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Elbie, Hoover, Dodge & Friends!


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Did I hear devil dog? Someone want the recipe for a devil dog? (I'll swap for the number for the glue factory....).

1. Take one 6 month old puppy

2. Remove balls

3. Keep quiet for five days (ironically by removing 'balls', amongst other things)

4. Turn your back and at the same time *essential* have stockings drying on a clothes horse

5. Turn around to find said puppy hooning around the house with newly acquired and highly prized stockings - going over the back of couches, over coffee tables, around tight corners, u-turning on the bed, out back door, flying down three steps, zooming around yard..... straight into fence.....!

Forget the stitches - they're fine. The poor dogs nose is a bit worse for wear!

:rofl: :rofl: :happydance:

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As mentioned, we bought the monsters some Deer Antlers as snacks. Here is a short video that tells

. It also shows you how naughty Hoover is.

ETA: We have been working with Elbie on his patience and ignoring of Hoover ...

Edited by koalathebear
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Did I hear devil dog? Someone want the recipe for a devil dog? (I'll swap for the number for the glue factory....).

1. Take one 6 month old puppy

2. Remove balls

3. Keep quiet for five days (ironically by removing 'balls', amongst other things)

4. Turn your back and at the same time *essential* have stockings drying on a clothes horse

5. Turn around to find said puppy hooning around the house with newly acquired and highly prized stockings - going over the back of couches, over coffee tables, around tight corners, u-turning on the bed, out back door, flying down three steps, zooming around yard..... straight into fence.....!

Forget the stitches - they're fine. The poor dogs nose is a bit worse for wear!

:rofl::happydance: Poor Max's nose..! Funny though! :rofl:

KTB - Antler thief... :champagne:

I wish I had the camera with me downstairs before, we were watching TV and my 2 were playing tug-o-war.. killed a stuffed turtle in the process. When they were playing though, it looked very much like the slow motion of Simba and Scar fighting in the Lion King.. now I want to watch the Lion King!!

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:laugh: Max sounds like a laugh!

Elbie's expression is both incredibly forlorn and patient. Poor chap. I love the "Cut to Hoover in Crate" shot :laugh: Naughty boy.

Clastic, how odd - I had a Lion King flashback moment myself this afternoon. James' toy basket is in the corner created by two couches and this afternoon he thought he'd perilously stand balanced, half on one couch, half on the other, and study his toys for a while. It was very Mufasa.

Betsy, your dog (complete name blank, so sorry!) is beautiful! We have a soccer nut here as well. Someone really needs to put together a canine team - I'm sure they'd catch on to the rules soon enough!

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Awww poor Elbie. He plays the long suffering big brother so well :rofl: I love your videos KTB, especially when you have subtitles/thought bubble type items :laugh:

Well, Miss Roo and I have been home from puppy school for a little while and....drum roll please...WE PASSED!!!!* Woohoo! And, even MORE exciting is Ruby was so calm! A completely different dog! Seriously! Everyone commented on it. I don't know whether it was because I got there early and let Roo run around a bit playing fetch and practising sit and stay etc, or because of the harness that Magical Dog Trainer Lady suddenly procured today, but I don't care. Whatever it was- it worked. (Incidentally, I am so ordering a magical harness from MDTL) I was actually sorry that it was the last class tonight. I'm still deciding whether or not to do the next class level with MDTL. Although I felt like we weren't going anywhere, tonight changed my opinion. Maybe it would be better to do one more level with her before trying out normal obedience? Not sure. It depends on when the next session starts and if it clashes with end of year stuff. Plus there's the whole desexing timing issue. I'm still really confused about when to get that done. I had a great chat last night to a wonderful breeder from the Lab forum who was so helpful to me when I first got Ruby; giving me the info pack she gives to her puppy owners and just offering me great advice and calming me down when I'd read too much about "You can't leave your puppy outside!" posts etc. She brought up some good points about leaving it til Roo is a bit older, but I need to chat to the vet and ask them some questions etc.

* I should say I don't think there was an actual test, but we did get a certificate! And a pig's ear for Ruby :laugh:

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betsy & clastic: I've been meaning to say - i love your user icons. I love how happy and windswept Ziggy looks. Mars definitely looks like a pro in that image. :rofl:

Niques: Heh heh, I'm sure some people would reprimand us for using the crate as a 'punishment' - we actually just use it as a time-out to give the dogs time to calm down. They still seem to love their crates. :)

Well, Miss Roo and I have been home from puppy school for a little while and....drum roll please...WE PASSED!!!!* Woohoo! And, even MORE exciting is Ruby was so calm!

:laugh: :laugh: :party::whee::( That's awesome news! Congratulations to you and Queen Ruby!! I think it's funny that you get a certificate and a pig's ear - a farty night was had by all... :)

I'm also glad that you got some help from the Lab Lady. There are some really, really helpful people on DOL. Did you know that 4kelpies spent over an hour on the phone chatting to me, counselling me about Kelpies and listening to me angst before we got Hoover? :)

As to desexing ... it's such a vexatious issue ... :eek: I don't want to have Hoover desexed too soon because it's not good for his bones but i don't want to leave it too long in case the hormones cause problems down the track with Elbie. Sigh. What to do?

CleoJ: You should definitely visit more often. :rofl: That is such a lovely photo of Shandy with her pink wig. She is so smiley. How on earth you get her to keep the wig on is beyond me .. if it was Elbie or Hoover they'd have eaten it before I could take the photo :rock:

In other news ...

Note to self ... do not play hide and seek/chasies with a naughty Kelpie puppy whose house-training is not yet rock-solid.

I thought he was just exploring ... one giant puddle later, I knew what he was looking for ... :cry:

Edited by koalathebear
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Love the video of the antler thief... poor Elbie doesn't stick up for himself does he :) I'll have to try get one of my two. Satch guards his stuff, but Ava has worked out the best way to steal it anyway. She crawls up to him on her belly to see if she gets a reaction. If she gets the all clear, she rolls over on her back in front of his face. I SUBMIT, I SUBMIT. Then she'll sneakily try to grab the antler using the side of her mouth.

Or, she waits until he isn't looking and makes a run for it. This backfired last time, as he noticed, and as she was grabbing it he put his big paws on it and her plan was foiled!

I can contribute a silly pic; Shandy in a wig at the groomers

:laugh: I love how she looks so happy. Mine always look embarrassed if I dress them up.

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Thanks for having us over KTB! Hoover has such a thoughtful little face and I loved watching their game of bitey face. By the way I was right, OH hadn't fed himself when I got home

ha! too funny... When I got home last night from Sydney, I asked the OH what he had for dinner. His answer "a mini baby bel cheese". Hmmm that's satisfying!

Yeah, thanks for having us - we had a great time.

Next week, we're going to bring Hoover to class ... while OH is in class, I'll just sit outside the clubhouse on one of the park benches so that Hoover can see all the people and dogs. We might let him run around in the off-lead area, too.

yay... we usually get there around 8:30. Kuma can't contain his excitement for too long on Sunday mornings, so I've decided that it is best to just get in the car and get to the grounds!

Them: is it a boy or a girl

me: he is a boy

Them: Oh she is very preatty, whats her name

me: his name is watson

Them: what breed is she

me: he is a sheltie etc.

We get this all the time! People always bend to look under Kuma to see what he is, and because he's been snipped - there isn't much to see!

ravenau1: your little girl is a cutie!

Just thought I would take a pic of my 2 monsters who are rather unhappy to be stuck inside on such a nice day.


nawww... don't they look comfy (well, Pepper is more comfy than Mars!)


They are beautiful - great shot! I can't wait to meet Satch, he seems like such a chilled out dude.

We had yet another awful day at obedience. Aside from the food refusal, which he did perfectly, I had absolutely no control over him. I'm really at a loss for what to do. And the day started so well. He should have been food-focussed as he had no breakfast. And when pulling out of the driveway I realised I'd forgotten his treat bag and he snuck out behind me when I got out of the car. He was halfway down the driveway, about to go for a run down the road, when I called him and he diligently came trotting over. Brilliant - I thought we were in for a great morning. So, so wrong. I just don't know what else I can do to make him focus around other dogs.

As mentioned on here before - we have all experienced this! It's just so heart breaking when you know they can do something but they are simply refusing to cooperate! Kuma does this all the time... will work great for me at home, but is an idiot at class. I feel we will be repeating bronze - I don't have enough time to put into training him to pass, but will keep at it.

PS. Genevieve slides all over our floors too, I can never get her to sit for too long before she slides into the down position!

Ha ha ha ... Kuma goes sliding on our tiles when ever he runs down the hall or in through the sliding door. We try not to laugh, but sometimes it is just too funny!

I have been neglecting the photos, considering this is a photo thread...! I love watching him hold things in his paws.


That's just too cute!

Betsy, your dog (complete name blank, so sorry!) is beautiful! We have a soccer nut here as well. Someone really needs to put together a canine team - I'm sure they'd catch on to the rules soon enough!


I can contribute a silly pic; Shandy in a wig at the groomers



So, I got home last night at about 9:00 pm after crappy travelling in Sydney. Kuma was sound asleep in his kennel when I walked in the door, but when he heard my voice he was at the back door begging to be let in. He was all wriggly and happy to see me. He was stuck to my leg for about 15 minutes and I couldn't go anywhere without him following me. I sat down on the couch and had a huge Akita head in my lap. It was so lovely. Both my boys were happy to have me home, and I was so glad to be there!

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I was a bit worried about Elbie last night. Normally, he and Hoover go for the pre-bedtime toileting and then we bring them back into the house. Hoover goes into his crate with a bit of encouragement, Elbie’s very good and trots into his crate and plonks down on his dog bed with his head on his tuffy. As we’re getting Hoover used to the house, both doggies are in our bedroom in their crates and will be migrated to the kitchen soon.

Last night, Hoover did a runner so the two dogs bounded around the backyard playing in the dark for a bit instead of coming straight in. After Hoover was crated, Elbie appeared very distracted and distressed. He had his ears back, tried to go back outside 3 or 4 times. For the first time – he didn’t come when I called his name and he was shrinking back as if he was upset about something. He’s normally a very happy dog so it’s quite upsetting to see him in that state.

We thought that maybe he was feeling sick but he ran around barking when we let him outside. Then he didn’t want to be in our room and was barking a bit. He kept looking under the blinds out into the yard and when I tried to move him towards his crate, his head snapped around and I felt his teeth on my skin – very light but enough to make him drop back and look a bit ashamed.

After that, he got back into his crate of his own accord and settled down to sleep and he was fine again when I let him and Hoover out at 3am for their early morning wee and he was also fine. OH was joking that we’d read on RiotACT that there were break-ins in Melba. I was wondering whether maybe he saw a fox or something. In any case, it caused him quite a bit of distress although he’s fine now. I guess I’m over-alert right now to any sign that Elbie is distressed/unsettled by having a new dog in the house … I love having Hoover around but I do feel Guilt that Elbie has to be the ‘grown up’ to Hoover’s puppiness. Elbie really has been so well-behaved and you can see he is trying extra hard and concentrating extra hard with his training …

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Could it be possible that Elbie didn't know where Hoover was? Ours have a bit of a freak-out if they're not sure where the other (or one of us) is. For example once Satch crawled into the crate, and even though Ava saw him do it, a few minutes later she got up from her bed all panicked, until Satch emerged at which time he got totally smothered in little sister kisses. Maybe Elbie had a bit of a moment and thought his little bro was still outside?

ETA: Like you said, there could have just been a noise or something in the backyard as well. Satch is hyper-vigilant about things at night time and sometimes will sit bolt upright in his bed and race to the door to be let out. If we let him he'll usually run to one side of the house and let out a few woofs... sometimes it's a cat, sometimes people walking past and sometimes seems like nothing but I trust his intuition.

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hmmm... there could be a number of reasons why Elbie did that last night. Like Wuffles said - wondering where Hoover was, heard a noise, just wanted to go zoomies, anything...

Can I stick in a devil's advocate here and say if it happens once it is just "a moment", if it happens again tonight then worry?

Kuma has "moments" all the time... if they become a pattern, then I worry (like his tail chasing episodes, which we have put a stop to)

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So, I got home last night at about 9:00 pm after crappy travelling in Sydney. Kuma was sound asleep in his kennel when I walked in the door, but when he heard my voice he was at the back door begging to be let in. He was all wriggly and happy to see me. He was stuck to my leg for about 15 minutes and I couldn't go anywhere without him following me. I sat down on the couch and had a huge Akita head in my lap. It was so lovely. Both my boys were happy to have me home, and I was so glad to be there!

Lovely story. It's gorgeous to come home and to be greeted by happy doggies. :thumbsup: I'm looking forward to Saturday when Kuma meets Hoover. Must remember to bring my camera.

Some new photos of the little monster Hoover







Hoover relaxing


Very typical photo - Hoover relaxing and Elbie on the go


Photo of Triumphant Elbie with frisbee (here you can see his Rhodesian Ridgechest quite clearly)


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Here is Hoover being spethal and licking the floor


Now ... Hoover likes chewing grass so photos capture him looking very spethal ...

He looks kind of normal, yes? Think again.


Now he goes very spethal





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Hoover is so photogenic, even in his 'spethal' photos! I have trouble with Pepper pics because sometimes it looks like she hasn't slept enough with dark circles around her eyes!

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2. When you have a problem/question, read all the old DOL posts first before posting otherwise you'll end up doing things I did in the early days - over-reacting and panicking that something was Much More Serious than it was. There's a lot of good advice here but you have to learn how to separate the careless advice from the prudent advice from the Oh My God The End Is Nigh Build An Ark You And Your Little Dog Are Gonna Die kind of advice ...

:thumbsup: :D :D

I think KTB has just founded a cure for morning sickness!!! That is a classic line!

There was some good advice given there.

I have been reading, just not posting much.

Love the latest pics of Hoover KTB!!! And Ava, Satch and Max too!

Took G for a walk this morning, we had the oval to ourselves and she was running around. She chased after a bird and was running so fast I thought she was going to lift off the ground!!! She came back to me though, when I waved the treat bag in her face!! She was asleep in her house when I left her this afternoon!

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Max#1: I thought of you and the bum bag dilemma as I went looking online for treat bags. I realised we'll need one per dog. Look at all these treat bags. I have my eye on the Premier Quick Access Treat Pouch—The Original which is apparently a best-seller and also the Quick Access Treat N Training Bag. :thumbsup: There's also a cheap Kong Wobbler at only $11.95. ETA - although I guess it's a US site ...

Also ... I'm sorry to hear that Max is still lunging at cars. The occasional car lunge is the reason I still maintain that Elbie is Never Ever Ever going to be off-lead near roads :D

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