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Elbie, Hoover, Dodge & Friends!


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Gorgeous photos! Kuma looks very professional.... and poor Hoover with his bald patch! Is he rubbing it somewhere? (perhaps against Elbie? Ha!).

Sorry Wuffles, would love to come and play - but too far! We're facing a weekend of very heavy rain this weekend - bleh bleh bleh. Though on Sunday there's a pet expo out in the northern suburbs, where my flyball team is putting on a display - so might have to go check that out.

I've got Max sitting here barking at a basket of washing. I know he's doing it to get my attention..... he loves helping with the washing!

I haven't transferred any new photos from the camera to the computer so here's one from the other week. Max with his most favourite toy of the moment.... the 'tug'. Its a couple of pairs of tracksuits cut up and plaited! He loves it!


I also forgot I was working on a 'movie' but gave that up! Ha! I'm hopeless! But I have a new topic! If I ever get there, you all will find out!

Okay - question.

What does you puppy (dog) do or like that you're pretty sure no other dogs do or like?

For example - Max loves having the lengths of his front legs scratched. Sure behind the ears, and on the rear flank is good, but to really get him to bliss out gotta go for the front legs. Strange?

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ktb - looks like elbie is getting happier to share his bed :laugh: my friend with a kelpie had the same prob when he was a pup, i think it was some skin mites or something, its gone now

The two are definitely getting on a lot better now in terms of being calmer around one another. And yes, as you say - poor Hoover had demodex mites!!! When we got Elbie he had ringworm and now poor Hoover with his skin mites. For anyone whose doggie played with Hoover - don't worry - it's not contagious! I wrote about it in the health forum, but here's what we discovered:

The vet put some oil on poor Hoover's head and did a skin scraping. He didn't seem to mind, even though she had to scrape to the point where his head was bleeding. She went off to check it out under the microscope and it's demodex mites. Apparently nothing alarming. She let my OH look at them under the microscope and then said she'd keep the slide for "the girls" (student interns?) to study.

She's given us a small bottle of anti-mite solution to dab on his head twice a day. She's also given us some antibiotics for him to take just in case it's affected his immune system. She said it isn't contagious (for us), won't spread to his bedding, and Elbie should be fine. It would take prolonged direct skin contact for Elbie to catch it, etc etc. And wikipedia says most dogs are immune to that number of mites anyway. Every dog has them but their immune systems usually keep it under control etc.

We also asked about microchipping and the original plan was to do it during the de-sexing because it's a big needle but because Hoover so placid, we had him microchipped today. OH got a firm grip on him in case he wriggled, and she injected the microchip. Not only did he not wriggle, he didn't even yelp or seem to care at all. The vet said that he was tough and she wished they were all like that. He didn't even bleed or anything. Must be the tough farm upbringing :cheer:

His head should be better in a few weeks. The vet said that was good that we hadn't waited until his next appointment to ask about the fur thinness. The timing of his next vaccination means they can do a follow-up check at the same time.

I'm relieved it's not alopecia!

Are any fellow Canberrites interested in a playdate on the weekend, maybe tomorrow (Saturday) morning? It's meant to rain/storm but I'm hoping the mornings might be nice enough to get the doggies out and about and hopefully tired :laugh: Forde is easy, but I can go anywhere really... even a walk around one of the various lakes would be nice.

Would love to ... but we have dog training classes on Saturday morning and then dog school on Sunday mornings. As soon as Hoover's finished his third set of vaccinations, we'd definitely be up for a play date at the Forde dog park - we love that place.

I do think that the photo of Hoover staring at the rock should be captioned "levitate damn you! levitate!"

Yes, it's a cute photo and Hoover has developed the Kelpie Stare :p

In other news... I got stopped this morning by a mature Indian gentleman who was petrified of dogs, I made Kuma sit and wait until he had passed. This guy was absolutely scared whittless by dogs. Kuma didn't disgrace himself, was calm and let him pass - curiously watching him the whole time. A little futher up the road there was this guy who is putting in grass around the local ponds. He said that Kuma was a very obedient dog - snaps to my puppy!

Yay to you and Kuma. Kuma has such a lovely nature. I hope he enjoys his play date with Steve. :cheer: Let us know how it goes, Steve is so famous on DOL that it will be like meeting a celebrity!

Those are super cute photos of Kuma & your OH. I like the supervision shots, and that close up is soooo cute.

Max#1: That track-suit pant tug is so professional! You should go into business making dog toys. You could make a fortune.

What does you puppy (dog) do or like that you're pretty sure no other dogs do or like?

I'm going to have to have a think about this one...!

And finally, here's a

of the doggies. Hoover still has a way to go before he catches up with Elbie but he's doing ok :laugh: Edited by koalathebear
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Dear me, I've been neglectful of this thread for a while!

KTB, thoughts are with you :laugh:

I was watching the new video of your pair in the Puppy thread and it brought a huge smile to my face - I felt like I was watching synchronised swimming. Very impressive! :p Your boys are a handsome duo. How old is Elbie now?

Very glad to hear that Hoover's mites aren't too serious and that you have an answer.

LS, well done to Ruby for being so well behaved! I know how you feel about the large number of puppy purchases. I got a "You have a parcel waiting" slip in the post today and my first thought was, "Hmm, I don't remember having any current orders for James..." :cheer:

Betsy, Ziggy always has such an alert, happy face! He's a beautiful dog. I hope he had fun at training after the break!

KA, Kuma would make a brilliant tradie's dog - he looks right at home there next to the wheelbarrow and dirt. He looks particularly officious in the first picture.

Max#1, not sure if it's the same for other dogs, but I've always found it quite peculiar that James loves his Omega3 tablets each day. To the point where they're used as rewards :laugh: Don't know if that's unusual? Will have to think on the matter some more.

James has been through a naughty phase again this week. Every second I turn my back his head's in the pool trying to fish the creepy crawly out or he's up on his legs, determinedly trying to reach something on a bench. He's turned around completely today, however, and was an angel. I love my boy :cheer:

And I suspect his ear infection is back. Or never quite left. Bit of a worry - I know labs have a reputation for chronic ear infections. It does seem to only be one ear that's bothering him now, though. Hopefully we killed it off in the other.

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KumaAkita : lol, great shots. Kuma should be digging those holes, or perhaps you could borrow Hoover for an afternoon.

Max#1: Love it, just the look of determination on that face lol

KTB: Glad to know that Hoover's head will be ok. Another learning experience as I had never heard of demodex mites before!

Niques: I think it's the drop eared thing? I've been warned about Dobes and ear infections too. Hope James is feeling better soon, must be painful poor lil guy :(

Puppy scrum :)


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Awww the puppyscrum is so cute! :laugh:

Seeing as everyone else was busy this morning, we went for a walk around the lake by ourselves this morning. It was HOT! I got burned and I think poor Ava's nose did as well.

is what happens when I let them get near water of any description. Satch tries to pull me in, and Ava goes "uh, ew, that stuff is wet".

Not a great pic, but here they are:


And this is Ava now - she got into this position herself and is snoring.


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niques: Elbie's 8 months now but he's lost his puppy look and looks very grown-up, especially compared to Hoover. Thanks for the well-wishes. I feel so sorry for Hoover when I see his bald patch but he seems unfussed.

ravenau1: the puppy scrum is adorable. if you got all of them, then you wouldn't have to debate names :)

wuffles: Yes it was a bakey day this morning but now we have rain ... Lovely photos and video - as usual Ava's such a lady, and so white and luminescent. :eek: Both our dogs were snoring today during the rain. Elbie was on high alert during the thunder - barked once and then prowled the house. Hoover was alert but seemed unfussed.

In other news, our gas stove and oven is broken! No baking or cooking until we get it repaired!!! Also, does anyone know where to buy cute dog decorations for cupcakes (for human consumption) e.g. little candy dogs or paw prints?

In other news, I'm helping out the people at the Blacktown Pound rescue and made some more dog videos today. Alas, we don't have a lot to work with, just the pound photos and the pound videos but here are the ones I made this afternoon. Click on the image to see the video.

yourgirlucy.jpg (ETA: had to re-upload the Lucy video because I'm having problems with it ...).

As usual, all comments and criticisms welcome.

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Guest belgian.blue

I bought Badger and Ivy a dried cow hoof each yesterday, they both had a ball chewing them!

Today there is still a little piece of each about the house. Expensive but a great chew treat. Today at the markets I bought them each a naturally smoked whole lamb neck, they can enjoy that Monday when I go to work.

Great pound photos/videos KTB! You're doing a fantastic job :eek:

Awww Dobe puppies!! Mum and pups are really shiny!

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wuffles: Yes it was a bakey day this morning but now we have rain ... Lovely photos and video - as usual Ava's such a lady, and so white and luminescent. :eek: Both our dogs were snoring today during the rain. Elbie was on high alert during the thunder - barked once and then prowled the house. Hoover was alert but seemed unfussed.

Poor Satchy knew the thunder was coming. At the first hint of a grumble in the distance he was straight into a hidey spot (between the couch and the coffee table). Ava was unfazed until the big clap came, which woke her from a nap, and she was on high alert for a while. I played with her for a while so that hopefully she won't be too scared in the future. The last time we had a storm was when she was a little pup.

If it's storming tomorrow morning for training I'm going to have to bring the Mo along and either leave him in the car or tether him during class... the poor boy doesn't like thunder at all.

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If it's storming tomorrow morning for training I'm going to have to bring the Mo along and either leave him in the car or tether him during class... the poor boy doesn't like thunder at all.

I can keep an eye on him if you like - I'll be sitting under the veranda thingy with my little monster Hoover while Monster Elbie's out with OH running through his exercises.

KumaAkita: how was the playdate? Did Kuma get in touch with his inner aura and was there a group hug?

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Greetings all... it has been a long, long, big, eventful day.

Last night, Kuma decided that it would be awesome to bark at shadows - at 11:00pm ish, and again at 1:00 am ish. Both times I'm in the deepest sleep and drag myself outside to quieten him. Think we'll start having him sleep inside from now on - otherwise I don't think I'll get another full nights sleep!

We got up early and drove up to Sydney to meet with Steve - OH got a bit over-excited about the travel and made us leave REALLY early. We were there about an hour and half early, so we got to see the highlights of Kurrajong shopping village :eek: . We got to Steve's place and had to wait a while as he was out on a house call, but that was fine... Kuma was very well behaved. Steve said that he has a really sound temperament and that we just have a few things to work on, so we keep him being a solidly well behaved awesome dog.

Most interesting thing was how to train him properly. i.e. that the style of obedience taught at BDOC probably isn't going to be the best way to get him to do anything. I found that really interesting, and it really struck a chord about how he behaves in classes and that the repetitions are not the right style of training. He said I should use the time differently and start training in drive - not clicker training... I may just lurk around a class and use them as an increased amount of distraction for our training. I do not envisage that we will become champion triallers, but hey... we could achieve anything.

My lovely boy is sound asleep on the floor next to me, he has been sleeping soundly ever since we got home... funny little guy. Didn't have breakky this morning as we don't feed him before we travel, and then he's been too tired to have dinner tonight. He'll be ravenous in the morning!

I am not going to BDOC tomorrow - I have too much to do around the house after a day away, as well as being away a few days during the week, that spending a few hours of my time at the grounds is not going to be the best use of my time. Sorry folks - next week!

KTB: Yep, there was an aura reading and a group hug, highly suggest you try it out :) Glad Hoover's baldness isn't anything too serious...

Wuffles: Sorry we couldn't join you on your walk - looks like you guys had a great time! Lovely Ava under the curtain :) I don't think Kuma's been around a severe thunder storm... wonder how he'll cope. He got a bit worked up in the car as we were driving through some heavy rain - mainly because it was soooo loud bouncing off the roof of the car!

Ravenau1: cuuuutteee photos of the puppies! Do you know which one is yours?

Niques: Poor James - hope his ear is on the mend

Belgian.Blue: I haven't gotten anything other than pigs ears for Kuma - except one of those dried rawhide bones... it was a cheapie from the local hardware store. We got it about 3 months ago and Kuma's still nomming on it. I have seen the cow hooves, may try them out when this bone is finally done with.

Ok - did I miss anyone??? sorry if I have, I'm absolutely ratsh*t tired. I think I'll be in bed very shortly!

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Hi all. Hope everyone is having a good weekend. It's looked stormy all afternoon, but no rain here as yet. The ants in my pantry seem to think it's on the way though :p

KTB- glad that Hoover's baldness can be fixed without a trip to doggie Advanced Hair. Years ago, my dad's red Kelpie Fido (yes, that really was his name :) ) used to get mites/a hotspot on his bottom just above his tail a lot, and Mum used to put tomato dust on it, which seemed to help from memory. No idea how, but it did :)

KA- Kuma looks quite at home directing Mr KA is the backyard :) You just need to get Kuma one of those fluro vest thingys :) I know I've said it before, but Kuma is always so smiley in his photos! He looks like such a happy doglet.

Wuffles- Loved how Satch jumped in the water while Ava got as far away as possible! :D Thunder is a common fear in dogs, isn't it? Our old dog Fido (see above) hated it! If we didn't tie him up when a storm was coming, he would try and run away. I've seen they make tshirt things for dogs to wear that are supposed to calm them down in situations like storms or fireworks :eek: Ruby is yet to experience thunder I think. Not sure.

Raven- What shiney little puppies they are! And mama dog too :)

Niques- do you give James Omega 3 tablets? I hadn't thought about it for Ruby. She gets 1/2 tin of sardines a couple of times a week mixed in with her biscuits though.

Max- I'm not sure if there is a special spot Roo likes to be rubbed on.

In other news, Roo is booked in to have the big operation on Thursday. The vet will board her overnight Wednesday, then on Thursday and home on Friday or Saturday. The vet was so lovely when I had a chat to her yesterday about it. She said what I expected about when to get her desexed- the sooner the better now that she is 6 months old, especially with an entire male pup next door (lots of other dogs around me too, but I don't know if they're desexed or not or male or female). I told her I wasn't worried about the op itself, since it's pretty straightforward, but I WAS worried about how I would keep Roo quiet for 10 days. The vet said quite simply "You can't" :) The first 3 days are the most important she said, and some people even keep their dogs at the vet during that period just to make sure. I'm still tossing up whether to do that or not just because my school is having a big fundraiser on the weekend that I said I would help out at. Hmmm. Still not sure.

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Ravenau, look how big they're getting! How old are the little guys now? Will you be bringing her home at 8 weeks or a bit later?

KTB, great videos, as usual! Your song choices are perfect. Bella's "Fetch through the fence" technique is adorable. I have my fingers crossed for them!

Sounds like a very interesting and productive trip, KA. Was there a particular behavioural issue you were worried about or more a general checkup (I'm sure there's a better phrase than that but it's the only thing coming to mind :)) visit?

LS, yup, James gets a couple of Omega 3 tablets a day as well as his sardines 1-2 times a week. I probably wouldn't press the matter if he didn't love them so much. We did actually give up many months ago as I accidentally bought a different brand and he kept spitting them out. But he's since had a change of heart and they rank among his favourite things to eat (you know, alongside snotty tissues and stolen thongs :)). Good luck with Ruby's operation! :eek:

Wuffles, it's like a baby yeti up and died on your rug! What a pile of fur!

I discovered this morning that James can jump out of his crate. This very much surprised me as, if you'll recall, I have a lazy lump of a dog who likes to pretend that he can't jump very high. Apparently, he can :) He has one of those massive Top Buy crates that have a mesh "sunroof" that unzips. I normally leave it open to let air circulate better.

So I heard him rustling around this morning - looked over and saw him standing up with his head poking out so told him to lie back down and go to sleep. I thought that was the end up the matter. Two seconds later, after a little more rustling, there was a wet nose in my face :)

I put him to bed tonight and forgot that I still hadn't zipped it up yet. Went back upstairs to watch television. Immediately heard the scratching of fabric and belatedly remembered that my boy now has springs for legs. Oops. Found him standing on the bed with a quizzical expression - "Yes, did you want something?". Crate is now securely zipped :p

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KumaAkita: Glad the aura-reading went well. We definitely want to meet with Steve at some point - no idea when though. Hmm. Hope you can get some sleep tonight. I share your pain - I went to visit my dad today and fell asleep mid-conversation. Very embarrassing. :o Sorry we won't see you and the fluffy Japanese Giant Poodle tomorrow :cry: Still, it will probably either be rainy or at least very muddy ...

lilli_star: You have ants, too? We had an ant invasion in our bathroom of all places! That combined with the broken stove/oven and we're feelin ga bit argghhhh! Elbie was like Roo - no experience with loud thunderstorms and I've been wondering/worried about how it would be when he first encountered it. I'm glad he didn't freak out too much - I've heard of some dogs that tear up the house in their panic.

wuffles: :D I can't believe those piles of fur! They look like they should have legs and be able to walk away unaided!

niques: Thanks for the feedback on the videos. I'm always a bit apprehensive about them - I want to give the dogs the best chance they can for a new home but I don't want to be manipulative. :(

That story of James leaping out of his soft crate is the cutest thing ever. I wish there was video. Elbie jumped over the baby gates 3 times last week and it was annoying but hilarious. :) Hoover has a bad habit of always wanting to clamber into Elbie's crate and so sometimes we solve the problem by zipping that TopBuy soft crate shut and then poor Hoover doesn't realise it's closed so head-butts it like a dork. :provoke:

It's been raining today. I used to love rain at night, falling asleep to the sound of the soothing rain ... these days, I think: "Oh noes, 3.30 am wee stop is going to be a pain". :eek:

Toilet breaks when one has two puppies is ... challenging. I shall recount the tale ...

Elbie sleeps in his crate in the kitchen, Hoover's still in our bedroom and was originally in this crate. The problem is, at 3.30am when he's sleeping, he doesn't want to get up to be wee'd and scuttles to the back of the crate where we can't reach him and we can't lure him out. Two nights ago, I woke up to see my harassed OH tipping the crate to make the stubborn Hoover slide out of the crate like a slippery dip so that he could be taken outside to be wee'd. :eek:

So, we switched to using the soft crate for Hoover because it's easier to pluck him out of it. 3.30am, the alarm goes off and one of us gets up. We try to coax Hoover out of his crate, he will walk out but as soon as he realises that it's toilet-break time, he'll scamper back into the crate. We then usually have to pick him up and carry him out of the bedroom, down the stairs into the kitchen. Elbie can last through the night, but because we wake him up when wee'ing Hoover, we think it's only fair to let Elbie out, too.

So while I'm holding the 11kg chunky monkey squirming (sometimes making noises like an angry tauntaun) wombat in my arms, I try to open Elbie's crate to let him out. I herd both doggies to Poo Corner. At first, Elbie refused to 'go' when Hoover was around, and no wonder because the little monster kept going up to 'inspect' him and interrupt him. These days, they're both fine and do their number ones and twos on command. In the old days, instead of going inside, Hoover would bolt for the lawn and run around like a pork chop. Then I have to find him and bring him inside. While I try to crate Elbie again, Hoover would bolt into the study and plonk himself in the dog bed there, so I'd leave him there while I tucked Elbie in and then I'd go and retrieve a protesting Hoover. Hoover would then scoot up the stairs, take a wrong turn and end up in a spare room and then I'd have to find him and retrieve him.

Last night, both dogs obediently went to Poo Corner. Hoover took too long so Elbie gave up in disgust and dashed through the dog door to get out of the cold and back into his comfy crate. I went after him because I wanted to make sure I closed the crate before he changed his mind and decided he wanted to come out and play with Hoover. As I was tucking Elbie in, out of the corner of my eye, I saw the 11kg, chunky monkey wriggling wombat scamper through the dog door ... I assumed he was going to dash into the study but instead he hurtled up the stairs. I crated Elbie and dashed after Hoover, assuming that he was going to take his usual wrong turn and end up in a spare room. I couldn't find him so went back into the bedroom where OH was awake and laughing.

"You lost the puppy," he told me reprovingly. Hoover had scrambled up the stairs and hurtled back into his crate with unerring accuracy. I guess he's finally learning his way around the house. :D

ETA: One night, I forgot to set my alarm and Hoover slept through the night fine but OH doesn't want to push it so we still get up at 3.30am to wee the dogs ...

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My theme for this post is Incarcerated Puppies. :laugh:



Look at those piteous eyes.


Totally misleading given that Elbie can actually jump over that baby gate with ridiculous ease. :cheer: We keep it as a reminder to him where he's supposed to be, but if he's very excited he'll just sail over the top. :(

Incarcerated Hoover. See the Chunky Monkey with his stuffed toy monkey.



He's being crated because we just put the anti-mite medication on his head for the demodex mites and we didn't want it getting rubbed or licked off during play. He loves the crate, though so even when the doors open he'll often chill out in there with his toys and stuff.

Today, OH took Elbie to silver class like usual and I brought Hoover along to sit in front of the clubhouse to get socialised. Yesterday and last night was pouring with rain and it was still raining early this morning. Although by the time we got to Dog School, the rain had stopped, it clearly deterred a lot of people. So, Elbie's bronze teacher from last term who is teaching beginners this term, said that Hoover could join in on today's beginner class given that they had two teachers and only one student!

Luckily I had brought a mat with me for Hoover to sit on so we joined the class - the other student was (I think) a miniature fox terrier. Hoover went to his mat, sat, dropped, stayed, shook hands, did high five, obeyed a 'leave it' command and almost sat still for pats. He's not sure about being approached by strangers for pats so will usually give a wary shuffle away and then launch himself at the person for pats :o A strange combination I know. He did surprisingly well with the controlled greeting, too - sitting nicely instead of lunging at the other dog.

He's generally a very placid dog and quite focussed so I was very happy with his first attempt at obedience class. Our teacher will ask to see if there's any way we can join in the classes for the rest of the term so that next February, Hoover can start bronze instead of beginners.

Then he played with Elbie and others in the off-lead area. He's exhausted now and unconscious in his happy incarceration - with the door of the crate wide open.

OH said that Elbie had a mixed performance. For part of the class, he was awesome (heeling, informal recall) and top of the class, for part of the class, he lost focus and was a little turd (sit for pats, sit stay etc). :cheer:

Hope all are enjoying their weekend!

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Also, the soft crate has arrived! Thank you so much!!! :laugh:

I think I missed this somehow :o but glad it arrived. I just checked my account and saw what your payment reference was- tee hee! :cheer:(For everyone else, KTB wrote "Soft crate woohoo".):cheer: Hope Hoover likes it. Sounds like he was a model student at dog school today. Good of them to let Hoover join in. Hopefully he can keep going there instead of waiting til next year. I think I'm going to take Roo to MDTL's next course that starts in November. She should be completely recovered from the big op by then. Unfortunately, the timing of it would mean that we miss the very last class because I'll be away (Bon Jovi! Woo hoo! :rofl:), so I'm waiting to hear back from her to see if we can do it anyway and just miss the last class. Otherwise we would have to wait til next year, and I'd really prefer not to have such a big gap. Having said that though, I'm sure I'll be cursing in a few weeks when I'm trying to mark assessments and write reports and having to fit dog school in too. Gah!

The storm here never materialised (but thankfully the ants vanished again), but even though the sun is out, there are a lot of dark clouds around too. Sigh. I'm over the rain.

A quick question for you all- when you guys go to dog training, what do you take as your "mat"? I've often wondered. MDTL had those hessian bag bed type items, but as I don't have one at home, I don't think Ruby understood the whole "On your mat" command. On the last lesson I took the little mat I use at home and put it on top, but Ruby barely fits on it now (compared to when she used to be able to lie on it and there was room left over! :( ).

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