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Elbie, Hoover, Dodge & Friends!


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:D at Elbie seeking devine intervention! So funny!!

Did they end up enjoying the cake?

Max#1 - look at you getting all posty in the forums :rofl: The fruits of your labour will be the ability to see how many disfunctional people are on this forum :eek:

:rofl: also at Elbie looking for divine intervention. He always seems so plaintive - waiting and hoping! Did they eat the cake? What was the icing made out of?

And don't laugh at me for posting!

Last day of freedom...... *sigh*

Max#1 - you can do it, only 35 posts needed. There are some great innocuous threads in general today. Post away!

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Soooo the thread that's bothering me today is: http://www.dolforums.com.au/index.php?show...=215248&hl=

What bothers me most is not being able to post on it :rofl: Okay, so no I don't think the OP's situation is ideal. But it frustrates me how rude some people can be. It wasn't like the OP is intentionally breeding some poorly thought out cross bred mix and trying to sell them for exorbitant amounts of money to anyone and everyone. It was an accidental litter and the poor person needs advice! :D

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Is this thread becoming the unofficial Toxic Thread Regulators????? :champagne:

If so, KTB may need to update its title :)

But that would blow our cover! I wouldn't say Regulartors per se, more beacons amongst the wilderness of mundanity! Or perhaps DOL Addicts would be more appropriate :rofl:

The Cozy Corner provides a community service here by alerting followers to information on the forum that may be of interest/use to them. :laugh:

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Guys, I am getting married in a week and a half. I think my excitement/nervousness has finally started to set in :champagne:

ooohhh... it's getting sooo close. You will be FINE. You just need to relax and enjoy this time - what happens, happens! Focus on the excitement and leave the nerves at home

What are you doing with your fluffers while you're away?

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Guys, I am getting married in a week and a half. I think my excitement/nervousness has finally started to set in :champagne:

ooohhh... it's getting sooo close. You will be FINE. You just need to relax and enjoy this time - what happens, happens! Focus on the excitement and leave the nerves at home

What are you doing with your fluffers while you're away?

Don't worry, I'm not a stressy bride by any means :laugh:

We won't be 'away' as such, we're going back home on the night. Going to the coast for a few days the week after but they are coming with us :)

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1.5 weeks?????? Wow!!! I hate the way when you're waiting for something really exciting it seems SOOOOO far away - then the time passes so quickly until it happens and you wish you could slow down time for while the exciting thing is happening. I hope time goes slow for you!

Betsy + KA: hmmm... its better than tv sometimes...

Meanwhile, I have absolutely nothing to say. Nothing.

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Thanks all. I can't believe how fast Elbie grew up either. If I'd known he was going to grow up so fast, I'd have cuddled him more when he was tiny! I can't believe how different his face looks although he still has those mournful eyes that look as though he has the weight of the world on his shoulders. He and Hoover have such different temperaments – Elbie is constantly on alert. With Hoover, he will crash out unconscious – oblivious to the world, but Elbie, even when he's sleeping – he will snap to attention in a second if he hears his name or hears any sort of activity or movement. He's constantly anticipating commands – no wonder he looks anxious! Dandybrush – you are right about how expressive Elbie's face is. Sometimes he looks almost human in the way he stares at us, processing what we're saying, desperately trying to 'understand'.

Max#1: more about the being alone thing. We will deliberately take one dog out and leave one behind to get them used to being alone and having 'alone time'. Elbie's normally fine and will whinge a little bit but not much, Hoover on his own was more likely to get up to mischief – for instance, get himself trapped in No Man's Land, dig a hole, trap himself behind the shed. Fortunately he has settled and doesn't do those so much anymore, although OH has discovered a new hole in the lawn.

Good luck on the post count thing. You could get involved in a debate which would require vigorous and plentiful rejoinders, but the danger there is that you will attract the scrutiny of Non-Like Mindeds and get fur as singed as mine has become … :rofl:

For the cake – they each got a 'cake bone' with the first letter of their name on it 'inked' in low fat peanut butter. I also cut a small pieces of the main cake for them. The frosting was just plain low fat cream cheese which shouldn't be unhealthy.

Clastic: are you using windows movie maker? I find that that is relatively easy in terms of cropping/changing speeds/splitting etc.

lilli_star: Elbie frequently looks mournful and doleful enough as it is – if I put a hat on him, I'm sure some of you would have reported me to the RSPCA. :) His expressions are so hilariously mournful sometimes and I have no idea why. He does have happy faces, but the camera tends to put him in a pensive frame of mind because he knows he has to keep still and maintain eye contact.

dandybrush & betsy: I think they liked the cake a lot. They were soooooooo patient with their waiting even though the cake was sitting in front of them. They also loved the batter because it had a very strong peanut butter smell to it so were sniffing around like crazy. They were the most uncritical audience I've ever had for my cooking! :rofl: They also ate the cake in very typical fashion! Hoover gobbled it down in about 2 seconds flat. Elbie carefully licked the frosting of first and then delicately and warily chomped his way through the cake.

kumaakita: Kuma has the most speaking eyes. What a cutie!

minxy: I understand why some of the breeders didn't want that post in the forum but some of the 'tones' were quite unkind. I used to think that people on DOL were abrupt but well-meaning but I've come to the conclusion that some people are nice, some people are abrupt/a bit rude but ultimately helpful and caring. Some people are just unkind and there's not really any way to dress it up.

Is this thread becoming the unofficial Toxic Thread Regulators????? :champagne: If so, KTB may need to update its title :laugh:

Nooooo!!!!! This thread is supposed to stay the cosy corner that remains a celebration of dogliness and the things we love about our dogs – and the things that drive us bonkers but do not detract from that love. We just keep an eye on toxic threads and for my part, I am trying to avoid them now :( The toxicity is far too great for any of us to have the antidote …

wuffles: very exciting! I am sure you will be fine! Although looking out the window right now – I'm guessing you have rainy day contingency plans in place!

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Guys, I am getting married in a week and a half. I think my excitement/nervousness has finally started to set in :champagne:

About time you got excited, just as long as it is excitement and not stress. :laugh:

KTB - Yep, I have windows movie maker, I've taken out bits I don't want in it but haven't found how to change the speed. Maybe I just need to open my eyes...

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Sometimes it just seems others don't want new people to join, maybe not intentionally but the way that they respond to posts would scare anyone away. Its nice to see there are a few who have replied with more productive replies than just 'Bugger off'.

ETA: But they did rip this person to shreds first before offering advice...

Edited by Clastic
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I wonder how they managed to gain access to the Breeders Community Thread, when us Mere Mortal Dog Owners have no such priviledge (or curse, depending on your perspective.)

Oh well...

Hope all the Canberra puppies are staying as warm and dry as possible in this miserable weather! One bonus is that our tank will be full again (after Kuma's auto waterer popped off the tap the other day and drained half the tank :D )

Edited coz my emoticons went haywire!

Edited by KumaAkita
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