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Elbie, Hoover, Dodge & Friends!


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Minxy: Not only is his name lovely sounding, it really fits then! I met at puppy school a couple who have an Akita called Tank, which I thought was awesome too :( They weren't there with him though, they were bringing their new pup, a Chi x Shih Tzu, talk about a difference in sizes :o I only saw them a couple of times though, as they were technically in another class and just did a couple of 'catch up' classes with our group.

KTB: Not a recurrence, thank goodness! But related in a roundabout sort of way! I have some probs due to the treatment for that problem, and some of the meds I take for that cause me to have really high blood pressure (they have to as I take them to increase my blood volume) and the high blood pressure may have caused a new prob . But I need to take those meds as I am literally bed ridden without them, I pretty much spent a whole year without being able to stand up for longer than a couple of mins. But for over a year now I have a fantastic Specialist Dr, new meds (including some weirdo experimental meds that I had to get special permission from the govt to take lol) and I have worked really, really hard. Unfortunately the condition isn't curable as such as the damage done by the treatment for the initial problem is permanent, but it's very well 'managed' now. I have been a bit stressed over the new thing, but this week I am feeling better. I am having a bunch more tests (one today actually) and seeing a new Neuro and I am sure with some more hard work everything will be fine. At least it's never dull around here! ;)

I forgot to mention, thanks for the puzzle link! That will be a fantastic present for OH! How is yours going with the Falcon? Is there much cursing while looking for pieces? :( There was here! It took 35 hours and 51 mins to build his (not continuous!). Note, that's not 35 hours and 50 mins, or even 36 hours ;) He kept a log book while he worked on it and as always with my OH, it was very precise! :thanks:

Those shows look like fun! I love that sort of thing, and I love watching dogs work.

wuffles: Satch looks as comfy in his hole as Ava does on the couch! How old is Ava now? That vid is very impressive!

KumaAkita: Haha poor Kuma looking for you! Astrid hasn't heard me on speaker or anything but if I am watching a vid I've taken and I am talking on it she gets a bit distressed! Like there's another one of me around somewhere and the prospect is a bit disturbing! :thanks: . But if she hears OH's voice she will go and look for him, usually on the bed :(

wizzle: Awww! lovely pics of Genevieve I was watching some of 'The Tudors' tv show the other day and King Henry gave Jane Seymour a Cav as a present and I thought of G. I wonder if that was historically accurate!

Kyliegirl: I find other people and their dogs difficult at times too. I do training every day with Astrid at our local football oval as it's just down my street and at the moment it's fantastic because they are refurbishing the stands so there are heaps of people and building noise etc. There are heaps of signs everywhere that dogs are allowed but they must be on lead and people must clean up (I use a really long lead). Well, there are still people with offlead dogs and no one cleans up. I wouldn't be surprised if one day the club has enough and just bans dogs. Astrid doesn't like offlead dogs coming up to her and it's pretty annoying! Twice in the last week I've had dogs come up with their owners running behind manically waving their arms and calling their dogs then apologise and say that when their dog sees another dog they can't get him to come back. Well, put the dog on lead then! It's more frustrating because there is a lovely offlead dog park about 5 mins away!

Dog fishing sounds like fun :eek:

The Fenstar: How exciting! My family had a Mini Schnauzer and she was an awesome dog and such a little character. Can't wait to see some puppy pics! :)

Well, Astrid has a new 'trick'. It's one of her own making and I'm pretty sure it's called "Let's see what I can find so I can take it to The Boss because I am not a Doberman, I am actually some sort of weird household retriever". Just this morning in the two and a half hours I have been up I have been given a full toilet roll, a pack of butter menthols, a rock and a Kmart catalog. It went on pretty much all day yesterday too. She doesn't chew them or even try to play, she just trots in and stares at me while holding them until I say 'give' then she gives them to me and looks really pleased with herself. No idea what has brought this on :o

As far as the other breeds go, I have admired Aussie Shepherds since I first came to this site! But had made some presumptions about them and wouldn't have thought they were suitable for our situation. But recently OH's family had asked me about a miniature variety (which there really isn't, and of course they aren't really Australian) and in the process of reading about that I learned a great deal more about them. I haven't actually met one in person yet, but I am currently working on that! And the second, we have new-ish friends that have Great Danes and my OH is in luuurrrve with them :o he says that they are 'kindred spirits', when I asked him why his explanation was that they are "Big drooley galoots" just like him! haha! They take a lot of work and special management when puppies though! And of course, Dobes :). Astrid's breeder is pretty sure she will eventually be having a litter with Astrid's (older) sister and that will be hard to pass up!! So, much more research and discussion to be done, but it's a lot of fun! :)

eta: Looking at my post, I think I may need to attend 'Emoticon-a-holic's Anonymous' :heart:

Edited by ravenau1
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:love: The Fenster!

Wow KTB - your little thread has quite a following now :)

Wuffles - I love Satch in his hole! Kuma has found a few rutts in our yard that have occurred naturally with in the rain and he always seems to be lying in them. I agree with KTB - "Satch dug a hole, and it's fillin' with waaaaatteer' (said in true Dale Kerrigan fashion, of course)

KTB - I can't look in those rescue pages, I think I'd adopt every dog that was posted. Gives me tearies. You're so kind hearted.

Ravenau - Good to hear you are managing your condition as best you can - :love: for some postive steps! Oh, and good luck with your breed search! choices, choices!

Yes, Kuma was a little muddled about what was going on! He's heard me on the speaker phone in the car before and tried to talk to me (mwaarrr, moooos from the back of the wagon) but this was different because they were in the house. He was sooooo happy to see me last night when I got home - he nearly turned himself inside out with his wiggliness.

Any new presents from Astrid? She is hillarious! Kuma only offers me toys - well, more like plonks them on my chest and squeaks them in my ear in the vain hope that I'll play :)

Wizzle - Kuma gets the edges of our toast some mornings, but only if he doesn't beg. He particularly likes it if we have vegemite and cheese on toast because that means CHEESE!!

Hmmm... yes - there have been a few threads that have raised my eyebrows of late. And posters too... Oh well, the joys of a public forum :)

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:love: The Fenster!

Wow KTB - your little thread has quite a following now :)

Wuffles - I love Satch in his hole! Kuma has found a few rutts in our yard that have occurred naturally with in the rain and he always seems to be lying in them. I agree with KTB - "Satch dug a hole, and it's fillin' with waaaaatteer' (said in true Dale Kerrigan fashion, of course)

KTB - I can't look in those rescue pages, I think I'd adopt every dog that was posted. Gives me tearies. You're so kind hearted.

Ravenau - Good to hear you are managing your condition as best you can - :love: for some postive steps! Oh, and good luck with your breed search! choices, choices!

Yes, Kuma was a little muddled about what was going on! He's heard me on the speaker phone in the car before and tried to talk to me (mwaarrr, moooos from the back of the wagon) but this was different because they were in the house. He was sooooo happy to see me last night when I got home - he nearly turned himself inside out with his wiggliness.

Aww, that's so cute! :( I love how happy doggies are to see their people!

Any new presents from Astrid? She is hillarious! Kuma only offers me toys - well, more like plonks them on my chest and squeaks them in my ear in the vain hope that I'll play :)

A pack of blue post-it notes that I swear I have never seen before, and some underwear from the laundry :)

I made a thread about it in general, but I'll repeat it here. I found little packs of rat poison laying on the ground in a little park near home on my way home from the bus stop today :) I called the council and they are sending someone out. Scary stuff.

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As far as the other breeds go, I have admired Aussie Shepherds since I first came to this site! But had made some presumptions about them and wouldn't have thought they were suitable for our situation. But recently OH's family had asked me about a miniature variety (which there really isn't, and of course they aren't really Australian) and in the process of reading about that I learned a great deal more about them. I haven't actually met one in person yet, but I am currently working on that!

Aussie Aussie Aussie :love: :love: Let me know if you need any info about Aussies. I'm not really an expert, of course, but I've met a few and I think Ava is typical of her breed in most ways so I do know a bit about them!

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I've been lurking for a while and I've decided that yes, this thread is a lovely place to come and see gorgeous photos and to have a giggle. You're all very welcoming to noobs too, which is a relief!


Welcome Fen - look forward to seeing the puppy photos! :shrug:

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Welcome Fenster! Definitely looking forward to puppy photos!

Raven - The rat poison is very scary. There was a thread recently about dogs being poisoned in a park? The thought is really bone-chilling. Some people are sick. Meanwhile your medical condition sounds very exotic. I hope all is okay. Your description of Astrid bringing everything from your handbag is pretty funny. Max seems to be able to tell the difference between things he *can* and *should not* have. He's not shy about shoving a toy into you to entice you to play (I try to be strict about it, I swear, I really do). But if he gets something like a pen, the dishcloth (his FAVOURITE), one of my new stockings (and I'm pretty sure he thinks they're alive :shrug: ) he gets so secretive about it. He makes this hilarious face, where his face is pointing down, but he's looking up at you with his eyes. Its impossible to be cross. The all time best was the ball of raw pizza dough that he stole off the kitchen bench, cause it looked like a big white 'smile' with his black face, at least the bits hanging out from his mouth did.

Okay - I'm going to make an effort to video Max's greeting to my OH when he gets home from work. This is my future promise.... :eek:

Kyliegirl - careful with the broom. :D :rofl::eek: when Max was a puppy he loved chasing the broom. We didn't correct this (nor did we sweep that often). But now he's manic about it. Which means he'll nearly break the door down if he can hear us sweeping outside. If he's outside too, well then there's no real sweeping. I'm a bad bad bad dog owner. Good luck finding a good walking path! Meanwhile I often try to go a bit of a different way (he pulls less if he doesn't know where we're going - when he knows, he can really just take me there - bloody LLW!) - there's no better way to find out more about your suburb!

ETA: I'm not too sure how welcoming Hoover looks, I'm afraid to say. Hoover looks like he's planning something......

ET also A: geez I love Elbie. Just looking at that photo....!

Edited by Max#1
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What was the borders thread KTB?

In Off Topic regarding Borders and Angus & Robertson going into administration. The poster seems to just attract disapproving posts!

kyliegirl: You have my sympathy. There's a footpath past a backyard in which there was a bouncing dog that always sounded extremely angry and vicious. He wasn't jumping up against the fence - he was literally bouncing up from the ground as if there was a trampoline there or something and I was always worried that he was going to come bouncing right over the fence and eat my dog. It's the quickest way to the oval and I used to dread walking down there. Fortunately, the dog seems to be gone these days. If I see someone with an offlead dog or I know there's a house where there's a wandering dog, I just turn around and head the other way pretty quickly. If I see other people walking their dogs, I'll stop off to the side to let them pass - if their dog seems chilled, I'll let the dogs meet and greet ...

wizzle: :D :rofl::eek:

I am sympathetic. Really I am. Seriously.

ravenau1: Glad you're ok! Please take care of yourself! We didn't time how long it took oh to do the Falcon sorry - he did it over several days ... It is now finished, as is LEGO Slave One...

Also, don't worry about the emoticons thing. I've had posts rejected by DOL because they contained either too many emoticons or too many quotes. :rofl:

KA: Kuma and the phone is such a cute image! OH does that, too with Elbie sometimes - puts the phone to his ear and Elbie always looks very puzzled. Sometimes I see standing in the doorway behind the screen door waiting very patiently.

Max#1: Elbie frequently looks so anxious in his photos that it was hard to find a happy photo - but of course that was the photo where Hoover looked all plotty and serious :shrug: Hoover really is welcoming - he loves everybody and will wiggle his bum all over the place in welcome ... Since watching Max's 'talking' video, OH has been trying to teach the dogs how to vocalise by making sounds other than barking. This was

In other news ... be warned, there is grossness, but this is a Dog Forum and there are so many "my dog eats poo" threads out there that we should really all be quite immune ...

Sometimes ... Hoover self-expresses his anal glands. It's kind of gross but at least it means that we don't have to do any of the expressing and the vet has said that there isn't a problem ... except for the fact that sometimes we will notice that Hoover has rubbed "anal juice" on poor OH's jeans or shorts.

While driving me home tonight, OH said: "I'll tell you the end of the story first ..."

Me: Oh noes

OH: Hoover squirted anal juice over the front door today.

Me: :D

OH: Hoover was lying on the mat in front of the door, relaxing, enjoying the breeze and the view of the street. A cat walked past the house, Elbie ran over to look. Hoover must have been startled

Me: So Hoover went: "Yoicks, a cat! Yoicks - Elbie looming over me - *squirt!?!?*"

OH: Yes. Found a little pool on the floor and on the door.

Me: :eek:

I suppose we should just be grateful that he does it all himself and there seem to be no problems. :rofl:

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aw thanks for the welcome guys, it really IS the cozy corner in here.

LOVE that pic of Elbie and Hoover :shrug:

I promise I will take lots of pics of my pup (& his brothers & sisters) and post them up here when I get home.

I spent some time up at my Dad's tonight, he has 3 dogs & his neighbours have 2. They all want me to go for playdates when my pup is able to. Ha ha, I think the pup is more popular than me already :eek:


PS - LMAO at Satchmo & his hole.... it looks like he thought he was a bit invisible if he lay still enough, so cute.

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Loved Satch and his hole. He really didn't look like he wanted to leave!

OH was very unimpressed with the red and tan monster this morning. As he drove back into the carport he found the dogs waiting for him by the carport - except that the red and tan monster was not where he was supposed to be! We thought it was all blocked off and he couldn't get behind the shed anymore!


When he saw my OH, he started pushing against the fence and squashing his head - Hoover's head, not OH's head :thanks: What a brat.

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Awww poor Satch!!! He was loving himself in that hole!

Naughty Hoover...


Genevieve hasn't done anything naughty so far today. touch wood Not much new to report!

KTB - I've never seen Genevieve empty 'anal juice' (that is the most disgusting term I've ever heard, or used!!!!) anywhere. I am assuming she does it when going to the toilet? The groomer always checks her glands when grooming and they are usually empty, so I am assuming she does do it at some point. Hopefully I won't have to witness or smell it any time soon. Otherwise I will be putting a nappy on her too. ;)

Haha! I'd love to see Max and Echo chasing the broom! We have the opposite problem. When G was little, she knocked one over (outside) and it gave her a freight! So now she just barks at them whenever she sees them, like she is giving it a good telling off! Luckily for her, I don't bother with a broom inside, I just go straight to the vacuum cleaner! She only barks at that if I don't push her ball around while I am vacuuming. :)

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