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Hey KTB - don't go to Belconnen dog park... waaaay too many drongos and their mean dogs. It will put Elbie off for life. The one time we went, there were a few mastiff-types and a huge rottie that bounced all over Kuma. Their owners were too busy on the phone organsing their saturday nights to even care that their dogs were being aggressive. Then one of them said to me "oh, it's just because he's young, he'll get over it". Yeah, how about I punch you in the face, coz that's basically what your dog is doing to mine!! we promptly left and will never go back.

Forde is quiet and calm. There is a guy who goes at about 10:00 am on Sunday mornings who has an old lab and a little jug. The jug will lead the game... and as long as you have a ball in your hand, the lab is your friend :confused: For an easy, calm dog park experience, go to Forde. I plan on heading there around 10:30 on Saturday morning to try and tire Kuma out!

We're also going to check out Yarralumla park, it is a bit bigger than Forde but seems quieter than Belco - and it's only newly built. But, just that little bit further to go...

I am looking forward to starting obedience again. We have my brother and his two kids staying with us for a week, and Kuma's a bit skitty with the two kids jumping around all the time! I'm hoping to try and focus more time into training with him so he doesn't feel so left out!

Speaking of farts... The other day we were out walking and Kuma kept dropping farts... first few times he swung around to check his bum to see what happened, then after the second or third time he just kept his eyes forward. I think he was thinking to himself "hey, if I don't notice, I don't reckon my human will either!". It was all I could do to stop myself bursting out laughing!

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Hey KTB - don't go to Belconnen dog park... waaaay too many drongos and their mean dogs. It will put Elbie off for life. The one time we went, there were a few mastiff-types and a huge rottie that bounced all over Kuma. Their owners were too busy on the phone organsing their saturday nights to even care that their dogs were being aggressive. Then one of them said to me "oh, it's just because he's young, he'll get over it". Yeah, how about I punch you in the face, coz that's basically what your dog is doing to mine!! we promptly left and will never go back.

That's what scares me about dog parks ;)

I have done a driveby of our closest and it's quite small, which I'm not pleased about, but it's also out of the way and was empty when I saw it on a weekend afternoon, which is reassuring. Will have to find a time to try it out with James sometime soon.

:confused: @ Kuma's farting antics.

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My experience with the Canberra dog parks...

Belco is only ok if you can pick a quiet time. If you get there around 8am on a weekend there is usually only one or two other dogs there. We don't go there when it's busy. Forde is ok if you can pick a quiet time. After work is not a quiet time. Weekends are a bit hit and miss. We were there a few weekends ago around 9:30am and at one point there were about 8 dogs in there (a lot, considering it is a very small park). The lab and pug x are hilarious, I think the lab is Bill and the pug x is Muffy. Last weekend I was there at the same time and we were the only ones there.

I've come across aggressive dogs and idiot owners at both places. We don't go to either very often anymore... in saying that, poor Ava was attacked by a very insecure dog we met this morning on our morning walk, so it seems you can't protect them either way... ;)

KTB one weekend you should come check out our local reserve. It is safe -- bounded by a paddock on one side and fenceline on the other, so no cars or anything. There are a few laneways but they are a fair way from the main path so don't tend to cause problems. Ava should leave Elbie alone, but I can leash her if she is annoying. Or I could bring the big one who definitely won't annoy Elbie but does take his own fun path through the reserve and may be a bad influence :confused:

Ava dropped in sit stays a few times, this is what I did. If she even looked like she was THINKING about dropping, I gave her an extra stay command, then released and rewarded a few seconds later. Not sure if this is the right way to go but it seems to have worked for now :)

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I think this thread has jinxed James - I was just lying here listening to him snoring away like a freight train and a god-awful odour suddenly wafted over :( And it's not his first today either. I don't know what he's eaten but he's normally nowhere near this gassy.

Oh dear... That sounds very unfortunate :confused: It's not the first time a DOL thread has jinxed my puppy (*thinks about the house-training thread :( ). Now that we're not giving Elbie peanut butter kongs anymore, he seems to be a lot less gaseous. He's very evil with his flatulence. He'll dart over and be affectionate, let off a silent and deadly one and then dart away and stare at you from a distance with innocent eyes. :hug: Once he let out an audible one and looked around as if to say: "Who did that?"

I love the intensity of Elbie's looks - he has such an intelligent face. Especially with those adorable ears.

He has some hilarious expressions - he always looks so serious for the camera but sometimes he looks positively demented and distracted. Keeps us laughing all the time.

kumaakita & wuffles: Forde when it's deserted sounds the way to go - and the reserve sounds really lovely, too. Where is the local reserve? Elbie will be fine as long as we distract everyone with toys and balls and that sort of thing. I think he just gets tense when he's being chased the whole time, which is dopey of him because to be honest, he can run pretty fast if he puts his mind to it. ;) Does Satch chase? If there were three dogs there and we brought toys for distractions, I think it would be fine - he seems to be much more used to Ava these days anyway. I just don't want him to be rude and growl at her lest it damage their relationship. :) I promised OH that this weekend would be relaxing with not too many Doggy Duties and Koala Family Duties so at this point it's looking like Sunday morning might have to be the day his weekend anyway. HmmmMMMmmmMMM. Perhaps we can have a group get-together at some point - BDOC grounds would also work when there's no training on.

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Reading DOL makes one terrified to do anything ... I now have visions of our puppy being disembowelled by hordes of vicious DA dogs while choking on chicken bones, a kong and being strangled by his own collar :confused:


Oh God, KTB, I laughed SO much when I read this last night, and I still laugh everytime I think of it! :D :laugh:

You are so right though. I'm still paranoid about everything when it comes to Ruby. Here I am on school holidays (one perk of being a teacher), and although I am supposed to be working on an essay for a post grad course I'm doing (stupid decision by the way), not only am I addicted to DOL, but I keep getting up regularly to check on what Ruby is doing outside. If I can't see her, I have to call out the window to see where she is :(

I'm about 25 mins from a dog park (none in my town, would have to go to either of the 2 bigger towns nearby), but definitely not willing to go by myself. Wish I lived in Canberra to go with you guys on here :o

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You are so right though. I'm still paranoid about everything when it comes to Ruby.

Yes ... I sympathise. When I wrote this, the person got offended but I really wasn't meaning to be rude - it just genuinely is difficult to know what is right by one's puppy. What is good for one person is dangerously irresponsible for another. I was a bit gobsmacked this week to find out that teaching tricks was disapproved by some, yet I can imagine that others would condemn me for failing to sufficiently stimulate my puppy intellectually. People keep telling me that kelpies and kelpie crosses need to have their brains kept occupied but how does one do that when one does not have sheep? :(

Wish I lived in Canberra to go with you guys on here :confused:

Where are you in NSW/how far from Canberra? We're going to be taking Elbie for additional training/possible herding training in Braidwood. Perhaps there's a midway point that we could all have a get together one day. :laugh:

ETA: As to stimulating my dog's brain, I know that walking is good yes but if tricks are bad and I don't have sheep, I suppose I could also read Proust and Dostoevsky to him to stimulate his mind. :laugh:

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I remember reading that and couldn't for the life of me work out why that person got offended! I've always thought that your posts have been well written and well thought out, especially when you are defending your position on something. It is very easy in some threads to get your head bitten off though, isn't it? :( Probably why I just stick to a few threads to post in only. :confused:

I'm near Orange and Bathurst, so probably a bit far unfortunately :laugh:


As to stimulating my dog's brain, I know that walking is good yes but if tricks are bad and I don't have sheep, I suppose I could also read Proust and Dostoevsky to him to stimulate his mind.

Lol Well, your OH is Canadian, isn't he? Maybe he could teach Elbie some French? :laugh: Ooh! He could read Dostoevsky IN French! :laugh:

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It is very easy in some threads to get your head bitten off though, isn't it? :confused: Probably why I just stick to a few threads to post in only. :laugh:

Yes .. :laugh: Sometimes DOL can be a terrifying place. If I ever decide that life is too much and I would like to shuffle off this mortal coil, I shall announce in the general forum that I am intending to set up a pet shop that specialises in purebred Akidadoodles, Pit Kelpies and DoberDoodles. These dogs are designed to be left in the yard all day, stimulated only by choking hazards and have only 3.5% recall (measured using the RecallMeasurement-ometer that I bought from Kmart). My death shall be swift and painless as I am smothered by the outrage of a thousand posts …

I'm near Orange and Bathurst, so probably a bit far unfortunately :laugh:

Weeeellllll I am trying VERY hard to persuade OH that when Elbie’s old enough we need a red and tan Noonbarra female kelpie … Check out the location. I won't hold my breath though, he is currently horrified at the thought that I would even consider a second dog - Elbie is already SUCH a handful. :(

Also, where are your photos of Ruby?? We haven’t seen any in this thread yet – from wee pup to The Blanket Chewinator … :rofl:

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If I ever decide that life is too much and I would like to shuffle off this mortal coil, I shall announce post in the general forum that I am intending to set up a pet shop that specialises in purebred Akidadoodles, Pit Kelpies and DoberDoodles. These dogs are designed to be left in the yard all day, stimulated only by choking hazards and have only 3.5% recall (measured using the RecallMeasurement-ometer that I bought from Kmart). My death shall be swift and painless as I am smothered by the outrage of a thousand posts …

Still. Laughing. So. Hard. :laugh::laugh::laugh: The cat has run out of the room in fright at my laughing :confused:

Weeeellllll I am trying VERY hard to persuade OH that when Elbie’s old enough we need a red and tan Noonbarra female kelpie …

Oh wow! :rofl: The people next door (well, as next door as farms can be lol) to my brother (whose dog is Ruby's mum) breed Kelpies too. Let me think of their name...Millburn I think. :(

This photo of Roo was taken a couple of weeks ago.


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It is very easy in some threads to get your head bitten off though, isn't it? :laugh: Probably why I just stick to a few threads to post in only. :laugh:

Yes .. :laugh: Sometimes DOL can be a terrifying place. If I ever decide that life is too much and I would like to shuffle off this mortal coil, I shall announce in the general forum that I am intending to set up a pet shop that specialises in purebred Akidadoodles, Pit Kelpies and DoberDoodles. These dogs are designed to be left in the yard all day, stimulated only by choking hazards and have only 3.5% recall (measured using the RecallMeasurement-ometer that I bought from Kmart). My death shall be swift and painless as I am smothered by the outrage of a thousand posts …

OH decided on the weekend that he wants to breed Great Doodles. :confused:

Completely agree... DOL is a public forum so there are a variety of different experiences out there and some won't suit your situation. (link been there, bought the t-shirt).

Come on Lilli_star... you know you want to move to Canberra. It's an awesome place :(

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"Reading DOL makes one terrified to do anything ... I now have visions of our puppy being disembowelled by hordes of vicious DA dogs while choking on chicken bones, a kong and being strangled by his own collar"

Like lilli-star I'm also laughing at this. What a vision! But you're right about DOL. I try to be very careful what I write and KTB... your last post is very very very brave.......

Luckily for me, I went to the dog park before reading about it on DOL!!!! And you know what? I'm addicted! I've met some lovely people there and we have a little group that meets every day. When I'm having a bad day, its something I look forward to! You stand there in the fresh air after being dragged to the park by your puppy (they know where they're going...!), and watch them run and play and tumble with the other dogs. Though I think I'm especially lucky because two of the people are actual dog trainers.

You guys talking about going into drops from sits... that's what Max was doing when the instructor thought he'd 'lost' it. She was trying to get me to see how long Max could hold the sit for while giving me eye contact. Unfortunately, after about 5.5 seconds he'd drop. Now I have to get him to sit, then say 'yessss' and keep posting treats until I 'release' him. That seems to have fixed it. Cross fingers for this weekend anyway.

I think tricks are very stimulating - and its work the dog is doing for you, which is something that makes them happy, in my opinion anyway! I have been working on 'shy puppy' at the moment..... soooooo..... how much sticky tape can a puppy eat before its going to cause an issue?! After watching that german shepard you tube video that KTB recommended. That dog just sits there so calmly while his owner puts the tape on his nose!!! Which dog does that?!?!?!?!!!

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Yikes! :confused:


Yes, you must never admit that your dog is less than Perfect. It's like our dogs are an indirect psychlogical reflection of their owners. *hides Elbie in a cupboard before anyone notices that I am bonkers*

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This photo of Roo was taken a couple of weeks ago.

:confused: Oh she is so beautiful!!!! :laugh: James and Roo need to have a music video together ... singing 'Especially for You' by Jason & Kylie!!


soooooo..... how much sticky tape can a puppy eat before its going to cause an issue?! After watching that german shepard you tube video that KTB recommended. That dog just sits there so calmly while his owner puts the tape on his nose!!! Which dog does that?!?!?!?!!!

Nooo!!! Don't let him eat the sticky tape! Your reflexes must be like lightning - as soon as the paw swipe happens, you whisk the tape away before there is tape-consumption. :( I think I managed to pull most of the tape off before Elbie ate it. Have you tried peanut butter smears on the side of the snout instead? And yes, that GSD in that youtube video is amazing - she is the most calm and well-behaved dog I've ever seen.

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Yikes! :laugh:


Yes, you must never admit that your dog is less than Perfect. It's like our dogs are an indirect psychlogical reflection of their owners. *hides Elbie in a cupboard before anyone notices that I am bonkers*

yeah, so I went home that day thinking that I've got the crummiest dog on the face of the earth and that he should be rehomed. I started to second guess everything... :laugh:

I think I said somewhere in that thread that I'm pretty sure that every dog on this forum has some issues... there are very few perfect dogs in this world coz nobody's perfect :confused:


ooohh... Ruby's beautiful

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KTB: no not peanut butter - I've got a vegemite puppy! Unfortunately he has a loooooong tongue - and so that strategy didn't work!

Eek - this is all getting a bit radical! You all mean to tell me your dogs AREN'T perfect?! Ha!

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KTB we got asked on Sunday when we arrived if we were there for Beginners :( WHY DO PEOPLE KEEP ASKING ME THAT???

Kuma's instructor (BDOC Santa) has asked my OH twice now if Elbie is in beginners. When OH said: "No, we're here for the bronze assessment". The instructor looked very disapproving ... kind of like a Yoda re Luke Skywalker: "this one cannot be taught" kind of thing... We felt very embarrassed :confused:

If Elbie ever makes it to gold, I know he's still going to be asked if he's in beginners because he's so hyper. :laugh:

For Ava though - she is so much more calm and sedate now. There is no way she looks like she's in beginners!

yeah, so I went home that day thinking that I've got the crummiest dog on the face of the earth and that he should be rehomed. I started to second guess everything...

There have been now, no less than three occasions when I have posted about Elbie's problems and then felt that he must have Severe Behavioural Problems - probably as a result of his less than stellar pedigree and humble origins. OH wanted to ban me off DOL because I kept getting so anxious that our dog was a dud doomed to be rehomed or PTS :laugh: Given that Elbie has grown out of pretty much all of the issues I was worried about, I'm a bit more sanguine about it now - I think the expertise and experience is awesome here, I just have to be a bit better at taking advice with a pinch of salt and not buying into the Doom and Gloom Mentality that can pervade the place.

“Your dog dug a hole? In the ground? Oh ... my .... goodness ... this must mean that he is a DA dog (Dirt Aggressive dog) with Suppressed Repressed Dirt Aggression that although presently subliminated, could manifest itself into Severe and Acute Canine Dystopic Dysfunction. There is no hope for him, he must be sentenced to death by firing squad at dawn to avert this further deteriorating into Chronic Sound Vocalisation Disorder (barking)!”

Sometimes, puppies really DO grow out of certain behaviours and it's not just being slack/apathetic/irresponsible to wait for them to grow out of it ... In other instances, steps can be taken to modify behaviours and it isn't always the end of the world. In any case, the owners I see here are for the most part very responsible and caring and all are doing their best.

Max#1: I’ve posted this photo before … in hindsight, I’m not sure why I put the peanut butter so high on poor Elbie’s head. No wonder he looks so bewildered.


A dab of vegemite on the side of his snout may be enough to make Max paw at his face and as soon as he does it, treat him even if he’s just thumping the ground at first. This is an excellent trick and makes even the 'tuffest' of people go: "Awwwwwww" and start cooing dotingly.

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Dirt aggression! Ha! Do you know what the treatment is for BA (book aggression - the tendency to take advantage of unsupervised moments to pull books out of the bookshelf and rip up the pages)???? Unlike DA, somehow I don't think the solution will be to fill the hole with poo!

I remember that picture of the peanut butter, which is why I tried it out with the vegemite. When I saw that photo I did think it was odd that you'd put it up on the poor guy's head - but I had a mental image of you tryingto get it on the snout, and little Elbie twisting his head around to get it off your finger, and him ending up with it on his head! In which case, I thought it was a pretty good shot!!! Ha!

Max has his mouth open half the time we're working on this, and my attempts to put the sticky on his nose have once or twice ended up with me putting it directly in his mouth..... ooops! Now the game is he gets a treat when he spits it out and doesn't swallow it!

What's wrong with being in the beginner's class... by the way????? What's even worse is that we can't do basic obedience til NEXT year - Feb. Max will be 10 months old by then! Don't even get me started....

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