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Elbie, Hoover, Dodge & Friends!


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The latest dog for which I was asked to do a rescue video was Brandy, a Kelpie cross who was rescued from Blacktown Pound recently.


Alas, Brandy is very much a product of his breed. High energy, a bit boisterous, he likes chewing things, digging holes and pulling washing off of the line, so I felt like I had to be quite honest with his video - albeit in a jokey way ... I hope I have not done him a disservice but I truly believe that owners who are mentally prepared to accept a high energy dog would not be deterred. Anyway, this is the reason I wanted to 'borrow' Clastic's photo of the holes dug by her fur kids.

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Also, last night/early this morning in Canberra we had a VERY noisy thunder and lightning storm! Lots and lots of rain but the thing that worried me was all the thunder. Elbie and Hoover haven't been through a massive noisy thunder storm yet and I was wondering how they'd be. People always say: "If the dog freaks out, maintain a calm demeanour so that they calm down" – they don't say what you're supposed to do if one of the dogs is crated in the kitchen and can't see/hear you!!! Fortunately, both Elbie and Hoover were quiet as mice and very well-behaved. Very relieved that they don't have Storm Phobia because I've read about some dogs tearing up the house when frightened by thunder!

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Also, last night/early this morning in Canberra we had a VERY noisy thunder and lightning storm! Lots and lots of rain but the thing that worried me was all the thunder. Elbie and Hoover haven't been through a massive noisy thunder storm yet and I was wondering how they'd be. People always say: "If the dog freaks out, maintain a calm demeanour so that they calm down" – they don't say what you're supposed to do if one of the dogs is crated in the kitchen and can't see/hear you!!! Fortunately, both Elbie and Hoover were quiet as mice and very well-behaved. Very relieved that they don't have Storm Phobia because I've read about some dogs tearing up the house when frightened by thunder!

Yes, my poor Satchy wasn't impressed by the thunder which lasted almost an hour at our house! I heard the first rumblings in the sky and waited... sure enough, 5 seconds later a big black dog slipped into our bedroom panting heavily and wanting to jump on my face. I gave him a bit of a pat and he settled down beside the bed. Thankfully it was a lot of rumbling as he seems to cope with that better than the big cracks.

I peeked under the bed at Ava (she sleeps under there most nights now) who was blissfully snoring her little head off. I'm jealous :mad

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Love Brandy's Vid KTB :mad It sounds like Hoover is having a bit of a calming effect on Elbie - sleeping though your Rockband challenge!

We copped the storm at 5:30 this morning, just as the alarm went off (so we hit snoooozzzzeee and slept in!) Kuma is back to sleeping in the laundry so he doesn't bark at the neighbours, and all I heard from him was a soft little snore. Glad he isn't a storm freaker either. My parent's lab had severe storm issues. He could feel a storm within a 200Km radious and if he was outside, would automatically start digging to get out. He ended up at the pound so many times. If my folks left him inside, he'd tear up the house... scratching doors etc. If they were home, he'd race into the Walk in robe only to come out when the folks went to bed - when he flopped next to mum and she'd have to have her hand on him.... super sooky la la.

Lilli_star: wedding sounds nice, low key... Hope Roo is doin' ok. I'm sure she'll be stoked to see you. The Cat, probably won't be as happy!

Clastic: Awesome photos, love the snoozy kids on the back seat. I think that one should be in a frame.

There is no way on God's Green Earth that Kuma will be passing Bronze in a few weeks. He doesn't heel. At all. I don't see the needs for heeling, therefore can't enforce my dog to do it. I was chatting to the guy how owns Louis the Dalmation (tho I'm sure there's some cross in there...) and he said heeling is all about control. I have control in other ways and don't see the need to enforce "heel". I think we're just too bored with the training, but really loving the socialisation. I'll have to think about my next move. Also, think classes in Jan/Feb/Mar are going to be way too hot for Kuma.

Max#1: I'm with KTB on this - You'll get another dog... You'll get another dog... You'll get another dog (chant along with me, everyone!)

In other news, Kuma had his cranky pants on yesterday. He was growling at planes flying in the sky, a bird overhead... anything... strange little bugger! Seems to be happier today. Hopefully he's found a nice dry spot, away from the swamp marsh that is my backyard!

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KTB and KA: You two are terrible! Though the whole matter wasn't helped yesterday afternoon. We ran into our park-friend out walkies, and went back to his place - this turned into a few beers - and Max and one of his dogs got to play for a few hours! There was a bitey-face-good-time had all round! My OH, like an innocent child, was enthralled by their antics. He cracks me up sometimes.

KTB: well done with that video. From the point of view of a potential owner - its a very good idea to give an honest indication of the dog's temperament. But that wasn't over the top. And the moment in the video where he sits, then puts his ears back, that's a winner!

KA: I understand your feelings regarding obedience. I think if I hadn't met my friend from the park (see above - also a long-time instructor and flyball guy) I would've thrown it in by now. But I think that has a lot to do with the instructor of our class. I think they can make a big difference. I know our instructor knows what she's doing - but do you know what I mean? Our puppy pre-school lady was great. She took a personal interest in the dogs, and made a point of showing that the different dogs had different learning styles. She knew everybody's puppies, they all knew her and loved her, everyone went away feeling good about themselves, and how things were going with their puppies - which is what you need in those first few weeks when you're not getting enough sleep and have seen enough puppy poop to last a lifetime! She was very encouraging, while also being honest if there were problem behaviours. My instinct was to trust her implicitly. Its the same with our park-friend/flyball instructor. Our obedience instructor - well its not quite the same if I'm honest.

Again on Sunday we were called back after class for 'a chat'. I leave those classes thinking I'm doing everything wrong, and that my puppy is a wild animal, and we're going to end up irreparably ruining him.

Anyway - I don't even know what my whole point is?! We're just hanging out for next year and hopefully we'll be a better match for our next instructor!

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Just IMO of course and I obviously have a different opinion to most people as I love obedience (:mad) but I don't see heeling as an exercise in control at all, although obviously self control is needed to do it well. I think it's an exercise in teamwork and trust and demonstrates the bond between handler and dog. Seeing that little fluffy face looking up at you attentively, wanting to move the way you move, trusting you to lead them in the right direction... :D :)

For example a stay is a really practical exercise, but to me that's more about obeying a command. Holding a stay for a few minutes is great but it doesn't give me that much excitement or fuzziness while it's happening or even after the fact. "Good" heeling when a dog is very in tune with its owner, moving in synch, tail up and wagging, is a lovely sight.

Sorry, don't mean to be the obedience brigade, just throwing my opinion in the mix :D :D In the end everyone wants something different out of their dog and that's fine. I don't want Satch to be an obedience champion so I just do bits and pieces with him and brush up on anything that is annoying me. You shouldn't go to obedience classes just because it seems like the thing to do, you should have a purpose... even if that purpose is just socialisation!

Edited by wuffles
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Wuffles: my purpose for going to obedience was to have the kind of experience you're having! ha!

I guess I was just trying to say there's more than one reason why it may not be 'working'. It may be you, it may be the dog, it may be the learning style, it may be the instructor-you-dog combination.

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Wuffles: my purpose for going to obedience was to have the kind of experience you're having! ha!

I guess I was just trying to say there's more than one reason why it may not be 'working'. It may be you, it may be the dog, it may be the learning style, it may be the instructor-you-dog combination.

Definitely agree Max#1! I think because I have two dogs who are so different to each other I have had quite a range of experiences over the past few years. One hour obedience classes once a week are realistically a terrible way to train dogs for a variety of reasons. Some people can make it work for them and their dogs, some dogs will not deal with it well at all, etc.

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Wuffles: Good explanation. I hadn't thought of the team-work angle. My little card says "needs to practice heelwork".

I think I've just lost my Obedience Mojo and need to start looking at other ways to "make it work". I agree with what Max#1 is saying, class size/instructor/dog/handler combo needs to be right. We have an ever changing number of people in our class - up to 15 at one class. I think it is unworkable for one lone instructor to provide positive feedback to each dog. I've been skipped over in so many classes, and I'm sure that the moments that Kuma is actually doing the right thing have been missed because our instructor is on the other side of the paddock with other dogs. By the time she's gotten around to us (if she gets around the whole group), Kuma's in the "been there, done that" phase and is ignoring my command.

I count my blessings where they come, he's really good at mealtime manners and is steady for pats and examination. He meets other dogs well (when he's not trying to squoosh them - sorry Ava). We could work on the sit/stay and down/stay, but mostly he's good with that. I think he just got too hot yesterday, went through a 750ml waterbottle in 45 mins.

ETA: I still think you're crazy for loving obedience! :mad Then again, I hated school so am not surprised that Obedience isn't my bag either!

Edited by KumaAkita
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Well that certainly was an interesting drive home. Golf ball sized hail :laugh::eek: Thankfully OH was home so the puppies are nice and dry inside (although Satch is still petrified). Hope all the other Canberra dogs and their owners found a nice safe, dry spot.

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Hey all.

Roo is back home :eek: I picked her up after work (after stopping at the butcher to buy some lamb shanks for the spoilt doglet). I could hear her coming down the corridor, then she launched herself at me! :) But phoar! Was she ever stinky!!! Not sure where they had been keeping her (inside or outside), but she is one stinky dog. Shame I can't give her a bath (although the weather isn't co-operating anyway), so made do with some of those doggy wipe things (like mega baby wipes) which of course Ruby tried to eat. She had a shank bone and as the sky was growing more and more menacing, do you think the little bugger would let me catch her to put on lead to go inside?! Nope! :( Eventually I bribed her with a toy and she dropped what was left of the bone which I quickly grabbed and put in the bin. Ha! I win! :eek:(If frustration and bribery after 15 mins of trying to catch her can be considered a win! :rofl: ) She is now snoozing in her crate.

We've had some thunder- mostly rumbling, but a couple of large claps, but I think she slept through it. She didn't seem to worry when outside and there were a couple of rumbles, but then she was occupied by her bone.

Stitches come out next Monday. Hopefully she'll leave them alone. :laugh:

Speaking of obedience, Ruby will start the next level of classes with Magical Dog Trainer Lady in a couple of weeks. I'm not sure how many dogs there will be, but I don't think she has more than 5 or 6 at a time. I thought it would be better to do the next level with MDTL since it would be familiar to Ruby and considering she was so feral for most of it last time, I could only imagine what she would be like at normal obedience with heaps of dogs! :cheer: I go this Saturday for the first class- no dogs for the first one apparently :cheer: and then after that I'm doing an animal first aid course with MDTL. Thought it sounded interesting.

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Well that certainly was an interesting drive home. Golf ball sized hail :laugh::eek: Thankfully OH was home so the puppies are nice and dry inside (although Satch is still petrified). Hope all the other Canberra dogs and their owners found a nice safe, dry spot.

:laugh: I got home before the rain and hail hit so the kids were nice and dry. :D Poor Satchy.. :laugh:

Roo is back home :laugh:

:laugh: Glad to hear Roo is home safe. ;)

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She's just polished off one of those skinny rawhide chew sticks (Lucky Dog brand?) and is now laying on her back playing with an empty container. Should take a pic of her belly. Just got to wait for camera batteries to charge.

KTB- your videos are fantastic! Just watched your vid for Brandy. I hope it helps to find him a forever home. I know you've had a couple of successful rehomings (thanks to your vids, naturally :laugh:)- what's been the feedback from the rescue folk about your vids?

ETA- In the space of 10 mins, Ruby ate this (I'd already cut the ear down level with the head)

post-35287-1289216157_thumb.jpg then some of a plastic bottle. I guess they didn't feed her while she was at the vets??? :laugh:

Edited by lilli_star
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Well that certainly was an interesting drive home. Golf ball sized hail :( :D Thankfully OH was home so the puppies are nice and dry inside (although Satch is still petrified). Hope all the other Canberra dogs and their owners found a nice safe, dry spot.

We were driving home in it too - we were about 3 blocks from home when it hit... OH and I are carpooling this week coz my car is in for repair.

Kuma was at the back door absolutely saturated. He wasn't so keen on coming inside, but I coaxed him in. He was a wee bit agitated... I gave him a dentastick thinking he'd just plonk on the rug and calm down. Nope, took the dentastick and did zoomies around the house... laps around the dining table, up the hall, onto the futon and back onto the couch... he's an idiot! did this for about 10 mins, then he calmed down and nommed on the dentastick.

Once the rain cleared a little, he went back outside and continued his zoomies around the backyard. Finally got him back inside and he zonked out... my white fluffy is a dull brown with all the mud now!

Roo is back home :o I picked her up after work (after stopping at the butcher to buy some lamb shanks for the spoilt doglet). I could hear her coming down the corridor, then she launched herself at me! :( But phoar! Was she ever stinky!!!

Yay, glad she's home (albeit stinky!). Good luck keeping her quiet :)

Your MDTL sounds awesome - need to find me one of those!

We met a husky on our morning walk - 4 years old. I asked if they could meet, but the husky wasn't too keen, bit growly and stuff. Her owner said that she's only used to other huskies... she was a cute little thing.

Wuffles: we need to organise this birthday party so our boys can meet properly!

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Kumaakita: I was impressed that the monsters could sleep through the Rockband Challenge. You guys should come over some time (when your timetable is less crazy) and we can see if we can wake the dogs.

At all. I don't see the needs for heeling, therefore can't enforce my dog to do it.

Perhaps that's our problem. I see great value in loose-leash walking with doggy checking back with us every now and then but the formal heel is so frustrating for US that perhaps Elbie senses we don't care for it much either. :cry:

Max#1: Having two dogs IS a lot of extra work but it really is so cool the way they keep each other entertained, how cute it is to see two dogs trotting up to the door/fence to greet you. Their faces are so funny :laugh:

lilli_star: If Roo is anything like Elbie and Hoover, it doesn't matter how much she eats - she can always eat more. :hug: Our doggies love food so much and they're so food-motivated it's not funny. Is that a koala bear that Roo has been chewing on?

Thanks for the feedback on the video. I feel so sorry for Brandy - he looks so sad in the pound and he must be so happy to be out but foster care is only temporary and he has to find a forever home! So far, Smudge, Lucy and Rosie have been rehomed. There's been a lot of interest in Matilda, Chief, Bella and Marley because of the videos but I'm not sure about any of the others ... I am hopeful they can all find homes soon.

Our dogs didn't freak out during the storm, but they have been extremely naughty today – probably frustrated with being cooped up in the house or something … Hoover's gone over the little barrier in the yard and got himself trapped again. No idea why he wants to go there – there's nothing there except mud and rubbish left by the previous owners. OH is now busy pondering how to build a higher barrier. Both monsters keep rebelling and refusing to go to Poo Corner – Hoover likes to poop on the lawn, Elbie likes a section not far from our bedroom window!

Thanks for the feedback about the video guys. It occurs to me that you really do have to have a special state of mind to be a 'happy' dog owner. There's the disinterested dog owner who lives the dog in the backyard, there's the long-suffering dog owner and there's the dog owner who realises that a dog is a dog is a dog and sometimes he/she will dig/jump/bark/pull clothes off the line …/toilet in the wrong spot/refuse to listen … We don't like it but it doesn't make us angry so much as rueful … I am quite baffled by the people who seem so surprised when Dog does something Dogly. Frustration is natural but surprise and anger is a bit odd … I feel sad that so many dogs are abandoned because people approached dog ownership with incorrect expectations. I think one of the breeders I spoke to said something like … city people expecting that their Kelpies should be able to assemble a radio or something. :o

For obedience generally – we have been pretty lucky with teachers. I still can't see us ever wanting to get to the trialling point … We like our Saturday behavioural classes and we enjoy Sundays at BDOC but all the fiddley bits about dog standing here or there or leash in a certain loop or hands being a certain way don't seem Fun for us … I'd like Elbie to become a calm, well-mannered dog that behaves well around other dogs and some of the exercises we do are very good for that - like the weaving in and out of handlers and dogs exercises and the controlled greetings etc.

I think it's funny that my two dogs have such different personalities - good traits and naughty traits. Hoover's so calm and placid. Good in new situations, not high strung, well-behaved at the vet's and in the car. BUT he digs like a monster and has a bad habit of exploring and pooing Out of Bounds. Elbie on the other hand is a monster in the car, hyperactive and excitable but so trainable and smart and also very well-behaved in terms of the yard and playing with Hoover. He'll go to his dog bed on command, he'll behave when Hoover's being naughty.

Hoover and OH stopped by the vet's today. OH sent me an email that said: "She asked if he could do high-five like Elbie and I gave her the list of tricks he could do, adding that he seems fairly smart despite his dopey eyes. She said her kelpie is the same...very smart but has a very dim-witted expression. Maybe it's a kelpie thing??"

Poor Hoover and his dim-witted expression. What was funny last night was that I was feeling tired and lying on the day bed in the room next to the study. Normally at night, after Elbie's crated, Hoover will scamper from the study, up the stairs of the kitchen and into the bedroom to his crate. Last night, I was resting - probably asleep and OH was putting Elbie into his crate. He came back to find Hoover and puppy was gone - which was weird given that the kitchen sliding door closed. Then OH heard a squeaking sound from our bedroom and realised that the baby gate from the study was open so Hoover must have got up to try to go to HIS crate and found the kitchen sliding door closed, trotted back through the study, past me sleeping on the day bed, up the stairs of the lounge, down the longish corridor in the dark, found our dark bedroom and got into his crate and started playing with his squeaker ;) Gone are the days when Hoover got confused and lost in the house. ;)

I know this thread needs more photos but I didn't take any today! The puppies did try their first roo tails tonight and seemed to LOVE them.

ETA: because I don't want to new post to draw attention to me but in reading threads like this one, I am now scared to ever post a photo of my dogs on DOL again in case their Non-Cuteness is Judged.

I know dogs and humans are different, but sometimes I wonder how humans who are so rabidly scathing about non-conformance by dogs with show breed standards would fare against the Human Breed Standard. Would they be perfect or would there be non-conformance?

Edited by koalathebear
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Is that a koala bear that Roo has been chewing on?

No. It was a teddy bear head type item that was made from what looked like a knitted sock, bought from Big W. It was threaded through a tennis ball with rope on the end and a squeaker inside the sock part. It was version 2, as version 1.0 had to be binned due to munching. A couple of weeks ago, I binned the tennis ball and rope in this one after Ruby had nommed on it too much, which left this weird slug with a teddy head/sock monster thing with one ear. It's now gone to toy heaven.

She said her kelpie is the same...very smart but has a very dim-witted expression. Maybe it's a kelpie thing??"

Bert, our Hoover lookalike (now in doggie heaven), was originally owned by my eldest brother who nicknamed him "Hey Man", because he thought Bert looked stoned all the time! :hug:

In other news, Roo seemed to be okay today (according to my neighbour). I sprayed some woundguard on and a couple of dabs of Vicks around the area before I went to work just in case though. She was a bit sad she couldn't play with her doggie boyfriend/best friend this afternoon though, so I took her for a walk that was a bit longer than usual. I checked her stitches and they seem okay. One looked a bit icky, so I gave her another few sprays of Woundguard. This did not please her, and she has since retired to her crate. :o Can't wait til the stitches come out. The vet said it's usually the first day the stitches worry them, or towards the end when it gets itchy as it heals.

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