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Elbie, Hoover, Dodge & Friends!


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Aw, look at ickle Hoover, all tucked in! I love how the Elbie photos morph from wariness into glum acceptance :laugh: Where did you find the doggy Santa hat? I was just thinking today that we need one. James already has his Antler ears (not game enough to try them on yet).

Wuffles, a meet-up would be brilliant, although we are on the other side of town - out Kenmore/Chapel Hill way. How long are you up here for?

Lilli_star, I think you're in the best position to judge what's best for Ruby and given the worst case scenarios that could arise (what with the GSD next door and difficulty containing Roo) I think you made the best choice :rolleyes:

Some of the judgements on DOL...if the dog's happy and healthy and you're happy and healthy then there's not much that could result in the end of the world :D

The whole puppy food thing completely through me into a spin. Especially given labs are technically large breed and James is oddly short (I think) as it is. I had just planned on continuing him on puppy food until 18 months :laugh: Certainly interesting to hear that people don't. I eventually got around to checking his breeder's instructions and she recommends using it until at least 12 months. Sooo, we bought our first bag of adult food today. His current lot should run out right around his birthday. I'm really loathe to change it over - I feel like while he's on puppy food he's still a little puppy :D

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And pm-ed a few certain people? ;) Stirrer! :o :p

Yes. And all the while I would have sat back and Judged you :o


Awwww.. look at little Hoover all tucked in, the work of your OH I assume...?

:rofl: Yes, absolutely. I looked in the crate and saw that Hoover had plonked himself down for a snooze and OH had put the blanket around him. Then Hoover came to the study to join us, dragging his blanket with him. OH picked up the blanket - I assumed to put it away - but instead he tucked the little monster in. :( There have been so many times when I have put the dogs to bed (without blankets) and walked past five minutes later to find the brats all tucked in like the spoiled dogs they are :p

Where did you find the doggy Santa hat?

We found them at Coles today. It's described as a "pet santa outfit" for small to medium dogs. We bought a hat from Kmart the other day but it was way too small - this one fits better but Elbie looks so forlorn it would make for a terrible Christmas card photo. :(

The whole puppy food thing completely through me into a spin. Especially given labs are technically large breed and James is oddly short (I think) as it is. I had just planned on continuing him on puppy food until 18 months :laugh: Certainly interesting to hear that people don't. I eventually got around to checking his breeder's instructions and she recommends using it until at least 12 months. Sooo, we bought our first bag of adult food today. His current lot should run out right around his birthday. I'm really loathe to change it over - I feel like while he's on puppy food he's still a little puppy :o

From memory, wuffles switched Ava off puppy food a long while ago because it was making her chunky. She still has some puppy-ish ways despite being an elegant young Missy of one. :D I've heard that the puppy kibble is a lot richer so dogs can pork out. We give our dogs puppy food but slightly less than the recommended serving and we intend to switch them to adult when they're 12 months.

The rain finished, so I just took the two doggies on a short walk - separately. Exactly the same walk but Hoover's walk was so much faster because he doesn't pull and he tends to trot beside me!

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I changed Ava over to adult food quite early (I think around 6-7 months) as she was turning into a chunker :o She was getting really big and boofy, not fat but just big boned. Also, Satch was eating a lot of her puppy kibble and stacking on the weight as well so it was easier having them both on adult :laugh: As soon as we changed her over I noticed a difference, she trimmed down and looked much more feminine. She was getting less than the recommended puppy kibble (1.5 cups a day) too, now she gets 1.5 cups of adult and is fine.

Wuffles, a meet-up would be brilliant, although we are on the other side of town - out Kenmore/Chapel Hill way. How long are you up here for?

Great! The inlaws live in Brookfield so that side is fine too! We haven't worked out exact dates yet but we'll probably be there for around 2 weeks or slightly more around Xmas...

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I eventually got around to checking his breeder's instructions and she recommends using it until at least 12 months.

Not even breeders can come to a consensus! :laugh:

If you fed what they said to on the packet, dogs would be unable to move! According to the bag, Ruby should be getting more than 4 cups a day! :D She gets about half of that, less if she has a bone. How much do you feed James, Niques?

I've just come back from taking Roo on a short walk. I thought the rain had stopped, but as luck would have it, no. So we kicked the soccer ball around for a bit (if it lasts the week, I'll be surprised :o ), then I took her for a walk around the block where she managed to stir up two households of dogs on the way past. :( Ruby hardly ever barks (she barked at something in the dark the other night when I took her out to the toilet which freaked me out slightly, but other than that it's usually only at the cat if he's sitting in the window sending her death stares, and even that is rare), but the dogs that live a few houses up are quite, shall we say, protective of their properties, and every time we walk past, they bark their heads off! At least Ruby doesn't join in, but I'm sure the neighbours must hate it when we go past. Sorry. :(:o

KTB, Mr KTB seems like such a softie, tucking the doglets in :rofl:

I was having a look at the Threadless website, but I think the t shirts have too high a neckline for me. Cool designs though.

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Not even breeders can come to a consensus! :laugh:

Yup ... That's why there's supposed to be a Chinese proverb that says: Listen to all, plucking a feather from every passing goose, but, follow no one absolutely. I have plucked many, many feathers here at DOL ... :o Also, even among 'breeders' there's a world of difference between a registered breeder, a reputable breeder and an ethical breeder.

I have added a further 'ouch' thread to my list. As someone who owns two dogs, this thread is like my worst nightmare. Most of the comments were sympathetic and helpful but then one comment was just so: "Ouch - why did you have to say that just now and in this thread????" Guess there aren't enough owners of the particular breed in question on this forum to roar their protests :(

KTB, Mr KTB seems like such a softie, tucking the doglets in :(

He is a big wuss where animals are concerned. He claims he prefers cats and he claims the dogs are just dogs but he's always playing with them, cuddling them and buying snacks and toys for them from the shop :D

I was having a look at the Threadless website, but I think the t shirts have too high a neckline for me. Cool designs though.

I looked, too. Thankfully I'm not a t-shirt person - I've spent way too much as a result of DOL recommendations. :o

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I was having a look at the Threadless website, but I think the t shirts have too high a neckline for me. Cool designs though.

Yeah I'm not a fan of the ones that are actually t-shirts (90% of them...) but have managed to pick all the ones which are V-neck or others which they call boat neck or something? :laugh:

I don't tend to wear the ones with the t-shirt neck line... feel a bit strangled...

ETA: I just realised that Mars is 11 months old today.. he's almost a year old and all grown up. I did tell him today that he should really be in his teenager stage and sleeping in until 12pm instead of waking us up at 6am!

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Great! The inlaws live in Brookfield so that side is fine too! We haven't worked out exact dates yet but we'll probably be there for around 2 weeks or slightly more around Xmas...

:laugh: I'm in Brookfield. Wouldn't it be a funny coincidence if your inlaws were just down the road.

Lilli_star, James gets 3/4 of a cup of dry for breakfast and anywhere between 300-500g of meaty bone for dinner. I think the packet suggests 350g or so of dry a day - he'd be enormous if he ate that :o

James also sets the street off. There are a couple of yappy dogs across the road that start up and the "street" BC who plonks himself at the cul-de-sac entrance each day likes to tell James off everytime we walk past :o

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Hello Everyone!

Looks like the party was a big hit! Its really nice to see!

Dorkily enough as I've been reading through I've actually made a list to comment on....

First the posts. Yes ouch. You can't help but read some things and get worked up to reply. Til I saw the thing about Riewolt. He's a handsome devil, and does stand out as an exemplary example of the species. All I can do is shake my head. But KTB, I empathise with your sentiments. I actually wrote out a longer post, then deleted it. Hmph.

But! If there was an example of an excellent specimen of the species - Niques those photos of James are very striking. He looks good. To put it bluntly. (And I am not an expert, but still). Like an energetic, fit, shiny little puppy!

Ah the humping. In my experience it often happens when a new dog is introduced to a 'pack'. Then there's some humping so the dogs can organise their social positions. There's often a snap at the dog doing the humping to let him know 'no, you're aiming too high, better start at the bottom of the group old chap'! But I too try to discourage Max from any humping with a growl and a shove. I am, after all, leader of his pack...?!?!?!?! :)

Speaking of which, today was the most humiliating day of my life. Max decided at the obedience club Christmas party (yes, obedience. You know. Training. Your dog should be well behaved. Etc etc)... while everyone was huddled under the pavilion in the pouring rain (think hundreds of people and dogs in a very very small space), to work out how to slip out of his collar backwards. Yes. He Escaped. And no. Not once. But twice. The second time (you'd think we'd have learned) he was lined up at this thing where they had a stuffed toy on a string, and the dog had to chase it. Looked like fun. Max had more fun frolicking around the paddock, keeping out of our desperate reach, running out near the road to stop our hearts, then coming back saying 'nah just kidding', .... etc etc. Shame, shame, shame.

I think he's reached that stage. And we're going through that phase. Look out for vents from me in the near future.

Luckily for me, one of my park friends is oh so good. He's so helpful, and while his methods are definitely not dol-approved (I leave it to all your imaginations!), they do work. God help us for the next few months.

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Poor Max#1 - must have been scary when he ran from you. I'm sure there were a few people there who felt your pain. I don't think its anything you should be ashamed about. Its not like you deliberately did it!

How old is Max now? Ziggy has just turned 9 months and I think his brain has finally returned. He sort of lost the plot between 6 and 9 months. Although I am a bit wary about having him off lead sometimes (even in offlead designated areas) - mainly because he is a very outgoing dog who wants to say hello to everyone and every dog. I feel very jealous of the Canberrians with their fantastic fenced dog parks. He will try and hump other dogs as well :) , but only dogs who don't want to play mad chasies with him, so I can sort-of tell now when to be on alert to pull him off/verbally tell him off.

At least you have the cosy corner to share your woes with!

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hey guys :)

i dont jump on DOL as much as i used to

here are a couple of pics of my baby in his new xmas t-shirt




i was just wondering if any of your dogs are totally toy obsessed to the point they wont play with other dogs? its getting to the point where i should just not bother taking him to the park all he wants is his ball or everyone elses and he doesnt wanna play with the pups :) i dont know how to change that

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I am also sorry about Deakin humping Kuma, he is desexed and doesn't normally do that so I don't know what got into him.

No problem at all... like others have said on this thread, it happens and it's not like you were encouraging him. I think because Kuma has such a neutral temperament, many dogs try to push him one way or the other to see how he'll react. Then if they don't get the reaction they were after, they keep pushing. That's why we put him back on lead, I don't want it to escalate to the point where he becomes aggressive.

We also had a Keeshond when I was little. We moved from the country to the suburbs and she wasn't adapting well. My parents sent her to live on a farm. I always thought that was the usual code for her dying or them having her put down. It was only a few years ago that the subject came up at dinner with my parents and I discovered that she really DID go and live on a farm :love: and she lived until she was 15!

:) That's so funny. "going to the farm" was always the euphemism for being put to sleep.

It seems that accidents don't happen any more - society has now bubble wrapped kids so people won't sue, dogs can't be dogs unless they're almost human. I find it sad.

Niques: I love the flying James sequence - when he misses the ball, that had me in stitches!

KTB: :) @ Hoover tucked in bed! And poor Elbie! His face is priceless

I was talking to the OH about when we move Kuma onto Adult food. We've come to the agreement that it will be around the 18 month mark. I bought two more bags of food the other day, so probably when then run out. He doesn't eat anywhere near the amount on the packet and he's not skinny... he's funny about his food, and has only really eaten breakfast each morning over the weekend. I have also sneaked him plenty of treats :)

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i was just wondering if any of your dogs are totally toy obsessed to the point they wont play with other dogs? its getting to the point where i should just not bother taking him to the park all he wants is his ball or everyone elses and he doesnt wanna play with the pups :love: i dont know how to change that


The best part of going to the park for me, was that Max would run around, really stretch his legs, with the other puppies, and could do it at his own pace.

His most recent thing is to bark at the sky and chase flies, if I won't throw the ball. This, of course, makes him look like a nutter because noone else can see the flies, and is extraordinarily annoying, frustrating and naughty. We have some plans in place now to try to fix it, but we'll see.

My strategy up til now has been to have a word to signal that ball time is over. 'Finished' - yes very creative. When I've had enough of throwing it for him, or other dogs show up, I say 'finished' and put the ball out of sight. This has worked quite well.

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Most of the Canberra people will have heard this story but I'll tell it again for the benefit of Max#1 and her naughty runaway pup! One day after obedience training, Satch and some of his classmates were having a run around in the "puppy pen" which is just a small fenced area off to the side of the main obedience paddocks. Someone went to leave and Mr Mo slipped out the gate before I could stop him. There were about 5 obedience classes going on in the paddock he got into, and I think he went and said hello to EVERY SINGLE DOG. He was play bowing, running circles around them, and generally looking like it was the most fun he'd had in his life. I was so embarrassed. I yelled "COME!" at him and to my delight he ran straight back to me... and then straight past me... then around the back of me... then back into the classes :) Finally, someone grabbed his collar for me until I could catch up. Sometimes I think our dogs are put on the earth just to embarrass us :love:

Ava is getting much more wary of other dogs as she gets older :) As a pup she'd go and bounce on any other dog she saw but she is becoming selective and only likes them once they are established as "friends". A small dog had a go at her a little while back and she actually retaliated for the first time (just by raising the lip and a little growl), and she's also raised the lip at a few dogs if they get in her face. And she tried to run away from one of the dogs at the reserve this morning! Not sure if it's a fear period as I think they can go through one at around 12 months. Or it may just be that she is maturing and doesn't want to tolerate as much anymore... she is definitely acting more like an adult than a puppy these days :rofl:

I definitely don't have the problem with toy focus, I would be happy if Ava would bring a ball back every now and then :)

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Thanks Wuffles. Makes me feel better! Its so funny because at the dog park we go to, I have absolutely no problem getting Max back on lead when we're done. It had to be at the obedience club - and you should've seen him! Frolicking like a spring lamb!

We did see a dalmatian puppy on the loose at one point yesterday too, so we weren't the only ones....

I'm starting to be able to smile about it now....

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im starting to see raz acting as the adult dog too wuffles, he has turned around to tell a couple of ill mannered dogs off, i dont know if i should allow that behaviour or not :) maybe i should be pulling the ill mannered dogs off before raz reaches the tell off snapping point :) like ava raz will only play with dogs once they are his "friends" and he only has 1 "friend" i wish he could have more so he could play with others

thanx max 1 i feel like my ball obsessed boy is a bit more normal now :love: i might make a word up and do the same thing

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im starting to see raz acting as the adult dog too wuffles, he has turned around to tell a couple of ill mannered dogs off, i dont know if i should allow that behaviour or not :) maybe i should be pulling the ill mannered dogs off before raz reaches the tell off snapping point :)

thanx max 1 i feel like my ball obsessed boy is a bit more normal now :love: i might make a word up and do the same thing

I don't think there's a problem with a bit of a telling off if the other dogs are misbehaving or getting in his face. I think Satch had a grumble at nearly all the dogs at the BBQ on Saturday because they were bouncing around him being silly puppies :) I just worry when Ava does it because she seems scared rather than the other dog actually being overly rude.

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Oh no, poor you, Max #1! It's very embarrassing when yours is the dog that takes off. I had to laugh when I read he did it twice though :) Hopefully you'll be able to have a chuckle about it later. Although being in a non-fenced area must have been terrifying :)

Max and his "invisible" flies are also funny :love:

Raz's festive look is very cute! Do you have much of a battle putting his t-shirt on or does he enjoy/tolerate it?

James isn't toy focussed at all. He likes to chase things at the park but not retrieve them - strange, as he always retrieves at home. He is, instead, unbelievably dog-focussed. Yesterday he followed this poor other dog around like a bad smell. It was probably nearly 10 minutes in before he even looked over at me to check I was still around and that's only because he had a moment while he was waiting for her to finish with the water. I'm quite concerned about that but can't think how to fix it.

It seems that accidents don't happen any more - society has now bubble wrapped kids so people won't sue, dogs can't be dogs unless they're almost human. I find it sad.

It really is sad. I think a great deal of it is due to heavy urbanisation - greater population density, more cars, more dogs (who are more likely to be less trained/exercised as a result of the above) means people are now overly cautious.

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lol he tolerates it i wouldnt say loves it :love: but he bears it for the treats :)

mmm i met a dog that was totally water obsessed, as in would go swimming and stay in the water for prob half hour or more, swimming around splashing on purpose then chasing the flying water. he wouldnt come back when called, i would be soo concerned of him drowning :) now thats an obsession you would want kill quickly IMO

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I just read in the other forum someone wrote that ball playing in your dogs work. Its definitely my dogs work! Interestingly we met a person at the obedience Christmas party. He stopped to look at Max, asked us his age and stuff - then wanted to look in his mouth. Apparently a good working dog has black markings in his mouth, and that's how they get picked from a young age.

So - who's dogs have black markings in their mouth. And a thought that made me chuckle here at work - photos!

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