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Elbie, Hoover, Dodge & Friends!


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So much happens so fast!

That is one cute HUGE puppy!

Just to say - car lunging has improved out of sight. I took treats on the walk for the past two days, and when he starts to get alert because a car is coming, I get his attention and reward. I'm a little worried that's too easy. Or does Max get it that I don't like it? The first few days when I didn't have treats I was definitely making 'unimpressed' noises - often inadvertently.... All I can say is if Max is that bright, and eager to learn and please - he's wasted on me....... (has anyone felt like that before? That their dog could be a real star if they had a brilliant trainer?...... :( Sounds a bit conceited I know, but I don't really mean it like that... )

Now - to cure bench surfing. He just keeps getting accidently rewarded!!!! :(

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Hey Max#1 - great news about the lunging. Take the wins where the come, big or small.

More photos... Kuma's starting to blow his coat and I gave him a brush this arvo:


And most of it landed on my jeans:



One Happy Puppy


...and that's only the BEGINNING...

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All I can say is if Max is that bright, and eager to learn and please - he's wasted on me....... (has anyone felt like that before? That their dog could be a real star if they had a brilliant trainer?...... :( Sounds a bit conceited I know, but I don't really mean it like that... )

All the time :(

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Aw Wuffles - you should feel proud too!

KA - I am never going to complain about dog hair again. Max seems to lose (I dare not say shed after those photos!) fine, black, 'frizzy' ones (I dare not say curly). I often find them in unexpected places. On my plate when I'm out for dinner. In my labbook at work. It feels kind of nice that he's *with* me.... hehehehe.... Always look on the bright side!

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All I can say is if Max is that bright, and eager to learn and please - he's wasted on me....... (has anyone felt like that before? That their dog could be a real star if they had a brilliant trainer?...... embarrass.gif Sounds a bit conceited I know, but I don't really mean it like that... )

a lot of the time, especially with deakin

Great news that the car lunging is improving so quickly. he is so cute in those two videos with his white paws and his more grown up bark.

I love kuma's expression in that 1st photo

now a bit off topic can I just say how much I HATE mosquitoes

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Hey Clastic! Yay for three more days to go!!!!!!

Helloooooo! Sorry, I have been reading everything but not posting a lot.

Yay for only 3 more days, stitches out on Monday!! :( Mars and Pepper are slowly destroying Mars's cones.. how's Max going?

ETA: Here's the size of RC Junior Medium kibble.. :( Sorry for the crap quality pics.


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Thanks for that Clastic... we're going to go investigate tomorrow so that gives a good indication.

Max is doing well. Too well. Stitches are a distant memory, even if I point them out to him, so that's a relief. 'The wound' is looking good. Some scabbing, absolutely no sign of inflammation (ie redness, swelling, any kind of oozing-ness). Starting to go a bit easier and let him have a bit more of a run around - for both of our sanity. I've got a great game of hide and seek with the ball - so that means there's not so much time chasing ball, and more time finding me! How's Mars doing? If you say you've managed to keep him in a crate for 7 straight days I'll feel very ashamed..... :(

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We came back from Elbie's Dog Behaviour Training this morning and looked for Hoover in the backyard where we had left him. He was nowhere to be found. :D I was freaking out because he hasn't been microchipped yet and we'd left his collar off so that he didn't accidentally strangle himself.

We called his name and looked everywhere. Even chilled out OH was starting to look concerned. Until finally we got to this side of the yard. It's the side of the house that we sectioned off because it's muddy, the previous owners dumped crap there and while we have cleaned up most of it, it's not a very dog-friendly area of the yard. Elbie was never interested in going there so the temporary lattice fence served as a good barrier.


We discovered a very silent Hoover on the other side, looking at us limpidly. He appears to have scrambled to the other side but was unable to come back. OH went and retrieved him and then covered the latticework so that Hoover couldn't 'scramble' his way over it anymore. Very scary.

Edited by koalathebear
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