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Elbie, Hoover, Dodge & Friends!


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Maybe Hoover doesn't have anything ready to go before bed :eek: Mine never do #2s at night, ever... :cry:

:) You are so lucky! Mine are poo machines!!! They poop at least twice a day. We have to do poo picks twice a day as a result. :) I'd feed them less but they're actually very lean as it is!

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Maybe Hoover doesn't have anything ready to go before bed :cry: Mine never do #2s at night, ever... :D

:) You are so lucky! Mine are poo machines!!! They poop at least twice a day. We have to do poo picks twice a day as a result. :eek: I'd feed them less but they're actually very lean as it is!

Kyojin poops the second he finishes eating :)

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Thanks lilli_star! :)

When you do give Ruby a raw egg, record it on video. I found it quite amusing watching my 2 eat theirs, I wish I had recorded it so I could go back and see it again. Pepper thought because it was round it must have been a treat ball and was rolling it around with her nose to see if any kibble was going to fall out and Mars was just amused by it because it was round (ball-freak) so he tried to roll it with his paws and just ran around with it in his mouth without eating it.

Mars will do a #2 at night, depends if its ready at the time.. but if he doesn't he holds on until the next morning then sprints out the door. Pepper rarely does a #2 at night, she waits until there is daylight for that and poops all through the day.

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Thanks lilli_star! :)

When you do give Ruby a raw egg, record it on video. I found it quite amusing watching my 2 eat theirs, I wish I had recorded it so I could go back and see it again. Pepper thought because it was round it must have been a treat ball and was rolling it around with her nose to see if any kibble was going to fall out and Mars was just amused by it because it was round (ball-freak) so he tried to roll it with his paws and just ran around with it in his mouth without eating it.

Mars will do a #2 at night, depends if its ready at the time.. but if he doesn't he holds on until the next morning then sprints out the door. Pepper rarely does a #2 at night, she waits until there is daylight for that and poops all through the day.

Heh :)

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Maybe Hoover doesn't have anything ready to go before bed :D Mine never do #2s at night, ever... ;)

:eek: You are so lucky! Mine are poo machines!!! They poop at least twice a day. We have to do poo picks twice a day as a result. :cry: I'd feed them less but they're actually very lean as it is!

Satch does two a day (usually one on his morning walk and one during the day, sometimes both on his morning walk!) and Ava does three or so but not at night :) They have their dinner around 6-7pm then go straight to sleep!

Ahhh pooping habits, it's like mother's group at the local cafe :)

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Ahhh pooping habits, it's like mother's group at the local cafe :eek:

I love you guys :) At work when I talk about Christmas presents for the dogs or even taking them to dog school every Sunday, one of my colleagues looks at me like I am a Crazy Person and then I wonder: "Am I a crazy person because I dote on my doggies so much?" :)

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Ahhh pooping habits, it's like mother's group at the local cafe :eek:

I love you guys :) At work when I talk about Christmas presents for the dogs or even taking them to dog school every Sunday, one of my colleagues looks at me like I am a Crazy Person and then I wonder: "Am I a crazy person because I dote on my doggies so much?" :)

My colleagues do the same :cry: ;) I guess they wouldn't buy a gazebo shade thingy for their doglets either... :D lol

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You guys crack me up!

I am pretty lucky at work, a lot of my colleagues have young dogs, so we often talk about things (doggy behaviour etc).

I was asking one guy about his pup who is a heinz blend rescue (lab, kelpie, BC perhaps). He said he had been naughty because he had stolen 5 uncooked steaks from the bench of the BBQ :cry: . I just asked him what he thought would happen leaving a dog unsupervised (he went inside to get tongs) with that level of temptation :shrug::hug::cry: Dog looked appropriately sheepish when told off, so he said.

Luckily they had some back up sausages on the go :( .

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Ahhh pooping habits, it's like mother's group at the local cafe :(

I love you guys :shrug: At work when I talk about Christmas presents for the dogs or even taking them to dog school every Sunday, one of my colleagues looks at me like I am a Crazy Person and then I wonder: "Am I a crazy person because I dote on my doggies so much?" :hug:

One guy at work has always made fun of me for spending so much time with and talking about my dogs so much. Well, he ended up with a pug x cavalier from a pet shop. After a week or two, he then started asking me about training:

"I can't toilet train her! Whenever I leave her for a few seconds she just pees on the floor!"

"I put the leash on and she just sat and wouldn't go anywhere, how do I take her for a walk? Don't all dogs love walks?"

"She keeps biting our fingers. Will she just grow out of it?"

All well and good that he's asking questions but from chatting to him, he expected the dog to train itself :cry: And now he actually appreciates why I put so much effort into my dogs, who I informed him and sit, drop, wait at the door, walk on a loose leash, wait for their dinner, are full toilet trained, do lots of tricks, get along with other dogs, and can be taken anywhere they're allowed. "I want dogs like that" he says - well put in the work buddy!!! :cry:

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I think once in a while, a dog comes along that doesn't need to be trained at all and that dog makes the people who owned it think that all dogs are like that.

For us, we have to work pretty hard at both our dogs, some things come much easier for one than the other. Elbie took longer to house-train - probably because we were new to it. Hoover had more accidents in the house but he was much faster to house-train. Elbie went through a nipping/mouthing stage at about 11 weeks, Hoover has never been a mouthy dog. Elbie's very, very quick at learning tricks. Hoover is good but usually takes longer.

Someone we know at the whim of one of the young kids bought a maltese/Shih Tzu cross. Within a week they were seek of it and now the poor thing lives alone in the backyard, ignored except for being fed its meals and being taken for a walk every few weeks. It's mouthy, it barks at everyone and it is a complete monster but absolute no effort was made to train it to start with, which is so sad. When we were showing them photos of our dogs they were kind of horrified at how much thought we give our dogs let alone how much time we give them. :hug:

Here is a photo of Hoover from yesterday. OH saw the strange sleeping pose and had to go and make sure the Kelpie wasn't dead. :shrug:


Despite the dog door and the ability to go inside, Hoover very much enjoys snoozing outside in the sun and wandering around in the grass chasing butterflies and staring at the birds. I was reading all the talk where people are proudly announcing that their dogs are 100% inside dogs and think about how miserable my dogs would be if they were inside all the time. You have no idea how often we look out in the yard and one of our dogs is in a Ferdinand the Bull type pose, enjoying the sky, the birds, the grass and the flowers.


They LOVE being inside but they also LOVE the yard.

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Great photo of Kuma and his daddy!

I was talking to a work colleague who was telling me how flooded the off lead dog park was, so I went to have a look and take some photos. This is not the river, the river is probably usually 150m away. Amazing!

Apparently people were jetskiing on it! There were a few rubber dingy types things there as well.





I am not game enough to take the dog there yet since it has turned into a lake (heard that snakes have been active with all the flood waters) :crossfingers:

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Love the pic KA!

Wow betsy, that sure is a lot of water!

First day of my new job tomorrow, so exciting yet so nervous..

Apologies for no photos, have been gardening all weekend so have been absolutely stuffed..!

Hope everyone has had a fabulous weekend!! :crossfingers:

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Good luck for tomorrow, Clastic :rofl:

Thought I'd better add some photos :crossfingers:

This is Lucky, the neglected dog my brother found last Friday. You can't tell how skinny she is in this photo though.


Ruby and Tiger (my nephew's dog)


Roo with her Christmas treat


This evening after a walk


And in her new palace...errr, gazebo


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I've been pretty slack with walking Ruby lately- the week just gone my best friend was here, and the week before that she was at my brother's while I was away. So needless to say when I took her for a walk yesterday and today she was the feral monster dog from hell! :rofl: Today she even munched on some poo she found under a tree we walked past. No idea if it was dog or cat, but so, so disgusting! :crossfingers:

She's off to stay with MDTL tomorrow while I go back to my dad's, so she's better behave. Unfortunately, I don't think teaching Roo LLW is part of the boarding experience :rofl:

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