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Elbie, Hoover, Dodge & Friends!


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Looks like they are enjoying themselves!

Hey lilli_star, I see u down there... How's Roo?

Sozz. Was on the phone to my older sister. She used to be a vet- it's so handy, everyone should have a family member with a medical background :) I sent her a message this morning about whether she thought I should take Roo in to see the vets here this morning, and I ended up doing that during my lunch break today (yay for no playground duty! :cry: ). Roo had been such a sooky lala last night and this morning about it. She wouldn't let me get close enough to the stitches after I put Woundguard (antiseptic spray with deterrent) on it last night, and was still sooking this morning. When I came home at lunch she was bouncy like there was nothing wrong, and dragged me into the vets once she worked out where we were :p The vet said that the stitch was on the borderline of the normal/infection range (I guess that's how you describe it), but within normal limits. While it looks inflamed on the surface, she said it wasn't under the skin. But she is thinking it's probably best to take the stitches out on Saturday instead of Monday if they have healed enough because otherwise the stitches are going to cause more irritation. I'll take her back again on Saturday morning for another look. Roo was kept happy with some treats and even let the vet put some Vicks around the stitches without sooking!

Wuffles, Ruby had 5 stitches! I wonder why Ava only had to have 3 :D Roo isn't a rebel- no tattoo for her. Funny how some vets do the tattoo and some don't. I used to have a female cat that was tattooed after desexing, but my other girl at the time who was a year older wasn't. Same town, different vets. His Royal Grumpiness Jasper the cat doesn't have a tattoo either. How's Ava doing? They didn't keep her long. If I hadn't been so busy last weekend after Ruby's op, they would have kept her in overnight the night before and then the night of the op (no charge).

Better take the sooky lala outside, then I'll look at your vid.

Happy birthday Kuma! Love the hat! :cry: Gotta say, I think that's the first pic I've seen of him where he isn't smiling! Guess he really wasn't impressed :)

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Poor Roo! Fingers crossed it heals up miraculously overnight!

KTB - poor Hoover! Ditto to the above comment

My dad and sister are pharmacists, so handy if you're under the weather. Also means I have enough pain killers in my cupboard to tranquilize a small village! No so good with dogs tho...

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Wuffles, Ruby had 5 stitches! I wonder why Ava only had to have 3 :D Roo isn't a rebel- no tattoo for her. Funny how some vets do the tattoo and some don't. I used to have a female cat that was tattooed after desexing, but my other girl at the time who was a year older wasn't. Same town, different vets. His Royal Grumpiness Jasper the cat doesn't have a tattoo either. How's Ava doing? They didn't keep her long. If I hadn't been so busy last weekend after Ruby's op, they would have kept her in overnight the night before and then the night of the op (no charge).

Better take the sooky lala outside, then I'll look at your vid.

Ava would be smaller than Roo, she is 18.5kg, so that may explain the stitches. I thought there'd be more! The vet said that the tattoo is mandatory in the ACT :p I dropped her off at 8am, she was done around midday and I picked her up after work at 5pm. Apart from being groggy last night she was fine. Tonight she had a bit of a spack attack and wanted to play with Satch and bounced around and squealed and generally acted like a feral who had NOT had abdominal surgery the day before. The vet said it's fine to take her for a 20 minute walk on leash per day so I'll be doing that tomorrow to try take the edge off...

KTB I just have today and tomorrow off. Not sure what we'll do when we go back to work on Monday, we were planning on keeping one dog in the pergola and one in the yard but if it rains we might have to rethink. I did some training with Ava today and she was great :)

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Well the vets are doing well out of you lot lately.....

Hope all the patients are recovering and back to their 'normal' selves

KA - looks like Kuma had a lovely birthday. I've always wondered about the birthday hat thing on dogs. Pretty sure my boy wouldn't let me do that to him.

Re the 'cocking of leg'. Ziggy has done a sort of squat with one leg off ground since he was about 5 months. He now mostly does this, but I think the direction of the stream is still downward. On the beach he likes to squat over piles of seaweed, in preference to squatting directly on sand. :D I have also seen him sequentially raise one back leg then the other

We had training tonight. The usual short attention span and easily distracted by other dogs :) . One week we will get there. At this point I don't think there has been much progress at all.

He is now in his usual state of post training exhaustion (some peace and quiet for me). Unfortunately I think I lost my phone at training :p Will have to have a good look in the car tomorrow but maybe in for a replacement.

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Thanks for the well-wishes. Hoover seems generally healthy so we're hoping the mites will clear up soon. I feel sorry for the poor little monster, though - being poked and prodded all the time. He didn't make a sound when he was getting vaccinated though.

OK, some photos. Tonight, poor Elbie was trying to sleep when what should happen? A chunky monkey scampered out of his dog bed and went to Elbie's - climbing on top of Elbie. Look at the look on poor Elbie's face:


Normally Elbie would get up and leave but instead, he shot us this baleful glare as Hoover acted like he was totally entitled to plonk himself on top of Elbie.


Elbie looks patient as Hoover wriggles around, trying to get comfy


Hoover falls asleep, little Kelpie eyebrows still visible


Elbie: "Sheesh."


Elbie gives up and falls asleep



Edited by koalathebear
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Hi all...

Look at elbie and Hoover... Elbie is so good to put up with that. ;)

:vomit: at Roos stiches! I wonder if the vets in Canberra are more delicate, we always get asked if Kuma is a show dog, and they try to limit the amount of fur they shave.

I'm in Melbourne at a conference. It sucks...

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:vomit: at Roos stiches! I wonder if the vets in Canberra are more delicate, we always get asked if Kuma is a show dog, and they try to limit the amount of fur they shave.

They're super expensive so they may as well be more delicate! :vomit:

The skin around Ava's stitches is looking a bit red today but the incision itself looks ok and there is no swelling. I did take her for a 20 minute walk this morning and she's been bouncing off the walls so it doesn't surprise me that the stitches are pulling a bit ;)

Have fun in Melbourne... conferences aren't so bad :vomit:

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:rofl: at Roos stiches! I wonder if the vets in Canberra are more delicate, we always get asked if Kuma is a show dog, and they try to limit the amount of fur they shave.

They're super expensive so they may as well be more delicate! :thumbsup:

Have fun in Melbourne... conferences aren't so bad :eek:

Quote 1: :birthday: maybe....

Quote 2: conferences are usually fun unless you are on a booth, fielding random questions all day and generally being abused...

I must look like a native tho, I got asked for directions out on the street twice today! First time I knew where they were after, the second one I had no hope!

I am also the luckiest girl in the world. I managed to leave my wallet in a cab last night. I called a couple of cab companies and they put out a bulletin asking if anyone found it. The cabbie found it and returned it to meths afternoon, intact... I had cancelled my cards, but everything else was still there. Including a $200 myer voucher... I am so lucky

Apparently Kuma is still going on the bone I gave him yesterday and doing mad zoomies around the yard... Man I miss my boys when I'm away from home...

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Wow KA! You really were lucky! Thank goodness the taxi driver found it (and was honest enough to leave everything in it!). Hope you bought a lottery ticket too, just in case the luck holds out :eek: Are you attending the conference to learn stuff, or are you imparting information to the masses? :)

KTB, those photos are gorgeous! Elbie plays the part of long suffering big brother so well! :) Still don't know how either dog could be comfortable enough to sleep like that though! :thumbsup:

Wuffles, hope Ava is doing well and keeping "quiet" :birthday: Ha!

In other news, Miss Ruby had another upset tummy last night. No idea why, since she didn't have anything out of the ordinary to eat (that I know of :eek: ) except whatever treat the vet gave her, but they just looked like dog biscuits, or maybe cat biscuits. Anyway, the poo machine had been quite prolific between the time after her trip to the vets yesterday and before I came home- 3 not so normal, plus a normal one from that morning. I put it down to maybe the heat or maybe to do with her stitches. I mowed the lawn, she had a bone and everything seemed fine. Til 11pm last night. Then again at 2:40am (may have been earlier but that was when I got up to take her outside), then again at 5:10, 6:10 and 7:10am. Poor doglet. She ate some chicken for breakfast and I could tell she was really hungry so risked it with some Pal puppy biscuits and some mince in a Kong for her when I went to work. I rang my sister and she said that this will be life with a Labrador- garbage gutses. She said her Pug X is the same at least once a month. :rofl: My worry was, at what stage do you get worried? Ruby had 7 loose poos in less than 24 hours. She said that if she seems bright and happy, not to worry. She ate all of her dinner, and is asleep in her crate. I'll mention it to the vet tomorrow though. The swelling seems to have gone down at least.

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minxy, b] Max#1[/b], wuffles & niques: Glad you liked the photos. Sometimes our puppies are so cute and funny we can't believe it even though I am sure others would find them Not So Cute. :rofl: It was odd because normally, like Satch - Elbie would just get up and leave in disgust. I think that Hoover's persistence might have worn him down. :)

KumaAkita: Sorry you're in Melbourne ... although I DO like Melbourne ... but I suppose work travel is never fun :( So sorry you had to cancel your cards but so glad you got your wallet back ... What a frustrating thing to happen :( I hope the boys are doing ok in your absence and that OH is feeding himself.

lilli_star: From memory, Elbie has tattoos in both his ears - one to show he is desexed and one to say he is microchipped. Our dawg is Tough and Inked. We did wonder why they had to make such a big, messy, splatty tattoo though when presumably a few delicate lines would have done the same trick. :thumbsup: I'm sorry Roo's feeling poorly. It's possible the surgery and anaesthesia will mean she's feeling off for a few days .. Our two get runny poos every now and then and we chalk it up to them eating yucky stuff in the yard :p Hoover's the worst, he'll eat grass and tanbark and then at 4am we'll hear weird, gagging, heaving noises like he's turning inside out and morphing into an alien or something - then we'll find he's given us a lovely present of upchucked grass and tanbark. :) I guess all you can do is talk to the vet? I phone our vet from time to time when I'm worried about things. I know I sound neurotic but just hearing them tell me that it's normal makes me feel better. :eek:

wuffles: how are Ava's stitches now? Less red?

OK. Some photos. As for the rest of you ... :birthday: KA is off the hook because she's travellin', but what about the rest of you? :eek:

We had a tradesman here a couple of days ago doing a bunch of little repairs. The dogs were fascinated by him and stood in the doorway watching him. they still turned around for a photo, though.


The doggies had their first roo tails the other day. Gross and bloody


Elbie of course loved his ...



Hoover the greedy guts also loved his roo tail


Poor thing with his bald patch. Like George Michael, he might need to start insisting that he only be photographed from the right side and never the left


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Monsters waiting for kibble - look at Elbie's tongue and both sets of ears


I love how intent Elbie is and how distracted Hoover is


The trials of photographing a black dog ... but you can still see how intent he is


Out of focus but his ears are still wonky


How the monsters spent much of today - asleep on the step outside the kitchen door


Hoover and his funny face


Hoover guarding the Royal Canin again.



Also ... Royal Canin smells like Cheese Twisties ... I'm totally put off Twisties for life now. Shame really.

Love this photo of my wonky-eared monsters.


Hope everyone is ok and planning a nice chilled out weekend :birthday: I have to skip Elbie's training tomorrow morning because I'm waiting for our new stove/oven to be delivered. The previous owners of the house appeared to have put in a bodgy oven/stove just for the purposes of the sale and it died and the brand is non-existent so we had to replace ... Soooo expensive :thumbsup:

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Very lucky KA! Hope you've enjoyed the weather show here today. Stifling hot then blowing and pretend rain. Now cool, til tomorrow when its going to pour and pour and pour... Its three weekends out of the last four that have been rainy. Unbelievable (especially considering the flyball nationals tomorrow - I'm a bit nervous, not really sure what I should be doing, when I should get there, what munchies I should bring... hmmmm).

Poor Ruby. Though if she's happy enough then it must be okay. With dogs I guess you can only go on how they seem - and when they're really not well you know. The mini-poodle that we had growing up was always a finicky eater, so it was hard to tell if she was really sick or just fussing. Now with Max, there's no doubt at all! And the things he's eaten and survived, they must have an iron-clad stomach I'm sure.

Hey KTB: I'm wondering if Hoover lying on top of Elbie is a dominance thing? You know when they play, and they try to put their paws on one another?

Speaking of dominance, my obedience instructor thought Max might be a bit dominant (to be honest I'm undecided - on the one hand he's so biddable.. on the other - what do I know). She told me she doesn't really believe in that whole humans are the alpha in the pack thing, but that submissive behaviour is 'checking in'. So if I leave the room, then come back in and go and give Max a pat on my way past, that's referring to him as the alpha dog. Or if I let him outside, and when he comes in he checks in with me before going to sit down (or whatever) then I'm the alpha. I've tried to be conscious of it this week and its pretty much a 50/50 split. Anyone else have any thoughts on this? Those with two doggies, do they do this with each other? Very curious!

As for photos - here's Max asking me what I want him to do next..... this is the face I get all day...


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I think Hoover's eyes are quite adorable

KA I feel your pain regarding lost objects. This year I have lost my wallet (walking dog on beach) and last night my mobile phone (at dog training/dog park). Thankfully my wonderful secretary secured me a new phone :thumbsup:

I was at work today and had a lovely patient with a guide dog. The doggy (10yo) had to stay out during a procedure. So the lovely nurses took the doggy out to toilet, made sure she had a drink of water, and fed her 2 sweet biscuits :rofl: Her owner thought she was being spoilt!

No photos at the mo (although I did have some on the phone I lost last night :eek: )

How long is everyone taking of for the big de-sexing? I will definitely have to organise early in the new year.

Completely think Elbie and Hoover are the perfect match :birthday:

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More lovely photos KTB. The tongue out to the side is my picture of doggy-happiness. And what can I say about Hoover. I could eat him, I'm pretty sure! I'll never forget when we had tradesmen at our house and they gave one of our mini-poodles (who was a complete pig) some of their hot potato chips. These chips just made him spew and spew and spew. So embarrassing. Dog+potato=no good.

And yes, the royal canin does smell like twisties. Been trying to figure out what that was for ages.... And it makes their poo smell more... meaty?

Here's Max doing 'the seal'...


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