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Elbie, Hoover, Dodge & Friends!


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So I have been a bit neglectful in reading all the posts over the last couple of days - think I have caught up:

Totally misleading given that Elbie can actually jump over that baby gate with ridiculous ease. :thumbsup: We keep it as a reminder to him where he's supposed to be, but if he's very excited he'll just sail over the top. :D

Kuma can push our baby gate over, but has only done it once and didn't leave the room! He just stayed where he was... think he may have scared himself.

A quick question for you all- when you guys go to dog training, what do you take as your "mat"? I've often wondered. MDTL had those hessian bag bed type items, but as I don't have one at home, I don't think Ruby understood the whole "On your mat" command. On the last lesson I took the little mat I use at home and put it on top, but Ruby barely fits on it now (compared to when she used to be able to lie on it and there was room left over! :( ).

I now use the mat that came with the soft crate, it's fluffy on one side and plastic on the other. I don't think it really matters if the dog can fit or not - one of the dogs in Kuma's class, Jethro the Lab, uses a car mat! I think it's just the concept of going to a specific spot...

KumaAkita: Interesting what you say about the obedience training as I've been wondering about that a bit myself. Not about not doing it, but about different dogs suitability for the style of training they do.

I found it sooo interesting - Kuma does not enjoy training (and neither to do I) so I needed to find other ways to make him engaged. He has a huge prey drive, so we are going to focus on that, instead of stuffing treats in his mouth that he's really not interested in.

hey all... just searching youtube to see what I'm in for with Kuma's coat blow:

Thank doG I have a few months to prepare myself for Kyojin's!!! Think I best be getting myself a force dryer.

I showed the OH last night, when I opened my iPad this morning I see that he's been looking at buying one! It would make life sooooo much easier. I think that the dog in that example was a bit older than Kuma, she seemed to have a full adult coat whereas my boy only has his adolescent coat. I definitely want a force dryer before his first adult blow! At least he only blows twice a year... he doesn't lose too much fur in between...

He would stand like that too, he absolutely loves being brushed at the moment - I think he's really itchy, so the rake comb is hitting "the spot"!

Max#1 We're a one dog family, and think we'll probably stay that way. Mainly because we don't have a huge backyard, and I think Kuma may be an only child type dog. But, you never know!!

In other news, we're off to the Vet tonight. When we met with Steve he noticed that Kuma is favouring his rear left leg... don't think it's a major issue, but best to be safe than sorry.

hmmm... I think I got everything. I hope everyone is well and enjoying the weather ( :) )

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I loaded two videos from this morning onto my Youtube channel... Turn the sound off to avoid my annoying voice and random comments!! This is the reserve at the back of our house and our local friendly group of dogs. Mine had so much fun in the wet grass, even got some play bowing and zoomies out of Satch, soooo cute.

Big long response from me Max#1 :thumbsup:

How does it compare to having one dog?

My situation is probably different to most here as Ava arrived when Satch was about 5 years old, so the age different changes things a bit. It is a lot of extra work but that's mainly because Ava is a young working breed, and Satch is, well... a bit of a lazy homebody, so we had it easy before Ava came along. I quite like the age difference for a few reasons... the first being Satch doesn't need too much attention in terms of training. He has helped her learn calm behaviour and how to behave around adult dogs. They only play occasionally and Satch ignores his little sister as much as possible... Ava LOVES her big bro and is always giving him kisses and curling up as close as possible to him without getting told off. He is protective of her around other dogs.

What changed when you got your second dog?

My older dog had to learn a lot of sharing. He has to share his personal space, his bed, his toys, his favourite sleeping spots, time with us, pats, walk time... it can be a bit hard on him... for example if we pat Ava, he will stare at us from his bed looking very forlorn... or sometimes she will take a toy from him and he makes no effort to get it back (like Elbie and Hoover) which is hard to watch for the humans but I think not as bad for the dogs as we think.

Also, ours are more active and noisier when there are two of them. They keep each other awake, which can mean more noise and more mischief. They bark at each other when they're playing.

Satch thinks it's his job to protect his little sister so he is more guardy at the fence than he used to be. This is part of the reason we are taking him back to obedience classes as he is getting a bit too big for his boots now that he has someone to boss around...

How do you split obedience/other activities between them? (Though that one I kind of know from posts on here).

We are pretty time poor in my house so it's hard. IMO it would be much easier if we didn't both work fulltime. We walk/jog them separately most weekday mornings, occasionally we will take them together. They play up when they are walked together and training is almost impossible. Sometimes of an afternoon I take both of them to the dog park, or sometimes one of them gets another walk with training thrown in. On weekends we take them out together to the dog park or for longer walks. Both go to obedience class, one on Thursday nights and one on Sunday mornings. Satch is happy just to lie on his bed and spend time with you whereas Ava prefers to go go go, so this makes it easier in a way. Neither of them play fetch so that makes it harder to exercise them :)

How much space do you think you really need for two?

We have a small yard and a small house. We have a no playing in the house rule unless it's bitey face which takes place lying down! As long as they have some kind of path they can run in the yard they're happy. Ours run from one side of the house, across the backyard, through the pergola and back again. Of course they would love a bigger area but I don't think they're deprived in any way as they get a lot of external stimulation through walks and training...

Any thoughts (and of course photographic evidence! ha!) appreciated!

Our dynamic is interesting because Satch is a very passive but dominant dog. He likes to be in control but won't start fights. Ava is submissive but not oversly so -- I would not like to leave Satch with another dominant male, nor would I like to leave Ava with another middle-of-the-range dog... I think you have to consider the levels of dominance when you live with more than one dog. Ava is regularly told off by Satch for getting in his personal space, being too boisterous or getting too close to a prized possession. This just involves a growl, a show of teeth or on a rare occasion, a pin to the ground. You see most of this behaviour if you frequent dog parks though so you'd probably know what to expect!

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Guest belgian.blue
To all those with 2(+) dogs. What are your thoughts on having two dogs.

How does it compare to having one dog?

What changed when you got your second dog?

How do you split obedience/other activities between them? (Though that one I kind of know from posts on here).

How much space do you think you really need for two?

Best thing I ever did was get Badger :thumbsup: Ivy was around 18 months when Badger arrived as a puppy.

As in how does it compare, me as a owner doesn't feel guilty being away from home for more than an hour as both dogs stay outside together, play, annoy each other etc.

Ivy had seperation anxiety until Badger arrived and now she's great being left home alone with him. Allows me to go out and not worry about rushing home to the dogs.

I don't find the food bill went up that much and Ivy has changed, she has become a lot more of a snuggle pot.

Though having your first dog trained well it a VERY smart idea. Even before you consider a second. Makes for a easy life and gives the new pup a good lead to follow.

I think if Ivy wasn't so well trained and behvaved Badger would have been a lot worse as a puppy as he's a big boy. He has learnt good manners from her!

If you're up for the awesome challenge, then go for it and get another canine :) I'd never have just one dog again.

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Thanks Wuffles and Belgian Blue!

So I expected my OH to just say no flat out - but last night when I was playing tug with Max, I told him that if we had another dog, she would be playing tug. He didn't believe me, but when I convinced him - he said I better go have a look at her! He thought this would be hilarious!

My primary concern is probably space. We have a smallish house, and not a huge backyard. Though we only need about 4 m of fence out the front, then we'd probably qualify for having a big yard. Though as we're on a sort of busy street, I wouldn't like to leave a dog there while we're not home. Our back and front yards have high fences, so that's already a good start. Our backyard is just a grass area, a covered car space, and a pergola that's covered - so quite suitable for doggies really!

Another concern is time. We are both full-timers. Actually the OH works really long hours, and I'm an early starter and finisher. Which is why we got Max in the first place - because I do have a lot of time to spend with a dog. And I am trying to get a different job at the moment that would allow me to at least work a bit from home.

The primary reason to get another dog would really be for Max (and the other dog then) - to have company. Max loves other dogs, loves playing with them at the park - and always looks longingly after the other dogs as we leave. Growing up we had two (and a cat!) - but they were mini-poodles so hard to make a comparison I think! And of course having two dogs makes things more complicated for outings - for obedience - for flyball - for if we ever go on a non-dog holiday (all the OH's family are in EU so there's probably a month trip every second year or so).

ETA: Another concern I guess is that Max is 6 months, and this girl is 2 years old - that would be an interesting dynamic. Very different to getting a new puppy I think.

Thinking... thinking.... thinking....

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My primary concern is probably space. We have a smallish house, and not a huge backyard. Though we only need about 4 m of fence out the front, then we'd probably qualify for having a big yard. Though as we're on a sort of busy street, I wouldn't like to leave a dog there while we're not home. Our back and front yards have high fences, so that's already a good start. Our backyard is just a grass area, a covered car space, and a pergola that's covered - so quite suitable for doggies really!

Depends what you want space for. Because you want them to get exercise? Because you don't want them running into things? Another reason? Our block size is 360m2 which contains a small house, 2 hoomans, a 36kg dog and a 19kg dog :thumbsup: As I said earlier, I'm sure they'd prefer larger and so would I, but that's our reality and we all do fine. I guess our main problem is they are tough on the yard with holes and turning the grass to mud, which wouldn't matter so much if it was spread across a bigger space.

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I think we're on 500 m2, so a fair comparison. I guess enough space they don't feel the need to escape? Ha! Max is looking like he'll be about 20 kg - and this girl is only 12 kg! So that's another plus - she's only a littl'un.

I've just emailed my dog-walking friend (who's also an obedience instructor and flyball chief) to ask his advice as well - he's got three!

Of course I've been asking Max if he wants a friend:


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I think we're on 500 m2, so a fair comparison. I guess enough space they don't feel the need to escape? Ha! Max is looking like he'll be about 20 kg - and this girl is only 12 kg! So that's another plus - she's only a littl'un.

I've just emailed my dog-walking friend (who's also an obedience instructor and flyball chief) to ask his advice as well - he's got three!

Our fences are 1.5m and neither of ours have any interest in escaping... Considering firstly that Satch was handed into the pound for "escaping" (read: getting out through loose fence palings :() and secondly that he can stick his front paws and head over the side fence... he doesn't want to escape :)

Just wondering... do you have any friends that would lend their dog for a sleepover? :thumbsup: It might help give you an idea of how Max acts when another dog is around. Satch acts very differently with visitors than he does to Ava, but you still have to feed two, work out where they're sleeping, etc.

Max is so cute :D

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Wuffles - that's a good idea with the sleep over.

But, just to let everyone know, crisis averted - we're not going to do it. I didn't know but the dog is actually in nsw. Its just too much to bring her down here. When (not if! ha!) we get another dog - especially if its a grown up already - we'll have to look a bit closer to home so that there's a chance for some getting-to-know-you meet-and-greet first.

Look out for a very tiny bc female rescue with an adorable crooked white stripe on her face. I'm sure she'll have no problems to find a good home.

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Guest belgian.blue

That's a shame about her being in NSW but I'm sure you'll find the perfect friend for Max close to home :(

Currently my yard is pretty big, heaps of crazy running room but I'm sure my two would do fine with half the space. Well they will get half the space soon, when my new lawn is OK for them to play on.

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Let me know if you ever feel like trying your paw at doing videos

I'd certainly be willing to give it a try. Am a bit swamped elsewhere at the moment but I'll shoot you a PM in a couple of weeks :(

I'm laughing away at the idea of "banishment to the car" ;) Poor Elbie.

;) at the shedding Akita. Amazing!

This is, unfortunately, a one-dog house. The yard is far too complicated for two of them - I can forsee many injuries. Not to mention, I'd be leaning on the side of striking it lucky with James in that he's actually really good with the backyard and knows his limits very well. I tend to think that we'd not be so fortunate with a new puppy. That's great that your OH is open to a second, Max#1 :( Keep us updated on any new developments!

Wuffles, that looks like a very fun group of dogs! I'd love something like that for James. Lovely landscape as well.

I have a terrible feeling that my dog is becoming too obsessed with soccer. I will have to grab some footage of him playing when we're next at the off-leash park, but he's actually really good - anticipates where the ball will be kicked and is on it in a flash. It's very cute. But he's at the point where he gets exceedingly excited whenever his soccerball (it's really a basketball - haven't told him yet :( ) comes out. He ran smack bang into the garage door this afternoon :D

And someone turns 10 months old today! I can't believe it's nearly been a year.

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Max#1 - I love having 2 dogs, the best part of it is watching them play together! :cry:

I don't even know what size block we're on at the moment but the yard is decent here and there is more than enough room for my 2 to play chasies. Most of the day mine are either playing tag with one another, tug-o-war or sleeping and don't even use all the room they have.

KTB - I forgot to ask HH in the end, although if she thought he was either under or over in weight I'm sure she would have definitely mentioned it. LOL. Shall have to remember this week, Mars will probably be tied to the tree again for being too puppy like in greeting other dogs and people.

Niques - Shall try soup bones with the boy and see how it goes, thanks! Mars is also a ball-obsessed dog, whenever OH or I walk outside to the yard he runs straight to the first ball he can find and stands over it looking at us to play with him.. although we really have to get Mars to have something in his mouth while playing soccer or else he just picks the ball up and runs off with it or tries to chew it. :D

betsy - Sorry to hear about your parents BC.. :cry:

KA - :cry: so much fur..! Its good he likes being brushed though, makes it so much easier. My two tolerate being brushed now, but if they catch sight of me grabbing the brush, they will bolt in the other direction.

Hrm.. I'm sure I've missed a few things so I apologise to anyone I've missed.

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KTB: I have to limit watching your videos, they always make me a bit teary. Those poor puppies - especially the old guy. (There was a little typo I think in the first word screen of his movie, just an extra word).

Thanks so much for the feedback and the correction. I've fixed it. Poor Santa ... he's such a sad soul and his tail wagging desperately really makes me so sad :'( I hope someone can adopt him, although I have to say that Kate's property is gorgeous and he's living in luxury right now! :D

To all those with 2(+) dogs. What are your thoughts on having two dogs.

Heh. I'm definitely not an expert at dogs so I will leave it to all the others who have given you some very good information. You've seen how things were for us during the Getting Of A Second Monster stage. :cry: We broke the rules getting a puppy when our first dog was only 8 months, we got a second male, also a bad thing and we got a puppy that was already 3 months old blah blah. Having two dogs is a lot more extra work and also a LOT more poo to clean up in the yard. :cry: That being said, it's really gorgeous - our two love each other, they play, they snuggle, they hang out. We don't feel so bad when we go out and have to leave the doggies in the yard - they keep each other company. At first we worried that they'd play and play and hype each other up, but they play but also chill out together. For obedience, we've taken one dog each but you'll see that wuffles handles obedience for both of her dogs but goes on Thursdays and Sundays.

I had Intense Guilt for a little bit after getting Hoover - I worried that Elbie would be upset/feel that he got less time and love but it hasn't been like that at all. They both get cuddles, pats and attention. Mealtimes and training is a challenge because you can't really do both at the same time because they get in each other's way. I've got a thread in the puppy thread about it but for completeness, the video link is

. At the end, we have both pups performing :cry:

We have a decent sized yard but our puppies are couch potatoes ... They're active but they can chill out, too. They don't need acres and acres ... just enough space for them to chase each other around :cry:

After all that waffle - I think that having a second dog is great. ;) Max is so cute - I think he'd love a sibling. :cry: If you were closer, I'd lend you our chunky monkey of a wombat to test things out.

kumaakita: I hope Kuma's ok!! Is the favouring of the leg something recent?

I'm laughing away at the idea of "banishment to the car" :cry: Poor Elbie.

Poor Elbie indeed. The teacher almost forgot about him, too! At least Clastic's Mars was tied to a tree and could see everything that was going on. Poor Elbie was consigned to the doghousecar. :cry:

And someone turns 10 months old today! I can't believe it's nearly been a year.

Woohoo! that reminds me, I saw a little black lab puppy at Dog School last Sunday. It had the same cute, cuddley build of a James or Ruby so I raced over and asked for permission to pat. Unfortunately the puppy's face was NOT cute like James and Ruby - kind of narrow, slightly cross-eyed and looked a bit like a ferret. I almost recoiled in horror.

KTB - I forgot to ask HH in the end, although if she thought he was either under or over in weight I'm sure she would have definitely mentioned it. LOL. Shall have to remember this week, Mars will probably be tied to the tree again for being too puppy like in greeting other dogs and people.

You are right, she would certainly have told you if she thought that Mars was too fat/too thin. Every week, OH wonders whether he or I will be the one in the HH bad books. He tells me to be quiet so as not to incriminate myself. :cry:

ETA: Alas club policy says that Hoover and I can't join the beginner classes. They're full and even if the people don't show up, unless they formally drop out, we can't take their place. The good thing though is that in Feb, it's been agreed that Hoover can join bronze classes and doesn't have to go through beginners. We'll keep working with him at home and also bringing him every Sunday to socialise him.

Edited by koalathebear
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Woohoo! that reminds me, I saw a little black lab puppy at Dog School last Sunday. It had the same cute, cuddley build of a James or Ruby so I raced over and asked for permission to pat. Unfortunately the puppy's face was NOT cute like James and Ruby - kind of narrow, slightly cross-eyed and looked a bit like a ferret. I almost recoiled in horror.


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Morning all...

kumaakita: I hope Kuma's ok!! Is the favouring of the leg something recent?

Yeah, it's kinda new. The vet reckons he gets dead leg from lying on it too much, and we should keep an eye on him to make sure it doesn't progress to anything worse. Poor Vet was a slip of a thing and she stuggled to get Kuma to flex his legs! :D She got the male vet to come in and he had trouble too! If it gets worse they'll have to sedate him and take xrays and do movement tests when he's asleep...

We weighed him last night - 45Kg. He hasn't changed much in the last couple of months, but is filling out not putting on weight. Weird. He has another 6-12 months of growing left!

KTB: I can't watch too many of your vids - they are too heart breaking. I'd love to take all the doggies home, but think Kuma may have an issue if I do that! Great pics so far, I'm sure your effort will help get them homes.

Max#1: Sorry it didn't work out - I'm sure you'll find a companion soon...

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KumaAkita Glad Kuma's OK. Guess you'll just have to chase him around the yard every few hours. or something. :D

Don't worry about the vid, I am having to make far too many and it's still nowhere near enough :) But there are some happy vids - the Ferdinand vid is happy and so is the Matilda one :p

I'm sure Kuma will be very happy as an only child. You should have seen the reproachful looks Elbie gave us (and still occasionally gives us) when Hoover's climbing all over him :(

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Oh KTB - that's nearly too much to bear. And she's deaf. I just think of the way Max is always listening to me....

Clastic and KTB: everything you say about having two dogs, is exactly how I imagine it. I appreciate everyone's opinions! Last night I went back and got out the Ava-Satchmo playing video ('partners in crime') and the Elbie-Hoover video (Kung-Fu) to show the OH. Its nice that through such a forum as this, we can live vicariously through you guys! Do you know what I mean? Like even the excitement of Hoover's arrival! Mind you, the thought of 2x poo is something.

And Intense Guilt is something else too. That's part of the reason I think it might be a good idea to get another dog. I've noticed Max is very focused on me. He follows me around, he's always watching me with those big brown eyes of his, waiting for his next instruction, listening to what I'm saying.... I started noticing it when at obedience, doing recalls with the instructor holding Max and me calling him - all the other puppies would turn around and say hello to the instructor - Max kept his eyes firmly on me. Its not separation anxiety - its okay if I leave him - but I'm worried its not quite healthy nonetheless. Of course I like it though - he's my faithful friend!

KA - I hope Kuma's leg is okay! You'll have to keep an eye on him when he's snoozing and role him over from time to time!

Betsy - how did you go with your parents?

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KumaAkita Glad Kuma's OK. Guess you'll just have to chase him around the yard every few hours. or something. :D

Don't worry about the vid, I am having to make far too many and it's still nowhere near enough :cry: But there are some happy vids - the Ferdinand vid is happy and so is the Matilda one :cry:

I'm sure Kuma will be very happy as an only child. You should have seen the reproachful looks Elbie gave us (and still occasionally gives us) when Hoover's climbing all over him :p

It's only really a worry when he's been lying on the concrete patio for hours... or sleeping in the car. If it progresses to a limp after exercise then we should worry. From now on, just keeping an eye on him.

Kuma loves the vet tho - she was at his puppy classes, so was all wigglybum excited to see her. He even kissed her - right on the mouth. She wasn't expecting it and nearly died :):(

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