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Elbie, Hoover, Dodge & Friends!


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Max#1: I thought of you and the bum bag dilemma as I went looking online for treat bags. I realised we'll need one per dog. Look at all these treat bags. I have my eye on the Premier Quick Access Treat Pouch—The Original which is apparently a best-seller and also the Quick Access Treat N Training Bag. :rofl: There's also a cheap Kong Wobbler at only $11.95.

Also ... I'm sorry to hear that Max is still lunging at cars. The occasional car lunge is the reason I still maintain that Elbie is Never Ever Ever going to be off-lead near roads :(

So how can Petbarn get away with charging $44.95??? :(:(

I saw that the other day when I was looking at stuff. I really need to just bite the bullet and buy stuff from the States now while the Aus $ is so good, yet I'm still too chicken :rofl: . Amazon.com I know you're calling me to buy the last season of Smallville on DVD....

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So how can Petbarn get away with charging $44.95??? :(:(

I saw that the other day when I was looking at stuff. I really need to just bite the bullet and buy stuff from the States now while the Aus $ is so good, yet I'm still too chicken :( . Amazon.com I know you're calling me to buy the last season of Smallville on DVD....

It's a bit baffling. Then again, we get charged LOTS more for books here than the US... thank goodness for amazon.com and the Book Depository. I say go for it! We buy heaps of stuff online from the US and I think Niques bought from cleanrun and they were fine - although from memory the parcel was left for James to receive. :rofl:

I've just ordered a dog tag from the US for Hoover - same as Elbie's.

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ravenau1: I so know how you feel.

1. I find it funny that guys are often so much more blase about the whole Dog Ownership thing but that the guys are more likely to get frustrated/irritated when the dogs don't do what they want/are supposed to do i.e. when the dogs behave like dogs. :laugh:

2. I'm like you and stress a lot about doing the right thing by my dog. I worry that I'll do something that will damage his poor fledgling psyche forever and make him dog aggressive/human aggressive/life aggressive/toe aggressive blah blah blah

3. I think that there are a few things that you're going to have to prepare yourself for...:

(a) despite all of your best intentions, you WILL make a mistake/do Something Wrong and all you can do is try not to make mistakes but when you do, do your best to fix them.

(b) despite all of your best intentions, you WILL do something that makes a DOLer Disapprove of you and Judge you. I often point back at this post ...

At the end of the day, it will be your dog and after you gather as much info as you can, it's up to you to make up your mind about what's best for your dog - within the limits of the law of course :D You have to live with the consequences of your decisions so you decide.

My advice?:

1. Try not to be too hard on yourself - no one has a perfect dog and no one is a perfect owner. We're human and they're living creatures not robots.

2. When you have a problem/question, read all the old DOL posts first before posting otherwise you'll end up doing things I did in the early days - over-reacting and panicking that something was Much More Serious than it was. There's a lot of good advice here but you have to learn how to separate the careless advice from the prudent advice from the Oh My God The End Is Nigh Build An Ark You And Your Little Dog Are Gonna Die kind of advice ...

Just like raising a child, I suspect that raising a dog can't be done by the book and it's experience, commonsense, trial and error, reading up and learning selectively from the wisdom of others. :D

Ravenau, it is a scary, scary world out there when it comes to dog information. And so much to take in - I have to admit, I completely forgot all about the need for tick prevention until he was about 12 weeks old :D And for every new thing you learn there are 100 different paths you can take and everyone is convinced that 99 of those will turn your dog into a devil dog. The trouble is everybody's idea of the "one" good path is different!

I think the best thing to do in those early weeks is to take things calmly and remember that a couple of mistakes aren't going to "break" your dog ;) So much easier said than done, though! I was scared witless until James was a couple of weeks old.

Thanks Niques and KTB :) I know you guys are right, and I can't be perfect and won't raise the perfect dog and that's ok :)! I think part of the problem is that at the moment it's all just 'theory' when the puppy is actually here I think it will be better, you know when I can actually see that a tiny mistake won't end up with me having cujo/hellhound. And also to remember that no matter what I do, someone, somewhere will disapprove :curtsey: It's not like I haven't raised a dog before, it's just before I didn't really read about dogs on the internet so wasn't aware of all the horrid mistakes I was making :laugh:

I don't know how people with kids do it, seriously. It's 100x as bad as with dogs!

As to desexing ... it's such a vexatious issue ... :thumbsup: I don't want to have Hoover desexed too soon because it's not good for his bones but i don't want to leave it too long in case the hormones cause problems down the track with Elbie. Sigh. What to do?

This was a bit of an issue with us too. All my other pets have been desexed as soon as possible but after I'd done some research and talking to people I wasn't sure this was the way to go so I spoke to the breeder about it. I figure she has has had this breed for 20 odd years, she knows her dogs and would be able to give me some pros and cons based on her own experiences with the breed, rather than trying to decide on my own. It was great, and while she told me that it's my dog and my decision she certainly gave me some really good insight.

I was a bit worried about Elbie last night. Normally, he and Hoover go for the pre-bedtime toileting and then we bring them back into the house. Hoover goes into his crate with a bit of encouragement, Elbie’s very good and trots into his crate and plonks down on his dog bed with his head on his tuffy. As we’re getting Hoover used to the house, both doggies are in our bedroom in their crates and will be migrated to the kitchen soon.

Last night, Hoover did a runner so the two dogs bounded around the backyard playing in the dark for a bit instead of coming straight in. After Hoover was crated, Elbie appeared very distracted and distressed. He had his ears back, tried to go back outside 3 or 4 times. For the first time – he didn’t come when I called his name and he was shrinking back as if he was upset about something. He’s normally a very happy dog so it’s quite upsetting to see him in that state.

We thought that maybe he was feeling sick but he ran around barking when we let him outside. Then he didn’t want to be in our room and was barking a bit. He kept looking under the blinds out into the yard and when I tried to move him towards his crate, his head snapped around and I felt his teeth on my skin – very light but enough to make him drop back and look a bit ashamed.

After that, he got back into his crate of his own accord and settled down to sleep and he was fine again when I let him and Hoover out at 3am for their early morning wee and he was also fine. OH was joking that we’d read on RiotACT that there were break-ins in Melba. I was wondering whether maybe he saw a fox or something. In any case, it caused him quite a bit of distress although he’s fine now. I guess I’m over-alert right now to any sign that Elbie is distressed/unsettled by having a new dog in the house … I love having Hoover around but I do feel Guilt that Elbie has to be the ‘grown up’ to Hoover’s puppiness. Elbie really has been so well-behaved and you can see he is trying extra hard and concentrating extra hard with his training …

They can hear/sense/smell so much more than we can, could have been anything! Hope he's more settled now. :)

Max#1: I thought of you and the bum bag dilemma as I went looking online for treat bags. I realised we'll need one per dog. Look at all these treat bags. I have my eye on the Premier Quick Access Treat Pouch—The Original which is apparently a best-seller and also the Quick Access Treat N Training Bag. :laugh: There's also a cheap Kong Wobbler at only $11.95. ETA - although I guess it's a US site ...

Also ... I'm sorry to hear that Max is still lunging at cars. The occasional car lunge is the reason I still maintain that Elbie is Never Ever Ever going to be off-lead near roads :(

I bought a Black Dog treat bag with an extra insert able pouch for easier cleaning, it arrived this week and is really nice http://www.blackdog.net.au/index.php?page=...rt&Itemid=5

We now have mostly everything we need - a couple of crates (metal and soft), collar and lead, tucker ball, bowls, treat stuff, clicker, things for chewing, pet gates etc. The only things we really need now are stuff for washing, an outside bed and some toys.

Here's a pic of my OH's dog back home, Copper, who used to be able to hear his car about 1km away coming down the road, patiently waiting for OH to come up the driveway. My OH misses Copper a lot, but it seemed really unfair to take him away from 10 acres of woodland with squirrels, chipmunks and deer to chase, with streams and a swamp to play in and whack him in a suburban backyard (not to mention all the quarantine stuff) so he still lives on the property, now with OH's brother, some other family and a heap of dogs :laugh:


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Great photos of Hoover! What a clown!

I ended up getting my bumbag from the op-shop - indirectly. The lady running the stall at dog obedience also works at an op-shop and sometimes brings stuff to sell. They had 'brand' name bags for $30+, and this one for $2. I gave them five and considered it a bargain! Though it does tend to ride up, pulling my shirt up with it, so that can be awkward..... hehe

When my OH is wearing one, well that'll be something else!

Yes Max is still lunging, in fact it gets worse as his 'confinement' continues. Though I've been given some good tips now. I will have to try them out!

ravenau1 - you must be so excited!!!

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Lovely story. It's gorgeous to come home and to be greeted by happy doggies. :wave: I'm looking forward to Saturday when Kuma meets Hoover. Must remember to bring my camera.

Saturday or at training on Sunday???


I'd like to call this one "The Donald Trump Look"

I had a crazy dog this morning... all revved up for some reason. He was sooooooo excited to go for a walk! He was doing zoomies at the end of the leash - ears back, tail down full pelt running... silly dog. I told him to sit and watch before we moved on. It's just so weird.

I forgot to mention (don't know if i should... ;) ) that I had a dream about DOL the other night. In my dream, Wizzle was actually a big fat sweaty dude with no dog :rofl::rofl: I think I need a DOLiday :)

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*Sits in the corner and feels a bit left out...*

I liked the way in the other part of this thing someone suggested they wanted to tape Hoover's ears? Now why would you do that?!

*hug* Don't feel left out.

I don't know why they wanted to tape Hoover's ears either ... Elbie's ear are still indecisive at 8 months and I'm fine with that. Neither are show dogs so if they have 'defective' ears that don't conform with prick ear standards, I'm unfussed. I love 'em both to bits

ETA: Max why did you edit your post about using mealtimes as training sessions? I don't think it's a bad thing! I work all day so the only time I can really train them is weekends and mealtimes!

Edited by koalathebear
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How do you think Hoover will react to all the other dogs? It will be interesting! And when does he get to meet Satch? :)

Edit: There was a 12 week old ;) maltese/shih tzu at the Forde dog park the other day. Even Ava had a play with him, she was trying so hard to be gentle, and he was having a great time jumping on her. One of the BCs was scared of him, what a sight to see a fully grown dog being chased by a 1kg fluffball. He thought he was the King of the Park until he tried to steal a stick from Lord Satchmo who swiftly told him who's boss around these parts :wave:

Edited by wuffles
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Loving the Hoover photos! His ears look more undecided than Elbie's!

I think Niques bought from cleanrun and they were fine - although from memory the parcel was left for James to receive. :wave:

Oh, I wish it was the CleanRun one that was given to James. It was actually a Tiffany's package (yes, jewellery!!) that they thought a dog would be suitable to sign for. And, oddly enough, when his CleanRun parcels did arrive he showed absolutely no interest in opening them :rofl: Expensive tastes, my boy has.

I'm a big internet shopper as well. Particularly for DVDs - Amazon (.com and .co.uk) are both great for that.

but it seemed really unfair to take him away from 10 acres of woodland with squirrels, chipmunks and deer to chase, with streams and a swamp to play in and whack him in a suburban backyard

If you ever need someone to go and look after him.... :rofl: It sounds beautiful! Adorable photos - do keep updating us! I love watching the little blobs slowly morph into dogs.

Little bit disturbed by your dream, KA ;) Can sympathise with the hyper dog - we ran into one of James' doggy friends this morning and I'm pretty sure he actually bit his tongue in excitement whilst playing with her :) He walked very, very well before that though, so I shall forgive him his hyperactivity-induced misbehaviour at the end.

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I just had to go back and have a look. I edited, because I'm thinking about seven things at once in three different conversations! I really wanted to know how big the kibble was!

That person with the hand-feeding.... makes me feel a 'little bit cross' that people are so quick to judge that noone has as much common sense as them. It kind of defeats the purpose of having a 'puppy problems' thing if you're just going to get criticism for asking something. I always post there with trepidation. I nearly died when I read that someone had said 'there you go again, cross bred dogs and us pure bred owners pick up the pieces' - or something to that effect. High horse anyone?

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That person with the hand-feeding.... makes me feel a 'little bit cross' that people are so quick to judge that noone has as much common sense as them. It kind of defeats the purpose of having a 'puppy problems' thing if you're just going to get criticism for asking something. I always post there with trepidation. I nearly died when I read that someone had said 'there you go again, cross bred dogs and us pure bred owners pick up the pieces' - or something to that effect. High horse anyone?

That's DOL ... It happens a lot. You post asking for advice about x and you might get some advice about x, but you might also get advice/criticism about Y (which you didn't ask about). It happened when I asked about whether it's ok to get a pup at 3months - all I was asking about was age, but it expanded into a discussion of whether I should get a second dog at all and whether it should be male/female, things that weren't being discussed.

It's just part of posting in a public forum. I also knew that I was going to be Judged for feeding my dog kibble instead of raw/barf ... But at the end of the day,kibble works for us and we spend so much time and money on our dogs as it is, I just don't have the time and energy to be standing there calculating nutrition values, balancing calcium against blah blah and that sort of thing. It might make me a bad dog owner but well ...

I'm ok with the criticism. I think I do my best by my dogs, I really do. I know it's not perfect, but I try and they seem happy. Also, I got what I wanted from the thread which was lots of recommendations about kibble ;) I will filter the rest and whinge about it to long-suffering OH :wave:

Edited by koalathebear
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Also, I have some good news. I did another video for a rescue dog named Lucy. I didn't get a chance to get video footage for her so only had photos which was why I didn't share it here before. I was hoping to get video footage to make her a better music video but in the interim, she got a photo video which is


She's been found her forever home today! ;) Now I just have to cross my fingers for Blossom and I'll have a 3 out of 3 success rate. :wave:

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