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Elbie, Hoover, Dodge & Friends!


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Wow Wuffles - great photo! And of course KTB your little monsters look so happy as well. I love the last photo of the kelpie limb tangle. Puppies!!! (ETA: yeah I'm impressed by Elbie with the things on his nose too. Whenever I try with Max he just gets p*ssed at me....).

I have a general question about free shaping - and Wuffles your post made me think about it (how it has anything to do with wedding planning - so exciting!!!!! are the dogs involved in any way? that would be so romantic.... - I don't know! :D ). Okay I put the cd tin on the floor, Max looked at it, CandT, he touched it with his nose, CandT, and then eight repetitions of him pushing it over with his nose, CandT. He'd look at my hand with the treats, then knock the tin over, then expect the treat. But, um, what's next? And why would you do that? Are you looking for something specific? Am I just special?

Here's one from last night when Max was very placid. Yes he sits on the couch (its old and gross and we don't mind :D ), and he was just so dopey. Sorry the quality of the picture is a bit funny - artistic? ha! It was just so funny the way he was sitting back on his bum. And that's my arm, muscly from all that ball throwing - ha!


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This thread moves so fast and I can't comment on anything on my iPhone (which is frustrating - it doesn't seem to recognise the text box to enter replies... anyhoo... I thought I'd also keep this thread here so it doesn't get booted.

Before I post the piccies, I just want to say that I love this corner of DOL (as much as the Frenchie forum of course) as you guys are so honest about your doggies from leaving collars on all day to not bothering to feed barf (although i cheat and buy the pre-made barf). Sorry I don't have time to comment on everyone else's posts...

Here's my submission into the 52 weeks challenge and a couple extras for good measure...

In week 6 of 52... I was hoping to get an action shot this week as I feel like all mine are of Asti snoozing. Unfortunately with the temperature above 32 degrees we locked ourselves indoors with the aircon on... by Sunday we could tell Asti was getting sick of it...


Week 6/52 of Asti 2011 by samanthasallaway, on Flickr

and some out takes that didn't make it...



Asti supervising the backyard to protect her family from those evil Scrub Turkey's!!! :D


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Ohmigosh Sammie, Asti is just the CUTEST doglet in the world! Ssh! Don't tell Roo! Well, one of anyway :dancingelephant:


The squinched up eyes! The upturned nose! The wrinkles! The ears! I could seriously just squeeze her...except maybe she may not like that...and you might think I was a a bit strange...

Ahem. Anyway, great photos :eek:

KTB, your doglets make me laugh :eek: Roo often does her Little Orphan Annie impression all curled up on the grass outside.

The Ginormous Ears of Kelpieness are quite large in that photo of Hoover- are you sure that's not Hoover in Muppet version? :dancingelephant:

Nice to see Elborino smiley :eek: Roo looks mournful in her photos too ;) Glad to see that Elbie's nose is useful for balancing treats :eek: I can't get anything to balance on Roo's. We did try with Rope (yes capitalised because that was it's name :D), but it didn't quite work.

Wuffles, great contrast of the bright colours of the graffitti against the gorgeous Ava :D

Max #1, glad Max is doing okay. I've actually tried to get Roo up on the couch (yes, I know, naughty), but she shows no interest. Now my bed on the other hand, if that was in the loungeroom.... ;)

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Hehe I love the pic of Asti and the scrub turkey. We don't see them very much down here. I remember when we still lived in Brisbane, and we were at the computer in the inlaws' study... I looked out the window and there was a scrub turkey casually wandering past the window. Such funny creatures...

Max#1, generally with shaping you would have a behaviour in mind but essentially you just want your dog to offer behaviours. Some dogs are naturally good at it, some are hopeless, some need to learn, and some are in between. If you were doing 'pure' shaping you would just wait it out and see if the dog offers any more behaviours. Sometimes it takes them a while to 'learn how to learn' by shaping. I find that Ava sometimes needs a bit of a hint so will move the object or walk around it or just do something to get her.

The way I understand it, the box example I talked about was pretty much just for fun with shaping... there is no pressure to get a 'correct' behaviour because you don't have one in mind, so most things the dog offers will be correct and it should be fun for both of you ;) Some people might end up shaping all four paws in the box, some might end up shaping the dog flipping the box over and the dog sitting on it, some might shape the dog picking the box up... ;) I was trying to teach the dumbell retrieve by shaping... so... first C&T just a look at the dumbell, then nose the dumbell, then lick the dumbell, then mouth the dumbell, and so on. In between getting C&T for those behaviours Ava would do things like lie down... walk backwards... beg... whinge... lie down again... no C&T for those :D

Does that answer your question? Kinda? :D

Oh, and no doggies at the wedding :eek: They would just be feral. They get to stay home!

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Hee! House was just using a clicker to train Cuddy's daughter! :laugh::eek::o:confused::laugh:

Yes! That was such a cute thing to watch. Clip here. Reminds me of when OH and I were sitting at the lights one day. We saw a toddler run away from his mother.

OH said: "Ooooh - offleash!" The kid ran back to his mother. We both said: "Ah - good recall." Then it trotted next to its mother and we said: "Nice heelwork." :) We are geeks. We were joking that we'd better never have kids or we'd attempt to crate train it :(

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Hee! House was just using a clicker to train Cuddy's daughter! :(:):rofl::confused::laugh:

Yes! That was such a cute thing to watch. Clip here. Reminds me of when OH and I were sitting at the lights one day. We saw a toddler run away from his mother.

OH said: "Ooooh - offleash!" The kid ran back to his mother. We both said: "Ah - good recall." Then it trotted next to its mother and we said: "Nice heelwork." :p We are geeks. We were joking that we'd better never have kids or we'd attempt to crate train it :rofl:

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl::laugh::eek::o

Oh that's too funny! :D

ETA Oh my gosh, don't look now, but Ruby is actually sitting in her Very Expensive Dogbed!!!!!

Ack! Spoke too soon :( Now on the floor next to me.

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Just finished episode 2 of "Extraordinary Dogs". My only complaint about it is that the narration is way too repetitive. It's only half an hour long but the narrator repeats a few of the key things 3-4 times.

This is Nepal, he's a black lab that assists a man who is mobility-impaired


He's also a therapy dog. Here he is lying on the bed of a hospital patient.


This gorgeous doggie is trained by the Hachiko Centre to assist people with motor disabilities or suffering from epilepsy.


This extremely cute dog is Maybe - she can actually detect seizures that her owner is about to suffer. She is so cute and smart.



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Not sure why I am surprised, but I am surprised at how the most innocuous of threads can turn toxic so easily. Since when does a "what breed is this?" thread have to turn so narky?

Gorgeous photos everyone! Ava is such a super-model - she even makes graffiti look good. Also, if I ever meet Asti, it will be hard to avoid Dognapping ... :rolleyes:

Also, complete non sequitur here but I was looking at the 'waiting for a puppy' thread. I have to say that Australian Cattle Dog puppies are soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cute. I'm not quite so enamoured of their appearance when they're older, more rotund and less limpid of expression but as puppies they are sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cute. I may have to take up fostering just so that I can cuddle cute ACD puppies. :o The whole contrast between puppy cuteness and older dog appearance can be quite shocking. Elbie was such a cute puppy and while he's not ugly by any means now, he's definitely not as cute as he was as a pup although he has very cute expressions, behaviours and I love him as much as I ever did. In picking Hoover, I deliberately went for a red and tan Kelpie because I like the look of the adult red and tans - their faces are very imperious and proud. The black and tans can look a bit mean for some reason but many of the red and tans are very lofty-looking. I can 'see' what Hoover will look like as an adult and I'm happy with Future Hoover's appearance.

In crate shenanigans ... Elbie sleeps (by choice) in the soft crate in the kitchen. Hoover sleeps in a soft crate in our bedroom. He's been there since we got him and even though he's no longer a wee puppy, he's sort of still there out of habit and because it's pretty cute the way he trots up the stairs to the bedroom obediently every night. I prefer to zip the dogs in but Tender-hearted OH has been leaving the crate doors unzipped. The dogs don't wander and they sleep very soundly until morning but the problem is that as soon as the alarm goes off in the morning - Guns 'n Roses - Sweet Child o' Mine - the bed is surrounded by a flurry of excited Kelpieness!

Lots of licking, puppy-dog eyes as they rest their heads on the bed, lots of bum waggling, excited spins and that sort of thing. This morning, we didn't get out of bed and lay there and the dogs were a bit affronted. Usually they will return to their crates and wait until their lazy humans get up - Elbie will trot down the stairs back to his crate in the kitchen. This morning, he obviously decided he couldn't be stuffed to make the Long Trek Back to the kitchen so he decided to gatecrash Hoover's crate.

As usual, their expressions are a classic.


Hoover: "Now I know how it feels to have my bed gatecrashed..."

Elbie: "Revenge is mine."


Hoover: "Elbie's still in my bed!"

Elbie: "Take THAT, you red and tan brat!"


Hoover: "This sucks - and my ears are still too big for my head... and while I'm at it - why did my humans tattoo my ear?"


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Baaaah ha ha ha... they are awesome photos KTB. I love Elbies cheeky face in the second last one - like he's saying "tee hee hee, sucker. My plan worked :rolleyes:". I have been thinking of leaving Kuma's crate unzipped, but the OH doesn't like the idea of Kuma licking him on the face during the night. I'm certain that Kuma will not budge, but for now we are zipped in tight.

Yes, hmm... toxic threads. Seriously can't see Akita in there at all, but hey... I'm no expert in dog genetics by any means.

Here's hopin' that Maxy Boy and James are on the up and up!

Ok, so my photo contribution is my 52 Weeks for Dogs entry for week 5... I got a bit busy, so it was actually taken this week, but hey... who's counting?


W5/52 A Dog and His Ball by shibburd, on Flickr

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The black and tans can look a bit mean for some reason but many of the red and tans are very lofty-looking.

How could you think think this face was mean?




Lofty looking?



I thought I'd better put up some photos if I'm going to join in here - I usually just lurk.

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I know what you mean about the black and tan kelpie's looking mean - I never could quite put my finger on it, but I had that sense as well. But not 4Kelpies black and tan - he looks smart though. Like intimidatingly smart.

KTB love your photos and the story to go with them. Good on Elbie, about time I say!

Well my own cheeky monster cross, who I am guessing has border collie, lab, maybe some kelpie and some mastiff...... as well as Akita :wave: (can't you see it KA? ps - we have that red ball too!).... in his genotype has been displaying his usual phenotype. Back to his normal self - bright and sparky and cheeky. Two weeks and four days til he can run free with the other puppies......

ETA photo of course! :(

Are we going for a WALK YET??????? I'm bored!!!!!!!!!!!


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Loving all your pics everyone! The captions are gold KTB!

Haven't taken many pics lately, but I heard a bit of scratching the other night and this is what/who I found.


Looks like devil dog was just trying to get comfortable.

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KTB- Good work training Elbie a new trick, I doubt food would even get that far atm with echo :( beautiful photos as always

Ravenau- beautiful picture, love how calm Astrid is inside, Echo goes nuts, then again we only give him short times inside, never too much.

Wuffles- gorgeous photo I think the background colours really bring her out!

SammieS- what is the purple and blue thing in that photo? Great photos btw!

Kuma- love the photo of the ball!

Clastic- thats adorable, poor puppy only wants to be comfy!

Echo is now 15 weeks today, getting big. Very big. I decided to try (and horribly failed) stacking him for a side shot, I have been worried about over feeding, but at the moment he is eating everything in sight, I am not sure cutting his meals is a good idea as he is still growing.

He has now started to learn down and is doing great at it, his sits from a down are sometimes a little sloppy (he hunches to one side) but most times he downs in a very good position and sits in a nice tight sit. Still working on him keeping the down position I want as he tends to flop to the side after very short while. We also brought him two new treat toys, the cube and also a giant ball to keep him entertained through the day, I also got the puzzle bone which we tried one day and he loved it!

horrible attempt at stacking - note I have never tried to stack him so he really didnt know what i wanted. OH was also not very good at pictures lol :wave: but at least he tried!





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KA & KTB: I really couldn't see Akita in that dog either, but I see no harm in playing a bit of a guessing game. It amazes me that there's always someone who has to come along and be the thread fun police. Honestly, is there really anything wrong in being curious??

Niques: Hope James is recovering well. Once our two boys stitches are out, we should definitely organise a meet with the other Brisbane DOLers here to go for a walk somewhere. Does anyone have any suggestions??

Beautiful photos by all as always. Echo is getting so big!! :)

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Well my own cheeky monster cross, who I am guessing has border collie, lab, maybe some kelpie and some mastiff...... as well as Akita ;) (can't you see it KA? ps - we have that red ball too!)....

Hope Max is feeling better... poor thing couped up in the house, must be boring as for an active puppy like him. But... he has no Akita in him at all, sorry for crushing your spirits there :laugh:

Kuma loves that red ball. He's got two of them, one was too small and always ended up under the TV and we'd have doglet giving us this mournful look pleading for us to get it out. It is now outside and I bought him a bigger one for inside. He will nom on it for ages - I also think he derives great pleasure getting it to make farty noises - chewing it so that the air squeezes out of the hole and goes fffrrrttt frrrrtttt frrrrttt... charming. :)

Echo is looking lovely and shiny! and rather big!

Clastic - I think I have a few photos of Kuma like that. Amazes me how they find that comfortable...

We had a craptacular night at training last night. Our trainer didn't turn up, and we were lumped in with another bronze class (but only after I had to ask about 3 people what the hell was going on...). Ended up being about 15 dogs in the class and only one instructor. Oh, and the instructor was scared of Kuma - he noticibly flinched when doing steady for pats, and not because Kuma was being bitey or anything, he was sitting calmly... After that OH snapped his biscuit and sat in the car for the rest of the night. The trainer didn't come near me for the rest of the session so I didn't get any one-on-one discussion with a trainer at all. If it happens next week, I'm not coming back.

More toxic threads coming up today... I feel it in my bones :rofl:

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Well, we had an interesting day yesterday, Astrid had hives! There are a couple of pics here http://www.dolforums.com.au/index.php?showtopic=214942 . It was so weird! She's pretty well back to normal now though.

We start new Doggie School tomorrow, doing the 'Canine Good Companion' 10 week course through DogsWest and our Council before moving on to other obedience. It's only 10 mins down the road and nice and early at 8:30am so we will be home before it gets hot. The only bad thing is that it will be a bit early for OH when he's on late shift during the week but he can nap when we get home.

Max#1: Astrid loves tug! And at home I also use a game with a squeaky toy as reward but it's hard to translate that to classes for me as they're all so food based! Tomorrow we will have some low fat cheese, grilled chicken, ham and sausage so I hope something in there will hold her attention.

Glad that Max seems a bit better, it's so stressful when they are sick!

KTB: Love those piccies, and Hoover's Humungo-Ears :laugh: I love them! How do you get Elbie to stay still long enough to put a treat on his nose? This seems to be my OH's lifes mission but Astrid always wriggles!

Wuffles: That's an amazing pic of Ava, it's very artistic!

SammieS: Asti is gorgeous! :)

4kelpies: Wow, I just love the jumping pic, third one down. The focus in those eyes!

Kyliegirl: Echo is looking great! They grow so fast! Astrid spends most of the day inside with me as I'm home 6 days per week, unless she's running mad zoomies or sunbaking in the yard lol. She's generally calm inside unless she's feeling particularly energetic! Stacking, is that how they stand for shows? :rofl: That always looks good!

KumaAkita: ;) That's just horrible, I wouldn't be going back either. It makes you wonder why someone like that would be a dog trainer!

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4Kelpies: You are right - Tia does not have a mean face at all - it's beautiful. I think you're going to have to give us a photographic intro to each of your pack - how they came to be. Hoover smiles and has a laughing face sometimes - I suppose I've only ever seen the black and tans look very intense and serious. :laugh:

Max#1: Bwahahaha - Max has his head tilt again. He always looks so quizzical and inquiring.

Clastic: Was Pepper running in her sleep, hence the noise or was she trying to get comfy? Last night we watched "The King's Speech" and we put the two dog beds in the lounge room. Elbie got into his dog bed obediently but Hoover decided it would be more comfortable to flop out on the hard floor instead.

kyliegirl: great photos! I often wonder if our monsters would allow us to 'stack' them - picture #4 looks very impressive and official. I'm impressed with Echo's stillness! Is Echo an outdoor dog? Don't let the other DOLers know :rofl: Our family dog Kitt was an outdoor dog and when he was an older puppy, every time he got inside, he would get automatic-zoomise and do a hilarious lap - running from laundry, through entrance hall, through lounge, through kitchen and then back through again. So funny. He eventually calmed down and would just lie on his mat :)

KA - great photo of Kuma! I'm sorry last night's training was so crappy - it's always frustrating when that happens.

The trainer didn't come near me for the rest of the session so I didn't get any one-on-one discussion with a trainer at all. If it happens next week, I'm not coming back.

Come back to Sunday and join clastic, mars, hoover and me in our bronze class ;) We can bring water sprays and cool drinks to cool down the Large Furry One ... No Big Dog fear in our class!

More toxic threads coming up today... I feel it in my bones :rofl:

I have sent Evil Koala home - she's not allowed to post thread except the Elbie thread today ... The problem with toxic threads is that once one becomes the target, it's hard to exit politely!

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