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Elbie, Hoover, Dodge & Friends!


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Urgh ... I share your anxiety. OH and I keep fretting about what we are going to do if we have to go on holiday. I don't think Elbie will like a kennel but he isn't used to sleeping outside and he can't stay with any friends and family. OH says we can't go on any holidays until the dog dies. :laugh: I'm thinking we might be able to do the Great Ocean Road with dog ...

Driving holidays do suddenly seem the more appealing alternative now there's a dog. Before the engagement, there was a plan to do a driving holiday with James down to see my brother, as I've never been to the Central Coast, but the wedding's thrown a complete spanner in the works (yes, I'm blaming my brother's wedding on ruining doggy holiday plans :thumbsup: ) - there's no way he can come now :D

I'm loving the puppy preschool stories! We had a very motley bunch of dogs, ranging from an absolutely tiny (as in, fitting in the palm of your hand tiny) mini poodle x who was prone to nervous wees to a gorgeous Welsh Springer Spaniel with a cocky attitude. We did preschool through the vet so they brought in a crate one week just to familiarise the dogs, as none were being crate-trained. It was liberally littered with treats to coax the dogs in when they had their turns offleash. Unfortunately we were sitting closest to the crate and within 2 minutes, James had parked himself inside and was happily devouring every treat :laugh: Never failed to embarrass us.

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We were given one of those clamshell thingies - 2 shells joined by a rope? Elbie proceeded to gnaw his way through the rope and is now gnawing on the clam shells themselves. Clearly this demonstrates a Deep-seated Pathological Loathing of Molluscs which means he should never be permitted in public, or at least where there is marine life.

:laugh: :D Oh KTB, your posts crack me up every time! :thumbsup:

Ruby ate through the rope on hers too- I of course mildly freaked out (this was a few weeks after the blanket episode), and collected all the bits left in a bag which is currently sitting on the bench and tried to work out how much she had actually eaten. Not much, but some as it turned out :laugh: So then I joined the two halves with wire (Ha! Chew your way through THAT smartie!), then proceeded to worry everyday that she would EAT the wire, especially after she pulled it out one day (yeah, this smartie hadn't actually tied the wire around itself. It is now).

Of course the little brat doesn't actually use her clamshell for digging- why bother when it's more fun to dig up the floor in her shed (now covered up with pavers to hold tarp edges down), or holes next to the house, or today a hole in the backyard while I was talking to the next door neighbour over the fence. :D

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Urgh ... I share your anxiety. OH and I keep fretting about what we are going to do if we have to go on holiday. I don't think Elbie will like a kennel but he isn't used to sleeping outside and he can't stay with any friends and family. OH says we can't go on any holidays until the dog dies. :thumbsup: I'm thinking we might be able to do the Great Ocean Road with dog ...

We are going to Phuket in January and we are having a friend house sit... aka. Genevieve sit. It was either that or we were going to fly her to Perth to spend the fortnight with my sister! If lived closer KTB, Elbstar could come crash at our place!!!!! May be you will have to come and visit while you do the Great Ocean Road!

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Don't get me wrong. Its what we're going to do between now and then that's the problem.

I'm already 'ahead' and 'in trouble' for doing sit and drop with hand signals rather than still luring and teaching him how to do it with treats. And I'm also 'in trouble' for teaching heel and rollover, which they don't do until the basic classes. If I keep going, inspired by all you guys of course (wink wink), and start trying to teach him to go to his mat or stay then it'll be the same for the basic class!!!!

Which leaves me trowling the internet looking for really obscure things to teach! Or worse - getting really lazy with it all!

Come to my Obedience CLub!!! It is great. Hobsons Bay Obedience Club.

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;) ;) :eek: ....KTB.... the clock! :eek: you're a classic... *thinks of new whacked out photos to take*

Max#1: Poor Mr Squeak! Keeping up the act when Max had quite clearly dropped him in it. If I were Mr Squeak, I may refuse to play with Max for a while. :)

Oh - and Elbie can come stay here if you're ever wanting to have holidays! He can sleep inside nice and cozy, no problems there...

Kuma has Possesive Sock Disorder (PSD). The main symptoms of PSD is the ability to sniff out socks from all the good hiding spots. Also, socks cannot be on feet, them must be pulled off and killed. Unfortunately there is little hope of a cure.

lilli_star: look at those eyes... "muuuumm... why are you taking my photo.... go aaawwaaaayyyy...."

Edited by KumaAkita
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I can't believe I didn't know this thread existed before now???!!!!!!!!!!

;) I can't believe it either! It's the comfy corner of DOL. :)

I'll need to get the camera out!

Absolutely ... clearly we need a Flying Cavalier King Charles photo now. :eek:

May be you will have to come and visit while you do the Great Ocean Road!

Heh that would be awesome. Travelling with Dog adds an extra layer of complexity as we will have to find Dog-Friendly lodgings along the way.

lilli_star: Sooooooo cute. Look at that face and that pose ... what is it about our dogs with their sad faces? They're probably the most spoiled and pampered dogs ever but they give these melting: "I am pitiful" looks. Maybe that's our next photo challenge ... come up with a photo designed to extract maximum sympathy from the audience.

KumaAkita: That is kind but Elbie would annoy Kuma and Kuma would probably sit on him. ;)

Elbie has a twisted Toe Fetish in which he likes to lick and sometimes even nibble on bare toes. It's a bit gross!

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Heh that would be awesome. Travelling with Dog adds an extra layer of complexity as we will have to find Dog-Friendly lodgings along the way.

If you're searching for dog friendly places, try looking on 'stayz' their website is http://www.stayz.com.au

Lots of people on there rent out their property for a holiday and are dog friendly, we found a nice place at the coast near the beach to take the kids. :p

Elbie has a twisted Toe Fetish in which he likes to lick and sometimes even nibble on bare toes. It's a bit gross!

Haha! Oh wait.. I remember he found my toes last time! Pepper likes to lick at toes, not as much as Elbie though! And like most dogs.. likes to lick legs after a shower. Luckily Mars is an abnormal dog and does none of these things! LOL

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Wow KTB! He's grown so much! :crossfingers:

Heh. It varies - sometimes he still looks very puppyish, sometimes he looks so big. We still love him even though he's gone all long-snouted and ugly on us :)

Cute video

He has such a shiny coat!

Thanks :thumbsup: He eats mainly Hills Science Diet puppy, which is much reviled by DOlers but works for Elbie. He gets devon, lamb flaps and other treats sometimes, but it's mostly the Evil Hills which is why I think he has a shiny coat ...

Edited by koalathebear
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Genevieve always waits for me to get out of the shower so she can cop a lick of the leg... I HATE it!!!!!! I feel like I need to shower all over again.

But by far, her worst hobbie.... is jumping into my lap and trying to stick her nose down my top and lick my non-existent cleavage!!!!!!!

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How do you upload photos...? All mine are too big in their file size. What's your trick?

Do you have adobe elements or adobe photoshop on your computer? I use that to resize my photos and then I upload them to http://www.photobucket.com where I created a free account and then link to the photos over there.

You can also use online photo resizers eg http://www.faststone.org/FSResizerDetail.htm

If you have adobe, then I can walk you through how to resize if you like.

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**raises hand to be included with the non-tech savy people**

KTB - you made that video in one day?!?!?! I'm hopeless! I've been working on ONE on and off for weeks!!!!!!

And Elbie does look so big! And shiny :) ... (we're on Hill Science - didn't realise it was 'reviled'.... good grief! It costs a bomb too!).

lilli_star: what a beautiful puppy!

Kuma: you're not alone with the PSD. I just want to let you know that..... You're not alone. The main symptom we experience is the unsuspecting chomping of sock, while it still contains a foot within, hurts more than stubbing your toe - and hard to foresee under a table!!!! My treatment strategy involves over-exposure (while I'm putting away washing and rolling the socks up, I throw them all at the little guy, and there's just too many so he gives up....! Bring on summer!).

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Ruby is too cute :) She still has that adorable, squishy puppy look to her!

Has that video been sped up, KTB, or is Elbie really that fast? What a lean machine he is. Quite a character! The frisbee v ball indecision cracks me up. Sometimes James will play fetch with himself when I've initially thrown out two items - he'll pick one up but as soon as he gets back to me he decides that he really wanted the other, so he'll take the first one back and swap them. Rinse and repeat. Until he tries to squash them both in his mouth and gets fed up.

That left ear looks like it's making a last ditch attempt to join its pal in the upright position!


"Why yes, yes I am just about to bite into this full bottle of water."

I wish I had something better than just my phone on hand to grab this ^ picture. Definitely one of the cutest expressions I've seen on his face but it just didn't show in the photo.


"Ahh! I'm blinded!"

He gets very grumpy when a flash is used. Can't you tell :crossfingers:

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Haha! Oh wait.. I remember he found my toes last time! Pepper likes to lick at toes, not as much as Elbie though!

Oh. You remember. :thumbsup:


KTB - you made that video in one day?!?!?! I'm hopeless! I've been working on ONE on and off for weeks!!!!!!

I'm using Microsoft Movie Maker ... that makes it very easy just to drag and drop and have different start points and add music etc.

And Elbie does look so big! And shiny :rofl: ... (we're on Hill Science - didn't realise it was 'reviled'.... good grief! It costs a bomb too!).

Just search DOL for "Hills" and you will learn that "people who love their dogs don't feed them Hills". :confused:

It works for Elbie and it makes his poop firm and easy to clean up so we're sticking to it while he's a puppy ... :) If you read some of the raw/dry debates, you will seriously go cross-eyed and your brain will explode. Also, I already spend so much time and angst on my puppy that I don't want to be there painstakingly measuring out bones and calculating carbs and calories for him in order to make sure he's getting a balance diet. :rofl: Seriously, check out this thread in which they were arguing about good vs bad dog food ... The forum moderator had to intervene and give warnings. The passion people can display you'd think that someone was trying to reintroduce capital punishment or national service or something. :crossfingers: Whatever works for your puppy is what's important ...

Has that video been sped up, KTB, or is Elbie really that fast? What a lean machine he is. Quite a character!

:thumbsup: Sadly - he really IS that fast. When he has something in his mouth that he doesn't want to give you, there is absolutely no catching him.

Sometimes James will play fetch with himself when I've initially thrown out two items - he'll pick one up but as soon as he gets back to me he decides that he really wanted the other, so he'll take the first one back and swap them. Rinse and repeat. Until he tries to squash them both in his mouth and gets fed up.

Yup ... Elbie does that, too. I have a photo somewhere of him with his cloth chew toy in his mouth AND a tennis ball and it's really hilarious - he looks so serious and yet so goofy.

James is seriously cute ... I love labs sooooo much and I have a soft spot for the black ones even though I know the chocolate ones are Super Trendy right now.

In other news ... wuffles (and Ava), Clastic (and Mars) are going herding tomorrow! We are expecting lots of photographs and videos of dog, sheep, mud and sheep poo. :thumbsup:

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