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Elbie, Hoover, Dodge & Friends!


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I just saw an Akita on my way to my parents house this morning! I have never seen an Akita in the flesh before, other than my own boy. Really surprised since there are so few in Qld. He/she was absolutely gorgeous :vomit: Too bad we were passing each other in the car so I didn't get a better look.

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Hi Pretties and Pooches,

I hope you all had a lovely Christmas! I was very spoilt as was Genevieve. We had people over for dinner and my doglet was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO well behaved!!! I was a proud doggy Mum! She was hilarious opening her presents... She was more interested in the paper than the contents of it! I had paper from when end of the joint to the other.

Today is a bit of an anti climax really. Hubby won't come to the movies with me and there is nothing happening at home...

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Hi all - thanks very much for all the kind messages and words. Dad was cremated on Christmas Eve but we decided to push ahead and have a gathering on Christmas Day anyway because we knew that he had desperately wanted my little 12 year old sister to have a Christmas given the recent months of sadness for her. It's been a very difficult week but we're getting by. Doggies are comforting as only doggies can be.

It was Elbie and Hoover's first Christmas. Video

of the doggies having their prezzies opened on Christmas morning.

Hoover's reindeer became an amputee and lost a foot during the first day


Christmas Penguin didn't fare much better and lost his stuffing on day one



No prizes for guessing who the culprit was


Remnant of the rawhide Christmas card by the end of the day


Hoover looking very attentive in a very Hoover way



I love how wistful Hoover looks here, staring at the Schmacko so longingly


Doggies looking menacing


Chilled out doggies


Glad everyone had a great Christmas. Can't wait to see photos/videos.

Edited by koalathebear
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:dunce: to KTB and Mr KTB. At least you have the doggies here to ease a little bit of the pain. They are so good at that -- no words, no judging, just love and comfort :rofl:

I love how Hoover tries to eat the tub of treats :thumbsup:

The heavens sure have opened here in Brisvegas! Looks like the heavy rain has moved south a bit finally.

I posted this pic in the Aussie thread but thought I'd put it here too. This is Ava and her mum. I just thought it was a funny pic because it epitomises their personalities. Ava is a crazy posing loon and her mum is placid and photo-hating :confused:


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KTB - what a great Xmas video. Is the bubble maker for the dogs????

Lilli_star - I also had a tooth out during the week - have just started back on solid food!

Glad to hear everyone had a great Xmas and doggies have been well behaved with visitors.

I had a pretty quiet Xmas, my family live quite a distance away - and I had decided I didn't want to leave my dog for his first Xmas.

My friends came around for dinner, but Ziggy was left outside with a bone. I have a terrible cold that I just can't shake, been up most nights coughing etc so I was glad that Xmas day was a bit relaxed!. I am actually enjoying being at home and have today and tomorrow off as well. I have been out trying to get some big gardening done (with my 'helper' LOL).

The Petstock has 20% off so I might head in to get some belated Xmas present for the dog. (They also sent me a giftcard for Xmas so I obviously spend too much there!)

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Beautiful photos and video, KTB. The boys look like they had a wonderful day.

This rain here is starting to drive me insane. My yard is now a big muddy dam. Haven't been able to take Kyojin for a walk for probably about a month now, so I'm trying to look at dog raincoats online. Not to mention we can't get any of the yard stuff done that we want to, like putting pavers in around the front gate and Kyojin's kennel to stop that area from becoming so filthy when it rains, but we need the rain to stop so we can do that!

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KTB - I hope your family were able to make the most of the day and remember the good times you all shared together.

As always, your talents have far exceeded mine!! Elbie and Hoover did far better than Genevieve this Christmas!!! Santa bought her a couple of chew toys, a rawhide bone, some canned food and a bag of training treats!!!! I didn't take any photos though, but just imagine wrapping paper from one end of the house to the other... that pretty much sums it up!

Betsy - I hope you are feeling better soon! There is nothing worse than a cold! You feel miserable even though you physically can generally get around!

Minxy and Wuffles - I think you sent the rain down to me! It is wet and cold in Melbs today! I started packing for our holiday (to Phuket) this morning and all my summer stuff is in the suitcase - all my winter stuff is in the wash or on me!!!! It's crazy! Genevieve did a bit of a rain dance this morning though. I let her out and she went mental!!!!!!!

Caught Genevieve chewing on left over Christmas crackers this morning. Was waiting for one of the snaps to pop and give her a fright, but it didn't happen! Had to quickly confiscate the innards though... could just see an emergency trip to the vet on a public holiday! No thank you!!!!

She is curled up on the couch on my preggie pillow at the moment. I am sure she thinks she is the one with aching ailments! I took some snaps but will put up later as not on the right puty to load them!!!

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Glad everyone had a nice Christmas :laugh:

For one reason and another ours was actually canceled and we didn't end up having my family come to stay after all. I'm now trying to decide whether to take Astrid away with us overnight this week where she will be in a new place and on her own for most of the day, or try to find someone here to care for her overnight. Not ideal either way! We are going to travel 3 hours to my parents house as a 'base' then attend a funeral and wake that's another hour from there.

I made Astrid her Christmas present today, a new collar and lead :laugh: quite pleased with how it turned out for my first try! The collar is adjustable so should last a bit of growth.



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Hi everyone ;)

Hope your Christmases were good and Santa managed to find you.

Roo had a great first Christmas. She had lots of doglets to play with at my brother's house- her mama dog, their other dog the Tenterfield Terrier, plus s-i-l's sister's Cav and s-i-l's dad's big Lab boy (and I mean BIG! :D ). Roo swam in the pool and the very stinky dams, ran around with the other dogs, got complimented on what a gorgeous looking doglet she is, and when all that wasn't happening, slept under the table at Christmas lunch and at the back door the rest of the time. She had a ball! :laugh: I'll post some pics when I've worked out how to get them off my new camera. She slept the whole 45 min drive home and has beensleeping whenever I've checked up on her outside. I feel a bit sorry sorry for her though, since she's had 4 days of playing with other dogs, and now it's just her :eek: No doubt she'll have a play with next door's GSD soon, but still.

In other news, my tooth (or gum to be more accurate) is fine. I lived on custard on Christmas Eve, but managed to nom my way through a few prawns Christmas Eve night and Christmas lunch ;) (If eating at around 2:30 can be considered 'lunch' :laugh: )

Unfortunately, my choice of outfit on Christmas Day and where I had to sit during lunch has left me with sunburnt lower arms and sunburn around my shoulders/neckline (courtesy of my t shirt with a low scoop neck and not having a wider brimmed hat with my hair up). :rofl: I'm very annoyed with myself. It's hurting more today for some reason. I'm sitting here with wet towels on me ;)

Cool collar and lead, Raven :laugh: . How did you make it?

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Raven, the collar and lead look awesome!!! I love the bright colours against Astrid's fur! Looks like you may have found yourself a new little business venture there!

Lil - Pleased to hear that you managed to choke down some Christmas prawns! What a bummer about the sunburn! I burn easily, so understand all too well the pain! I managed to get my entire front and back burnt about three weeks before my wedding.... and was still peeling on the day! So embarrassing!

Genevieve is currently pacing the house waiting for OH to get up! He would sleep 21 hours in the day if I let him. No such luck for me. So in the meantime, shark dog here is circling the place, driving me batty!

Oh, KTB, I had the weirdest dream last night, and you were in it!!!! Don't ask me how or why, but you and I were flat mates (with about 6 other people :p ) but we rarely saw each other because we had different routines. Anyway, you ordered subway and had it delivered (like one does :love:) and I was yelling at you to come and get it... you were in your room doing something nerdy... Living in this same flat/house/abode were a whole bunch of people I haven't seen or spoken to since I was a kid in school!!!!! It was just weird!

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:D :love::o:love: Laughing at Wizzle's dream ;) How dare KTB not come and get her home-delivered Subway! :love:

So like everyone else at my brother's house, I too have now picked up my dad's cold ;) I'm taking antibiotics for my tooth/gum, so it just goes to show that antibiotics don't fix a cold. Sadly, they also don't help sunburn. Gosh I'm mad at myself for that :D

I was thinking about going and checking out the sales, but think I'll lounge on the couch instead once I've hung out the load of washing that's in the machine. Maybe watch a downloaded tv show or a dvd.

Ruby is either still really tired, or sulking about not having lots of dogs to play with. She slept in her crate from about 8pm to 11pm last night when I took her outside to the toilet, then took herself off to bed not long after that. I took her for a walk this morning and now she's stretched out on the grass asleep. I'll take her Kong and Buster cube out for her when I hang the washing out in a bit.

Hope everyone has a lovely day :) Ye olde worlde threade is a wee bit quiet these days... :p

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Howdy folks! Merry Christmas and all that Jazz...

We're just back from the in-laws... I had no internet so to speak, slower than dial up! We had a good time, just stayed a day too long. Kuma couldn't be off lead coz he would chase the native wildlife... he would probably take off for the hills! He was desperate to get off lead. Yesterday he was soooo tired, he was wandering around the house with drooping eyes, but wouldn't relax enough to sleep. We stuck him in his crate and he was sound asleep in 2 seconds.

KTB - well, your kids did well! They are sooooo cute. Poor reindeer and penguin. They never stood a chance did they??

Wuffles - glad to see you made it all the way north, just in time for the rain!

Minxy - I walk Kuma in the rain... no coat. He doesn't get soaked to the skin, so the water usually can be towelled off and then he's dry in about 15 mins. Get a microfibre towel, that takes out most of the water... Me on the other hand, I'm usually soaked to the bone and I wear huge rain coats!

Anyhoo... gotta run! The OH is asking me what I want for lunch, which is man-code for "I'm hungry, find me something to eat!"

Catch up soon, promise!

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Ravenau - you are so clever with making the collar and lead!

Lilli_star you sound like you have been in the wars!

wizzle - what does that dream mean :eek:

Well, I have had a productive few days in the sales. I went to the petstore and bought Ziggy a new hammock bed for outside, some pork twist things (pack of 25!) a couple of dried roo tails, and an undercoat rake. Oh, and a big container for the dried food.

I also went shopping for myself and bought a new DSLR camera. I have been inspired by many DOLers. I am quite pleased with the purchase (Canon 60D), and I have two lenses. Now just to read the manual (which I am hoping to get around to tonight). I have a friends wedding in a couple of weekends and I am hoping that I will be able to take some half decent photos then. So I better get practising. :mad

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wizzle - what does that dream mean :rofl:

I have no idea Betsy! But for someone who rarely dreams normally, I have been having some shocking ones lately! Last night I dreamt we saw the baby on ultrasound at it was laughing at us, like a horrible chucky laugh!!! Maybe we are destined for the devil child? :rofl:

Betsy, pleased to hear that you have made the most of sale time!! Your new camera sound fancy!

KA - That is so sweet that he was zonked! Poor dude!!! I am sure he is happy to be home!
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I don't think I am ever going to be able to catch up on this thread.

wizzle - what movie did you want to see? We got Dendy Premiere seat vouchers for Christmas and are saving them up for a Worthy Movie. Not sure what movie that is yet :cheer: As for your dream ... was the 'something nerdy' either doing jigsaw puzzles or making dog music videos??? :shrug:

wuffles: glad you got your car out of the mud. I had visions of you being trapped up North ... :o That is a gorgeous photo of Ava and her mum. Did they 'recognise' one another at all? I guess they couldn't be too boisterous because isn't Viv 'with pup' right now/in a delicate way? :laugh:

betsy: yes - the bubble machine's for both doggies. We haven't tried it out yet but hope that they will find it funny. It was a pretty doggy Christmas - I gave OH a custom-made puzzle of the doggies and my brother actually gave us a present for the dogs which surprised us a little :D

I hope your cold gets better soon - the weather certainly isn't helping with the constant rain. The only plus side about the cool weather is that we can have the doona on the bed. When it's hot, I find it's too hot for the doona but I really struggle to get to sleep if I don't have something kind of 'heavy' blanket-wise. I find sleeping with just a sheet too light but a doona is too warm ... Such a dilemma.

I haven't heard of a hammock bed for a doggie. Any photos yet? Our two would tangle themselves up and fall out ...

ravenau1: that's a gorgeous leash and collar. How long did it take you to make? Love the photo of Astrid with her new outfit - what lovely teeth she has. Hoover has now lost all of his cute little spiky puppy teeth and has his full-grown Wolf Teeth. Very impressive!

lilli_star: glad Roo enjoyed her Christmas and I look forward to the photos :D Sorry about the teeth and the sunburn! Poor, poor you!

kumaakita: hmmm that man code gets used here, too. "What shall we have for dinner?" is how he normally phrases it. When were you thinking of doing yum cha? Dumpling Inn only has yum cha on weekends and I'm not sure about the others.

We've had a quiet day. Things are getting a little better but I still have what I call 'spells' when I just want to curl up and be alone. I've found doing jigsaw puzzles very therapeutic so spent ages and ages poring over jigsaw pieces of African landmarks.... We took the doggies with us to the Belconnen Markets today because we knew that they would be pretty quiet. As usual, Hoover was very, very calm and placid. Elbie was very, very excited at first and when little kids barked at him, he barked back but then he settled down, too. As part of their continuing socialisation we took both of them (individually) through Pet Barn. Both were perfectly behaved although Hoover stared longingly at a bucket full of pigs ears that were Hoover height and the cat aisle with all of its bells, ribbons and colourful toys had him mesmerised for a bit. We were happy with their behaviour in Pet Barn and will take them on another expedition another day to be surrounded by people.

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KTB - thinking Saturday lunch at Princes Palace in Belconnen... Tho Dumpling Inn is also supposed to be fab... You around and feeling up to it?

Kuma is on thin ice at the moment. We were quietly sitting on the couch watching tv, that's the OH and I, and Kuma was getting a bit playful. I was throwing his ball up the hall and he was chasing it and retrieving. Anyooo, he got a wee touch excited and in one moment of levity, he jumped up on top of the OH. Like smack back on top of him. I think they both got the shock of their lives! Poor OH had 46kg of Akita landing at full tilt... I'm sure it hurt a little! Kuma was on time out after that little adventure :shrug:

Good to hear your boys did well at the markets... It's a good time to be out at the moment, Canberra is dead quiet!

Wizzle - I have random dreams at the best of times, heaven help us when I get pregnant! My dreams are rather vivid and James bond esque...

Wuffles - glad you managed to free yourself!

Oh and for those who want to know, man code was decifered into "go get me KFC" :o

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KA: We're up for it. Dumpling Inn is good and if you go there at 11.30am when they open, it's less crazy and crowded. Do you want me to phone tomorrow to confirm if they're open on New Year's Day? I can make the booking if you like - just let me know how many people are likely to come! OH asked if we can bring the dogs :laugh:

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My reluctant model....

(from my new camera)





Think I might have to start using the cat :)

He is now out in the garden carrying around a very dead looking bird he found there last night :laugh: . I suspect it died of natural causes or one of the neighbourhood cats took it out. He is very pleased with it.

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