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Elbie, Hoover, Dodge & Friends!


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Kyojin is getting so big! Cats wouldn't last long in my house... :)

My two are exhausted after this morning and are fast asleep. I'm about to get the meat ready for the BBQ though so I'm sure that will wake them up...

Here are a selection of photos... the rest are on FB.

First of all... here are all our beautiful dogs :D















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wuffles - great photos here and on fb. I love this photo you took of Kuma & Hoover:


I have a wee bit of video footage so will cobble that together, borrowing liberally from your photos :) My little point and shoot camera is crap at distance and action shots.

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Love it KTB! :) :D

I notice Ava is featured in 3 out of 4 'eating' pictures ;) Kuma drinking is hilarious :D

Our little outing today really reminded me of how wonderful all our doggies are. They didn't bark back at any of the instructor's dogs and pretty much ignored them, there were no disagreements despite there being differences in age/size/breed, they all had great manners... especially considering most of them are realistically still puppies! I don't want to toot my own horn but I think we should all give ourselves pats on the back for putting the work into our pups to be so well adapted, sociable and well mannered :rofl::) And the humans were all on their best behaviour as well :hug:

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I was also really happy with how well they all got along - and they were all so happy, albeit hot and tired :) You're right wuffles - the dogs in the smaller run were barking like crazy as was the dog in the clubhouse and our dogs ran over but didn't bark back.

Quick question - OH is about to go back to work full-time so doggies will be left in the backyard alone all day which is fine but I'm trying to figure out how much water I should leave them. Right now we have two very large water dishes out there - do other people have more? I don't want them running out of water on hot Canberra days ...

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I was also really happy with how well they all got along - and they were all so happy, albeit hot and tired :) You're right wuffles - the dogs in the smaller run were barking like crazy as was the dog in the clubhouse and our dogs ran over but didn't bark back.

Quick question - OH is about to go back to work full-time so doggies will be left in the backyard alone all day which is fine but I'm trying to figure out how much water I should leave them. Right now we have two very large water dishes out there - do other people have more? I don't want them running out of water on hot Canberra days ...

The dogs in the smaller run are all very highly trained as well... they compete in both obedience and agility... interesting :D

We have a clamshell so they drink out of that a lot during the day. $18 from Bunnings :D A few weeks ago, pre-clamshell, I left them two bowls and came home to find both empty :) So I was leaving three. Now I just leave our big one, plus the clamshell.

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Awesome vid KTB! hmmm... Kuma and the water... What can I say? He's a water baby :rofl:

We have an automatic waterer for Kuma (as he drinks a lot during the day) it's attached to the hose and has a float valve in it, it works in the same manner as a toilet - once the water reaches a certain level it adds more, when the float reaches a certain level it stops adding water. He's not run out of water since we got it. Actually, I lie. He ran out once... the hose got a kink in it. We fixed it and now it's awesome. OH's dad bought it for us from the ag supplier in Bega, but I have seen them at pet shops.

We will get him a clamshell once we have grass. I'm not dealing with muddy puppy ;) :D

Wuffles - you are right, our furkids did awesomely well today. Considering, as mentioned, variations on age/size/breed - they all played nicely. Well, Kuma ran around for a while then watched on from the shade. :D

He crashed on the floor as soon as we got home, hasn't moved much since! He did watch the video with me a few times, mumbling at the dogs (it's kinda like a growl kinda bark thing he does, really cute).

Thanks for today, it was fun :hug::) to Wuffles for coordinating

ETA: :) to Mr KTB on the work front!

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ooohhh green with jealousy - certainly won't show this photos of doggy fun in Canberra to Ziggy!

I am coming home from a very short OS trip - my mum is house/dog/catsitting :laugh: But looking forward to seeing my little man soon! Love all the pics. The Akitas are certainly looking very squishable.

KTB - why not leave a bucket with water outside? I leave the drinkbowl and a bucket. Always enough. Oh, and an iceblock if you can be organised enough!

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Great vid, Koala :laugh::) The doglets looked like they were having a fantastic time! Didn't Elbie used to just hang out on the perimeter before? Great to see him getting amongst it all. It was great to see ALL the doglets playing and having fun together. Wish Roo and I could have come too :D

Wuffles, I always forget how big Satch is until I see a video or picture of him with the other dogs :D

It's really hot here today- it was supposed to get to 35 today, which is just ridiculously hot for this area. Where my brother lives it was supposed to get to 42, and their air conditioner wasn't working properly so my s-i-l said when I dropped my niece off today. It's supposed to be 40 up where Dad is, and no air conditioning there either :D

I made some icebocks for Roo last night and gave her one earlier, but I think after a few licks, she left it and went back to her shady spot :D . I fill Ruby's clam shell with water (plus she has a basin of water as well), but she doesn't seem to actually get in it to cool off- what kind of a Labrador is she anyway???!! :laugh:

Jasper the cat has been stretched out under the coffee table all day while I was cutting and laminating (and cutting again) stuff to decorate my classroom ready for when school goes back (:eek:). Minxy, I am SO jealous that your cat and Kyojin can just lay next to each other like that. That would never happen here...but I've got to hope it will one day!

I peeked out the window a little while ago and Roo was lounging on her trampoline bed, but it looked like she may have been nibbling on it again in a different corner :o The Vicks might have to be applied on all 4 corners...

Edited by lilli_star
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Hi peoples and doglets alike!

It sure looks as thought you Canberrites had a ball this morning! So jealous!!! I see the common trend is to see who has the longest tongue!!!!

Lilli_star - Sorry to hear it is hot for you! Down here in freezing cold Melbourne, it has been mild and cool all day! I've been in leggings and a jumper! I was soooo cold at the pool this morning and found myself thinking, how the hell am I going to get through winter when it is this cold in summer!!!!

I can't believe how much all your doggies drink!!! Genevieve has a bowl of water that looks like she never touches!!! But she does stay inside all day...

Well, we have had friends over for a BBQ and some street cricket today. Poor Genevieve had to umpire from the front garden as I wouldn't let her out on the street. She so was not happy Jan!! She was running from one end of the fence to the other, as if to say 'I'll get it!!!'. Very cute, but the winging was so sad! Punishment for destroying Daddy's couch (caught her trying to remove the gaffa tape we have used to cover the hole!!!!).

Anyway, now I am at work being a good citizen!!! Hope you all have lovely evenings and have a drink for me!!!!

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Not sure where abouts Niques lives, but maybe you, me, Niques and Sammie could all get together for a walking session soon and give each other some pointers??

I'm Western suburbs. Not sure how well structured walking with other dogs would be received by James ("What?! You want me just to walk next to them the whole time? No playing?!?!) but perhaps a play session could be in order when it gets a little cooler?

There are some thirsty dogs out there! James really only empties a bowl when he's seriously tuckered out after a long, hot walk. Admittedly, he gets a lot of his water out of the swimming pool ( :rofl: ) so I can't judge exactly, but he really doesn't drink that much. But then, my dog takes after me and is generally a lazy slug :) We haven't walked in days as unless I'm up at 4am it's too hot for me, let alone him. I would consider a 5:30am or even late evening walk but this weather is so unpleasant around the clock! So these days he's been active for about 60-90 minutes in the morning, stealing things and being chased around the yard and whatnot, and then inside for a day of napping in the air-con :rofl:


"Ah, yes - I see you've been having some trouble with the second molar?" :)

Hoover's looking very adult-sized next to all the other dogs. I hadn't realised he'd grown so much!

Fantastic for (and a credit to) you Canberrians that they're so happy and well-mannered around each other!

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Looks like great fun! I'm sorry I couldn't get organised enough for Shandy and I to join you now, it looks like you all had a great time.

Its great when a group of dogs all get on so well, its one thing we've enjoyed about the small trialling classes we've been running over the break - that the dogs all have such fun together.

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:) Kuma is still buggered from yesterday. He slept ALL day yesterday, put himself to bed early last night, took some prodding to go for a walk this morning. He walked beautifully this morning, short leash right at my side. No sniffing and peeing... He was too tired. He didn't eat his breakfast and opted instead to have an early morning nap!

My big fit lump of a dog :D

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:) Kuma is still buggered from yesterday. He slept ALL day yesterday, put himself to bed early last night, took some prodding to go for a walk this morning. He walked beautifully this morning, short leash right at my side. No sniffing and peeing... He was too tired. He didn't eat his breakfast and opted instead to have an early morning nap!

My big fit lump of a dog :(

:D Even Satch was awake enough to steal Ava's dumbell while I was training her last night, and he was happy and excited to go on his walk this morning! I played tug with Ava for half an hour last night, and did heaps of training with her, then this morning she went for a jog with Mr Wuffles :D To be fair, both of them were happy sleeping in the cool spots of the house and would have continued to do so if the toys and leash and food didn't come out ;)

37 degrees yesterday, at least they've revised today down to 34. Hopefully the doglets make use of their clam shell pool and the holes they've dug :)

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minxy: I love those photos of Kyojin.  He still looks very 'little' and puppy-ish (keeping in mind that my interactions with akitas of late have been with Kuma the Giant Teddy Bear :)  How old is Kyojin now?

Everyone –thanks for the tips about the water drinking.  My two drinks heaps and heaps!  Hoover wees like a maniac because he drinks so much!  We'll fill up their clam shell but I also like the idea of a bucket (thanks Betsy!).  The ice cube addiction they have both developed is getting a bit annoying.  :D  They know the sound of the ice cube tray and also the 'chink' sound the ice cubes make as they drop into my glass.  I have one tray for them but there's one tray that in the past, *I* get all 12 cubes in my tall glass of water but these days, I look down and there's two sets of beseeching eyes staring up at me as soon as I start preparing my drink so I feel obliged to share my ice cubes with them ;)

My two were more deaded from the heat I think.  Our house was soooooooooooooo hot yesterday and we had all the fans going so we have resolved to buy an evaporative cooler today …

I really think people are going to have to come and visit us in Canberra some time for a DOLapalooza – our doggies would have so much fun :(

lilli_star: roo is so naughty with her nibbling … I shouldn't laugh but I do … :D  It really takes a certain mindset to be a dog-owner, especially the owner of a cheeky dog. 

Yesterday I was putting orange-scented wax on our kitchen table top and seat tops (wood) and we were having to keep the doggies away because they kept wanting to sniff and lick.  Naughty doggies. 

As for Elbie, you're right – he used to just hang out on the edges and he didn't really engage with other dogs.  This is despite puppy classes and all that sort of thing … In the very early days when friendly Ava tried to play with him, he actually growled at her because he was just so wary  :clap:  He is heaps better now. He's never going to be the life of the party and bouncing all over other dogs, but he seems much happier in a group, much more comfortable sniffing and being sniffed.  He still prefers people to other dogs, but he is certainly seeming much more comfortable now. 

I'm soooooooooo relieved that he shows no sign of dog aggression or fear – and he'll even initiate greetings with other dogs now – going up to the other dogs to sniff and say hullo.  My worst nightmare is having an aggressive dog.

Hoover's a funny one because he's actually not a social butterfly/life of the party either but he LOVES running around with other dogs and he seems to have a real crush on Pepper for some reason.

wizzle: any more tales of destruction for us?  I am still giggling over you asking your OH if he took a photo…. That's so Elbie-thread of you :)  Whenever one of our monsters has done something naughty, I ask OH: "Why didn't you clean it up/throw it away?"  He says: "I thought you might want to take a photo for the Elbie thread."  Makes me laugh …

niques: yes, Hoover has grown a lot.  Even though Elbie's a crossbreed and probably should be larger, Hoover's going to end up being larger than Elbie when he's fully grown.  Everyone was quite startled yesterday at how 'big' he was.  He's not fat – just very tall and lanky and grown-up looking, especially with the bat-ears.  OH and I don’t notice so much but then we look at the earlier videos and photos and see what a chubster he was – all short-legs, floppy ears and roly-poly puppiness.  He's still very much a puppy though in terms of behaviour – loves his cuddles and pats, wiggles his bum with so much joy and energy that you wonder how he's still standing … It's sad that puppy-hood is soooooooooo short but I'm pretty happy with the temperament of my two and am pretty sure they'll retain puppy-ish ways that will keep them cute (at least in our eyes)

cleoJ: You were missed!  OH was saying: "Where's Shandy?" 

As evidenced in another thread, OH and I spent Australia Day afternoon geekishly playing board games.  I would never want to inflict that on anyone who wasn't willing but if other Canberrans are keen to play Rock Band or board games, let me know – you can PM me if you like so that no one need know of your Geekish Inclinations …

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Hope everyone had a good Australia Day!

My pups were absolutely buggered after yesterday, especially Pepper! I swear that she was panting so much her eyes were gonna pop out or something!

Great vid KTB, had a huge smile on my face after watching it, and wuffles you always get great pics with your crazy awesome camera. :dancingelephant:

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