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Elbie, Hoover, Dodge & Friends!


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Catching up! This thread moves fast sometimes.

I got leaned on by Satchmo tonight - he's such a gentle giant!

So he does exist :D I've known wuffles for much of this year and still haven't met the famous Satchmo!

We are considering re-turfing the yard over Xmas when we are on holidays, and getting a friend to water it, that way it will have 2-3 weeks to establish itself before we let the monsters loose on it. Not sure how we'll discourage the digging though. I'm with KTB, we had a clam shell and Ava ate it. I'm thinking of getting another one for water this summer as it gets ridiculously hot sometimes and Satch LOVES water.

I've been pondering the grass thing, too because there are a few bare patches of dirt that I'd love to have grass on. Is the turf grass the one that's already grown and you transplant it to your backyard? That's something I'd like to do but we have monsters in our yard all the time :laugh:

I'm still bewildered as to why not feeding out of a bowl is so evil. James gets his tossed around the house most mornings, interspersed with commands. Hell, I'm feeling completely out of it this morning with a bad cold (have I mentioned I hate summer?) so simply threw it around the backyard. However did my poor boy cope :) But then, the school of thought I read pre-puppy also said to take bones off him as a wee tyke so he spent a good many weeks first being hand-fed chicken wings and then having said chicken wings temporarily taken off him - naughty me :p Lo and behold, I now have a dog quite happy for me to stick my hand in his mouth (when necessary) to retrieve a bone :laugh:

Do people think we interrupt dog's meals for our own pleasure or to spite them?

I think whatever we do is going to make someone think that we are bad dog owners because we don't do it the same way that they do it. I would only be concerned if I thought that not feeding out of would mean that my dog would become aggressive/evil or something. If the only thing is that:

1. he will learn not to eat out of a bowl

2. he will learn to be a fussy eater

Then I am not fussed at all because despite the fact that we only feed out of a bowl sometimes, both our dogs can eat out of a bowl just fine and they're not fussy eaters - Hoover's just very slow and he doesn't love the kibble but he eats it all in the end. I have also read the thing saying you should never interrupt your dog's eating or take things off it under any circumstances but like you, we always take his bones/lamb flaps away to make sure that they're still safe etc and it's always been fine.

Would Elbie and Hoover like another friend??

Of course. We always welcome new friends. Congratulations on finally getting your akita baby. Kyojin is beautiful!!! Such a shame you're in Queensland, I would love to cuddle a little akita because by the time I met Kuma, he was still cuddly but not very pickupable except by KumaAkita's OH. :laugh:

there was a mini JRT x (crossed with a sesame seed?)

:D Reminds me of the Giant Cat at Pet Barn that is so huge that staff assure me that he is half dog.

Just to say - car lunging has improved out of sight.

That's such great news! I know how worrying the car lunging can be. As for this:

All I can say is if Max is that bright, and eager to learn and please - he's wasted on me....... (has anyone felt like that before? That their dog could be a real star if they had a brilliant trainer?...... :cheer: Sounds a bit conceited I know, but I don't really mean it like that... )

The thought has crossed my mind before that a more experienced trainer could bring out more of Elbie's potential but then I see all those unlucky dogs out there and think that at least we're able to offer Elbie a happy and safe home and that we try to keep him enriched ... Perhaps in the hands of another person he could be a Great Champion, but I think he's happy just to be a member of our little family ...

I often find them in unexpected places. On my plate when I'm out for dinner. In my labbook at work. It feels kind of nice that he's *with* me.... hehehehe.... Always look on the bright side!

That is such a cute sentiment! I, too am often bemused by how on earth I find these solo dog hairs in places they shouldn't be like this tupperware container or on the side of my plate ...

Max's shy is very, very cute and the whiteness of his paws rival Ava's glowing luminescence. The two are positively Elven in their photogenic radiance like Liv Tyler as Arwen in LOTR.

KumaAkita: Wow, awesome photos. Kuma looks so apologetic in that first photo ... a bit embarrassed like: "Dude, I swear that's not my fur ..." I wonder how much more fur he has to shed! I think you should be donating that fur to those unlucky dogs with Alopecia!

MavericksMission: Gorgeous photos of your two boys. Both have such intense stares and Hector looks a little bit spethal there but not toooo spethal. :o

Clastic: I loved the representations of RC kibble ... :D They actually look to be the same size as Evil Hills Science Diet, the food of Devil Spawn, Monsters and Koala's Mistreated Dogs.

Hope all are well this rainy, rainy Saturday ...

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Naughty Hoover! :laugh: Sounds like something Ava would do :D

Maybe! The thing was, if it had been Elbie, he would have barking like an absolute maniac but when we got there, Hoover was as placid as a cow with his serene: "I knew my humans would find me" expression. He was very excited to be released from his accidental prison but seemed completely untraumatised.

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Naughty Hoover scaring you like that!

Well.. Hector finished his midnight snack last night by destroying the cushion part of Mavericks bed!

I am going to have to get the crate back out of the cat room and lock him in it at night and just put up with his constant crying!

I am just soooooo over him destroying anything and everything! :laugh:


Erik was rather impressed! .. :D


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Well.. Hector finished his midnight snack last night by destroying the cushion part of Mavericks bed! I am going to have to get the crate back out of the cat room and lock him in it at night and just put up with his constant crying! I am just soooooo over him destroying anything and everything!

Wow ... That's so impressive. We've found those Bon Fido dog beds pretty hardy so Hector must be very determined. For Elbie's crate because he likes to gnaw on things if we're not around, we bought him a bon fido mat - like those gym mats you had in school ... He scratches away at it and it's fairly tough so hasn't taken any damage on so far except Hoover poo and Hoover wee :o Maybe something like that will work for the bed?

Lucky Erik though - he looks so serene. :laugh:

In other news, the tuffy tug toy has been an excellent purchase. Not only does it seem indestructible but the monsters love it. Their game isn't just to gain control of the tug - each dog's mission is to get the tug toy to a dog bed and stay there. The end result is that dog, tug toy and bed end up being towed along the ground sometimes. :D

be monsters and Tuffy Tug Toy. Edited by koalathebear
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For Elbie's crate because he likes to gnaw on things if we're not around, we bought him a bon fido mat - like those gym mats you had in school ... He scratches away at it and it's fairly tough so hasn't taken any damage on so far except Hoover poo and Hoover wee :rofl: Maybe something like that will work for the bed?

Hector has already eaten through 2 of them :rofl:

Bloody dog.. :rofl:

Edited by MavericksMission
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Hector has already eaten through 2 of them :rofl:

Bloody dog.. :rofl:

Oh noes! :rofl: I sympathise! We have a rotting doorstep and it collapsed the other day. We phoned the tradesman and said: "Please come soon - our puppy keeps gnawing on the wood and making it worse!"

We have two dog beds, one for each dog but poor Elbie still keeps getting gatecrashed ...

Elbie's Thought Bubble: "Geez ... every time get into this bed, this little red and tan monster keeps getting in, too".


The Dog Bed of Wonky Ears


Elbie gives up and just snoozes despite the presence of the little monster


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All I can say is if Max is that bright, and eager to learn and please - he's wasted on me....... (has anyone felt like that before? That their dog could be a real star if they had a brilliant trainer?...... :rofl: Sounds a bit conceited I know, but I don't really mean it like that... )

All the time :rofl:

same :rofl: raz could be a stunt dog on tv or something, he is awesome...but i cant think of tricks to teach him, or how to teach them :rofl:

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betsy: Your Princess is beautiful! :rofl: I so want a cuddle lol.

minxy: Kyojin is gorgeous! He looks super soft!

Max#1: Relieved to hear the lunging is improving, perhaps he was just extra hyped up due to his confinement.

KumaAkita: I do not have fond memories of coat blowing, I remember fur everywhere, even hanging off all the trees in the backyard. I'm pretty sure I was coughing up furballs by the end of it! :rofl:

MavericksMission: Hector (LOVE the name :rofl: ) and Maverick are very handsome fellows :rofl:

koalathebear: I love the pics of your two boys in the same bed. I think Hoover is a snugglepot :rofl: Elbie still looks long-suffering though! How are you finding having the two dogs compared to having just the one? Is it easier or twice as hard? How is Hoover's housetraining coming along? :rofl:

7 weeks to go for me! :rofl: We are STILL hashing out names.

eta: There is an i in Akita. No idea what kind of dog an Akta is.

Edited by ravenau1
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Scary Hoover! :rofl: He does strike me as a dog that would try to (literally) push boundaries. Sneaky boy. My heart melts everytime I see him in bed with Elbie.

I'm impressed by Hector's destruction! The cushion is the only part of James' bed that he hasn't touched. I went to shake it out today and discovered that the floor has been completely ripped free of that front wall. He's also far too small for his bed, I found out today. I don't normally see him in it but it was moved upstairs today and the poor boy is forced to hang his bum over the edge. It's the largest size, for Pete's sake!

What names are you contemplating, Ravenau?

Am thrilled to hear about the improvement in Max's car-lunging :rofl: Good work! I spent a lot of time pondering the fact that James could far more effectively reach his potential with someone else. But, to be completely selfish: I like him and wouldn't give him up for the world so I've moved on. The dog will just have to live with the fact that he'll never make more than average :rofl:

Kuma's hairloss is a sight! Although, I am a little more amazed about the fact that you own a rug with a dog. The amount of work that is put into stopping James chewing on the doormat is scary - I couldn't imagine keeping a rug in one piece!

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KA, Satch is shedding as well. Not quite as badly as Kuma but he's still leaving mini Satchies all over the house...

Mine aren't particularly interested in chewing anything indoors, their indoor beds and the mat are all fine. Outdoors is a completely different matter.

I finally made a

:rofl: If you get bored with the heeling stuff scroll through to get to more fun stuff :rofl:
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Max#1 - Mars has a tiny bit of redness left but its not bothering him at all, the itching from where he's been shaved is bugging him the most.

No more cone on anymore either, Pepper and Mars have destroyed it.. lucky Mars isn't licking anymore!

Keeping Mars quiet.. hrm.. no such luck there. When I let the kiddies out for toilet breaks, I have to wait and watch them because if I don't they end up playing tag or decide to exercise themselves by doing laps of the garden like crazy hooligans!

2 more days!

I got leaned on by Satchmo tonight - he's such a gentle giant!

So he does exist :rofl: I've known wuffles for much of this year and still haven't met the famous Satchmo!

He's a sweet boy that Satchmo, I really do wish that he would tell my 2 off for covering him in kisses and pouncing all over his face, but he just won't.. he's just too nice!

Clastic: I loved the representations of RC kibble ... :rofl: They actually look to be the same size as Evil Hills Science Diet, the food of Devil Spawn, Monsters and Koala's Mistreated Dogs.

Nutro and Advance are the same size too!

KTB - When we first got Mars we gave him a bone and off he trotted to have a good nibble at it, tried to walk over to him and see how he was going and got a nasty growl. Jeez was I shocked! :rofl: I did the same thing with Mars as Niques did with James.. (I know, naughty naughty apparently) but I haven't heard a peep out of Mars since then. If I hadn't I would be worried that now as a 9.5month old pup he'd snap at me when he had food.

I'll get flamed if I say this elsewhere.. but both mine are happy for us to pat them, add and touch their food while they are eating. OH and I have always made sure that we can do that since they were young.

All I can say is if Max is that bright, and eager to learn and please - he's wasted on me....... (has anyone felt like that before? That their dog could be a real star if they had a brilliant trainer?...... :rofl: Sounds a bit conceited I know, but I don't really mean it like that... )

All the time :rofl:

same :rofl: raz could be a stunt dog on tv or something, he is awesome...but i cant think of tricks to teach him, or how to teach them :rofl:

I'm sure that Mars could do so much more, he is a fast learner.. unfortunately for him he has a poor trainer that confuses him with her indecisive mind of what hand signals to use.

Edited by Clastic
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Naughty Hoover! :eek: Sounds like something Ava would do :scared:

Maybe! The thing was, if it had been Elbie, he would have barking like an absolute maniac but when we got there, Hoover was as placid as a cow with his serene: "I knew my humans would find me" expression. He was very excited to be released from his accidental prison but seemed completely untraumatised.

This sounds like such a typical Kelpie. I've had a few heart stopping moments when I haven't been able to find one of my dogs - usually when I let them out in the morning for a toilet break and they don't come back in and I'm still in my PJs having visions of running down the street looking for them dressed like that. My dogs have never barked when they've got into some place they shouldn't. I don't know if it that they are worried about being in trouble. They've always looked very relieved when I've "rescued" them.

I won't bore you with all the "missing dog" stories but here's my best one. I was sitting in a recliner chair reading when I realized I hadn't heard Caleb for a while so I got up and went looking. No sign of him as I went from room to room calling and becoming more panicky. I came past the chair again when I saw the side of it moving. He had crawled in under the foot rest and was inside the chair. When I had stood up the chair had closed trapping him inside. Fortunately there was plenty of room for a small puppy and the mechanism hadn't squashed him. He hadn't made a sound the whole time and it was just luck that he bumped against the fabric at the side of the chair as I was next to it or who knows how long it would have taken me to find him. I would never have thought of looking there.

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Salutations all!

ravenau1: good luck with names! OH and I couldn't agree for Hoover's name so went with the breeder's original name so that resolved that issue quite well :dancingelephant:

niques: James has the best owner he could possibly have! Who else would entrust their dog with responsibility for signing for parcels from Tiffanys! :scared:

wuffles: Awesome video as always. Ava looks so obedient. Elbie's going to have to repeat silver a few times before getting to that level of proficiency. Oh well, he and Hoover can be classmates. :eek:

Clastic: don't worry, as you know, we mess around with our dogs' food as well and they aren't precious about it at all ... we pick it up, check it, put it back, add things ... pat them .. As for flaming, my fur is already quite singed and I'm totally fine still :eek:

4kelpies: The story of Caleb and the Chair. :eek: + :eek: I'm so glad you didn't squash the poor pup. I wonder what it is about Kelpies! Hoover was sooooooo quiet and patient as he was extricated. I think you will need to share more scary stories of Missing Doggies and Where They Ended Up. I had horrible fears that Hoover had been stuck under the house or somehow got out of the yard ... :eek:

In other news, it was a rather overcast and bleak morning after a night of sporadic rain. Fortunately it wasn't raining this morning. While OH and Elbie were in silver class, I enrolled Hoover in February's beginner classes and took him around for some meet and greets to get him socialised with Doggies and their owners.

A little bit of video footage is

. He was a little shy at first but he seemed to enjoy himself even when facing bigger doggies. He behaved a little inappropriately a few times. Sorry Clastic. Sorry Wuffles. He grew up on a farm and is a bit earthy. ;) Edited by koalathebear
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Love the video KTB. :eek::scared: Hoover is so cute with his kangaroo hops and wombat wiggle bum!

I shall still be keeping an eye on Miss Pepper just to make sure she isn't.. 'growing up'....

About to bombard with photos...

This was Pepper in the car for most of the drive home.. and now she's snoozing under the computer desk.


Mars with his deer antler.. and also just one of him with his oversize bat ears..


And just a few of my 2 playing with one another..


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