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Elbie, Hoover, Dodge & Friends!


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Hope everyone had a good Australia Day!

My pups were absolutely buggered after yesterday, especially Pepper! I swear that she was panting so much her eyes were gonna pop out or something!

Great vid KTB, had a huge smile on my face after watching it, and wuffles you always get great pics with your crazy awesome camera. :mad

Haha my camera is the lowest range DSLR with kit lens, I'm pretty sure you can pick it up for about $600 these days!

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Wow, you guys have been really feeling the heat!!!! We have had such mild weather! Apparently Monday is going to be warm, but then back down again on Tuesday....

No KTB, Genevieve hasn't done anything particularly destructive in the last 24 hours! Hubby was a good man and got up early to her this morning when she started (I wasn't feeling very well so I stayed in bed for a bit), though he didn't feed her or bring her water bowl out! I didn't notice until I got up a few hours later!!!!!! Poor dog! When I put it all out for her though, she just looked at it, then back at me as if to say 'Can't you find something more interesting than kibble and water for that thing?'.

She has been a sook the last day or so. She loves the attention, that is her trouble! God help me when there is a child and a fur kid. I joked this morning that this baby is really another puppy, because I have terrible heartburn (apparently there is an old wives tale that suggests that heartburn during pregnancy leads to a hairy baby). Genevieve looked excited, Simon just laughed! One fur kid is more than enough for me... I don't know how those of you with more than one do it! I would possibly have no furniture left if I had Genevieve in duplicate!

G likes ice cubes too! Every time we open the freezer, she comes running. What I find funny, is we will give her a cube and then she runs of and hides with it! :mad What I don't get is, we have given it to her!!! We have allowed her to have it!!! Why hide??? Dog logic I guess! It is funny watching her bark at and bounce on ice cubes!

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Wow the trip to the park looked like so much fun! So jealous! And you guys should be proud of your good doggies! And doesn't it make you so so happy on the inside when you see them running around and playing together and having so much fun?! (good grief - and they're dogs, imagine if they were human babies.... Wizzle, you will have to let us know!).

I couldn't take my eyes off Elbie. Especially after the adorableness of the begging video. While Ava may be the prettiest dog in the thread, Elbie is 'Dog of the Year 2011'. He looked so happy writhing around on the grass. And Hoover has definitely grown! And how big is Kuma? The Akita at the park is only 35 kg? She's big, but not huge. And I saw a Satch look-a-like tonight - he was also one happy boy!

We've had the SIL come stay for the past few days. Max was a little terrorist. He had one purpose in his life during this time, and that was to lick her face. I swear he doesn't jump up on people, I swear he's very polite... but with her? No chance. I don't know. It didn't help that she didn't even want to touch him - just not a dog person. Maybe that was it. By the end, she would scratch his head a little, but then that would only encourage him and up he'd go. We spent the whole time doing 'off Max' 'down Max' 'look Max!' 'Maaaaaaxxxxxx!'. Thank goodness its over!

I also have a clamshell outside for the warm days. So far though we haven't had any - but its going to get up there on Monday someone said? So far its been just filling up with rainwater... They do get dirty quite quickly though. Especially when puppy likes walking through it!

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And how big is Kuma? The Akita at the park is only 35 kg? She's big, but not huge.

So Kuma is 74cm at the withers and weighs in at 47.3kg. Satch is about 1-2 cm shorter and about 10kg lighter - wuffles can correct me if I'm wrong...

It was an absolutely fab morning.

Dontcha just love it when your doggies embarrass you? Poor Max and his fixation with your SIL :mad

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Wizzle - Genevieve with an ice cube sounds so cute bouncing around with it.

Max#1 - Dogs always seem to find that one person who doesn't like dogs and try to bug them, have to be luuuuuurved. Have you started flyball training again this year? Our club has intake in February so I'm quite excited, hopefully Mars and I can start soon.. I hope you won't become a crazy barker though........... :mad

wuffles - Hehe, Satchmo the water dog! I used to come home to a water bowl full of dirt. Mars likes to splash at the water with his paws, not sure if he's afraid of it or something.. but I'm pretty sure its not because he likes it.

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Max#1[/b] - Dogs always seem to find that one person who doesn't like dogs and try to bug them, have to be luuuuuurved. Have you started flyball training again this year? Our club has intake in February so I'm quite excited, hopefully Mars and I can start soon.. I hope you won't become a crazy barker though........... :)

Woof woof!

Yes! We've been to one training session! And Max remembered! He's up to the point where he can do a full run, but they put boards up around hte box to the first jump coming back, so they don't get distracted and run around the jumps. Still need to work up to perfecting his box technique, donig it without the boards, and doing it in the presence of other running dogs.... Our club even hosted a competition yesterday.... but I didn't go :( SIL and stuff.... Besides I feel like a bit of a fifth wheel sans dog. I'm there willing to help, but without a dog, I'm a bit lost... We can't compete til Max turns 1 (April 26th) and even then the next competition isn't til June.

Max also likes to splash the water with his paws. I think its because he can see something in there...? I stand to be corrected though!

Wow Kuma must be quite a big version of an Akita! They're really quite an impressive breed.

Wuffles - my clamshell looks somewhat similar. I'm pretty sure the dirt makes the water tasty though... :)

Okay bedtime if I'm going to get up early for walkies!

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Hi everyone! :(

Just a quick post as we have just got back from our little holiday staying at my folks place. We had a great time and I was stressing for nothing! Astrid was great, really well behaved and she had an awesome time, particularly loved playing at the beach and the long cool walks we got to take her on in the evenings. A couple of weird/funny things happened and hopefully I will have some time to write about them tomorrow and catch up on all your posts!

A quick pic!

Here she is chilling at Grandma and Grandpa's place :)


Just quickly, Kyliegirl, I walk Astrid on a martingale or on a check chain as she pulls like a demon on a flat collar. Martingale seems to work best for her mostly, perhaps give one a try if you haven't already. I also taught her a "wait" command, where she has to wait while sitting at the door for the 'ok' command before she can come through or go out. Sometimes if she is getting sort of overstimulated on a walk I tell her to wait and she sits for a few moments and calms down. Might be worth a shot too.

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Max#1[/b] - Dogs always seem to find that one person who doesn't like dogs and try to bug them, have to be luuuuuurved. Have you started flyball training again this year? Our club has intake in February so I'm quite excited, hopefully Mars and I can start soon.. I hope you won't become a crazy barker though........... :)

Woof woof!

Yes! We've been to one training session! And Max remembered! He's up to the point where he can do a full run, but they put boards up around hte box to the first jump coming back, so they don't get distracted and run around the jumps. Still need to work up to perfecting his box technique, donig it without the boards, and doing it in the presence of other running dogs.... Our club even hosted a competition yesterday.... but I didn't go :) SIL and stuff.... Besides I feel like a bit of a fifth wheel sans dog. I'm there willing to help, but without a dog, I'm a bit lost... We can't compete til Max turns 1 (April 26th) and even then the next competition isn't til June.

Max also likes to splash the water with his paws. I think its because he can see something in there...? I stand to be corrected though!

:( Whoops.. sorry I was supposed to say I hope Mars doesn't become a crazy barker... *sigh* SORRY!! I really didn't mean Max or you at all! *hangs head in shame* :rofl:

Sounds like its so much fun!! Great to hear that Max remembers it, how long has he been doing it now?

Hehe, there were a few agility jumps set up at our club last time we were there with wuffles and Ava, Mars ofcourse went around them..!


kyliegirl - Hehe, atleast the cats are tolerating Echo. Hopefully they will be friend soon. :rofl:

ravenau1 - Looks like Astrid had the best time at Grandma and Grandpa's place! Looking forward to hearing about those wierd/funny stories. :o

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Minxy, I am SO jealous that your cat and Kyojin can just lay next to each other like that. That would never happen here...but I've got to hope it will one day!

I peeked out the window a little while ago and Roo was lounging on her trampoline bed, but it looked like she may have been nibbling on it again in a different corner :) The Vicks might have to be applied on all 4 corners...

Haha, yea Oscar and Kyojin LOVE each other. Which is weird, because most people will say that Akitas and cats don't mix. My breeder wants me to send him all these photos of the two of them together for his website. It's funny actually, if I just put Kyojin out into the yard in the morning to pee when he wakes me up, Oscar cries until he comes back inside. Normally the first thing Kyojin will do is nom on Oscar's head, so Oscar gets really upset if that doesn't happen!!!! :( Our other cat on the other hand still hisses at Kyojin if he comes to close and hides from him. She's terrified of everything though.

minxy: I love those photos of Kyojin.  He still looks very 'little' and puppy-ish (keeping in mind that my interactions with akitas of late have been with Kuma the Giant Teddy Bear :)  How old is Kyojin now?

Everyone –thanks for the tips about the water drinking.  My two drinks heaps and heaps!  Hoover wees like a maniac because he drinks so much!  We'll fill up their clam shell but I also like the idea of a bucket (thanks Betsy!).  The ice cube addiction they have both developed is getting a bit annoying.  :rofl:  They know the sound of the ice cube tray and also the 'chink' sound the ice cubes make as they drop into my glass.  I have one tray for them but there's one tray that in the past, *I* get all 12 cubes in my tall glass of water but these days, I look down and there's two sets of beseeching eyes staring up at me as soon as I start preparing my drink so I feel obliged to share my ice cubes with them :o

My two were more deaded from the heat I think.  Our house was soooooooooooooo hot yesterday and we had all the fans going so we have resolved to buy an evaporative cooler today …

I really think people are going to have to come and visit us in Canberra some time for a DOLapalooza – our doggies would have so much fun :rofl:

Kyojin's nearly 7 months. You can't see how big he is in those photos though! It's really only when we see him in comparison to bits of furniture that you can see him growing. Every so often OH or I will go "Holy hell, did you realise Kyojin's head can reach x ?!" He's about 68cm at the withers now and about 33kg. Still got a fair bit to go though!!

Kyojin drinks soooo much. There's not too many days where he has to be in the yard for 8 hours or so, but I always make sure his clam shell has clean water in it too as he seems to usually go there first for water. Eventually we'll get an automatic waterer like Kuma's. My olds have one too, but there's is like 20 years old and keeps growing moss.

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Woof woof!

This cracked me up! :) I hear that dog sports people do shout at their dogs a lot on the field!!! :eek:

OH and I are still undecided about what we'll pursue for our doggies. I like agility, OH likes flyball. Trialling is likely out because that's probably something that is more interesting for me than OH or the doggies and even I'm not entirely sure how fun I'd find it.

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Woof woof!

This cracked me up! ;) I hear that dog sports people do shout at their dogs a lot on the field!!! :eek:

OH and I are still undecided about what we'll pursue for our doggies. I like agility, OH likes flyball. Trialling is likely out because that's probably something that is more interesting for me than OH or the doggies and even I'm not entirely sure how fun I'd find it.

Why not try both, or one for each doggie? :) Or you could do Doggie Dancing with CleoJ? :eek:

No agility intake until later in the year :laugh:

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No agility intake until later in the year ;)

:eek: Is that because they're still painting the equipment and hampered by doggies drinking out of their water buckets? :laugh: I felt so sorry for that person on the weekend who kept trying to fill up those buckets with water and then she'd be surrounded by thirsty doggies with floppy tongues :o

I have no doubt that Elbie would be great at flyball - he's so fast, loves frisbee and the ball ... but he's already so highstrung, flyball would probably send him into an implosive frenzy :) Will probably try agility first for both and see how they go. I've heard it's easier to transition from agility to flyball than the other way 'round.

Also, I showed someone the Australia Day doggy video and they said: "How nice of the herding breeds to let the akita play with them." :eek: Wouldn't it be funny if poor Kuma grew up thinking he was a herding dog and then he saw a photo and went: "Hmmmm ... why do I look different? I thought I was a Japanese Border Collie??"

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:eek: Japanese Border Collie!! We reckon Kuma's about as big as a sheep and would probably just push them over... He's had a frollick in OH's Pop's paddock with about 20 head of beef cattle a few months ago. He rounded them up in a circle and didn't really know what to do next. Silly bugger. :)

This morning I ran into a lady with a 4 month old chocolate Lab x Kelpie. She was in despair because he's naughty and has chewed all her plants. "he will grow out of it though, right???". Um, yeah, Labs eat everything... I asked if she's doing obedience - and pointed her in the direction of BDOC. Cute little thing that looked very much like a lab with Hoover-style ears.

Given how a simple play in the park on Wednesday tired Kuma out (he's still sleepy today), I don't think he's right for the cut and thrust world of agility or flyball. We'll stick to obedience for a while.

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Both Satch and Kuma had a little romp with the littluns!

I'd tell the lady to chicken wire her prized plants :) Some dogs just don't grow out of it. Thankfully I think Ava has finally learned to leave our plants alone. The grass plant she ate when she was younger has grown back! And the vine without bark on its trunk is still going strong. Needless to say, when we plant new things, they will be chicken wired.

At my parents' house when we left the pups for a few hours, Ava ate the toggle off the blinds on the verandah, as well as the thin wooden slat at the bottom ;) At least they obviously spent their time lazing on the verandah rather than barking at the neighbours...

KTB, maybe flyball would help calm Elbie down at other times... satisfying drive or whatever? I don't know :eek:

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KTB, maybe flyball would help calm Elbie down at other times... satisfying drive or whatever? I don't know :eek:

I don't know what Elbie's like with ball/frisbee, but for Max its really intense. I ask him if he wants to play ball, and he gets super focused and this look on his face - so much so I can rely on that at the park etc for distracting him from other things - dogs, cyclists, picnicers. So I imagine that doing flyball is like giving that an outlet? I'm just so glad I have a 'finished' command so that ball can end!!! (Although sometimes he doesn't believe me). When we're lining up to do a flyball run, a lot of the dogs are barking their heads off. Max is somewhat excited by this, but remains quiet. Then just before its his turn, I have him lined up, and I say to him really quietly 'wanna plaaaaayyyyy.... flyball?' He looks at me, cocks his head to the side to make sure he's heard me right, then usually someone standing at the box calls him with the ball, I say 'yessss', and he's off. Its pretty funny.

Thankfully Max hasn't been too destructive in the garden. He's got a hankering to go to China though, and occasionally gives it a whirl. Either that or he's looking for gold (we actually had to sign a covenant when we bought out place from 1947, that we wouldn't mine the land.... ).

Kuma the Japanese border collie! That made me snort in a mirthful non-work-appropriate way!

The problem with these dog-sports is getting into them. I was lucky one of my first doggy-friends was a flyball club organiser. I've ran into a lady recently who has an agility club. Both the flyball club and the agility club start em young. They don't wait for obedience tests to be passed. The agility lady was saying that often as long as the dogs can be kept under 'effective control' (and I doubt she meant DOL standards) they can do it.

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Yep, none of the dog clubs in Canberra start agility before 14 months old and then you have to wait until there's an intake. Sometimes I feel like you have to be part of the 'in crowd' to even find out about these things... which I'm not!

I would really like to do a foundation course, as I think there are a lot of things you can teach the dogs when young... there'd be a real market for that type of thing around here, I'd say. I'm trying to do a bit of it myself from research and videos etc. but it's hard.

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How is everyone today? Very quiet in here...

I am at work, no idea what pooch is doing. She was naughty and woke me up very early this morning... after what felt like just managing to fall asleep!

Melbourne looks like getting some of the warm weather for the next couple of days, so no doubt G will spend her days lying in front of the aircon!

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