all even and I can see her paws!! It makes her look all puppy like again! I will have to take a pic and post it when she is done. She looks very cute! She matts so easily and has been getting prickles stuck in her ears and paws, so it is really for everyone's benefit that she is trimmed up! It also helps to thin her coat out a bit, so the malting isn't quite so bad... I hope!

I haven't thought to vacuum the machine... I've been wiping the machine and dryer over with a damp cloth after her loads, and emptying the filter of course. I used to think I lost a lot of hair, but man! She takes the cake!!!! It just sticks to everything!!!

Rav - I hope Astrid is ok?...

Edited by Wizzle
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  Niques said:
Bad experiences at preschool seem to be rife if you're to believe DOL (and just look at the new tangent Hugo's thread has taken!).

Yoicks! I am beginning to think that Dju has havoc follow wherever she goes, be it thread or puppy class :laugh: . ETA: Just from recent memory alone, I recall the dog restraint thread, some irritation on the Spitz Thread, some irritation on the Life of Hugo thread and then there was the one where she unsuccessfully tried to direct ire at loungefly on this post. Yoicks. She must have been a mischief imp in a previous life. I'm sooooo glad the Elbie thread has never gone like that ... :p Salutatory to reminder to me to be careful about what I post online.

Edited by koalathebear
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Methinks that it won't be long until that thread disappears...... (well I hope so anyway, it's a bit too toxic for my liking)

It must be malting season for dogs. I have fur everywhere as well. I desperately need to bath Ziggy but waiting for finer weather as he doesn't like the drier. He smells a bit. I hope I can get it done before training breakup on Thursday.

I too had nostalgic pleasure watching Anne on Sat night. ALthough I missed the week before, and went to bed before the end (I can see myself buying it on DVD!)

Wizzle - nice to hear that you are feeling better and back on the forum.

Raven - hope Astrid is ok. Is this your first visit to the vet since you picked her up? (I visited the vet within a week both times when had my new kitty/puppy, not bad to touch base and get all the plans for vaccinations, worming etc sorted out!)

Niques - James sounds hilarious! I remember on the Aussie thread that one of the owners had a newish puppy and got him from a DOLer breeder, and was saying one day he was limping, and she was worried he had hurt his paw badly. In the end it was just a leaf stuck to the bottom. Made me have a good chuckle.

wuffles - your trip sounds awesome, hope it goes smoothly!

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