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Elbie, Hoover, Dodge & Friends!


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Hello fellow Cosy Corner people!

A busy weekend here. Obedience on Saturday morning went ok, apart from getting told again that Astrid is hyperactive and perhaps we should change her food :D. We went to the beach in the afternoon and we had a moment of panic! There looked to have been a storm or something recently as there was a fair bit of seaweed and debris washed up on the beach, and Astrid was wandering along and found a puffed up pufferfish! Thank goodness her 'leave it!' is really good and she didn't pick it up though she pawed at it before we figured out what it was. No Fugu for Astrid! :)

Minxy: Kyojin is gorgeous, and humongous!! I like his bandanna!

lilli_star: was she sitting on her bedding in the rain? That would be funny to see! Thankfully Astrid had never destroyed toys or bedding. How did you go with the Furminator? I got one for the cats and it was insane the amount of fur I got off them! I love it!

kyliegirl: Echo sure looks like he is enjoying his icy treat! :D Particularly love the shots on his bed too, they grow so quickly! I try to get good shots of Astrid, but the fact that she is a wriggly worm combined with me being possibly the world's worst photographer mean that 95% of the pics I take of her look like these: :laugh:



or even worse, like this!


:cheer: very flattering.

I did manage to snap this one yesterday though, Astrid having a snuggle with OH


A bit of a contrast to this one, when we first brought her home.


KTB: Elbie and Hoover look very stylish in their collar covers :laugh: kind of like they are wearing scarves and rugged up for winter! They look very happy and relaxed, though that said Hoover always looks extremely relaxed!

Glad to hear things are going so well with them! I'm having trouble contacting K9Pro, however :D my emails are either bouncing back (being marked as junk mail) or not getting answered (which I suspect may be because they're marked as spam on the other end perhaps). I will call tomorrow I think if I still haven't heard anything.

wizzle: looking forward to seeing pics of your outing with G!

Max#1: Did you survive Max's sugar high? I love snoozy puppy pics!

The Fenstar: :laugh: He is SO cute!! I want to reach through the screen and squoosh him :thanks:

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:thanks::cheer::laugh: at Raven's photo attempts :D

The Furminator is great- I got half a bag of hair out of Ruby on Saturday! I used it on Jasper this morning and got heaps out too. :) If anyone on here hasn't got one- I think you should get yourself to Petbarn and buy one while they're on special :D

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Hey gals, hope you're all well. I can't get onto facebook with any of the free hotel wifi here... So just dropping in to say we are having so much fun in Vietnam. Really enjoyable place, lovely people and great food! Lots of puppies roaming the streets, but I dare not get too close!

Be back around in a week a so!

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Great photos rav, lol at the attempts of still photos though haha, maybe you could tell astrid to sit and then take a pic that way? How old is Astrid, she looks alot smaller than echo!




we are halfway there!!!! Echo claims it will be the next subway tunnel!

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Great pic of Astrid with the smilies!!!


we are halfway there!!!! Echo claims it will be the next subway tunnel!

If you're halfway to China, my dogs have gone there and back :laugh: Must be the day for digging, our tunnels became much larger today as well.

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:laugh::cry: at the holes. Ruby started a little hole yesterday in what is the only dry spot in her yard- thankfully she didn't work on it today!

I am so over this weather! :love: You'd think we were living in a monsoon area- steamy mornings, then it clouds over and pours rain after lunch! Ruby of course decided that she couldn't possibly sit on the wet grass, so dragged her sheet and blanket out which of course got soaking wet! I just pulled them out of the washing machine to put them in the dryer- the sheet has just about torn in two! :D Ah well. It already had a small tear in it anyway which is why she was given it in the first place :p

Ruby gave her boyfriend another present today- her favourite toy Cow. She gave him Cow yesterday! This afternoon after she had finished her neck bone, she got Cow out of her kennel and after running around with it for awhile, gave to him, and he took it away! Notice he doesn't ever give Ruby a present! :p Cow is now in the dryer after being washed. I'm not sure how Cow has lasted this long- she is the only toy that Ruby has had since she was a baby puppy that is still intact!

:) Hi KA! Glad to hear you're having a great time :love:

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Lils - I'd be telling Rubster to get herself a new man! I'd be wanting presents!!!

How hilarious are the tunnels! And I love the pic of Astrid in the pool!!!

KA - Hope you're having fun!!

It's been strangely quiet in here... I guess facebook has taken over!

We are having our front fence replaced tomorrow as it has rotted away... you literally touch it and it falls apart. Genevieve knocked one of the pickets out when she jumped up to say hi to her postie friend, so we are paranoid she is going to escape.... So tomorrow she will be banned from the yard!

In other social Genevieve news, she was scratching at the front door at about 8am this morning, so OH let her out. Turns out, two of the local primary school boys have befriended her too! They walk past on their way to and from school and call out to her in the mornings!! They know her name!!!! It was sooooooo cute to watch!!! A local bloke walking his dog the other morning commented that she must be the friendliest dog in the world! I worry she is too friendly, because she doesn't seem to get it when other (bigger) dogs growl and don't want her near them... One day she will get hurt! :(

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I have two new pics I can share. Not super exciting, but they'll do. :(



We'd just come home from the groomers. They bathed him and cut his nails and then I dried him off with the force dryer at home.

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My poor girl has gastro again so I don't think she's really up for pictures! Poor poppet. I had a grand total of 2 hours sleep last night. No food allowed for her at the moment, how am I going to train for the trial which is in one week? :( Oh well, as long as she gets better :(

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Oh poor Ava. I am clueless about these things - what causes the gastro? Something she ate or is it viral?

Don't really know, but Satch never catches it so I'd say it's just due to her being a garbage guts...

Edit: I love long haired dogs, but man I just want to chop the whole back of her fluffy pants off right now :(

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Poor thing. Yoicks, re the fluffy pants. I'd be trimming if it was me but I've dealt with far too much dog poo in my life. Hoover seems to have rolled in his poo the first two nights we had him - I think it was *panic poo!* followed by *squirm squirm squirm*

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