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Elbie, Hoover, Dodge & Friends!


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Niques - Grumpy blinded James is gorgeous! Made me giggle!

This thread always makes me laugh, OH thinks I'm insane!!

KTB - Love the vid KTB and great music to go with it! :D

Hehehe, I love how Elbie can't decide what to play with.

  koalathebear said:
  Clastic said:
Haha! Oh wait.. I remember he found my toes last time! Pepper likes to lick at toes, not as much as Elbie though!

Oh. You remember. :rofl:

Hehe, yep! :cry: My own fault for wearing thongs...

In other news ... wuffles (and Ava), Clastic (and Mars) are going herding tomorrow! We are expecting lots of photographs and videos of dog, sheep, mud and sheep poo. :)

Woo hoo! I should really go to bed... I have the camera charged and the sd card empty. Everything is packed for Mr. Mars and I, I shall report back tomorrow night if I have any energy left..!

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My puppy is shedding like a demon. The microfibre sweeper thing picks up his fur like crazy.


The above is just the fur collected from part of one room. :cry: Is my dog part spitz? I don't understand how he can lose all this fur and not be as bald as an egg. :)

ETA: Found the photo of Elbie being a greedy guts. The photo quality is a bit crap and he looks like a devil dog but you can see he has the chew toy and the ball in his mouth :rofl:


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  Niques said:
Ruby is too cute :cry: She still has that adorable, squishy puppy look to her!


Okay. So I know they're both Labs. And black. And these two reasons alone could have something to do with it- but Ruby and James are so alike!


Except of course for the fact that Ruby is backyard bred. :)

Thanks He eats mainly Hills Science Diet puppy, which is much reviled by DOlers but works for Elbie. He gets devon, lamb flaps and other treats sometimes, but it's mostly the Evil Hills which is why I think he has a shiny coat ...

This made me almost spit tea all over my laptop :rofl:

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I know what you mean, LS. One of the earlier photos you posted of Ruby is the spitting image of James. I always wonder how people who own dogs of the same breed and lines manage to tell them apart at a distance :)

Very keen on seeing some herding photos/videos! Have fun, guys!

Dog hair has become my arch-nemesis. James isn't allowed in the bathrooms...yet somehow his fur is. I've been trying to work it out for weeks - there seems to be a constant carpet of dog hair on the bathroom floor. Surely there can't be that much being carted in on clothing?! And that's not mentioning the rest of the house...

I was scratching his butt this afternoon and ended up with a huge clump of fur in my hand for my troubles. It's EVERYWHERE.

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Clastic - I know what you mean about giggling and this thread. My OH also thinks I have 'issues'....

Niques - that grinning blinded puppy is just priceless! You have to put that on your Christmas cards! And as to dog hair in the bathroom... I often find it on the toilet seat :) Yes I know. I figure I'm sitting in it :rofl: .... Though I have gotten over filling up the vacuum cleaner for each vacuum, and the hairballs that have now appeared under the fridge.... sighs....

As to Hills - we tried a few (another no no, I know) and it was the only food with big enough biscuits that they had to be eaten and not just inhaled. I do find though, and another gross out sorry, that what comes out is always > what went in, still not sure how that works..... I'm purposefully avoiding reading that thread. This is the comfy corner... remember? :cry:

Okay I'm on a mac so no Microsoft. I have imovie, but its so fast, and I'm learning it as I go. Will get there. One day. Also have a crappy camera that takes fuzzy photos.

Definitely looking forward to some herding videos and pictures!

I think my Puppy spent some time today dreaming of sheep.......


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Ha ha ha ... I think it is a conspiracy that non-spitz don't shed as much as double coated spitzies. kuma hardly sheds on a daily basis, but will blow twice a year (apparently) and when he blows it'll be a big one. :)

Max#1: thanks for being so understanding about Kumas PSD. Good to know that we are not alone in our struggles!!!

Re food. Kuma is on Advance puppy growth for large breeds. Apparently that makes us bad owners because he doesn't get raw food. Hey, it's what his breeder feeds her dogs and recommends, and her dogs look super awesome so it can't be too bad :rofl:

Have fun at herding today... I wanna see photos!!!

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Max#1: Ahhh ... I don't know how to use imovie so would probably struggle with that one. MS Moviemaker has a lot of critics but it's pretty easy to use or at least to make basic movies. There is something very geeky about making music videos about my DOG though ...

I think my Puppy spent some time today dreaming of sheep.......

Is that one of those dog futons? Elbie has one of those and gnawed a hole in it the other day - stitched up now, but there was quite a bit of white fluff everywhere.

  KumaAkita said:
Ha ha ha ... I think it is a conspiracy that non-spitz don't shed as much as double coated spitzies. kuma hardly sheds on a daily basis, but will blow twice a year (apparently) and when he blows it'll be a big one. ;)

Based on my understanding, when Kuma blows, you'll have enough fur to make your own shiba inu. :laugh: Elbie sheds sooooooooooooo much it's unbelievable. You don't see it until you do the sweeping, though. It's everywhere.

Boohoo, it's raining now ... I hope it stops tomorrow because we wanted to go to the dog park in the morning before all the other doggies were out ...



ETA: Not sure why, but today Elbie is making pigeon noises.

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  koalathebear said:
Max#1: Ahhh ... I don't know how to use imovie so would probably struggle with that one. MS Moviemaker has a lot of critics but it's pretty easy to use or at least to make basic movies. There is something very geeky about making music videos about my DOG though ...

Wouldn't be so geeky if you set them up to look like he was dancing to Brittney or Beyonce!!!!!

"All the single doggies, all the single doggies... now put your paws up, up in the club doing my own little thing..."

Elbie will be generating his own income soon!

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  Wizzle said:
"All the single doggies, all the single doggies... now put your paws up, up in the club doing my own little thing..."

;) Can I put in a request, KTB? I can easily see Elbie learning to dance a la Beyonce.

I've decided to chicken out of obedience tomorrow. Officially, because it's raining - I end up with a soggy, muddy dog the weeks it's not raining so I'm not willing to risk actual rain :laugh: Unofficially, because I was awoken at 4am by someone throwing up in their crate, thus I'm reaaally desperate for a sleep in. I've only missed one week yet, because I was out of town, so I feel oddly guilty. Like I'm letting him down :birthday: I'm contemplating an afternoon visit to the dog park to make it up to him. Provided it's not crowded.

Any news yet from our little herders, Ava and Mars?

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I'm sure I speak for Clastic as well when I say we are soooooooo tired :)

Anyway, Ava doesn't like the sheepies much :) She prefers to eat poo and sniff the ground. She's interested in them when they are moving, but loses interest quickly when they get stuck in a corner (which they do a lot). I spent more time herding them than she did today :laugh: She obviously has the instinct, but doesn't know what to do with it, and is very soft with the sheep!

Mars however is a little superstar :rofl: On his first run he managed to grab a few gobfuls of fleece :laugh: but his second run was beautiful. We have some videos and pics but will probably take a while to post them...

One thing I will say is that our dogs are lovely, sweet and well behaved. You just don't appreciate it until you meet everyone elses ratbags :)

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No dog futon - just an old european pillow. I balk at the cost of dog beds! I will however, and soon, invest in a good crate - I wish we'd done crate training sooner.......

ps - I'm experimenting with quoting here.... did it work? Nope!

pps - good to hear the herding went well - looking out for the movies!!!!

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Max#1: For quoting, hitting 'reply' will auto-quote the entire post. If you just want to quote specific sections, it's as follows. Delete what you don't want to quote and highlight what you do want to quote and hit the 'quote' button. Image below.



1. dogs beds are horribly expensive but Elbie's bed has lasted forever. Looks like James has the same one. It's a Bon Fido Stay Dry Basket. For outdoors, he also has a trampoline bed (two - one for the kennel and one so that he can sunbake). We also bought him a dog futon. We spoil our dog absolutely rotten. It's a bit disgusting and I am ashamed of myself. :)

2. crate-training is awesome - makes life soooooooooo much easier. We can pop Elbie in his whenever we need him out of the way for a bit of or to 'calm down' for 5 minutes when visitors come before we unleash the kraken


Wouldn't be so geeky if you set them up to look like he was dancing to Brittney or Beyonce!!!!!

:) Poor Elbie ... I think I would get in trouble in the "Dog Tricks" post in the General Discussion section i.e. exploiting my doggy and de-dogging him. :laugh:


I've only missed one week yet, because I was out of town, so I feel oddly guilty. Like I'm letting him down embarrass.gif I'm contemplating an afternoon visit to the dog park to make it up to him. Provided it's not crowded.

Awwwww... you're a good dog parent. No need to feel guilty. James is so smart, one missed week won't matter. :laugh:

wuffles: Elbie normally isn't one for poo but the sheep poo had him mesmerised, too when we took him for his first herding session. We want to take him out to Braidwood for herding with Heike's sheep at some point and I have no doubt that he will resume his love affair with sheep poo. Can't wait to see the photos and videos!

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  Max#1 said:
  Max#1 said:
Gave it a whirl - like the first time : The number of opening and closing quote tags does not match. Please fix this to submit your post.

You should charge for this stuff!


Sorry for being a pain in the woot - but thanks for the tutorial!

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Thanks wuffles for posting, I am absolutely knackered my brain just isn't working..! :laugh:

Ran out of room for vids and pics today, but have found my 2nd camera and have cleared existing pics from the 1st sd card so will be able to take PLENTY of pics tomorrow! Got a few pics today anyway, but would be nice to get a few more and some of the pups frolicking in the paddock.

And yes.. even though wuffles has said it already I'm going to say it again.. our pups are angels! :laugh:

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