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Elbie, Hoover, Dodge & Friends!


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I love all the stories and annotations to the pictures!!! The poor headless teddies!!!! We don't have headless things in our house... yet!

Sorry to dash in and out, we have so much going on at the moment. But, not to deprive you all of Genevieve's latest antics, check out the following links - only if you promise to please not dob me in to the RSPCA!!! I can assure you she was not harmed and in fact instigated such outings herself!. Hubby was out the front and she wanted in on the action!

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The Kuma Story

The OH and I had wanted a dog for AGES. We were only renting, first in Sydney and then we moved down here. I think we'd started planning for a dog about 7 years ago, but every landlord said no. The rental agreement for our first place in Canberra even prevented us having fish (really?? coz they're going to do heaps of damage!)

Our first breed of choice was a staffy, and remained that way until we saw an Akita on TV. Albeit on The Dog Whisperer where the Akita was going off it's trolley! That made me a bit wary of the breed and after we did some reading I got even warier. All the books say "bad dog, aggressive...". Oh and then I worked out how big they are! Anyway, we were driving past a puppy class at Gungahlin vet and saw an Akita - OH pulled over the car and we stopped and said hello. They had a backyard bread Akita, which was placid and gentle. I decided that I would be ok with an Akita, but it would have to come from a registered breeder who bred for temperament, no shonky backyard jobby.

So, I emailed a few breeders, and the only one who responded was Tabatha at Daykeyne. I met her and her dogs at a local show and fell in love. First I met Treason


He is a big gentle giant and was just wonderful. Tabatha mentioned that she had a litter available and only had one boy left. We went to meet the puppies and our boy was just so perfect for us. He was independent - which was a characteristic we found appealing as he would have to cope being outside alone all day. He waddled over to say Hi and then went back to his business. The other puppies were jumping all over us! Turns our that Kuma is a redneck inbred - Treason is his grandfather on 3 out of 4 sides!

This is Sniper - Kuma's Dad


This is Code - Kuma's mum and the entire litter


And this is my little boy at about 6 weeks... you can see that he's just had his dinner!


Kuma came to us at 8 weeks



He's one year old in a month...

OMG they are the most adorable photos! What a precious puppy!

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KumaAkita: Beautiful story!

I think we'd started planning for a dog about 7 years ago, but every landlord said no. The rental agreement for our first place in Canberra even prevented us having fish (really?? coz they're going to do heaps of damage!)

*sympathy* I hope that we never, ever have to rent again. Having our own place gives us such freedom ... we got Elbie towards the tail end of our lease and I must confess he was ahem a Stealth Dog for a little while until we finally settled and moved. :D We DID keep him confined to the kitchen and yard though. Have you read The Ducks Are Not Mine? Such an awesome read for any frustrated pet-owner renter. :heart:

So, I emailed a few breeders, and the only one who responded was Tabatha at Daykeyne.

Maybe breeders don't do email ... I have to admit it is a little frustrating trying to do the right thing and get a purebred pup! I am emailing and phoning. Tabatha sounds wonderful and her dogs are beautiful. Sniper and Code are gorgeous - no wonder Kuma's so handsome!!

This photo of Kuma makes me melt:


I love hearing stories of why people ended up with the doggy they did.

Edited by koalathebear
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I love reading this thread! :D

.. Just popped in to say, today at work a puppy about 6 Months came in and it looked soooooo much like little Elbie!

I was like, if KTB wasn't in the ACT I would totally have thought it was Elbie, even had the crazy ear thing going!

Just wanted to share :heart:

.. Goes back into the lurking

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I love reading this thread! :cry:

.. Just popped in to say, today at work a puppy about 6 Months came in and it looked soooooo much like little Elbie!

I was like, if KTB wasn't in the ACT I would totally have thought it was Elbie, even had the crazy ear thing going!

Just wanted to share :heart:

.. Goes back into the lurking

Welcome!!! Don't lurk! Come back, come back! You have two gorgeous fur kids who are very photogenic and would make many contributions to this thread. :D Maverick's expression frequently reminds me of Elbie and Hector is sooooo cute. *pets him*

Poor Elbie and his crazy ear ... :( There are some days when he's all bat-eared and alert and we go: "Oh - his ears are standing up now." We turn around, turn back and they've wilted again. ;) Other times he stares at his with his crazy demented wonky ears that seem to reflect how puzzled he is feeling about life. Who knows how they'll turn out in the end?

Even funnier though is Max - his ears were REALLY REALLY straight for a bit - reaching for the sky. Then they flopped again. ;)

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Oh dear, I have to stop reading this thread in public places - I gave a rather loud snort of laughter when I saw this earlier :heart:

What a big boy Treason is! Kuma comes from gorgeous stock. I'm very taken with Sniper, in particular :D The shot of the whole litter desperately has me wanting another puppy! Just beautiful.

You'll have Genevieve running as a sled dog in no time, Wizzle ;)

There's no interesting story behind James' arrival, but I'll dig up some early puppy shots of him later tonight and give the tale a go.

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Also, tigers12 is getting a border collie soon ... Hopefully names are being picked out. OH and I are still in the course of 'debating' prospective puppy names. :heart:

He is very conscientious in his adherence to two rules:

  • cannot rhyme with Elbie
  • cannot rhyme with 'no'

He gave a hilarious re-enactment of trying to tell a dog named Nono not to savage another dog. :D

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Well okay! If your inviting me in! :D

The story of Maverick

Maverick came into the shelter that I work at, he was one of 13 ;) in the litter!

He melted my heart and it was most definitely love at first sight. (melted mum's heart too considering she let me adopt!)

He came home and was just an angel of a puppy, but with confidence came cheekiness!

First Day Home [9 weeks old]


He grew quickly, and went through many different stages with his coat, at one stage he was a full sable colour! ;)

[8 Months Old]


He also went thru a very destructive stage and one night I came home to this! :heart:


He has turn into a handsome gentle giant and I love him with all my heart!

[18 Months] (now)


I will come back and write Hector's story :cry:

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I love reading this thread! :) ... Goes back into the lurking

Like 'MavericksMission' I also lurk in this thread - its great to read everyone's stories, see the photos and videos! Reading about the obedience classes makes me happy to know that its not just Asti who is interested in juice bottles! :) and has almost inspired me to find an agilty class to take Asti too (for exercise and better obedience)! The sarcasm and beheaded toys cracks me up!

... back to the shadows to continue lurking with MavericksMission...

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KTB, you so have the best thread! All the cool kids wanna join :rofl: Warm fuzzies for you :love:

Big day for Ruby today- she saw my older sister (who used to be a vet) again for the first time in almost 3 months and met my best friend and her dad. All pronounced Roo as just gorgeous :eek:

Not long back from puppy school week 2, and I am happy to report that Miss Roo was a lot better than last week (currently fast asleep and snoring on and off). Not perfect by any stretch, and still with the attention span of an ant, but better. Magical dog trainer lady wants me to stop walking Ruby until she can walk nicely on a loose leash, since I'm basically throwing all the work out the window when Ruby takes me, ahem, I take Ruby for a walk. Hmmm...I can see her point, but Ruby really enjoys her walks, and it gets me off my bum too...

On the way to puppy school, we stopped at Petbarn and I bought Ruby one of those BonoFido staydry basket dog bed thingys. I'd been looking at them online since KTB and Niques said they have them, but I couldn't find a lot of stock online (only a few online shops plus eBay). The cheapest one I found was in Hobart- until the postage was added! By chance, I looked on the Petbarn website and wahey! They're on special this month! I was going to get an XL...boy I'm glad I looked at them in person rather than just ordering sight unseen- the XL was mega huge! :cheer: Seriously, I don't think it would have fit in my car! I think it was about the same size as my car! So, a large it is, and even that is pretty big (yes, I know she'll grow into it!). Jasper the cat may command it yet too :)

Kuma Akita- I can't believe how big Kuma's grandfather is! I've never met an Akita in real life. I love that pic of Kuma as a wee puppy standing all show dog fancy like :o

MM, the pic of Maverick in the middle of his destruction made me gasp, then laugh :) You must have been picking up bits of foam for weeks!

I'll post Roo's "story" when I've finished this stupid essay. Yes. Still working on it. Halfway through the wordcount though :o Aiming to be done by Thursday so I can take Roo over to see her mama dog and hang out with my niece and nephew before he goes back to boarding school.

Edited by lilli_star
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MM, the pic of Maverick in the middle of his destruction made me gasp, then laugh :) You must have been picking up bits of foam for weeks!

Try picking up foam for almost a year!

He did this about a year before we moved house.. I still found foam and bits and pieces on moving day! :)

YIKES!!! :cheer::rofl::o

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So you can't have Maverick stories without Hector ones to follow!

Hector's Story

Hector, like Maverick came from the shelter I work at.

When his litter came in I got asked to "hold him for a minute" ..ahh yeah it all went downhill from there!

I was on the phone begging, begging, begging mum to let me bring him home. For the first week she kept declining, then one day she called me and said .. "well we better go and get some more puppy supplies this weekend.." *insert extremely excited face in here*

So I brought home this bundle of joy [9 weeks old]


Hector was.. well still is an extremely energetic, bouncy, licky, over excited pup. So very different to Maverick.

He loves his toys! He fetches.. Maverick looks at the ball and says "umm.. you go get it!"

He really needed to grow into his ears [16 weeks old]


Hector and Maverick got along from day one like a house on fire, I couldn't of asked for a more perfect pair!

He loves his big brother!


And here is my beautiful bouncy pup now! [10 Months Old]


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Computers are so silly.. I typed out so much and then Firefox decided to crash.. all gone. So you get the quick short story now!

Oh and welcome MavericksMission!! And SammieS you had better come out and play!!

Loving everyones stories!!

Mars's Story

OH wanted a BC because when he was younger he grew up with one, I didn't have much of a preference but thought Shiba Inu's were adorable! (I blame living in Japan for that..) So it was decided that a BC our pup would be, I wanted a chocolate BC. :)

Off I went hunting online for breeders, found a few that I liked and took note of when they had pups due. Silly me not actually e-mailing them and asking to be added to a waiting list!

So after a few months of me checking breeders pages everyday I finally stumbled across this pic that was posted by one of the breeders.


Not chocolate like I wanted but.. its so hard to resist those tubby little BC faces! Showed OH the pic and were um-ing about it all evening until finally we said 'lets just e-mail and ask..', so we sent off an e-mail enquiring about the pups available and if there might possibly be a female in that litter. OH wanted a girl, because he had heard that they had nicer temperaments and Missy his childhood dog was a girl. I'd grown up with both girls and boys and just took that comment as one of those 'myths' you hear, but to make OH happy.. a girl it was. :o

Got an e-mail back while I was at work, they only had one pup left from that litter and it was a boy! She sent photos with her reply so I called OH straight away!

I told OH that I got a reply and he was VERY excited, but as soon as I said "but they only have one pup left... and its a boy", his reply was "no". He really had his mind set out on getting a girl, but I forwarded him the photos anyway.. as you do. I was really suprised when I got this reply from him "ohhhhh he's soooo cute! what do you think???" Woo hoo! OH approves, its hard to resist puppy pics. Below are the pics we got sent.


So after a bit of thinking that day, we decided to go ahead with said puppy, e-mailed the breeder back and she called to ask some questions then after that the pup was all ours! I swear OH was more excited than I was, LOL. He'd already started thinking of a name for our little man and decided that he looks like a Mars Bar and thats how he got his name Mars. :)

We only had one problem though.. we were living at my Mum's place while waiting for our house to be built.. how to tell her the wonderful news?! I really should have asked her first before we made the decision, but thought that Mars would have other doggies to keep him company during the day instead of being all alone at home, OH kept pestering me to tell her but I really thought it would be best just to um.. suprise her.

The day came for us to pick him up, we got home with Mars and Mum wasn't home yet.. as soon as she got home we took her to the backyard and showed her the little ball of fluff that was Mars. OH was waiting for her to go crazy since I didn't tell her, but Mum was great about it. As you can tell I was such a kid about it.. bring the pup home first then suffer the consequences.. I did ask when we got little Pepper though!

So in the end we 1) Didn't end up with a girl which OH had hoped for and 2) I didn't get the chocolate colour which I was after. We planned for so long and both had our minds set on what we wanted, and got something different but we wouldn't want our Mars Bar any other way.

Just some pics of Mars growing up and his ears having fun :cheer:

First pic is of him on the car trip home (8 weeks), 2nd pic is when we went camping with him for Easter when he was 3 months old (his ears are starting to do their own thing), 3rd pic is at 4 months old (starting to get pointy ears) and last pic is of him at 9 months old (taken last weekend).



So much for the short version.. stay stuned for the Pepper story.. hopefully won't be as long! Sorry guys!

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Like 'MavericksMission' I also lurk in this thread - its great to read everyone's stories, see the photos and videos! Reading about the obedience classes makes me happy to know that its not just Asti who is interested in juice bottles! :) and has almost inspired me to find an agilty class to take Asti too (for exercise and better obedience)! The sarcasm and beheaded toys cracks me up!

... back to the shadows to continue lurking with MavericksMission...

:o Why does everyone feel like they have to lurk? This thread is for anyone who wants to to share Photos (Artistic Photos and the sort I share - Less Artistic But With An Ahem Story) and stories of our Sometimes Less Than Perfect Doggies. :o Asti is extremely cute. Please post away and share stories and photos.

Asti is definitely NOT the only juice bottle addict ... Elbie has a strange addiction. We have 3 juice bottles out in the yard and 2 as "back up/reinforcements" in the kitchen. Elbie's favourite thing is to carry one by the handle and run around the yard with it. Then he attacks it like the mOnStEr he is!

Also, Niques ... SammieS. I regret to inform you that badger suffered a further injury tonight. While I was on the phone investigating The Great Kelpie Hunt, he waved this terrifying sight before my appalled orbs.


Poor badger.

MavericksMission: Wee Maverick ... oh those eyes ... He has also grown up into the most handsome and soulful-looking dog. I do have to say though that I believe that your Photo of Canine-Caused Destruction might win the prize for Ultimate Destructor. :cheer: It was very impressive. I also like the impression on Maverick's face as he sits amidst his Destruction - very chilled and nonchalant: 'Who me?'

Hector! Also has Eyes of Limpid Expressiveness. Not only when he was a wee pup, but he still has them. Sooo cute. Also, how on earth do you work at a shelter? I'm so lucky I don't, OH would be horrified at the hordes of dogs I would be bringing home: "Just this one last one ...."

lilli_star: You didn't need to buy a BonFido bed - you could have asked Kuma for his - I still remember this pic which Kumatheakita posted once before :rofl:


For some reason we all seem to have bought the same dog bed. :(

Good luck with your essay!!!! :o

Great shots and funny stories in here :) Particularly love the 'how you got your dog' stories ;)

My puppy won't be born for another 3 weeks :( I am living vicariously through you lot :love:

Awwwwww ... but won't it be so cute when you can post lots of pictures of your puppy? :eek: I love how puppy eyes are always so bewildered and confused like they're spaced out on life or something.

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Well, before I start with Max's story... please remember:

a) this is the comfy corner, and

b) this is the comfy corner, and

c) I have since been enlightened....... :)

Max's Story

So we'd just moved into our first own-house, and were pretty excited to get our first own-dog. We'd been looking online for AGES. I wanted a 'smart' dog, as growing up with mini poodles, I liked the way they would listen to me and look me in the eye. Do you know what I mean?

Anyway, my OH was dead set on a border collie. But everything we read about them said 'No NO DANGER DANGER - do NOT get this dog UNLESS you have at LEAST 100 sheep!!!!!'. We even read one story about a border collie female that got up onto the roof of a shed and REFUSED to come down. Can't remember where I read it. We looked at breeders, but somehow got the idea that this was only for show dogs, and we weren't interested in that. Then my sister told me about a lady at her work getting a bc from a breeder, that had been specifically bred to be a sedate pet, but it cost thousands. And we just thought - well that's ridiculous. We also looked at RSPCA/other rescues, but there seemed to be only of staffy crosses, and they're just not the dog for me (us).

Then ONE DAY we happened to go into a shopping centre, which we rarely rarely do. And in a pet shop (shhhhhh, I know) there were these border collie x labs. And we thought - hey there's an idea, the lab cross will take the edge off the border collie breed. And they were just cute as buttons. And we must've hung round that place for at least 2 hours, holding them, talking to the shop people.... but in the end we went home because my OH, who had never had dogs before, said 'I just don't know the consequences of getting a puppy'. Anyway. My heart was already gone on the little one, with the white chin, who was sitting by himself licking the window..........

The next weekend my OH's sister arrived from overseas and needed to open a bank account so we went back to that same shopping centre. We've never been there before, nor since. We thought we'd just go by, and see if they were still there. He was. My OH's sister said, 'for goodness sakes, you only live once'. So we did it. We bought Max (who was nearly called 'Ballack' or 'Messi' (probably would've been quite appropriate) - and the world cup was on) home when he was 9 weeks old, oh, and some worms too.... the white ones that look like rice..... :)

Hmmm... anyway here he is. And I'm sorry but I'm going to have to do the photos one at a time...

Caption: 'Do you mean I can poo here anywhere??????'


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