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Elbie, Hoover, Dodge & Friends!


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(Sneaks into thread uninvited....)

Great videos, guys! Lovely to see all those gorgeous dogs having such a great time. And Miss Ava is looking exceptionally mature and beautiful now. :laugh:

(Sneaks back out.....)

:) There's no invitation needed for this thread. All are welcome, especially Ava's ... ummmm ... 'auntie'? :laugh:

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The idea of snakes is scaring the life out of me at the moment. We have a very thick garden and several past snake sightings. And that's just around the house - then there are the snakes at the park/along the creek :laugh: James has just spent a couple of days barking at a patch of dirt in the thick of the garden and I'm petrified that he's picked up the scent of a snake. Silly bugger just stands there barking at this dirt :)

Just this weekend we've had Astrid (He says he likes it because it was the name of a Valkyrie, I know it's because he watched How to Train Your Dragon again the other day :laugh: )

Ooh, Astrid's lovely!

morning all... so, yesterday it was my turn to have "turd-dog" at training... we walked out of class about halfway through, coz a certain Akita wouldn't do a single thing! He was ignoring me and being a general idiot! There's also a husky puppy in our class that has taken a dislike to Kuma - she's growly and snappy at Kuma. I'd move away from her, but she'd keep following me and standing next to me. Weird... next week I will ask her owner to try and stay separate, or I'll move to another class.

My sympathies :rofl: Hopefully Kuma can have his space next week.

I've been doing a fair bit of off-leash (i.e. leash dangling) work with James on the front lawn lately. He's been very good. You know, until the one moment that he takes off into the neighbour's yard :D But I think he's slowly losing the mindset that off-leash equals time to run away which is what I'm really aiming for in case he ever gets out again. He found his best friend (from two doors down) also out and about today and the two of them had a mad old time prancing about. I'm very thankful we're in a quiet cul-de-sac.

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Great video people and doggies.

ike's favourite toy would have to be my pet cat nikita lol oh and a giant stitch stuffed toy.. he goes bonkers for both of them.

on another note, ike graduated from puppy school last night yay.. now we are off to the next stage.. any suggestions on where to go next??

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Hi People,

I am alive! I've been resting a lot, so haven't spent quite so much time on the computer!

I have skimmed through the last few pages I will admit - but did check out the cute pics of sleeping but destructive puppies!!!

I haven't taken any of G lately, but she did go to school on Sunday and I have been walking her (even if it is just for 10 minutes!), so she is doing ok too! I was watching her naw on the corner of the couch earlier.... I hope she doesn't try to chew on my new furniture!!!

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I wish Kyojin liked toys. At the moment he thinks it's hilarious to try and steal clothes and run away with them! And of course he looks back at us with his big silly grin on his face whilst doing so.

Kuma does this! He loves dirty undies and socks. I'm sure he has a Death To Socks thing going on...

Other favourite toys... he had bunny (see back a few pages for the death of bunny photos) which we gave to the breeder to have with the pack for a week or so before he came home to us. Apparently his Granddaddy Treason took a real liking to bunny, and was really gentle with it. Bunny was slept on, carried, loved, sucked, chewed... and now is armless and legless... If you have the option of sending a stuffed toy to your breeder, I'd highly recommend it. It comes home with the scent of the pack and I beleive helps them settle in with you a bit easier.

As a pup, he loved powerade bottles (coz they were tougher and didn't deform so easily) and would roll them around the place! We also played fetch with them. We had puppy kongs and he didn't really like them. His ultimate all time favourite toy is the couple of metres of Ag pipe that got left the back yard, he pounces, chases, chews and carries this all around the back yard. It's a classic. He also loves playing soccer - got one of those balls with the rope attached, he keeps himself entertained for hours with that thing!

Thanks for the kind words about my boofer... I'm sure that we'll be apples next time we go to training. He had fun playing with Ava - he's getting faster, but Ava still runs rings around him!

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on another note, ike graduated from puppy school last night yay.. now we are off to the next stage.. any suggestions on where to go next??

Congrats on passsing puppy class Ike :). there are 3 major clubs with most the ACT people on this thread, well all but me going to Belconnen dog club. It really depends on where you live and how far you want to travel. It also depends on what night/morning you want to train on.

Another household here that has a love of bottles but deakin isn't allowed to play with them anymore as he ends up with blood in the spots he has been chewing sometimes

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Other favourite toys... he had bunny (see back a few pages for the death of bunny photos) which we gave to the breeder to have with the pack for a week or so before he came home to us. Apparently his Granddaddy Treason took a real liking to bunny, and was really gentle with it. Bunny was slept on, carried, loved, sucked, chewed... and now is armless and legless... If you have the option of sending a stuffed toy to your breeder, I'd highly recommend it. It comes home with the scent of the pack and I beleive helps them settle in with you a bit easier.

KumaAkita that is a great bit of advice for waiting for puppy owners. I wish I had done that, but maybe if I had I wouldn't have found the DOL forum as I was googling 'how to settle a new puppy at night' after 2 sleepless nights with a crying puppy......(And throwing my smelly socks/clothes into bed with him)

Well I left Ziggy out last night, only to regret it a 5.40am when he decided it was time to wake up and have a noisy game of Rattling the Pot Down the Side of the House (next to bedroom) Whilst Barking Really Loudly Because its So Much Fun :laugh:

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I took the terrors for an off-leash reserve walk this morning and they weren't as badly behaved as I predicted. Ava was really great, she followed the adventurous older brother out of sight a few times but came running back to mummy after a few seconds :eek: The grass was taller than them, and they had a wonderful time snorkelling and romping. They were soaked, but at least they had a good time :laugh:

Another household here that has a love of bottles but deakin isn't allowed to play with them anymore as he ends up with blood in the spots he has been chewing sometimes

Ah yes, I don't give mine smaller ones anymore for this reason. They can break through the plastic with their teeth and it can cut their mouths. Mine get big juice bottles which they still mangle but they can't get their mouths around them like they can the little ones.

Well I left Ziggy out last night, only to regret it a 5.40am when he decided it was time to wake up and have a noisy game of Rattling the Pot Down the Side of the House (next to bedroom) Whilst Barking Really Loudly Because its So Much Fun ;)

Ahh the early morning wake-up :rofl: Mine would probably prefer to sleep outside in summer but they're not allowed because of this! Any sign of light means wakey time which means play time which means elephant stampede across the yard and joyous woofs to wake the neighbours...

Edited by wuffles
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After much debate I decided to brave the river!




After making a small child cry (who takes a toddler to a designated off lead dog area???)

And putting dirty muddy paw prints over a nearly white lab...

It was time to go home.

I will be frantically monitoring for any signs or symptoms of snake bite for the next 96hours......

But we've had a small win.

I have a confession. I wasn't convinced in the early days re crate training. So we didn't do it.

Then I was seduced by the Top-Buy online soft crate sale (as I suspect many were), so have a soft crate.

Over the last week I have been using it to give treats in, and perhaps zippering up for at the most 5 min (with the dog inside, not me!). Twice today Ziggy has taken himself off to the crate for a snooze . YAY :thumbsup:

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After much debate I decided to brave the river!




After making a small child cry (who takes a toddler to a designated off lead dog area???)

And putting dirty muddy paw prints over a nearly white lab...

It was time to go home.

I will be frantically monitoring for any signs or symptoms of snake bite for the next 96hours......

Probably the same people who leave a baby in a pram smack bang in the middle of a dog park! (In the big dog section too!)

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Still reading! And enjoying the photos and videos!

Toy recommendations... hmmm.... one of each? Max seemed to like soft toys, that he could have a chew on, but now they're not so popular, so I'm glad I only have the one (or maybe that's the reason?). Ropes are good, though be careful, the first one I bought was heavy enough to act as a rubber mallet... mind you that can come in handy sometimes.... Anything that squeaks is a big hit too. But balls, of course, are his first love. I actually splurged on the weekend and bought him some kong balls. They squeak but seem a bit more durable. Big hit.

Of course, the things he's had most fun with have been empty bottles, toilet rolls, cardboard boxes and anything he shouldn't have (read undies, socks, stocking socks, hair bands, bits of deflated balloon - yes the blue blue balloon has come out the other end (yay!)) are his favourite toys.

Betsy - congratulations on the crate win. We are also recent converts. The other day Max was very quiet, til I heard him bark. He was after attention, so had taken himself off to his crate and was sitting there, calling me, to come and give him a treat of course for being in his crate! We shut him in there on the weekend to do some vacuuming and 'bissel'-ing. For those with carpet and a puppy I highly recommend the bissel. (Or for those that drink red wine, have a puppy, and any kind of soft furnishings, I would also recommend it.... :D ). Anyway, Max seemed to appreciate the hiding spot, and didn't make a peep!

I've just gotten home from 'age appropriate flyball foundation work' (ie flyball training). I just love it. It is such a great atmosphere, great trainers, great people, beautiful dogs and fun! And see? Here Max is smiling again cause he had so much fun.....


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Guest belgian.blue

Can Badger, Ivy and I join the club?

Badger is an 8 month old English Pointer and Ivy a two year old Belgian Shepherd.

Took them both to the dog beach today, Badger still has puppy brain but today he impressed me! He takes off a few times, following random people and dogs. I called him and he came back, then lots of praise when he came right back to me. Then after about ten minutes they both took of a few yards infront and right back to me without any calling. Badg had a ball :D


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Can Badger, Ivy and I join the club?

:D Of course. Membership is open to anyone who feels like posting. :D Do you have photos of your beautiful doggies as babies? Also, I'm so intrigued by what made you choose the breeds you did. Yes, I'm nosy :D They're so different!

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I've just gotten home from 'age appropriate flyball foundation work' (ie flyball training). I just love it. It is such a great atmosphere, great trainers, great people, beautiful dogs and fun! And see? Here Max is smiling again cause he had so much fun.....

Flyball sounds like fun! My club does it but I was looking at starting maybe next year. Which is one of the reasons to pursue crate training...

I notice you're in Vic - Maybe we will be competing in flyball one day!

Max looks like a very handsome boy. :D

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Betsy - its one of the reasons I started crate training too :D

I'm officially (as of today) a member of the Eastside Flyers. They're a really great bunch! Better yet you should come and join eastside - then we'd be a competing force from the south (as opposed to those Canberrites...... :D

Badger and Ivy are gorgeous dogs! I love Ivy's look - I don't think I've come across that breed of dog before. And does Badger do pointing?

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Guest belgian.blue
Can Badger, Ivy and I join the club?

:) Of course. Membership is open to anyone who feels like posting. :D Do you have photos of your beautiful doggies as babies? Also, I'm so intrigued by what made you choose the breeds you did. Yes, I'm nosy ;) They're so different!

I grew up with Pointers [always the English] but only ever had females. My first girl [a black and white] Penny sadly passed on from liver cancer in early 2005, she was only six :D I wasn't able to have another Pointer in my life as Penny was my soul mate. I went about four hellish years dogless and went on a puppy mission as I was ready to have another dog in my life. I randomly found the Belgian Shepherd and knew it was the breed for me. Ivy was about 13 weeks old as the breeder wanted to keep her but after many phone calls Ivy was on her way to me from Tasmania ;) Ivy is awesome and she's my world.

Also always had two dogs at once while growing up and life it more fun with two dogs. After just Ivy and I for a year and a half I was mentally ready to get another dog, tried to change breeds or just get another Belgian but something was telling me to get another Pointer, so Badger came along. I was scared of getting a large breed male dog but Badger is more like a large feline :D

They are the best of friends.

Badger being baby sat on his way to Perth from Canberra


Have other puppy photos somewhere but not on hand right now. Will post some more shortly!

Badger and Ivy are gorgeous dogs! I love Ivy's look - I don't think I've come across that breed of dog before. And does Badger do pointing?

Badger points a little bit but hasn't done a full on point yet, I don't find them to point until they mature. Though I think Badger is half cat :D

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Am here, just a bit preoccupied. OT: Things have been a bit crazy at work and unfortunately Papa Koala's fast running out of treatments for his lung cancer. We knew he was terminal - that's why we came back to Australia - and he's actually doing a lot better than the doctors thought he would but the chemo doesn't work any more, oral meds aren't working, we're coming to the end of radiotherapy and we can see the cancer is starting to take hold as he weakens and gets sicker. It doesn't matter how mentally prepared you are, it's hard. I can see that the next few months will be tough ones, please bear with me :D

Back on topic ... the fur on Hoover's head is a bit thin! My poor puppy! He'll see the vet on the 11th for his final vaccinations so hopefully we'll find out if the thinness is anything to worry about. I'll love him even if he's bald, but poor him!

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Thanks everyone for the toy advice :D

Betsy, seems like Ziggy is a morning person, er... dog! :D . Love the pics!

Max#1, flyball looks like so much fun! The dogs seem really excited to be there

belgian.blue, Hello! You’re from WA too! Yay! I LOVE your dogs, I had never heard of a Groenendael before I saw pics of Ivy, she's so beautiful :D I love Badger’s expressions, and his nose, he’s a great looking dog.

ETA: So sorry to hear that, KTB. No matter how 'prepared' you think you are, it never really helps ~hugs n stuff~ :)

Edited by ravenau1
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Guest belgian.blue
belgian.blue, Hello! You’re from WA too! Yay! I LOVE your dogs, I had never heard of a Groenendael before I saw pics of Ivy, she's so beautiful :D I love Badger’s expressions, and his nose, he’s a great looking dog.

ETA: So sorry to hear that, KTB. No matter how 'prepared' you think you are, it never really helps ~hugs n stuff~ :D

ravenau .. you're getting a puppy? What breed? You're most welcome to come meet Badger and Ivy :)

KTB I'm sorry to read that :D

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