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Elbie, Hoover, Dodge & Friends!


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I protest! I'm sure Kuma would last a lot longer - the Akita at our park LOVES to chase Max and they have a good go at it too - running from one end of the park to the other. But the problem with this little display for the Akita might be an intellectual one. Sure, if something's moving they want to chase it, but not in a ridiculous circle! :thumbsup:

I've yet to see an Aussie at play I'm afraid..... The ones I've seen usually are walking around the obedience club looking quite serious themselves!

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I protest! I'm sure Kuma would last a lot longer - the Akita at our park LOVES to chase Max and they have a good go at it too - running from one end of the park to the other. But the problem with this little display for the Akita might be an intellectual one. Sure, if something's moving they want to chase it, but not in a ridiculous circle! :thumbsup:

I've yet to see an Aussie at play I'm afraid..... The ones I've seen usually are walking around the obedience club looking quite serious themselves!

is a video of Ava and her friend Lottie... they were fairly sedate that day because it was hot, but if you have a look at the end of the video (3:30) it demonstrates how Ava likes to play most of the time :eek: Even the rest of the video shows that Ava doesn't have the same play style as BCs, she just wants fuuuuuuuuunnnnnnnn!!! :thumbsup: There's another video on my channel of Ava and Lottie as well.
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I protest! I'm sure Kuma would last a lot longer - the Akita at our park LOVES to chase Max and they have a good go at it too - running from one end of the park to the other. But the problem with this little display for the Akita might be an intellectual one. Sure, if something's moving they want to chase it, but not in a ridiculous circle! :D

I've yet to see an Aussie at play I'm afraid..... The ones I've seen usually are walking around the obedience club looking quite serious themselves!

is a video of Ava and her friend Lottie... they were fairly sedate that day because it was hot, but if you have a look at the end of the video (3:30) it demonstrates how Ava likes to play most of the time :) Even the rest of the video shows that Ava doesn't have the same play style as BCs, she just wants fuuuuuuuuunnnnnnnn!!! :thumbsup: There's another video on my channel of Ava and Lottie as well.

Does it just look so rough because there's so much hair in those wrestles?? ha! What a cute video! I reckon Max would be up for that except the ball stealing. He 'respects' the ball, and its associated dog, and won't interfere if another dog is 'working'. But he will run rings around them while they do. (And will completely ignore all other dogs if he's in the middle of playing fetch).

If you want Ava to fetch, the best thing is to take her out with dogs who do! If I had a dollar for the number of times people, who have come up to me and Max playing fetch, have said to me, 'oh its okay, my dog doesn't play with balls, he's Completely Uninterested' - immediately followed by their dog taking off with Max's ball! Though you have to be careful with that. A friend of mine's dog actually got bitten by a German Shepherd who likes to get round with a ball in his mouth (who Max has played rather one-sided bitey face with heaps of times), when her dog actually tried to take the ball. Yikes.

Well in sad news I've just gotten back from the vet. Max was coughing a bit yesterday, but I didn't think anything of it because he was otherwise himself (as I described). But today after the walk he was coughing some more and has been relatively (and I stress relatively) listless. His temperature is up and the vet thinks it MAY be kennel cough - which means three weeks quarantine. THREE WEEKS! Oh no! :eek::thumbsup: Poor little poppet. Its funny cause he's not really sick, but he's not quite himself either. Very strange, but I'm sure he'll be okay (my OH has given me instructions to make some chicken soup....).

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ETA as well: speaking of dogs wanting instruction - last night at the park the caption could've been 'what happens when you put herding/working dogs in suburbia'. We had Max, two bc's, a bc x and two kelpies, that in all fairness actually do come from a farm. They formed this thing - one bc was 'rounding up' the bc x, who was in the middle. The second bc was running circles around them (these three belong together and this is their usual 'thing' they do). One of the kelpies watching/following the first bc. Max was doing circles around this whole group (rounding them up?), radius of the circle Max was running was about 5 m, but running in the opposite direction to the second bc - and the second kelpie was rounding him up - giving him the look and stopping him, at which he'd turn and run the other way. We estimated Max probably ran about 2km.

And if you put an Aussie in the mix, they'd run straight through the middle of the formation body slamming dogs as they went, thoroughly mortifying the BCs and kelpies. :eek: :D :)

Absolutely! Wondering why all the other dogs were being so serious :thumbsup:

Whereas an Akita would chase for about three minutes, before getting too hot and realising that the other dogs are much faster. Upon that realisation, he would go stand in the shade gathering pats from the humans or hunt down some water to drink splash around in. :thumbsup:

The other day when OH and I were taking Kyojin for a walk, OH decided that he and Kyojin would sprint when they got to our street. They only had to run for about 200 metres, but poor Kyojin was wrecked :)

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Does it just look so rough because there's so much hair in those wrestles?? ha! What a cute video! I reckon Max would be up for that except the ball stealing. He 'respects' the ball, and its associated dog, and won't interfere if another dog is 'working'. But he will run rings around them while they do. (And will completely ignore all other dogs if he's in the middle of playing fetch).

If you want Ava to fetch, the best thing is to take her out with dogs who do! If I had a dollar for the number of times people, who have come up to me and Max playing fetch, have said to me, 'oh its okay, my dog doesn't play with balls, he's Completely Uninterested' - immediately followed by their dog taking off with Max's ball! Though you have to be careful with that. A friend of mine's dog actually got bitten by a German Shepherd who likes to get round with a ball in his mouth (who Max has played rather one-sided bitey face with heaps of times), when her dog actually tried to take the ball. Yikes.

Well in sad news I've just gotten back from the vet. Max was coughing a bit yesterday, but I didn't think anything of it because he was otherwise himself (as I described). But today after the walk he was coughing some more and has been relatively (and I stress relatively) listless. His temperature is up and the vet thinks it MAY be kennel cough - which means three weeks quarantine. THREE WEEKS! Oh no! :D :eek: Poor little poppet. Its funny cause he's not really sick, but he's not quite himself either. Very strange, but I'm sure he'll be okay (my OH has given me instructions to make some chicken soup....).

Oh poor Max :) Quarantine sucks!! I wonder where he caught it?

Aussie play looks rough because it is rough, nothing to do with fur :thumbsup: What do you mean respects the ball, the ball is a TOY :thumbsup: That's what Ava thinks anyway. She will chase dogs that are chasing balls and may bring it back once or twice but generally just runs after it and keeps going. She loves to grab a toy and repeatedly shove it in Satch's face until he either plays with her or tells her to get lost!

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There's a long list of where Max could've caught his little bug - on Sunday we were crammed in with hundreds of other people and dogs under the shelter of the pavilion at obedience (and having nightmare flashbacks of the Christmas party) cause it was pouring down with rain. Every day we play with a group of dogs in the park. We haven't been to the lake since last week, as we had a lot of rain and I thought it was probably flooded, but that's still a reasonable incubation time. He's not really sick sick, just a bit quiet (so much so I've been able to sit undisturbed for most of today!), and its so VERY frustrating to think no playtime for three weeks. Meanwhile, chicken soup is cooking away.....

What he's doing right now...


Max does to me what Ava does to Satch :thumbsup: . Not appropriate I know.

The ball isn't a toy, by the way. Its a shining beacon representing the deepest satisfaction and highest joy possible that usually comes out on days that can only be considered the 'best days of his life'....... (though we usually play a bit every day, but you know, dog's live in the moment :thumbsup: ).

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Poor Max :thumbsup: Is he quarantined from this point or are there still more tests needed to confirm?

James is home. Got a call fairly early on because he was crying so much and they thought he'd be better off at home :eek: He keeps whimpering and it's quite heartbreaking. Although I think the "cone of shame" is causing him a lot of dismay. His bedroom has been moved upstairs because the e-collar gets caught on the stairs and he couldn't come up. So it's easier to keep him up here. One lot of good news is that apparently his ears aren't infected again :thumbsup: I was certain he had a bad one.

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No tests asides from the thermometer up his whootsit. Quarantine as of now. They actually put me in a cat room and cleared the waiting room before we were let out :thumbsup: .

Poor James. I hope he can have the cone off soon! That seems as upsetting as everything else! I remember Max was so disorientated and cranky afterwards. Poor James crying at the vet - that's heartwrenching!

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Hope Max feels better soon Max#1, poor boy.. *big hugs* from the Clastic clan.

Glad to hear that James is home Niques, the 'cone of shame' can get quite annoying - hope he is OK.

I'm currently watching Extraordinary Dogs, quite interesting showing dogs doing different jobs etc. It was posted on DOL a few days ago, but I only stumbled across it today.

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Is that kennel an Aldi one? It looks like the one Roo has. Maybe I should have put the trampoline bed INSIDE it, instead of putting it under Ruby's gazebo/palace for her to lounge on :D

Yup. The kennel's an Aldi one - very hard to fit into the car!! We have two trampoline beds, one inside the kennel and one in the open air. The doggies seem to enjoy them.

cleoj: I think we post most of our doggy photos here. It's probably just the non-doggy photos that you'd be able to see on facebook. :thumbsup:

Max#1: Hmmm, if Max has been ok with the marrow bone, I'd love to let our two have them again - although they'd have to be leashed up when eating them... I guess one can't follow DOL Wisdom slavishly. I'm sure my two should be dead by now because I leave them unsupervised in the yard! *gasp* I can't believe how many people think it's bad to let your dogs hang out in the yard on their own.

I am still having loose leash walking woes with Elbie ... If a car goes by, he goes into a crazy 'zone' where he doesn't see or hear anything - it's like he's deliberately ignoring me which is a total contrast to home or at dog school where he is Super Super focused and attentive.

I LOVE that video of Max saying hullo. He is soooooooooooo cute and lovable. so sorry to hear about the poor fellow's kennel cough... ;) Sleeping Max looks like Sleeping Elbie ... I sympathise about the quarantine. When Elbie was very young and had ringworm, it was like he had leprosy or something. They wrote his name on the whiteboard and there was a huge red circle around it that said RINGWORM!!! and I fully expected them to issue him with a staff, bell and placard saying: 'unclean!'

In terms of dog play - our two steal tennis balls and toys from one another. They body slam one another but the way they play with one another is a lot more uninhibited than when they are with other dogs. Hoover likes to get into a kelpie crouch and then lunge at Elbie. Frequently if you throw a ball, Elbie chases the ball and Hoover chases Elbie. They play tug with other and Elbie likes to get the tug or squeaky steak and basically bat poor Hoover around the head with it and shove it in his face until Hoover plays. I'm quite surprised at how much Hoover puts up with from Elbie but I suppose it goes both ways :D They like to chase each other around the yard - they're dizzlingly fast and because the yard is sloped with levels, they leap around and jump from spot to spot. When they're with other dogs, Hoover's style of play seems to just be to chase around with the group and Elbie hangs around but doesn't really chase with the other dogs. ;) I think my two are a bit weird :laugh:

Niques: hope James feels better soon. Elbie acted like nothing had happened after his desexing but Hoover was groggy and fearful! I hope James can dispense with the cone soon ... Poor thing, crying at the vet's.

Clastic - thanks for the tip about Extraordinary Dogs. Am getting the first ep now. I've been on a documentaries kick of late and have been watching the documentary Ice Mummies by the BBC which is very fascinating. I've always found pickled people fascinating as they seem to be our best shot at seeing what people and life was like in the days before photos and video ...

ETA: Crazy thread alert - a thread that innocently starts out asking how much people spend on groceries a week ... Turns into flame war between people who raise and kill their own animals for food and think the rest of us are stupid and overly commercial vs people who think that slaughtering one's own 'pets' is inhumane :laugh: Oh and there's some angry vegans and vegetarians in there, too.

Also, this post at RiotACT made me laugh a lot. Nice try ... ;)

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Also, this post at RiotACT made me laugh a lot. Nice try ... :sleep:

Doggy play date? More like doggy babysitter!!! :thumbsup: I'm sure there was a similar thread on DOL a little while ago.

As to that other thread about groceries etc (which I haven't read, but I'll put my 5c worth in anyway) I grew up on a farm and we had a vegie garden and chooks for eggs etc. However, my mum was the biggest softie around- all stray/injured animals ended up at our place and everything was named, and you can't eat something with a name! So, we would give our excess roosters to my uncle to kill/eat, we had "meat" sheep (who we didn't associate with) and "pet" sheep (I once bottle raised 6 at the one time when I was 16), and our cow Karah would have calves that would be sent to sale (Mum was always proud of the high price they would get, if a little sad about the inevitable). Mum would have spent just as much money (more likely more!) on feeding the animals as feeding us!

Dad is a softie too, but a realistic softie. He hated having to put down our old horse Apache but knew it was the best thing to do (he cried afterwards).

Mum was never happy with the way Dad would cut up chops (they wouldn't fit under the grill, and of course they had way too much fat on them- little piglets!) so she bought most of our meat at the butcher anyway :thumbsup:

Ruby's whale (even though he is technically an orca :( ) is missing his tail and one flipper. The end of his tail (or where his tail would be) is getting manky from being chewed too :)

ETA Hope Max and James are feeling better tonight :)

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Hi everyone!

Some great posts in here lately! Thanks for all the tips about training treats, there are some things we haven't tried before in there and we are always looking for things our little non food motivated muppet will work for :provoke:

How are Max and James feeling today?

Aww, poor Orca! We had our very first soft toy casualty the day before yesterday. Her very favourite toy, Mr Pink Bunny lost an arm (oh noes!) and will require reconstructive surgery when I get around to getting the needle and thread out. I would just sew up the hole but it's the arm with a squeaker in!

We've been having some issues lately, from lunging at cars to barking at everything while out on walks but after getting advice/tips from our trainer we are having some success!

Here's a quick pic of a couple of our critters :laugh:. Please excuse the stylish black cover, that's supposed to be my comfy reading chair but it's constantly covered in cat hair, and cat hair is hard to get off whatever velvety stuff my Grandmother had that chair covered in! Some days there are four cats sleeping on it :love::eek:


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Hi everyone!

Some great posts in here lately! Thanks for all the tips about training treats, there are some things we haven't tried before in there and we are always looking for things our little non food motivated muppet will work for ;)

If there's no interest in food, what about play? Max will work for food, but he's much more motivated for a game of tug. Of course, doing this effectively and with co-ordination is easier said than done ;) Bring back those pants with all the pockets I say.

Max is doing okay - thanks for the well wishes. Yesterday was a strange day. Usually when we're home Max might have a brief post-walk morning snooze, or not, a good sleep in the afternoon for up to three hours, ending at 5 pm (inner alarm clock signals afternoon walk time :( ) and then is awake for walking, games, training etc til 10 pm, where he very politely takes himself off to bed. Yesterday though he slept from when we got home from the vets til 6 pm. When he woke he seemed quite happy so we went for a thirty min stroll round the block, straight back to sleep again. He woke again briefly around eight thirty, for a half hearted attempt at chase the kong, was woken up by the OH coming home around 10 (he wanted to give him some of the chicken soup I made yesterday - yes I made chicken soup for the little guy), then we didn't hear peep from him again til seven thirty this morning when he was very very cuddly. If I had any doubts that I was over reacting to his cough yesterday by taking him to the vets, this has confirmed that something is not quite right. He's a bit more lively today, but not by much.

How's James doing? Back to himself?

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ravenau1: that photo is hilarious. The cat looks so smug for having scored the higher vantage point :D

Max#1: glad Max is ok! Hopefully he'll be his old self very soon. He's probably enjoying the coddling.

I always worry we're going to be booted out of this sub-forum but I guess we keep our photo quota up :D Here are some more of my two monsters. It never ceases to amaze me that they have sooooooooooo many comfortable dog beds, mats and crates, yet they choose to sleep on ...

Gravel ...


Leaves ...


I love how they sleep near each other in the yard - albeit on uncomfortable gravel.


Elbie has learned how to balance a treat on his nose for very long periods of time. He hasn't learned how to catch it yet, though.





You will see that Hoover still hasn't learned how to sit elegantly on laminate ...



Proud-looking doggies


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Doggies looking a bit evil


Hoover showing his teeth and Ginormous ears of Kelpieness :D


A rare 'happy' photo of Elbie. He usually looks so mournful


Yet again we were asked how we could have such incredibly active dogs ... but behold how somnolent they usually are ...


This photo is hilarious - a tangle of Kelpie limbs.


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Your monsters are soooooooooooo cute KTB :D ;) ;)

I haven't had much time to do anything lately with appointments and organisation and writing vows and getting my head around timeframes (and THANK YOU KA times a billion for making my life a bit easier). But the doglets are still getting walked every morning at 6am (Ava is running with OH every second day) and I am trying to get Ava out every second afternoon as well. I think I put their welfare before my own! I took her for a 1.5 hour walk on Monday afternoon :D and took some photos along the way. This is the result:


week06 by wufflesx, on Flickr

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