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Elbie, Hoover, Dodge & Friends!


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Gorgeous photos, Clastic. Mars' ears are just so regal and aristocratic. He could take over the world with those ears. Pepper's expression is so cute in the play photos. :)

In less happy news, OH and I were at Mama Koala's for lunch, I swear we weren't gone for over an hour and a half. When we returned, we found this.

Question: What is this?

(a) Empty grave site pre-dead guy

(b) Huffalump trap

© Beginnings of a swimming pool

(d) Hoover digging his way to freedom


Butter wouldn't melt in the little monster's mouth. Look how innocent the devil spawn appears! Never trust a puppy with a comb-over!


The guys in The Great Escape could have used Little Hoover on their side! I'm not sure what Elbie was doing while all this was going on - probably watching in disapproval. :laugh:

Both dogs are now unconscious in their dog beds. Clearly wanton destruction is exhausting!

Edited by koalathebear
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Hi everyone I have some horrible news (please forgive I'm not a Alaskan Malamute owner but...) I have a friend in the Tamworth, NSW area who had eight 8 days old Alaskan Malamute puppies stolen from her home :thumbsup: . If anyone hears anything about people selling young pups please let me know, PM me! I'm pretty scared of what may happen to them :)

Thanks everyone


My folks are in tamowrth, I'll let them know... If they hear anything I'll pass it on...

This is awful... Lilli_star if your folks hear anything up there, can they pass it on?

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Hi everyone I have some horrible news (please forgive I'm not a Alaskan Malamute owner but...) I have a friend in the Tamworth, NSW area who had eight 8 days old Alaskan Malamute puppies stolen from her home :thumbsup: . If anyone hears anything about people selling young pups please let me know, PM me! I'm pretty scared of what may happen to them :rofl:

Thanks everyone


My folks are in tamowrth, I'll let them know... If they hear anything I'll pass it on...

This is awful... Lilli_star if your folks hear anything up there, can they pass it on?

Who steals puppies???!!!! Wtf is wrong with people?! :) 8 days old....tiny weeny babies need their mama. And I bet she's stressing too :eek: Hopefully the stupid idiots realise they've made a huge mistake and do the right thing- even leaving them at one of the vets if not where they stole them from. My dad has just gone home after being here for the weekend. I'll mention it next time I speak to him.

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Salutations all!

ravenau1: good luck with names! OH and I couldn't agree for Hoover's name so went with the breeder's original name so that resolved that issue quite well :)

Thanks lol. I thought it would be getting easier as we got closer, but it's getting harder! He keeps coming up with more names! :( Just this weekend we've had Astrid (He says he likes it because it was the name of a Valkyrie, I know it's because he watched How to Train Your Dragon again the other day :) ), Rumour (after a character from the Shannara books... a Moorcat, yes... CAT!), and Ayanami (after Rei Ayanami, from Neon Genesis Evangelion - the anime) added to the list. At this rate we will need 30 dogs!

In other news, it was a rather overcast and bleak morning after a night of sporadic rain. Fortunately it wasn't raining this morning. While OH and Elbie were in silver class, I enrolled Hoover in February's beginner classes and took him around for some meet and greets to get him socialised with Doggies and their owners.

A little bit of video footage is

. He was a little shy at first but he seemed to enjoy himself even when facing bigger doggies. He behaved a little inappropriately a few times. Sorry Clastic. Sorry Wuffles. He grew up on a farm and is a bit earthy. :D

Great vid! loved seeing all the dogs! :D

Love the video KTB. :) :) Hoover is so cute with his kangaroo hops and wombat wiggle bum!

I shall still be keeping an eye on Miss Pepper just to make sure she isn't.. 'growing up'....

About to bombard with photos...

This was Pepper in the car for most of the drive home.. and now she's snoozing under the computer desk.


Mars with his deer antler.. and also just one of him with his oversize bat ears..


And just a few of my 2 playing with one another..


Hehehe! Love the bat ears! :)

Gorgeous photos, Clastic. Mars' ears are just so regal and aristocratic. He could take over the world with those ears. Pepper's expression is so cute in the play photos. :mad

In less happy news, OH and I were at Mama Koala's for lunch, I swear we weren't gone for over an hour and a half. When we returned, we found this.

Question: What is this?

(a) Empty grave site pre-dead guy

(b) Huffalump trap

© Beginnings of a swimming pool

(d) Hoover digging his way to freedom


Butter wouldn't melt in the little monster's mouth. Look how innocent the devil spawn appears! Never trust a puppy with a comb-over!


The guys in The Great Escape could have used Little Hoover on their side! I'm not sure what Elbie was doing while all this was going on - probably watching in disapproval. :mad

Both dogs are now unconscious in their dog beds. Clearly wanton destruction is exhausting!

You could hire Hoover out to an excavation company! :mad

Oh naughty Hoover! :mad

But try not to worry too much until you outdo us. Remember we used to have grass as well.


Wuffles, please excuse my ignorance :) but what kind of dog is Ava? Is she an Aussie Shepherd?

RE the stolen puppies, that makes me feel sick in the stomach ;), those poor, poor babies! I hope they find them or they are returned.

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morning all... so, yesterday it was my turn to have "turd-dog" at training... we walked out of class about halfway through, coz a certain Akita wouldn't do a single thing! He was ignoring me and being a general idiot! There's also a husky puppy in our class that has taken a dislike to Kuma - she's growly and snappy at Kuma. I'd move away from her, but she'd keep following me and standing next to me. Weird... next week I will ask her owner to try and stay separate, or I'll move to another class.

Cute vid KTB! You can also hire out Hoover to do landscaping work at our place, we need some holes for trees as well as a few trenches for our little retaining walls... will pay in kibble.

Clastic - look at Mars' ears! They are adorable! Little pepper is a plucky girl! Can't wait to meet Mars...

Edited by KumaAkita
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Hoover dug two more holes today - fairly small and in the tanbark area and the gravel not the lawn. Fortunately he doesn't dig in the lawn too much. Anyway, we were watching an episode of Fringe over dinner when we saw this scene of two guys digging a hole:


We immediately thought: "Hoover's struck again".

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Wuffles, please excuse my ignorance :hug: but what kind of dog is Ava? Is she an Aussie Shepherd?

Yes she is an Aussie :D

I thought so, thanks wuffles ;)

I need some toy advice please, peoples! We now have all our 'essentials' for the dog and are starting to collect some toys. We have a few balls, a fluffy mallard that quacks when you squeeze it, a teddy bear and a braided rope thingy with a ball in the middle. We will get some 'consumables' for chewing (like some antler etc) but I am wondering what are your dogs favourite toys? What would you guys recommend? :) Thanks.

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I need some toy advice please, peoples! We now have all our 'essentials' for the dog and are starting to collect some toys. We have a few balls, a fluffy mallard that quacks when you squeeze it, a teddy bear and a braided rope thingy with a ball in the middle. We will get some 'consumables' for chewing (like some antler etc) but I am wondering what are your dogs favourite toys? What would you guys recommend? :D Thanks.

Hrmmm, if you have the patience I would probably wait and see what king of toys your puppy likes the best! For example neither of mine are interested in balls. Something rubber maybe, like a Cuz. Kongs are the most important toy in our house. I think the consensus is that most dogs love empty plastic bottles :hug:

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Yes, plastic bottles are always a winner- except Ruby deforms them pretty quickly :hug: She also loves demolishing cardboard boxes- I give her one most days before I go to work with her Kong inside it (and a few bits of treats- like lamb pieces) and she happily rips it to bits.

It took Ruby ages to know what to do with a Kong. Now she's got it sorted, I probably should move her up to a red one instead of the puppy version.

Ruby has the toy duck- that's her favourite at the moment. She brings it out of her crate when I let her out. She chews on it but so far, hasn't been able to chew anything off- unlike Bear where she chewed off one arm and is trying to get to the rest. :D

Things that squeak are good- well, not for human ears though. I bought a couple from the $2 shop. Ruby loved her rope toys- she still has them but doesn't play with them much anymore. I just bought her some new toys from Dstore- a tugajug, a buster cube and a Cuz, and something else....oh! A buddy bone. Plus 2 antlers from Sway. Spoilt dog, but bought in anticipation of her desexing and wanting to keep her busy.

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Plastic bottles! We can definitely do those lol. I bet no matter what toys I have the puppy will be like the cats, they have heaps of toys and all they will play with is one fish on a stick thing. They will play with wrappers, leaves, fluff, shoes, bits of stick, toilet rolls and once spent a whole weekend chasing a potato around the house :hug:

Edited by ravenau1
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Hi All

Thanks for all the nice comments on my cat. I feel like she is sooo neglected now I have the dog cuz they don't really get along. She doesn't had any dog-sense and Ziggy just gets all revved up and want to chase her. Hence a baby-gate in the hall way designating the house into the 'cat-zone' and the 'dog-zone'.

KTB, Wuffles, KA - loved the vid of all the kids playing - they seem to get along really well. Hoover seems like such a chilled out doggie. Love his beautiful markings

Clastic - Your BCs look like they have such a great time playing together, I love their tri colourings! I cannot wait to get another dog but I must say at the moment with full time work and its just me, I think it would be hard to fit in the training etc.

Ravenau1. All I can say re puppy toys is that I can't remember exactly which ones were faves for the dog, but I love the treat ball things just for those times you have to confine them inside... (Oh and the half chewed coir back door mat was a big hit :hug: )

Not much happening in this house. Ziggy is outside chewing on a massive bone that is about 2 weeks old. He's been out their for hours and I suspect he'll be sleeping outside tonight! I have the builders coming tomorrow to put a roof on the patio/deck area so we will be confined to the house or outside the house. If the weather's nice we might go to the beach. I have been reading all the horror snake stories on DOL and I'm now too afraid to go to the river. :D

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Hi All

Thanks for all the nice comments on my cat. I feel like she is sooo neglected now I have the dog cuz they don't really get along. She doesn't had any dog-sense and Ziggy just gets all revved up and want to chase her. Hence a baby-gate in the hall way designating the house into the 'cat-zone' and the 'dog-zone'.

Sounds like what happens at my house- Jasper the cat is not amused by the black imposter. He's gone from having HIS toys all over the house to having them confined to 'his' room or having them confiscated for fear Roo will eat them (she has tried twice when Jasper must have brought them out when we were outside). The black imposter on the other hand has her toys all over the place. Poor Jasper. On the plus side, he was a lot friendlier with my best friend when she came to stay a few weeks ago and my dad when he was here on the weekend (J used to hide).

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I love the video of the Canberra dogs! It's great to see them all in motion - Kuma is a gorgeous boof of a dog! Hoover chasing along after them is very cute.

I have another plastic bottle fiend. I freeze water in those 600ml Coke bottles for him every so often and that always entertains him. And his CleanRun squeaker toys are still in one piece, which is fairly amazing. And he's still in love with them. Had another package from CleanRun today - I handed it to him and he gently took it in his mouth and wandered around the house proudly showing off his parcel :) Doesn't like balls all that much, despite being a fetch-a-holic. He adores all things squeaky.

Although I got him one of those 16 squeaker mats (a squirrel) from Clean Run as well and that has lost a paw or two, as well as both ears. Sometimes eating things is just much more fun than squeaking :laugh:

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ravenau1: Astrid's a really nice name - and one of my favourite characters in Fringe. Walter always gets her name wrong and calls her Astro and Aspirin :) At the end of the day even if your dog's name is longish, you'll end up shortening it when training so you can probably give her as many names as you like. :laugh:

For toys, I agree with wuffles that you might want to wait and see what your pup likes. For instance, Elbie isn't that thrilled about kongs, loves his tucker ball, had zero interest in his hideously expensive home alone ball which people on DOL RAVED about ... he didn't like tugs as a young pup but now loves his tug toy and will 'work' for tugs. He loves juice bottles, antlers, all squeakies - but there's someone in the puppy thread who said that their dog was scared of squeakers. Elbie's favourite outdoor toy is probably his rubber frisbee although he likes balls as well. I feel so bad for him right now because his favourite game was to hold one toy in his mouth and then bat the tennis ball around with his paw. These days, every time he tries to play that game, he's pounced on by a little monsterHoover and so he doesn't get to play his game. They both love the Tuffie toys which are AWESOME because so far they're indestructible. We have a tug toy, a ring and a star fish.

morning all... so, yesterday it was my turn to have "turd-dog" at training... we walked out of class about halfway through, coz a certain Akita wouldn't do a single thing! He was ignoring me and being a general idiot! There's also a husky puppy in our class that has taken a dislike to Kuma - she's growly and snappy at Kuma. I'd move away from her, but she'd keep following me and standing next to me. Weird... next week I will ask her owner to try and stay separate, or I'll move to another class.

Maybe Kuma knew we had a puppy play date in the off-lead area and wanted to join in. :laugh: That is a pain about the husky. Sometimes there are dogs that just don't click. Terriers frequently want to lunge at Elbie although as time has passed, they appear more desensitised to one another so there's less lunging but in the early days, we found it so hard to avoid being next to a terrier ... The weather was also a bit foul last week so I hope it was just a fleeting moment of turdiness. :rofl:

I have been reading all the horror snake stories on DOL and I'm now too afraid to go to the river. :D

Ayah. DOL fear strike again. Because of DOL, I put all the Kongs and Kong balls away because of the stories of deaths arising from kongs and kong balls. Snakes is scary, too ... Sigh. On the one hand, Hoover IS chilled, but he's actually a lot naughtier than Elbie if that makes any sense. He looks very placid and cute but he's so naughty!!! Still, he can be trained. He learned high five today.

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