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Elbie, Hoover, Dodge & Friends!


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Apart from stealing a pack of Coke bottles from the kitchen bench and chewing them, spreading Coke all over our floor and carpet... the dogs did ok at home alone :confused:

*beware the interloper*

You poor thing! I hope the carpet recovers. ;) Our bedroom carpet has never been the same since doglet decided to take a half full mountain dew bottle in there.

Are they still hyped up from the sugar?

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Apart from stealing a pack of Coke bottles from the kitchen bench and chewing them, spreading Coke all over our floor and carpet... the dogs did ok at home alone :confused:

*beware the interloper*

You poor thing! I hope the carpet recovers. :( Our bedroom carpet has never been the same since doglet decided to take a half full mountain dew bottle in there.

Are they still hyped up from the sugar?

;) Thankfully our carpet is kind of crappy anyway. We are hoping to get it replaced in the near future.

Ava had a spew and a poo when we got home so that was hopefully the only after effect...

She also removed a Crust pizza menu from the fridge and tore it up. Mmmm, Crust...

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Clastic - losing your pups sounds like my worst nightmare! Glad to hear they're ok

Raven - sorry to hear about you breeder. You must be pretty excited about getting your pup soon - fingers crossed all goes as smoothly as possible from here

Wuffles - leaving them inside sounds like it went reasonably well (see below!). The thread re the thundershirt is interesting. Must say I'm tempted!

Lilli_star - hope you are feeling better. what has miss Ruby been upto today? is the tarp still intact?

Well, we had pretty bad thunderstorms here today - I was at work til late, no way I could leave and I was a bit stressed about Ziggy (who was outside). I normally get home and he is peering at me through the side gate at the driveway - but wasn't tonight, so I thought he might have been hiding in his kennel. Lo and behold, as I open the side door - HE IS INSIDE!!! BUT HOW?????

It appears that the double doors from the backyard have been pushed in and he has gotten inside (must secure that a bit better!) With all the rain the back door is now swollen and won't shut :confused: So I have to pull out the electric sander and sand away the door frame (a bit of an effort really) - and then some paw paw ointment as lubricant! Clever Doggy ;)

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The one place Satch always wants to go during a storm is under our computer desk -- which is the worst possible place IMO :( He's not interested in a crate, or the walk-in robe, or under the bed (not that he'd fit under there anyway). He doesn't bark, just paces and pants and generally turns into a stresshead. I've ordered him a Thundershirt as per the thread in General... we'll see if that makes any difference.

I was going to suggest this, but you've already looked into it :eek: There are 2 Bearded Collies that go to dog school and they both have suffered in the past with anxiety (possibly related to thyroid problems??? I think the owners said ;) ). They both had Thundershirts on their dogs for the first lesson just to calm them in a new situation with new dogs (although both have done a lot of work with MDTL too- one owner comes from the Blue Mountains!). Both owners spoke very highly about the shirts when I asked them about it, and said they really seem to work, so I hope it can help Satch out too.

Poor Little Matchgirl (AKA Roo) had to make do with just her blankets and sheet once again today after being 'spoilt' by the dog bed as well for all 2 1/2 days or whatever it was :confused: I left her with her usual Kong (but with honey and kibble in the vain hope it might take her a bit longer) and Buster cube, and a chewie. I got home tonight to no destruction (phew!) but she had been out in the rain waiting for me (I was late home again- school is crazy this time of year!). As it had stopped raining by then, I took her for a long walk that she is still sleeping off.

Raven, how scary for your breeder! :rofl: Glad everything is okay now.

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Apart from stealing a pack of Coke bottles from the kitchen bench and chewing them, spreading Coke all over our floor and carpet... the dogs did ok at home alone :confused:

Note to self: hide all softdrinks AS WELL as all poultry over Christmas period............

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Apart from stealing a pack of Coke bottles from the kitchen bench and chewing them, spreading Coke all over our floor and carpet... the dogs did ok at home alone :o

Note to self: hide all softdrinks AS WELL as all poultry over Christmas period............

:) Interestingly, Miss Ava has not touched ANY of our stuff while we're at home. Even when she had free range of the house overnight she didn't destroy anything. And I guess they didn't touch our shoes, or speakers, or DVDs, or books, or anything like that... OH said "no more empty soft drink bottles for them to chew on during the day!" :provoke:

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Thank you everyone! :whee: When OH found them the other night, he said that they seemed to know they were naughty for going walk-abouts because when they saw him.. they both put their head down and had their "eek, we're in trouble" look.

The kiddies got to sleep on the bed with us after our Thursday night incident, OH normally doesn't allow this.. especially on a weeknight.

KTB - Elbie was great after he settled, I didn't get the same attention from Elborino like your OH could.

I have a handout for you guys as well, HH forgot to give them out after class.. and whats this about me being the teacher's pet? :banghead: I blame Mars for acting so "normal" around HH.

ravenau1 - What a scary experience for your breeder, very relieved that they are all safe though.. except for the poor little one that didn't make it. :bottom: A big relief for you as well too!

wuffles - Glad that they only thing your doggies got into was the coke, even though the clean up of it wouldn't have been fun. Mine would most likely pull everything off the shelves if they were left alone. Did you end up getting Crust pizza last night, maybe it was a subtle hint from them.. hehe.

lilli_star - Yay for no destruction! A few more weeks then holidays, hope you get a good rest then.

betsy - What a clever boy you have there! Only suckers stay outside when its raining! LOL. Hope it won't take too long to fix the door.

Niques - Mars gets quite revved up when another dog stares at him, he'll just bark and bark and bark and carry on like a hooligan, its rather annoying and I have to take him away from them. Hrm... Mars seems to know when he has done something wrong, but he seems to only know I'm not impressed with him when I growl at him for something. Although, he has jumped up on the counter at home and eaten some of my spag bol which I had set aside for lunch, when I caught him.. I didn't even need to say a thing.. but he knew..

Hope everyone is having a good weekend so far!!

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Wow the rain is just BUCKETING down right now. Our courtyard is flooded!!


It's about ankle-deep! We're clearing the drain. Doggies are so not going to want to go out to toilet ... :banghead:

Also, two of my colleagues are so not dog people. They're horrified by how much time I spend on the dogs and one colleague in particular is quite dismissive of dogs. During the Christmas party when it was bucketing down, I said anxiously: "Oh no, my poor puppies" (because I knew that they were outside at that moment), my colleague rolled his eyes and said: "They're JUST dogs."

He didn't know he was sitting with 3 dog lovers and dog owners and one of them elbowed him in the ribs and said: "Never say that again!" :bottom:

Ah well. It doesn't change the fact that he thinks I'm bonkers for spending my weekends on my dogs and I think about them so much :whee:

Edited by koalathebear
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Yikes KTB! :laugh: Hope you can clear the drain quickly (or find the plug :love: )

It poured when I was in town for dog school- all the creeks around are up and the drain at the showground was overflowing and almost up to the causeway as I was leaving! As I was on my way out of town I went around a car that had been in an accident not long before- from what I could tell, no one was hurt, just a banged up car (it didn't look that fancy to start with I would say). Since then though it's been fairly humid here but no rain. I took Roo for a long walk again this afternoon and she's snoozing now. The forecast is for more rain though :laugh:

Also, two of my colleagues are so not dog people. They're horrified by how much time I spend on the dogs and one colleague in particular is quite dismissive of dogs. During the Christmas party when it was bucketing down, I said anxiously: "Oh no, my poor puppies" (because I knew that they were outside at that moment), my colleague rolled his eyes and said: "They're JUST dogs."

Same here :rofl: I showed a pic of Roo's bed destruction to one of my work colleagues yesterday and she said "Hmph! I thought you were taking her to dog school? Doesn't look like she's learning anything!" ;)


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KTB.... oh my goodness your courtyard!!!! :laugh:

ETA: Sorry, this made me laugh so much when it happened. When Mars is playing with a toy, Pepper likes to pick up a toy and bounce around like a moron behind him (its actually rather cute and makes me giggle).. normally she grabs a toy, but sometimes she will pick up a towel or their bed, anything that is lying around at the time.. today she picked up one of my unmentionables....

Hope this pic is OK to post.... bit embarrassing for myself really!


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It's the first time I've ever seen him show any form of dislike towards another dog. He's had dogs bare their teeth at him and he still wants to play. But this poor little dog had him barking rather ferociously. Was unspeakably mad at him by the time we got home.

Some dogs just don't get along with other dogs! When we first went to Dog School, Elbie got along fine with all the dogs but there was one mini black Schnauzer who seemed to want to kill Elbie every time he saw him. He's fine with him now but back then, Elbie didn't care much for him either. Maybe some dogs just rub each other the wrong way?

As an aside, does anyone else's dog start behaving differently when they know you're cross with them?

Both of our dogs are very big on appeasement behaviour. Elbie's head kind of droops and he slinks around very cautiously until he's out of trouble :eek: Hoover looks really sad and gives us googoo eyes.

betsy: Looks like quite a few of the dogs on this thread including yours have magical door opening powers. :laugh: It's always hilarious when you enter a room/an area and see Doggie and think: "How did doggie get there????"

clastic: ;) Mars has been such an angel the last couple of lessons and you walk sufficiently swiftly! :o Then again, no one copped it as badly as poor Phil. No wonder he vanished on the way to coffee. :love: He tries so hard with Sian.

Also, that photo of Pepper and Unmentionable is hilarious. :laugh: I am trying to remember if we've ever discovered one of our two with anything they shouldn't. Probably the worst was when LJ Hooker dropped off a bear for us after we bought our house. We knew it wasn't a dog toy so put it aside but one day, we discovered Elbie trying to kill something and we were shocked to discover that it was poor Mr Hooker Bear.


Poor, poor Mr Hooker Bear. As if his name wasn't unfortunate enough. :rofl:

I showed a pic of Roo's bed destruction to one of my work colleagues yesterday and she said "Hmph! I thought you were taking her to dog school? Doesn't look like she's learning anything!" :rofl:


Papa Koala says that to me all the time. :love: + sigh.

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Wow the rain is just BUCKETING down right now. Our courtyard is flooded!!


It's about ankle-deep! We're clearing the drain. Doggies are so not going to want to go out to toilet ... :laugh:

Also, two of my colleagues are so not dog people. They're horrified by how much time I spend on the dogs and one colleague in particular is quite dismissive of dogs. During the Christmas party when it was bucketing down, I said anxiously: "Oh no, my poor puppies" (because I knew that they were outside at that moment), my colleague rolled his eyes and said: "They're JUST dogs."

He didn't know he was sitting with 3 dog lovers and dog owners and one of them elbowed him in the ribs and said: "Never say that again!" ;)

Ah well. It doesn't change the fact that he thinks I'm bonkers for spending my weekends on my dogs and I think about them so much :rofl:

Oh my goodness you are copping it there, aren't you! I won't complain about the tiny little bit we've had here. BTW - I have now announced in the Aussie thread that Ava is going to be a big sister! :laugh: We have Aussie puppies due around 6th January, so feel free to pop in there for photos.

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Poor, poor Mr Hooker Bear. As if his name wasn't unfortunate enough. :laugh:

Bwah hahahaha! Koalathebear has a hooker bear! :love::rofl::laugh: (And might I just say, he's a leeetle bit creepy looking too)

Clastic, my friend's Lab was taught by her original owner to pick up clothes and put them in the basket. However, if you weren't careful, she would just grab your, uhhh, 'unmentionables' and sprint around the house with them! ;)

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:) I could take a similar photo every. single. morning. His ability to search out underwear (and socks) is unbelievable. I used to just think it mildly amusing until he chewed the strap off a bra a week or two ago :) Not impressed, Lord James.

I showed a pic of Roo's bed destruction to one of my work colleagues yesterday and she said "Hmph! I thought you were taking her to dog school? Doesn't look like she's learning anything!" :)


Papa Koala says that to me all the time. :( + sigh.

Seconded. Within minutes of meeting James for the first time my father dished out the, "I thought he was going to training - doesn't look like it." :(

How is the flooded courtyard going? We've only been getting bits and pieces of rain up here. Am hoping it will hold off until later tomorrow - James desperately needs to get out for a good run at the dog park. He's been a wee bit glum due to being shut outside more than usual, what with guests in the house and all.

And just as I type that it starts raining again.

Love the Hooker Bear :o Brings back memories of those ads.

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How's the courtyard?? I thought the rain here was bad enough just because we haven't been able to take Kyojin for a walk!

He got me up at 4.30 this morning for a pee, so I opened the front door and he was like "What?! Still raining?! Alright. Ahhhhhhhhhhh" *Whizz* All over my front steps :o

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KTB and other Canberrians, hope that you're not underwater! Poor puppies getting soggy feet when they toilet

We are pretty dry here now, but hotter than normal so I'm trying to get used to that. Ziggy is not a big fan of the heat, but there are plenty of spots in the back/side yard where it is a lot cooler.

I bought some new toys the other day - a tuffy ring, loopies (dog) and the birdhouse with birdies inside which so far seems be the big hit.

And.......Mr Hooker Bear......is that appropriate for a 'public forum' :)

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Hoover still just has his puppy teeth so it takes him forever to eat lamb flaps. It turns out it takes forever for him to eat one piece of apple with his tiny baby teeth, too. :cheer: 3 minutes 43 seconds of footage. Yes it's long but there's so funny about the looks Hoover gives the apple piece when it keeps flying out of his mouth. :laugh: The reason he keeps turning around is that Elbie took about 5 seconds to eat his piece and kept moving impatiently and Hoover kept turning to look at Elbie.

Note: temporarily disabled because I left the sound of me cooing over Hoover on the soundtrack :( Will reupload it in a second

ETA: Video reuploaded

. Babytalk is goneski Edited by koalathebear
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