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Elbie, Hoover, Dodge & Friends!


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Glad to see that thread has gone *poof* - although I must comment that there were a number of people from this thread who made some pretty valid points in there!

Lilli_star - it must be soooo nice for Roo to have a permanent next door buddy - how is the tunnel going?? :eek:

Ravenau1 - great tags for Astrid, she is going to be one trend-setting dog. Loved the cupcakes too! Re the strange behaviour - could it be a fear period? I can't quite remember when they are, but there is a great topic pinned in the puppy section regarding this.

KTB - hope Elbie is feeling a bit better! And it is a bit cooler in Canberra for poor hot Hoover

Wizzle - sounds like Miss G likes the subfloor ventilation provided by the top of the crate position! Any recent Tales of Destruction :o

It was pretty hot here yesterday, so when I arrived home, I refilled the clam shell and squirted Ziggy with the hose a few times (he tries to chase the water stream!) He also jumps in the clam shell full of water and starts digging. So weird!

I have also bought the "lawn saving rock" - may be a complete waste of money. Mainly because Ziggy thinks I have set up a new interactive game that involves him getting the rock out of his water bowl and me putting it back it :laugh:

So, Ziggy is nearly 1 :eek: Time Flies! I think I will have to do some serious photo taking this weekend and send a nice big email update to his breeder. What has everyone else done? Or planning to do? for the big First Birthday!

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betsy: like you, I'm glad that the Thread of Toxicity is gone but part of me thinks it's a bit of a shame given that:

1. it was started with good intentions by someone looking for a puppy who was genuinely puzzled at how difficult it was to get a response

2. there were sooooooooo many people on that thread who hadn't had problems who seemed surprised/almost incredulous that others had had problems/encountered a lack of responsiveness from breeders

3. there appears to be a disconnect and lack of consistency between what some puppy buyers think breeders want and what some (not all) breeders want.

I don't see any solutions for it because it seems very case by case, breeder by breeder but given how 'shocked' some people were at the mention of any difficulty in getting some breeders to reply, there was some value in the thread before it imploded with its own toxicity … Now, alas, we're left with the usual threads saying: "Make sure you get your dog from a registered breeder!"

When does Ziggy turn one? Elbie will be one year old on the 15th February. We have nothing planned for him except he'll probably get some more dog toys and treats or something :eek:

ravenau1: I think we were very lucky with the teething thing. Both dogs got through without any problems. Then again, Elbie at about 11 weeks went through an incredibly frustrating and annoying mouthing phase where he was constantly attacking our jeans – thankfully he got over it and never mouthed again and Hoover's never been mouthy.

I love Astrid's dog tags. I think it's funny to see the different dog tags – shows all of our quirky preferences. OH would like Astrid's zombie tag – he bought a game recently called "Last night on earth" which I think is about a zombie invasion :laugh: Regarding the post betsy mentioned regarding fear period, try this post called Puppy Development Calender, What to expect & watch out for...

Niques: Elbie was fine. To be honest, as long as the vomit isn't froth then I'm usually not too fussed. I've read far too many scary stories about frothy vomit, bloat followed by death so the Normal Kind is most welcome although messy ;) Fortunately in this weather, everything will dry super fast.

Hoover always looks a bit exhausted. He really would have made the most shocking working dog – flopping down in the shade to rest every few minutes …

As to chocolate labs, I think it's interesting that the chocolate lab craze is considered much more acceptable than other colour crazes (presumably because there's no compromise in health/conformation?)

lilli_star: I think you're mistaken about how evil, Evil Koala is! I actually don't like arguing but some threads/posters out there say the most gobsmacking things sometimes that I just can't help myself … I suppose it's just lucky that the worst threads get deleted so my snotty comments get deleted along with them :eek: So sorry to hear about the cracking clam shell! Overcome by heat? Hopefully you have a Bunnings nearby with more …

Yesterday's heat was a shocker … we left Hoover's crate door unzipped and open so that he could move about more given the heat and every time I looked at him last night (on the frequent occasions I woke because of the heat), he was in a funny position – sometimes cockroached in the crate, sometimes half in and half out of the crate – at one point he was halfway between the crate and the bed and then he was back in the crate again :o

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KTB - Ziggy is 1 on 14th February. Easy to remember! - and only a day older than Elbie (although not as clever in the tricks department :D )

There are a number of close work colleagues who are thinking about adding a furry friend to the family, which made me reminisce about the early puppy days of Ziggy. I had also entertained the idea of another dog, but thinking back to amount of work etc, and given there is only one of me, I think I will wait until Ziggy has a bit more relaxedness and self control! Other than that he is perfect. And his dog antics make me laugh.

And no, when I am considering another dog, I won't be looking for a poodle or sending generic emails :D :thumbsup:

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Unfortunately all of the larger dog towels are being washed, but here's an attempt of James in "Granny" clothing. Looks much better with a big towel.


And looking disturbingly like a nun!


Lilli_star, we experienced the cracked clamshell a few months ago. Fortunately it's broken in such a way that there's actually minimal leakge so there's bit of life in it yet. But good to hear of Ruby's growing interest in water!

Betsy, I am very curious - what is a Lawn Saving Rock? I can't for the life of me work out what it could be :D Nearly 1, already! Time really flies.

Raven, very cool dog tags :thumbsup: I keep meaning to get James a new one but just can't make up my mind. I can't recall - how old was Astrid when she had her photoshoot? It will be wonderful for you to have professional shots of her as a little tyke!

It's a bit of a pity the thread went Kaboom. There was huge potential for learning to occur on both sides. Shame it failed spectacularly. Although, at least I know who not to approach for a poodle!

Speaking of poodles, friends we stayed with in Sydney have two "cavoodles" and I completely fell in love with the littlest one. She was absolutely tiny - toy poodle size - and just so gutsy. It was ridiculously cute watching her climb across people on the couch - very much like she was surmounting Everest :D I thought it an interesting example of personality winning over preference: I am so not a small dog or even a poodle person but two days in that house and I was contemplating a toy poodle for my next pup! :D

Thankfully the effect has worn off with time...I'm really not a little dog person :D I am, however, rather infatuated with Rough Collies at the moment.

Regarding chocolate labradors, from what I gathered when researching, I think there's a fairly strong movement within the lab community against breeding purely for chocolate. But like you say, there aren't the inherent health problems that are found in say blue or white dogs. I think the primary problem is that perhaps some of those breeding solely for the chocolate colour may not be as concerned with the health or conformation of the resulting pups, as long as the colour is right.

Personally, I think that yellow puppies are the cutest but blacks are the most distinguished as adults :D

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Niques - I spat my drink out in laughter at the pictures of James, particularly his nun impression!!! How adorable is that!! I love that it is a crisp white towel! No way would I be so trusting in our deliquent canine!

Betsy - No new tales of destruction, but never fear, the night is still young! Hubby did catch her with a snail collection that she was munching on :( and proceeded to show me the remains of :( . I am not sure if his intent was to test my upchuck reflexes, but he was successful. Genevieve of course couldn't understand why I would react in such a way to her delicassy.

KTB - I will take a photo of her for you! It is cute, but it does concern me. And she certainly has 'doginality'! I am pretty sure she is running for president of the dog world or something... She gets on her soap box about something and won't for all the treats in China shut up!!! Then of course she sooks....

KA - Poodles were never my preferred pooch either. I must confess, I have never been a big dog person. As a little girl, I was attacked on three separate occasions and even now, I will cross the road to avoid big dogs. I think taking Genevieve to school was as good for me as it was her, because I learnt to relax around bigger dogs. I still can't stand their slober and don't like any dog that jumps. Genevieve has recently only just started this and I think it is because she senses that I am pregnant... She seems to jump on me and not really anyone else :( .

Genevieve is one next month! I would like to say she can have a party, but I have too much else going on and Hubby would give me shit for the next ten years... She will get a treat no doubt and I want to get her a new tag as hers is worn out (and I am bored of it and loving the new tag pics btw!!!!) and just for a laugh, I will see if I can put a party hat on her for a photo! Hubby might tell me off though!

Lilli_star - Maybe Ruby is like me and it just has to be really really hot before she gets her toes wet?!! Sorry to hear about the clam shell... Those plastic outdoor toys don't really last long in the heat at the best of times. Have a look on gum tree and see if you can pick one up that someone is getting rid of.

Clastic - I meant to say to you... buy a new blender!!!!!!!!!!!!! There is no way I would keep mine after those circumstances and ours was an (expensive) engagement present!! I'd be paranoid I would end up with a finger in my milkshake!!

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It is pouring with rain right now so no real need to cool the doggies down so I was just playing with the damp facewasher and the doggies. OH did not approve. :rainbowbridge:

Hoover - looking like a barrister


Elbie, also looking like a nun but a less chilled out nun than James ...




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:rainbowbridge: What you laughin' at??? :cry:

Also, James is soooooooooooooooooooo cute in those photos. More cute than usual. He's also much more accepting of the towel than my two are! Gosh I love his snubby nose. I love my Kelpies but their snouts are so pointy ...

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Hee hee! [singsong voice] Hoover and Elbie have pointy snouts! [/singsong voice] :D :(:rainbowbridge: I love that last photo of Elbie. You can almost hear him saying "Baroo?" And Barrister Hoover "We are not amused" :cry:

Hot again here today. Sigh. It was actually hotter in my classroom than it was in the corridor this morning :rofl: Trying to get work out of my kids (Test 1 of a 3 test placement spelling test) was not easy shall we say. Poor kidlets.

I have been on the phone most of tonight and doglet was not amused at my inattention. She brought me the cloth I clean my glasses with (Ewww! All slobbery and stuff!), several empty toilet rolls that I leave for her to take (rather than the full rolls), the last full roll, the Zoom Groom brush from the bathroom (it's easier to brush the cat in the bathtub lol), empty juice jug, Nylabone and several soft toys from her collection. I managed to get her a chewy before the next phonecall to keep her occupied. :cry:

Here is a then and now shot of Roo.

The pic on the left was taken on my birthday in July when she was about 11 weeks old (plumb tuckered out), the pic on the right was taken a couple of weeks ago.


Notice how in the first she is the same length as the width of the bed? And now she's longer than the bed! :cry: How time flies...I do miss her roly-poly puppy chubbiness :eek: I was too stressed out at the time to properly appreciate it :(

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Hi guys, sorry about crashing your thread but I know many of you are in Canberra.

Lastnight in the Torrens area a six month old Samoyed puppy went missing.

She answers to the name Kaylee and is microchipped.

If you see her can you please call Rob on 0419 448 330 or PM me.

Please spread the word about this little girl, her owners are very worried.

Thanks :o


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lilli_star - very cute photos. Don't worry, Roo is still adorable. Labs stay cute! It's the snubby nose thing :)

wuffles - poor Satch! He looks so unimpressed. He also looks like a housewife from Coronation Street. :o

I've been reading yet another one of those endless Blue Staffordshire Bull Terrier threads.

It's quite perplexing. To be fair to the novice, not everyone knows that there's a difference between a registered breeder and a trustworthy/reliable breeder. Even among so called registered, reliable breeders there are frequently points of difference. Also, some registered breeders aren't very friendly - it's a matter of luck who you get. For instance, a newbie looking for a SBT might go to the DOL listings.

1. There are lots of blue SBT puppies listed on DOL. A novice might be forgiven for thinking that they breeders are relatively trustworthy compared to listings found elsewhere.

2. I did a Google search for "blue staffordshire health issues". Results are here. Unless I limit the search to Australian sites only, I don't pull up anything in the first couple of pages that discusses health problems associated with blues.

3. I did a Google search for "blue staffordshire health problems". Results here. Same deal unless I limit it to Australian sites.

4. When I look up "blue staffordshire skin problems" I get a few more relevant hits but articles like this one aren't particularly informative.

A novice would get lots of answers if they came onto the forum but lots of people don't care for Internet chat sites and wouldn't go near them for anything. The DOL puppy page is so interesting. 87 SBT litters. Yoicks! By far the most plentiful ... only five litters of Kelpie pups and 4 are showies (solid colours), one set have black and tans. 17 litters of Australian Shepherds which is quite a lot.

Also, at the end of the day - I am not sure why blue is such a popular colour. It looks a bit strange to me. Working line Kelpies can also come in blue, see here but they always look a bit dusty to me ...

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We are just home from obedience. Kuma did really well! We have a small class of five dogs and the instructor is a girl my OH went to school with. Mr KumaAkita actually came and enjoyed himself... :o

Judge the rottie and Merlin the Berner were there. Merlin is HUGE, looks like a big man now. Judge is still flighty.

Hope Canberra doggies stayed safe in the storms and everyone else is finding a cool spot to spend their days

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KA - glad it didn't rain! I was thinking about you all this morning on the way to work in the pouring rain. I was telling OH that you, Clastic and wuffles were all going to be at Thursday classes now!

I'm still indecisive as to whether I want to be in Thursday or Sunday classes.. it will only be Mars and I. Hrm.. still deciding, but couldn't go tonight any how as I'm taking care of OH.

Will have to come back through and reply to everything. :o

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