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Elbie, Hoover, Dodge & Friends!


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HA soulful face more like lil devil lol

umm not in any obedience club at the moment.. unfortunatly money's been a little tight :)

on another topic... i neede to get Ike a collar that he cant slip out of.. any suggestions?

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Foxyboi - check out ezydog stuff, they're doing a range of limited slip collars (called checkmate). They're due for release soon, but look good.

We had a Rogz martingale - it was craptacular. The Chrome wore off in a matter of weeks. We've also had a Blackdog limited slip, it was too narrow for Kuma's neck and was starting to rub his fur. Probably would be ok for a Shiba neck.

Look for a good quality limited slip collar - there are many versions out there. The internet is your friend!

Great photos, he's looking sooooo cute.

Oh and re obedience - BDOC is actually quite cost effective. I think once you pay your membership, classes are about $20 per term. If you talk to them, they'd probably work out a payment system.

Minxy - Good to hear Kyojin did ok yesterday. The are sooo funny when a bit groggy, eh? Kuma stumbles around like a drunk. He will probably keep himself fairly quiet today, what with all those stitches. Poor little poppet.

Cleoj - it was a "big dog convention" yesterday. Which for us was fantastic! We had started out with one instructor but Cassie was without a class so ours was split in two. Either way, neither of the instructors said "oh, an Akita... well... um..." which is what's happened last few classes. It was so handy having the OH there too, it meant that we could take turns and make it interesting for Kuma.

KTB - it was cooler last night, but it was also cooler in general... so not really a good indication. What worked out best for us is that there were less people on the ground. Sure, there wasn't the beginners classes on the field, but even still there were less people on the field. Only having 5 dogs in our class was great. Even if we get a few more next week, I doubt we'd end up with 15 in our class like we did last year.

Have a great day all :)

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thanks kuma- i bought ike a collar from petbarn, its a Rogz martingale but its too big for him.. so now i gotta find him one that fits lol walking ike isnt to painfull, but he does like to pull :)

thanks for the heads up about BDOC ill really start to look into it

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thanks kuma- i bought ike a collar from petbarn, its a Rogz martingale but its too big for him.. so now i gotta find him one that fits lol walking ike isnt to painfull, but he does like to pull :)

thanks for the heads up about BDOC ill really start to look into it

You could also try a halti of some description. I use one with Kuma - I started when he was younger and quite headstrong and would pull like a train. It was almost an instant change in walking style using it. I still use it, but he no longer pulls. I use it on the off chance that he sees something that he might like to chase - it gives me a bit more control. Makes walking him more pleasurable!

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Thread moving too fast... can't keep up...! Like most, I am reading but never seem to get a chance to reply!

Hooray for being FRIDAY!!!

Cleo - :) Love the story about the cat and furby! :)

Wizzle - The blender is still in the cupboard, it was my Christmas pressie from OH so its only like 1-2 months old. ;)

KTB - I'm sure Hoover is mucho more intelligent and knows so much more than my boy Mars. If we're in your class you'll be watching me like "doesn't she teach him anything?" *hangs head in shame*

fozyboi - Love the pics, he's grown up so much!

To everyone else, hope all is going well! Sorry to have missed commenting, but will try to keep up next time - not sure how successful I will be though.

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I'm sure Hoover is mucho more intelligent and knows so much more than my boy Mars. If we're in your class you'll be watching me like "doesn't she teach him anything?" *hangs head in shame*

No way! I would never think that ;) besides, I've been in a class with Mars before - HH was always pointing out how well-behaved Mars was ... in comparison to Elborino ... :) Hoover is nowhere near as responsive to voice commands as Elbie - but he's going to have a lot of fun I think. Still - Thursday might be a cooler class ... (temp-wise and people wise :) )

foxyboi: For the first year of signing up, it's $170 ($70 one-off joining fee, $80 membership fee plus $20 for obedience classes). If finances are a bit tight and you can't enrol at BDOC at this point in time, we could probably arrange a playdate at some point and 'show' you some of the stuff our two monsters have been taught in class. We're definitely not instructors (nowhere near!!?) but having gone through the training with our two doggies, can definitely 'convey' to you what we've learned so that you could still work on stuff at home until such time you feel can enrol?

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kyliegirl: It's great when you find something they will work enthusiastically for :wave: How do you give him the tuna, do you roll it in a ball or some such?

foxiboi: I need to do deals like that more often! Pics are great, Ike is gorgeous :eek: Shiba's are on my 'doggie wish list' :D

I thought some peeps here might be interested in some international doggies. Got these pics this morning of some of the dogs belonging to OH's family in the US. The had a HUGE blizzard and the doggies just love the snow :)

This is Copper (OH Misses him a lot ;) )


Isabella who belongs to OH's Brother and his wife


Radar (also belongs to OH's Brother and his wife)


Oops! Radar went in a bit too deep lol


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Regarding which training time is cooler, 9am vs 7pm... I can only get 9am vs 6pm as I'm using Gungahlin Weather, but here are some examples...


9am 21

6pm 31


9am 24

6pm 35


9am 27

6pm 35


9am 24

6pm 23


9am 20

6pm 31

In fact at 10pm on most days it was still hotter than at 9am :wave:

I trained Satch on Thursday nights way back when, we had a few nights where only 2 or 3 people showed up because it was still 37 degrees or so :eek: Give me Sunday mornings any day.

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foxyboi - have PM'd you. If you decide to come along to BDOC one Sunday morning with Ike to check out the facilities/grounds/classes/doggies, make sure you bring treats or toys along and we can TRY to show you some stuff. :wave: Keep in mind, we're used to working with Kelpies though :eek: Never had a spitzy though I love them

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Hi Lovelies!

Minky - I hope K is feeling better soon!! Genevieve felt sorry for herself for a day, but then she was back to her normal skitzo self.

Lils - You have to see the funny side in the trashed trampoline!!!! Seek consolation in knowing that it was her own place of comfort that she ate and not yours!!!!

Rav - How cool are those snow pics!!! I have never seen snow IRL before! I wish we could have some right now... I am over the heat (and we've only had it a few days!!!)

Clastic - Even more of a reason to get a new blender!!! He ruined YOUR present!!!!!

I have some pics of Genevieve sitting 'upstairs' on her crate, but haven't uploaded them to the computer yet. Will attempt to this afternoon. I chucked a sicki so not at work today.

On the topic of Furbies and phobias... I was never so cool as to have a furbie, but I remember playing with them at friends houses! But I have had a phobia or two in my time! My sister's is the funniest though... if she knows you need to go and pee and you (for whatever reason) don't, she becomes borderline hysterical. Seriously! She gets all worked up into a frenzy. I used to be mean and tell her I needed to go (we used to work together) but then go and serve a customer!!!! The whole time I was with a customer, she would be flipping out!!! She would be in tears by the time I was putting the sale through the EFTPOS machine!

Edited by Wizzle
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Regarding which training time is cooler, 9am vs 7pm... I can only get 9am vs 6pm as I'm using Gungahlin Weather, but here are some examples...


9am 20

6pm 31

In fact at 10pm on most days it was still hotter than at 9am :wave:

I trained Satch on Thursday nights way back when, we had a few nights where only 2 or 3 people showed up because it was still 37 degrees or so :eek: Give me Sunday mornings any day.

That's interesting... last night did not feel like 31* out at BDOC. The breeze was quite strong! What I have found lately is that Kuma has perked up at around 7:00 pm at night wanting to play and I capitalised on that and did a bit of clicker training before we went back last night. Just covered the basics again to make sure he hadn't forgotten! Usually on Sunday mornings he peters out really quickly in the sun and is only interested in the first few minutes before he is too focussed on being hot. For example, last night he drank about 1/5th of his water bottle at training and before Christmas he would drink the whole lot in the first half of the session.

Rav - those photos are awesome! I particularly like the one where Radar went in too deep! Whoops!

Wizzle - that's one weird-arsed phobia! I don't actually have any... my OH on the other hand... clowns, dwarves and snakes. I never actually owned a furbie... I was a cabbage patch kid kinda girl. We weren't really a "toy family" - my parents focussed on educational toys. Nerd Alert.

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I'm sure Hoover is mucho more intelligent and knows so much more than my boy Mars. If we're in your class you'll be watching me like "doesn't she teach him anything?" *hangs head in shame*

No way! I would never think that :) besides, I've been in a class with Mars before - HH was always pointing out how well-behaved Mars was ... in comparison to Elborino ... :wave: Hoover is nowhere near as responsive to voice commands as Elbie - but he's going to have a lot of fun I think. Still - Thursday might be a cooler class ... (temp-wise and people wise :eek: )

Mars enjoyed the HH classes, maybe thats why he did well - and the class size was small too.

I don't know, it will probably help to have an instructor that wants to help us. Our past instructor always seemed to look down at Mars and I like we couldn't do anything and never gave advice to help us improve. :D Or, it really is just Mars and I - mainly me I think.

ravenau1 - Wow what great pics of the doggies in the snow! I'd love for ours to see and play in snow one day, don't think our chances are high though. ;)

Wizzle - Hrm... he did ask what I wanted for my birthday this year, maybe a new blender will be the thing! Maybe..........

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Totally unrelated to dogs, but for those of you confused by my facebook picture...

We found out this morning that we are indeed having a little girl! We are over the moon as we are probably only going to have the one and were secretly hoping for a girl!

So, I have a picture of the character 'Madeleine' (although she spells it Madeline), with her dog 'Genevieve' from the kids TV series (was huge when OH and I were little).... The story goes.....

We have always loved the name Madeleine and have always said if we have a daughter that will be her name. So when we were adopting a puppy into the family and debating names, we named her Genevieve in the hope that one day, Madeleine would come along. And sure enough, this is exactly what has happened.

So a bit of trivia for you, on how our fur kid and soon to be human kid (today she looked more like a seahorse cross dinosaur) got their names.

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Totally unrelated to dogs, but for those of you confused by my facebook picture...

We found out this morning that we are indeed having a little girl! We are over the moon as we are probably only going to have the one and were secretly hoping for a girl!

So, I have a picture of the character 'Madeleine' (although she spells it Madeline), with her dog 'Genevieve' from the kids TV series (was huge when OH and I were little).... The story goes.....

We have always loved the name Madeleine and have always said if we have a daughter that will be her name. So when we were adopting a puppy into the family and debating names, we named her Genevieve in the hope that one day, Madeleine would come along. And sure enough, this is exactly what has happened.

So a bit of trivia for you, on how our fur kid and soon to be human kid (today she looked more like a seahorse cross dinosaur) got their names.

Oh wizzle! That's fantastic news! I'm so happy for you and Mr Wizzle...as I was when you first announced WW of course, but since you secretly wanted a girl, and she is...well, you know what I mean! :o:) Also, I :mad the name and the spelling. That's actually on my "list" :) if ever my brothers find a husband for me :cry:

In news here, Roo's best dog friend next door completed the 'Tunnel of Love' under the fence and ended up in my backyard tonight! :( The two of them had been playing Bitey Face under the fence after Roo had finished her lamb shank, and I went off down the back to do poo patrol. I looked up, and he was more than 3/4 of the way under the fence, then he was in my yard! Of course the two crazy doglets then went mad chasing each other around the yard :( I tried to call out to my NDN, but they must have been in another part of their house. So I let them wrestle/play for 15 mins or so, then took him next door.

Methinks the tunnel may be filled in tomorrow. I don't mind them playing when I'm home and in the yard watching them, but I wouldn't want him in there when I was not home.

Naughty Miss Roo has been continuing her excavating skills with more holes today. I'm hoping it's just because it's so hot and she's trying to get cool, not that she's punishing me for being back at work ;) Unfortunately, the RC Lab adult biscuits are too big to fall out of the Buster Cube easily, so I've been using Pal puppy biscuits (sssh!), but she's not interested :( I'm still not sure if I should have kept her on the RC Lab puppy biscuits a bit longer :( Might check out Petbarn tomorrow just in case...

ETA Cool pics Rav! :)

Edited by lilli_star
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