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Elbie, Hoover, Dodge & Friends!


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Kuma loves the vet tho - she was at his puppy classes, so was all wigglybum excited to see her. He even kissed her - right on the mouth. She wasn't expecting it and nearly died

he he he. I have a bit of a lover here too. Must be always on guard or he'll vertical jump up for a kiss!

KTB - you do such a great job with the rescue vids. I find that I can only look at the rescue threads every now and then as it makes me too sad :laugh:

Max1 - I too dream of a 2 furkid family and love seeing pics of those with their two doggies. I guess the only concern would be the circumstance where the two dogs really don't get along.

And thanks to all for the kind words regarding my parents BC. I have spoken to my mum a couple of times. She is heartbroken but grateful to the very kind vets who made the whole thing very easy - gave her a sedative tablet to give beforehand etc. I really hope that they decide to get another dog in the not too distant future. Big hugs to everyones doggies :confused:

Does anyone have a dog who can catch a frisbee? We are still at the stage of it hitting the ground before Ziggy will collect it. Although he looks like he's trying to catch it in the air.

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Oh KTB - that's nearly too much to bear. And she's deaf. I just think of the way Max is always listening to me....

Yes, it's a bit heart-breaking that she won't ever get to know her name. :laugh: I hope that she'll be ok.

everything you say about having two dogs, is exactly how I imagine it. I appreciate everyone's opinions! Last night I went back and got out the Ava-Satchmo playing video ('partners in crime') and the Elbie-Hoover video (Kung-Fu) to show the OH. Its nice that through such a forum as this, we can live vicariously through you guys! Do you know what I mean? Like even the excitement of Hoover's arrival!

I don't regret the two dogs at all now - lilli_star will tell you that I had a bit of a panic/feel of intense remorse a bit back when i was feeling anxious about everything doggie, but now that the two dogs are getting along so well, I feel very relieved and happy.

Mind you, the thought of 2x poo is something.

Some people's dogs seem to only poop once a day ... my dogs are just filled with poo! We do a poo pick twice a day and the bags while not full are pretty heavy ... Definitely something to think about if you have a smallish yard. :confused:

I've noticed Max is very focused on me. He follows me around, he's always watching me with those big brown eyes of his, waiting for his next instruction, listening to what I'm saying.... I started noticing it when at obedience, doing recalls with the instructor holding Max and me calling him - all the other puppies would turn around and say hello to the instructor - Max kept his eyes firmly on me. Its not separation anxiety - its okay if I leave him - but I'm worried its not quite healthy nonetheless. Of course I like it though - he's my faithful friend!

That's probably just his temperament. Elbie's still a bit like that even with the second dog. When they're in the yard, Elbie's more likely to hang around the near the door, Elbie's more likely to keep an eye on the kitchen to see if we're around. Hoover is very affectionate and loves cuddles, but Elbie is much more attached to his humans whereas Hoover's pretty happy to go running around the yard on his own. Sounds like Max would be like that, too even if a second dog would keep him entertained etc.

I find that I can only look at the rescue threads every now and then as it makes me too sad :(

Regrettably the rescue threads can also be a bit scary and toxic. See here. I'm very relieved that Kate, the rescuer I help out now and then stays out of the politics and just cares about rescuing dogs... The pound threads are heart-breaking - I can't bear to see the expressions in the eyes of those poor dogs.

I too dream of a 2 furkid family and love seeing pics of those with their two doggies. I guess the only concern would be the circumstance where the two dogs really don't get along.

That was our primary concern. We were pretty much fine about most things and felt we could handle them but if the new dog didn't get along with Elbie, that would have been a real problem for us. We were very honest with Hoover's breeder about that and she said she'd take him back if the dogs didn't get along. We knew we wouldn't take her up on the offer but just the fact that there was that fallback made us feel a lot more ... at ease. I had some very tense moments initially, wondering how the dogs would be, then I was upset that Elbie was being surplanted .. but it's all worked out fine. :rofl:

I very much hope your parents are ok and that when they're ready, they get another dog.

Does anyone have a dog who can catch a frisbee? We are still at the stage of it hitting the ground before Ziggy will collect it. Although he looks like he's trying to catch it in the air.

Elbie can catch a frisbee. Usually we don't throw it so that he can catch it though - we throw it far, far away so he has to chase it :laugh:

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So Little Miss is finally booked in to get desexed next week! Fun fun... she just turned 11 months old and I don't think she's got much more growing to do so I think it's time.

Don't worry too much about deaf dogs by the way, they cope just fine! Especially if they are born deaf, they don't even know that anything is wrong. I've met a few, and they are very in tune with both their owner's and doggie friend's body language...

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Hello everyone :). Lately it seems like every time I've logged in to write something I've been distracted or something has come up! It's been a full on couple of days, broken air-conditioner, busted tooth and that's just the big stuff :cheer: .Now to catch up a bit!

betsy: I used to have a cat who could get into bins and open cupboard doors, we ended up having to put childproof locks on all the doors. Clever little bugger he was :cheer:

KTB: Thanks for the info about the crate, I think the puppy will be fine. My OH says that I am seriously underestimating the intelligence of the puppy if I think two crates will confuse it too much

Matilda is lovely and I hope she finds a good owner. I think cattle dogs are awesome, but need dedicated owners. I've known a few with the wrong kind of owner and it's ended up pretty tragically every time. :(

I think what you're doing with the rescue dogs is great. However, I have to say after reading the Rescue section of this website, and some of the things that go on, I am really relieved that OH talked me out of getting a rescue dog in the beginning. Some of the things I have read in there have been pretty scary.

belgian.blue: Manning, that's not too far away! Do you take the doggies? We'll have to arrange something! As long as you don't mind terribly shy and somewhat socially awkward OH 'cause he's my chauffeur because I don't drive :) Love to see more pics of Badger and Ivy :(

Max#1: On the two dog issue. I'd love two dogs (says she who doesn't even have one yet :laugh:) I think it's probably better than one, provided they get along. Unfortunately though we will have to stick to one, I think. We have such a teeny tiny yard I would worry about them not having enough space each when they are outside and fighting or something. Maybe one day if we ever get crazy enough to want a mortgage and decide to sell this and move to a bigger house.

wuffles: Good luck for next week! Keeping her quiet will be a chore I think!

Puppy is three weeks old today :champagne: Only another 5 to go :eek: I thought it was going to go slowly, but it's flying by! Still so much to do here, want to finish painting/redecorating, and doing a few things to the yard before puppy arrives. Going away this weekend though, which isn't going to help get things done :laugh:

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Eugh. I used to love rain pre-dog.

It was bucketing down this morning and rain always turns James into a (muddy) lunatic. He was thrilled - quite certain that some lovely person had turned the backyard into a giant water slide just for him :( He was a bit cabin feverish so I decided to walk him during a break in the rain. I misjudged the break :champagne: Made it halfway down the next street before it absolutely poured down on us. We spent most of the walk taking shelter in the park :cheer:

"My mummy does not plan well."


I present, ze wet dog!


Then had to dry him. The dog that has not yet decided whether being scrubbed with towels is a form of torture or some great game. Either way, it did not go well.

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Niques - how funny is your wet doggie. Mine doesn't mind a towel down when wet. But what he really loves is wiping his face all over my pants/the good couch/ the not so good couch/his bed (in that order!) He goes Crazy.

Wuffles - Good luck with keeping Miss Ava quiet post-op! I am thinking of desexing around the 12 month mark - will try to time with being home!

Instead of traditional training tonight our club is having a walk and treasure hunt. Hope it is fun and Ziggy does not disgrace himself. He is currently looking at me with a very dirty nose. I think there has been some strategic digging up and re-burying of bones. For what purpose only a dog could know :laugh:

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Oh Niques: my dog also thinks being towel dried is something between torture and a game.... the dramas! James has the most adorable face! And Betsy, mine particularly likes wiping himself off on the carpet. But not if he's clean-wet, only dirty-wet. Much to my OH's bemusement (though I think secretly he loves getting the Bissel out).

And good luck Wuffles with Ava next week!

KTB: on poo I'm an expert. We didn't call Max the poo-machine for the first couple of weeks for nothing. Although lately I've been surprised to notice its only three a day. What else can I say but 'yay?!' :bolt: You could almost start a poll with that one! I still chuckle every time I think of that thread about dogs pooing on walks, and someone said, 'depends if you like walking poo external to the dog'. That hit my funny bone...

About getting a second dog - I think having the reassurance from breeder (or rescue?) that there's support there if it doesn't work out with existing dog is a good idea. Ravenau - five more weeks yay!

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So Little Miss is finally booked in to get desexed next week! Fun fun... she just turned 11 months old and I don't think she's got much more growing to do so I think it's time.

Good luck! Let us know how you go keeping her Quiet and Sedentary ... :bolt:

Thanks for the info about the crate, I think the puppy will be fine. My OH says that I am seriously underestimating the intelligence of the puppy if I think two crates will confuse it too much

Heh heh. My two love their crates and will happily stroll into anything that looks crate-like :party: 5 weeks to go - how exciting! Get as much sleep as possible before she arrives. :eek:

Eugh. I used to love rain pre-dog.

Oh Niques - this is just the cutest photo ever:


Seriously. Sooooooooooooooo cute. Elbie's bad with towels - likes to attack them and sometimes he gets a bit growley when we try to take them away - particularly a big red towel we have. We have been working with him on desensitsation - waving towels around him and rewarding him when he ignores them. :o

betsy: good luck to you both with the treasure hunt. May your dog only retrieve what he's supposed to retrieve. :eat:

on poo I'm an expert. We didn't call Max the poo-machine for the first couple of weeks for nothing. Although lately I've been surprised to notice its only three a day. What else can I say but 'yay?!' :D You could almost start a poll with that one! I still chuckle every time I think of that thread about dogs pooing on walks, and someone said, 'depends if you like walking poo external to the dog'. That hit my funny bone...

I couldn't believe that some people's dogs only poo once a day! I feel like my guys are just out in the yard generating fertiliser as if their lives depended on it ;)

So. Some photos. We had been told and so had worried that the pups would play and play and play and wind themselves up into feverish levels of excitement from which we couldn't get them to calm down but while they do play in the yard, there are many moments when we look out the window and they're just chilling.

Elbie, just chillin' in the grass


Hoover, just chillin' on the deck


Hoover, in his new soft crate courtesy of Auntie Lilli_Star and Cousin Ruby




Hoover's such an excited little wriggle bum.

doesn't quite capture how violent his wiggles get but it's close ;)
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KTB: love the new thing with the photos at the bottom of your post. Elbie, particularly, strikes me as looking very grown up and responsible! :eek:

Thanks! I know I've been slack about updating my signature but needed OH to find time to make it for me. :bolt:

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It's very quiet at my house tonight- Miss Roo is having a sleepover at the vet in preparation for her being desexed tomorrow. Jasper the cat is loving it- he's currently stretched out in front of the heater (yes, my heater is on in November :eek: I think today got to a grand high of 14), I've got mixed feelings. On the one hand, yay, don't have to go out in the rain tonight (it's trying hard to storm), on the other, I miss her :o Roo is having an extended stay at the vets over the weekend because I have a surprise wedding to go to on Saturday (surprise as in it was supposed to be in January, but was moved forward and I was invited on Monday), and then on Sunday I have to help out at our major school fundraiser for the year. So all in all, not really able to supervise the quietness that is required for the first few days post op. I'm hoping that by Monday, Miss Roo will have forgotten they have taken out some of her insides and that she has stitches in her belly :eat::bolt:

I really ummed and ahhed about when to get her desexed, but at the end of the day, with at least one entire male dog next door (Ruby's best dog friend) that I know of, and no idea how many others in the neighbourhood, me working fulltime and no front fence (backyard is all fenced), I just couldn't risk it. Plus there's a bit of drama happening in my family at the moment, so just wanted to get it done in case I have to go up home at short notice. Breeders and vets disagree on when is the right time to desex, which didn't help at all. Anyway, I just have to hope that everything will go well and be okay in the end.

KTB, looks like Hoover is enjoying his crate, and your new sig is lovely. :D

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Max - I think we could have a poo-off here. Ziggy is a bit of a machine.....

KTB - Hoover just looks like butter wouldn't melt in his mouth!

Lilli_star and Niques I think you have the most gorgeous black labs. We often going walking with a lovely black lab named Lilly who is a few months older than my boy. Just read lilli_star's post. Goodness - sounds busy there! Hope little Roo is ok. I'm sure she's missing you!

Raven - that door opening cat sounds like hard work. Lucky mine has never figured that out, although she does have a knack of running into a newly opened cupboard then getting trapped there because she was so quick no-one saw the little brown flash!

Well, here is the end result of the treasure hunt!



And a few from the beach escapade (escape) last week



Treasure hunt was quite good. Met some other lovely people from dog club. Walked about 2 k on the lead around the big garden (with a lot of lunging!) At the end we thought we might let off our 3 puppies together. Ziggy immediately went to hump Ollie :bolt: Lucky his owner wasn't freaked out and I just stopped him. So Ziggy got to have a mad run with a springer spaniel and lagotto and loved it. Recall was so-so but I was able to get him back. And at the end we exchanged numbers so we can try and meet up at the off lead park some time. So lovely seeing the doggies have a play and run.

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Hoover just looks like butter wouldn't melt in his mouth!

Looks can be deceptive! I frequently sing Lady Gaga's 'Monster' at both our Monsters :eek:

Wonderful photos - looks like she's well and truly tuckered out from her adventures. :p

lilli_star: Oh gosh, poor you and poor Queen Ruby. I am sure she'll be fine but I understand you missing her! I know people disagree about the right time to desex, but to be honest I really think you're doing the right thing. Having an entire female any older than six months can be so tricky - I had a friend whose dog went into heat at six months and she had to crate her the whole time because of all the neighbourhood dogs ... People can say what they like about 'waiting' but if Roo was accidentally impregnated, the might of DOL Wrath would descend upon you like a thousand angry crows ... It's also safer for her in the long run given cancer risks and that sort of thing. I often feel Guilty because poor Elbie was desexed at a mere 10 weeks but as you can see, he seems very fine and healthy ... albeit a bit gangly :vomit: Take care of yourself and give Miss Roo a big hug when she comes out. She and James are the lab puppies by which I judge all lab puppies. :vomit:

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Morning All! Yikes this week has been quick...

KTB: your furkids are too cute - I love Hoover's baleful face. He looks like a shy country kid that has a load of energy inside him :party:

Niques: the wet photos of James crack me up. I iz wet! Kuma is getting used to the towel. Half of the time he tries to bite it, the other half he just sucumbs to being dried. We have a microfibre towel which works well, it's a bit softer than a standard bath towel and I think it isn't as "scratchy".

lilly_star: I know you're worried about Roo - She's in the best place for her and will get expert care. I'm sure she'll be AOK. Enjoy your busy weekend!

Betsy: Ziggy looks shattered! You guys musta had fun at your treasure hunt. Awesome beach shots. I'm not so sure I'll ever let Kuma off at a beach. He'd probably choose that moment to flip me the bird and run off into the sunset :D

:) at the poo talk. Kuma's pretty good at converting his food into energy and not poop, we don't have to pick up that much. Plus he prefers to poop on our walks - especially that grass/straw stuff (have you seen it? they mulch up hay combine it with grass seed and fertiliser and spray it around - it's awesome) Kuma likes it coz it's crunchy under foot.

We got Kuma one of these when we were at Steve's place. It's his all time favourite toy. He LOVES chasing the rag around and does everything he can to catch it. Favourite thing ever!

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Interesting name for that particular article.

I have to ask: Who is Steve?

Steve is the dude behind K9Pro - he is an awesome dog trainer and all around doggie Guru. See his website for details K9Pro.

We took Kuma for a visit to make sure we are on the right track - it is hard raising a big dog, and even more so if it becomes aggressive/dominant/stubborn. I wanted to make sure Kuma is just a nice balanced dog. He wasn't doing too well at training using the conventional food treat method, so I wanted to explore other ways to make him more engaged in the training. A mentally active dog is not prone to being naughty!

I'm going to do the Training in Drive program by distance (off to by a video camera tomorrow!). If you stick training in drive (or TID) into a youtube search, you'll see some amazing videos!

I envy those of you who have "trainable" dog, i.e. food driven, easy to engage. I struggle to get Kuma's attention for too long, he's soo aloof.

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I'm going to do the Training in Drive program by distance (off to by a video camera tomorrow!). If you stick training in drive (or TID) into a youtube search, you'll see some amazing videos!

I envy those of you who have "trainable" dog, i.e. food driven, easy to engage. I struggle to get Kuma's attention for too long, he's soo aloof.

I'd really like to do the TID program but alas cannot afford it at the moment.

I used to envy people with "trainable" dogs so I got myself one :confused: In reality though, there are benefits both ways. Working breeds are easier to train but they are also prone to using their intelligence for mischief. And if they don't get the mental and physical stimulation they need they can be hyperactive, crazy, naughty and generally a pain in the butt! On the other hand, more independent breeds like Kuma and Satch can be difficult to train but I find are really easy dogs to live with. They are happy just to lie around and if they miss out on a day's training or exercise they just deal with it.

We need to organise the birthday party so you can meet Satch who I think is lots like Kuma in many ways :D

Anyone going to Dogs Day Out this weekend?

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I used to envy people with "trainable" dogs so I got myself one :confused: In reality though, there are benefits both ways. Working breeds are easier to train but they are also prone to using their intelligence for mischief. And if they don't get the mental and physical stimulation they need they can be hyperactive, crazy, naughty and generally a pain in the butt!

Yup ... Take a look at Elbie. So good with tricks, very trainable, very responsive but incredibly hyperactive/neurotic in new circumstances. I consider myself lucky because he normally calms down within 5-10 minutes but it is very embarrassing/exhausting introducing him to non-dog people sometimes because he just goes bonkers and looks completely undisciplined. :D

Alas, no Dogs Day Out for us. Hoover gets his final shots on Monday and then 2 weeks after that he will be Protected and may Play Everywhere With Impunity.

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true, true... Kuma is very happy to plonk and will keep himself amused for hours on end without mischief :confused: I do however wish that I could get more out of him, hence why I'm going to do the course!

No dogs day out for us either, sorry!

Re birthday party... I'm away for work on November 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 18 and 19. My inlaws come for the weekend on the 19th... then I'm going to book myself into a mental institution for a melt down. How about a joint party on either November 27 or December 4? I can't wait to meet Satch.

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